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Module user_command_100.

ENDLOOP. ENDIF. | Wa_flight-seatsocc / wa_flight-seatsmax. | INSERT wa_flight INTO TABLE it_flight. | ID ’ACTVT’ FIELD ’02’. | WRITE: / ’Authority-Check Error’(001). ENDCASE. | Wa-percentage, ’%’. | Wa_sbook-loccurkey. | SELECT-OPTIONSname FORdata_object. | MESSAGE e045(bc400) WITH pa_car. ENDIF. | CALL SCREEN 100. |

Читайте также:
  1. Bank of Krok testing to module N1
  2. Bank of Krok testing to module N2
  3. Bank of Krok testing to module N3
  4. Check list to module 6
  5. Check list to module IV
  6. Check List to Module VI
  7. general and Morphology in particular with other Modules of Linguistics.



You should now be able to:

• List attributes and benefits of screens

• Implement a simple screen with input and output fields as well as pushbuttons and call it from your program

• Explain and implement the program-internal processing for screen calls




User Interface


Lesson Duration: 70 Minutes



Lesson Overview


In this lesson, you will assign a title to your list and your screen. Furthermore, you will create a status for the list (with standard list functions) as well as a status for the screen that refers to the components of the list status.


Lesson Objectives


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:


• Implement a GUI title

• Implement a GUI status (menu bar, symbol toolbar and application toolbar)

for the list and screen

• Maintain the function key assignment of the screen



This lesson is based closely on the example in the demo. However, at the end of the lesson, the relevant exercise should follow.



Business Example


You need to provide user interfaces (title and status) for your program screens.


User interface





Figure 182: GUI Title and GUI status of a Screen (Overview)


The user interface of a screen consists of the following elements:


• The title bar contains the title of the current screen (GUI title).

• The menu bar contains expandable menus, which have corresponding program functions as menu entries and/or submenus (cascading menus).


The System and Help menus can be found on every screen in the SAP system and always contain the same functions. Neither of these menus can be changed or hidden.


On every screen in the SAP system, the standard toolbar always contains the same standard pushbuttons for functions that are used frequently. The pushbuttons for functions that cannot be executed on the current screen are grayed out.


The function key assignment of a screen can be displayed by right-clicking. Ideally, you should be able to execute all menu functions using a function key as well as from the menu entries.


In the application toolbar, frequently used functions of the screen are made available.


Together, menu bar, standard toolbar, function key assignment, and application toolbar make up the GUI status.


To use the GUI title or GUI status on a screen, these must be assigned to the screen. This happens by means of the ABAP statements SET TITLEBAR and SET PF-STATUS.




Figure 183: Implementing the GUI Title


There are two options for implementing a GUI title for your screen:


• You first create the GUI title via the context menu on the object list for your program and then assign it to the appropriate screen using the SET TITLEBAR statement.

• You create the GUI title by means of forward navigation from the respective

SET TITLEBAR statement of your program (see graphic above). A title can have a maximum of 20 characters.

After assigning a GUI title to a screen this is inherited to all subsequent screens. If you want to have a different title for each of the subsequent screens, then you have to set a separate title for each screen.



Figure 184: User Interface for the Example Program (Objective)


The user interface of the example program is to have the following properties:


• The same menu bar appears on the list and the screen. But the executable functions are only displayed as selectable (black) for the current screen. Functions that do not make sense for the current screen and cannot be executed are displayed as non-selectable (gray).

• In the toolbar, only those pushbuttons appear as selectable (in color) which make sense for the current screen. All others are displayed as non-selectable (grey).


The objective is to implement a consistent interface for the entire program.



Figure 185: Status Inheritance to Subsequent Screens


After assigning a GUI status to a screen this is inherited to all subsequent screens. If you want to have a different status for each of the subsequent screens, then you have to set a separate title for each screen. The following graphic illustrates this:





Figure 186: Setting a Status for Each Screen



Figure 187: Reusability of Already Defined Subobjects by means of



For simple maintenance, we will not create the subobjects menu bar, application toolbar, and toolbar with function key assignment again when we maintain the screen status. Instead we will refer to the corresponding subobjects of the already created list status. Of course, we will still have to decide the definition of each single status and which functions make sense for the corresponding screen and have to be set up as selectable (active).






Figure 188: Implementing the GUI Status for the List


For the implementation of a status for the screen you have the same two options as for the implementation of a GUI title:


• First, create the GUI status using the object list of the program and then assign it to the screen using the SET PF-STATUS statement or

• Create the GUI status by means of forward navigation from the corresponding SET PF-STATUS statement of your program.


Choose the status type “dialog status” that has been designed for the status of normal screens.


Status names can have a maximum of 20 characters.


The tool for the status maintenance is called Menu Painter.


Hint: If you choose the STATUS_nnnn name suggested in the screen flow logic for your PBO module and create the PBO module from there by means of forward navigation, then the two statements


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