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Bank of Krok testing to module N2

Читайте также:
  1. Applying risk analysis to system testing
  2. Assessment and testing - контроль
  3. Automated Software Testing
  4. Automating GUI Testing for Android Applications
  5. Automating GUI Testing for Android Applications
  6. Bank of Krok testing to module N1



Furuncle pus smear showed spherical microbes arranged in grape-like clusters. Name these microorganisms.

A. *Staphilococci.

B. Diplococci.

C. Micrococci.

D. Streptococci.

E. Tetracocci.


18. A child with the diagnosis of staphylococcal sepsis was admitted to a hospital. What nutrient medium should be used for patient's blood inoculation to isolate the causative agent of this disease?

Ploskirev's medium.

Meat peptone broth.

* Glucose peptone broth.

D. Buchin's medium.

E. Yolk-salt agar.


A 55-year-old patient is hospitalized to a surgical department with suspicion of sepsis. Choose the specimen which should be obtained for examination.


A. Liquor.

B. *Blood.

C. Urine.


E. Lymph node punctate.


112. Feces of a child with enteritis are resuspended in isotonic solution of sodium chloride, and a suspension drops applied onto selective medium: 10 % milk-salt or yolk-salt agar. What microorganisms are supposed to be isolated?

E. coli.






* Staphylococcal etiology of infection was confirmed with bacteriological examination at patient with furunculosis. What basic method of microbiological diagnostics was used in this case?







*05* *08* Examination of a patient with pustular skin lesions allowed to isolate a causative agent that formon the blood agar roundish yellow middle-sized colonies surrouded by hemolysis zone. Smears from colonies contain irregular-shaped clusters of gram-positive cocci. The culture is oxydase- and catalase-positive, ferments mannitol and synthesizes plasmocoagulase. What causative agent was isolated?

Streptococcus agalactiae

*Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Streptococcus pyogenes


*Post –operative purulent complications into surgery wound took place in a surgical department. Microscopy of wound discharge revealed gram-positive spherical bacteria arranged in grape-like clusters. For differentiation of what microorganisms was coagulase test used in laboratory?

*Staphylococcus aureus from Staphylococcus epidermidis

Streptococcus pyogenes from Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus epidermidis from Neisseria meningitidis

Streptococcus pyogenes from Enterococcus faecalis

Neisseria meningitidis from Streptococcus pneumonia


* A man, 65 years old, has suffered from purulent abscess on his neck. A culture of gram-positive cocci was isolated that possessed plasmocoagulase activity.

*Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Streptococcus pyogenes


“04” 8. Microbiology examinations are carried out in the neonatal department of a maternity hospital because of the suspicion of a hospital infection. S. aureus from several children and some things was isolated. What properties of isolated cultures should be examined to determine the source of infection?

Biochemical activity.


Antigenic structure.

*Phage type.

Antibiotic sensitivity.


“06” 23. Cases of suppurative postoperative complications caused by staphylococcus have increased in a surgical unit. Which test should be used to determine the source of infection?

A. Drugs susceptibility test.

B. Serotyping test.

C. Aggression enzymes determination.

D.Toxin production.

E. *Phage typing.


*07* At outbreak of hospital infection staphylococcal pure culture were isolated from patient, medical staff and some objects (items) from environment. What research should be carried out to establish identity of isolated staphylococci and know a source of hospital infection?

*Phage typing

Biovar typing

Pathogenecity revealing


Animal infection


*To reveal a source of infection with pathogenic staphylococcus at surgery department a research was made with usage of standard staphylococcal bacteriophages. What type of pure culture investigation isolated from different places was made?

*Phage typing

Phage diagnostics

Phage indication

Phage therapy

Phage identification



*111. Cholecystic infection was caused by microorganisms of spherical oblong form situated in pairs or short chains. On the basis of biological properties the bacteria were referred to group D streptococci. What is their name?

A. β-hemolytic streptococci.

B. α-hemolytic streptococci.

C. Pyogenic streptococci.

D. * Enterococci.

E. Pneumococci.


*04* 115. Gram-positive diplococci with some pointed ends were revealed during the examination of a patient's sputum. Which microorganism is the most likely to cause the disease?

Legionella pneumophila.

Neisseria meningitidis.

Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

*Streptococcus pneumoniae.


*08* Blood of a patient with presumable sepsis was inoculated into sugar broth. There appeared bottom sediment. Repeated inoculation into blood agar caused growth of small transparent round colonies surrounded by hemolysis zone. Examination of a smear from the sediment revealed gram-positive cocci in form of long chains. What microorganisms are present in blood of this patient?







85. Microscopy of the sputum of a patient with croupous pneumonia revealed numerous Gram-positive lanceolate diplococci surrounded by a capsule. Name the most likely causative agent.

Chlamidia pneumoniae.

Klebsiella pneumoniae.

C. *Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Staphylococcus aureus

Escherichia coli.


A 12-year-old boy after angina has rheumatic damage of heart. Every successive streptococcal infection worsens the condition of the patient. What preparation is expedient to use for the prevention of complications?

A. Streptococcic toxoid.

B. *Benzylpenicillin sodium salt.

C. Streptococcic bacteriophage.

D. Donor γ-globulin.

E. Autovaccine.


132. A doctor has suspected scarlet fever of a 2-year-old child with catarrh and skin rash. A small quantity of serum against streptococci erythrogenic toxin has been injected intracutaneously. In the place of injection the rash disappeared. What do reaction results indicate?

A. The whole doze of serum can be injected intravenously.

B. The child is hypersensitive to erythrogenic toxin.

The disease has been caused by a nonhemolytic streptococcus.

*The clinical diagnosis has proved to be true.

E. Immune system of the child is considerably impaired.


*A woman, 48 years old, complains to breathless, eyelid edema, pain in the small of her back. There are protein, erythrocytes and hyalinic cylindres in the urine. Diagnosis is made “acute pyelonephritis”. History revealed she has being suffered from chronic tonsillitis for many years. What microorganism is the most probable reason of disease?








77. Pure culture of cocci-like microorganisms of urethral discharge was isolated from a patient with chronic urethritis. The culture fermented only glucose to acid in the standard Hiss' medium. Name the species of these microorganisms.

A. *Neisseria gonorrheae.

B. Neisseria meningitidis.

C. Staphylococcus aureus.

D. Streptococcus pyogenes.

E. Enterococcus faecalis.


*04* 96. Bacteriological examination of pus urethral discharge revealed Gram-negative bacteria of coffee beans shape, which fermented glucose to acid and were found in leukocytes. To what disease causative agents can they be referred?

A. Syphilis.

B. *Gonorrhea.

C.Venereal lymphogranulomatosis.

D.Soft chancre.

E. Leptospirosis.


*06* 105. Pus from urethra was inoculated onto special nutrient medium. Tender bluish colonies grew. Microscopical examination revealed Gram-negative bean-shaped diplococci. What disease do they cause?

A. Syphilis.

B. Chlamidiosis.

C. *Gonorrhea.

D. Tularemia.

E. Myeloidosis.


167. Urethral purulent discharge is inoculated onto special nutrient medium. There have grown tender bluish colonies. Microscopy has shown Gram-negative bean-shaped diplococci. What disease do they cause?







Pathological sample – purulent discharge from genital tracts of patient with acute urethritis has been sent to bacteriological laboratory. To isolate causative agent a nutrient medium – serum agar with vancomycin and nistatin has been prepared. Which microorganism is suggested to isolate?


Pale spirochetes

Fungi from Candida genus


Golden staphylococci


* A lots of Gram-negative cocci have been revealed into the smear from sputum. Choose the nutrient medium for bacteriological research

*Blood agar


Endo medium

Bile broth

Ploskirev’s medium


133. An ophthalmologist has suspected blennorrhea (gonococcal conjunctivitis) of a sick child with purulent keratoconjunctivitis. What methods of laboratory diagnostics should be used for the confirmation of the diagnosis?

A. Microscopic and serologic.

D. Biological and allergic.

B. Serologic and allergic.

C. Biological and phage typing.

E. *Microscopic and bacteriological.


*05* Newborn has been revealed purulent discharge from conjunctiva. At microscopy there are a lots of leukocytes and Gram-negative bean-shaped diplococci into them. Which causative agent is a reason of this case?

Neisseria catarrhalis

*Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Staphylococcus aureus

Streptococcus pyogenes


*01*03* 137. During bacterioscopic examination of the purulent discharge from the uterus there were revealed Gram-negative bean-like diplococci situated in leukocytes and out of them. Which microorganism is the causative agent of the purulent inflammation of the uterus?

Chlamidia trachomatis.

Trichomonas vaginalis.

*Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Haemophilus vaginalis.

Calymmatobacterium granulo-matis


161. A sick woman has gonorrhea diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms. Which method is the most rational for confirmation of the diagnosis?

A. Precipitation test.

B. Infection of laboratory animals

C. Test with bacteriophage.

D. Hemagglutination test.

E. *Microscopy of pathological material.




125. A bacteriologist using a bacterioscopic test of nasopharynx mucus has revealed Gram-negative cocci that resemble coffee beans and are located in pairs or tetrads. Which microorganism was isolated by the bacteriologist?

A. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus.

B. Hemophilus ifluenzae.

C. Streptococcus pneumoniae.

D.Moraxella lacunata.

E. *Neisseria meningitidis.


134. A doctor has diagnosed meningococcal nasopharyngitis of a child with nasopharyngitis. What method of laboratory diagnostics is the most rational for diagnosis confirmation?

A. Serologic.

B. Biological.

C. *Bacteriological.

D. Microscopic.

E. Allergic.


135. From a child with cerebrospinal meningitis there was obtained muddy spinal fluid with numerous leukocytes. Which test should be used for express-diagnostics of the disease?

A. Complement fixation test.

B. Agglutination.

C. *Immunofluorescence test.

D. Hemagglutination.

E. Neutralization.


* Suddenly young woman has started suffering from high temperature (39 C) and severe headache. At examination rigidity (stiffness) of neck muscles has been revealed. Spinal puncture has been made. There were a lot of neutrophils and Gram-negative diplococci into the smear from cerebrospinal fluid stained by Gram. Which from given bacteria might be cause of this disease?

*Neisseria meningitidis

Streptococcus pneumonia

Haemophilus influenza

Staphylococcus aureus

Pseudomonas aeruginosa


* A culture of meningococcus was isolated from the deposit of cerebrospinal fluid. Which serological test should be used for serogroup detection?

RA (agglutination test)

*RP (precipitation test)

RPHA (passive hemagglutination test)

RCF (complement fixation test)

Immune lysis test


116. In a kindergarten children and personnel were examined with the purpose of detecting meningococcal carriers. What method of microbiological research should be used?

A. Allergic.

B. *Bacteriological.

C. Bacterioscopic.

D. Biological.

E. Serologic.


* In kindergarten a child has been diagnosed meningococcal nasopharyngitis. Which vaccine may be used for current specific prophylaxis of meningococcal infection among children?

Alive attenuated


From killed microorganisms

Toxoid (anatoxin)


Escherichia coli


151. A 7-year-old boy has been diagnosed a cholera-like disease (vomiting, profuse diarrhea). The feces of the patient were inoculated onto Endo medium, and homotypic crimson colonies with metallic sheen have grown. Which microorganism is the most likely to be the causative agent of the disease?

A. Shigella sonnei.

B. Salmonella enteritidis.

C. Yersinia enterocolitica.

D. *Escherichia coli, enterotoxigenic type.

E. Vibrio holera.


*An acute enteric infection has developed in a child, 6 months old. Feces has been inoculated of Endo medium to make bacteriological diagnosis. Based onto typical growth of causative agent a doctor made a presumptive conclusion that cause of infection was Escherichia coli. Which type of colonies was revealed onto Endo agar?

*Crimson (magenta) with metallic sheen

Large mucous

Small colorless

Pale pink with white edge

“ Creeping” growth


*01*03*04* At bacteriological investigation of feces taken from 4 months’ child with acute enteric infection a lots of red colonies have been grown onto Endo medium. What microorganisms are these?







*01*02*03* A culture of E.coli with antigen structure O-111 has been isolated from feces of bottle-feeding newborn. Which diagnosis may be made?



Cholera-like disease

Food-poisoning infection

Dysentery-like disease


*06* Signs of dehydration and bloody diarrhea have been developed fast in a child with acute enteric infection. Pediatrician has suspected coli-enteritis. Which method should be used to diagnose enteric escherichiosis?







*A child with complaints onto general weakness, bloody diarrhea and pain in kidney region has been hospitalized. Body temperature is normal. There are no leucocytes at coproscopy. Indicate, which microorganism could cause such symptoms of disease?

*Enteroinvasive E.coli

Enterohemorrhagic E.coli

Enterotoxic E.coli

Enteropathogenic E.coli

Enteroadhesive E.coli


*A pure culture of E.coli has been isolated from feces of ill person. What is from given later does not correspond to characteristics of this species? E.coli is:

*Toxigenic in case of lysogenization

Representative of large intestine microbiota

Causative agent of purulent infection

Causative agent of cholera-like disoders

Active component of eubiotics


Salmonella typhi


28. After inoculation of feces specimen from a patient with typhoid fever onto Endo medium colonies of different size and color — big red and medium colorless - have grown. Name the functional type of this medium.

A. Selective.

B. Enriched.

C. Special.

D. *Differential-diagnostic.

E. Universal (general purpose).


104. From the blood of a patient there was obtained the culture of typhoid fever pathogen. What cultural properties are characteristic of this pathogen?

A. Hemolysis on blood agar.

B. Formation of red colonies with metallic luster on Endo medium.

C. Formation of colorless colonies on bismuth-sulfite agar medium.

D. *Formation of colorless colonies on Endo medium.

E. Formation of a gentle pellicle on alkaline peptone water.


166. Feces of a restaurant cook without any clinical symptoms of disease are examined with the help of bacteriological methods. On bismuth-sulfite agar little black colonies with metallic sheen have grown. What microorganisms can it be?

A. *Salmonellae.

B. Shigellae.

C. Escherichiae.

D. Staphylococci.

E. Streptococci.


40. A diagnosticum (processed with tannin sheep erythrocytes adsorbed by Vi-antigen of Salmonella typhi) has been used for serologic diagnostics of typhoid carrying. Choose the reaction, in which this diagnosticum will be used.

A. Precipitation.


*Indirect (passive) hemagglutination

Complement fixation test.

C. Hemagglutination inhibition reaction.


*07* In passive hemagglutination test made with erythrocyte thyphoid Vi-diagnosticum antibody in serum dilution 1:80 has been revealed that is higher of diagnostic titer. Such result indicates next:

*possible carrying of enteric fever pathogen

Patient recovery after enteric fever

Recurrence of enteric fever

Acute infection of enteric fever

Incubation period of enteric fever


*05* 174. Inspection of school dining-room staff for typhoid carrying has been carried out. There were revealed antibodies to Vi-antigen in the blood serum of the cook. Which test has been used?

A. Complement fixation test.

B. Widal's test.

C. *Indirect hemagglutination test

D. Enzyme immunoassay.

E. Immunofluorescence test.


*02* 82. A patient with typhoid fever suspected was administered blood culture. It is rational because during the first week of enteric fever the following phenomenon is observed:

A. Toxinemia.

B. *Bacteremia.

C. Septicemia.

D. Septicopyemia.

E. Viremia.


* A patient with previous diagnosis “enteric fever” was hospitalized in a hospital. Which nutrient medium from given later may be used for blood culture isolation?


*Bile broth

Yolk-salt agar

Blood agar

Lowenstein-Jensen agar


121. A patient (has been feeling ill for 3 days) was hospitalized to an infectious clinic with typhoid fever preliminary diagnosed. What method should be used to confirm the diagnosis?

*Hemoculture. (blood culture)



Urine culture.

Roseola culture.


*00*01* 150. A patient with complaints of a three days' fever, general weakness, insomnia, deterioration of appetite referred to a doctor. The doctor has suspected typhoid fever. What method of laboratory diagnostics is the most rational for confirmation of the diagnosis?

A. Myeloculture.

B. Coproculture.

C. Urine culture.

D.Spinal fluid culture.

E. *Hemoculture (blood culture).


91. Pure culture was isolated from a patient with typhoid fever suspected. The culture was identified as S. typhi by morphologic, cultural, and biochemical characteristics. What investigation should be used for final identification of the causative agent?

A. Serodiagnosis.

B. *Seroidentification.

C. Allergic diagnostics.

D. Antibiotic-sensitivity test.

E. Phage typing.


101. Widal's test is used for the serologic diagnostics of typhoid fever. What mechanism of antigens and antibodies interaction underlies it?

A. Hemolysis.

B. Precipitation.

C. Bacteriolysis.

D. *Agglutination.

E. Bacteria immobilization.


142. Blood of a patient with typhoid fever has been sent to a laboratory for detecting antibodies. Which serological reaction should be used?

A. Hemagglutination inhibition.

B. Precipitation.

C. Complement binding.

D. Passive hemagglutination.

E. *Agglutination.


*A serum of patient with suspicious enteric fever has been sent to laboratory. To make serodiagnosis of typhoid fever with Widal test next antigen should be used:

Immune diagnostic serum for causative agent of typhoid fever

*Enteric fever diagnosticum

Alive pure culture of Salmonella

Erythrocytic salmonella diagnosticum

Serum of patient


88. A patient was hospitalized to an infectious department on the 8th day of the disease complaining of headache, general weakness. Blood was taken for serological examination. Widal's reaction of agglutination appeared to be positive in dilution 1:200 with O-diagnosticum Salmonella typhi. What diagnosis can be made?

A. Cholera.

B. Shigellosis.

C. *Typhoid fever.

D. Leptospirosis.

E. Tuberculosis.


*A blood of patient with primary diagnosis “enteric fever” is examined in serological laboratory. After what time from onset of the most diseases serological method of diagnostics may be effective?

*After a week

After 3 days

After 12 hours

After a month

From onset of disease


*At serology (Widal test) of patient with enteric fever O- and H-agglutinins have been revealed in titers 1:800 and 1:200 respectively. It indicates about:

Recovery period

Having an illness before

State after immunization

*The onset of disease

Impossibility of diagnosis confirmation


Salmonella causing food poisoning infections


92. A 12-year-old boy with food poisoning suspected was hospitalized. Feces culture on Endo medium revealed numerous colorless colonies. Name the microorganism, which can be excluded from the number of possible causative agents of this disease.

A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

B. *Salmonella enteritidis.

C. Proteus vulgaris.

D.Escherichia coli.

E. Yersinia enterocolitica.


*03, 07* 153. During the bacteriological examination of gastric washings of a patient with food poisoning pure culture of bacteria with such properties was isolated: Gram-negative motile rods which form colorless colonies on Endo medium. Which microorganism species is the most likely to be the cause of the disease?

A. *Salmonella.

B. Shigella.

C. Yersinia.

D. Escherichia.

E. Citrobacter.


*107. There is registered an outbreak of food poisoning connected with eating confectionery products, which were kept at room temperature and for preparation of which duck's eggs were used. What microorganisms could have caused this disease?

A. Vibrio cholerae.

B. E.coli.

C. Staphylococci.

D. Legionella.

E. *Salmonella.


*A food poisoning infection appeared in some persons which had anniversary celebration. A cream for cake have been prepared from duck’s eggs. Which the most probable genus do bacteria causing infection belong to?







170. Identification of food toxical infection causative agent has shown that according to biochemical properties it belongs to Salmonella genus. What property of the causative agent testifies its specific belonging?

A. Pathogenicity for laboratory animals.

B. Phagotype.

C. Culture properties.

D. *Antigenic structure.

E. Morphologic and staining properties.

*An outbreak of enteric infection arose in hospital department that was not connected with quality of provided food. Infection was resistant to antibiotic therapy. Which causative agent of hospital infection is the most probable?

A. *Salmonella

B. Staphylococcus

C. Streptococcus

D. Blue-pus rod (Pseudomonas)

E. Proteus

Shigella spp.


86. A patient complained of nausea, liquid blood-streaked stool with mucus, fever, general weakness. He was hospitalized to the infectious department of a hospital. A doctor suspected shigellosis. What method of laboratory diagnostics should be administered to confirm this diagnosis?

A. *Bacteriological.

B. Serologic.

C. Mycological.

D. Microscopic.

E. Test on laboratory animals.


*A patient with diarrhea and subfebrile temperature was previously diagnosed as suffering from dysentery. Isolated culture fermented glucose and mannitol to acid and gas, slowly broke down lactose and protein with indole production. Which from causative agent of dysentery is characterized with these properties?







89. Pure culture of bacteria isolated from a patient with symptoms of colitis was identified as Shigella genus according to morphological, cultural, and biochemical properties. Which test should be used for serological identification of this culture?

A. Inhibition of hemagglutination.

B. Complement fixation test.

C. Indirect hemagglutination.

D. Precipitation.

E. *Agglutination with diagnostic serums.


16. Stool culture revealed S. zonnei. What additional researches should be carried out to determine the source of infection?

A. Drugs susceptibility test.

B. *Phage typing test.

C. Precipitation reaction.

D. Complement-fixing reaction.

E. Neutralization reaction.


30. Feces culture of a patient with typical clinical picture of shigellosis did not reveal shigella due to early treatment with antibiotics. But antishigella antibodies titer in PHAT in pair serums increased by four times. What does it mean?

A. Vaccinal reaction.

B. Excludes shigellosis diagnosis.

C. The patient was ill with shigellosis before.

D.Nonspecific reaction.

E. *Confirms shigellosis diagnosis.


69. Feces bacteriological examination of a patient with enteric infection revealed Shigella sonnei. Choose the serological reaction, which was used for the identification of the obtained pure culture.

A. Complement fixation test.

B. Precipitation.

C. *Agglutination.

D. Neutralization.

E. Lysis test.


*07* For retrospective diagnosis of past bacterial dysentery a serology of blood serum was administered to reveal antibody titer to Shigella. Which from listed tests should be used for this purpose?

*Passive hemagglutination


Complement fixation test




* During studying of isolated from a patient Shigella culture presence of exotoxin has been indicated. Which species of Shigella is this sign typical for?






*An outbreak of dysentery was registered into kindergarten in the town M.. Which drug should be used for specific prevention in children?








“08” A patient of surgical department complains about pain in the small of her back and in the lower part of her belly; painful and frequent urination. Bacteriological examination of urine revealed gram-negative oxidase-positive rod-like bacteria forming greenish mucoid colonies with specific smell. What causative agent can it be?

Proteus mirabilis


Mycoplasma pneumoniae

*Pseudomonas aeruginosa



* A burned patient has had purulent complication. A purulent discharge has blue-greenish tinge that indicates infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Which morphological feature is typical for this causative agent?

Spore formation

*Negative staining with Gram technique

Coccoid shape

Cell arrangement in pairs

Mycelium formation


*05, 07* There were revealed leucocytes and many gram-negative rods into urine sample of patient with acute cystitis. After inoculation mucous forming green soluble pigment colonies grew. Which microorganism is the most probable reason of infection?

Klebsiella pneumoniae

Salmonella enteritidis

Escherichia coli

*Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Proteus mirabilis

Vibrio cholera


2. Gram-negative comma-shaped bacteria are revealed in the feces of a patient with diarrhea. What properties should be studied with a microscope first of all to receive additional information about the revealed microbes?

A. Presence of spores.

B. Presence of a capsule.

C. *Motility.

D. Presence of volutin inclusions.

E. Presence of glycogen inclusions.


*A vomiting mass of patient with suspected cholera was sent to the bacteriological laboratory. A smear “hanging drop” was prepared from the sample. Which method of microscopy will be used to reveal causative agent due to its motility?


Electron microscopy

Immune electron


Immerse type


*A vomiting mass of patient with suspected cholera was sent to the bacteriological laboratory. A smear “hanging drop” was prepared from the sample to microscopy it with dark field technique and indicate motility of causative agent that is established as important diagnostic criterion. Which reagent should the smear be treated before microscopy with?

Luminescent serum

desinfection solution

Methylene blue solution

Alkaline peptone water

*No one


* A pure culture of vibrio was isolated from feces of patient with enteric infection. Which morphological group do these microorganisms belong to?







83. In the feces of a patient with acute gastroenteritis there were revealed motile, slightly curved Gram-negative rods, which grow onto alkaline 1% peptone water in the form of tender bluish pellicle. What microorganisms have such properties?

A. Spirilla.






95. As a result of feces inoculation onto 1% alkaline peptone water after 8 hours' incubation with 37° C temperature a growth in the form of tender bluish pellicle was revealed. Microscopy revealed Gram-negative curved rods. What disease could these microorganisms cause?

A. Shigellosis.

B. Plague.

C. Typhoid fever.

D. Paratyphoid fever.

E. *Cholera.


100. A patient is hospitalized to an infectious department with cholera suspected. What basic method of research is necessary to use for the confirmation of the diagnosis?

A. Immunological.

B. *Bacteriological.

C. Biological.

D. Serologic.

E. Allergic.


118. Feces of a patient with cholera were delivered to a laboratory of extremely dangerous infections. What method of microbiological diagnostics is to be used to confirm or deny the diagnosis?

A. Virological.

B. Allergic.

C. Bacterioscopic.

D. Biological.

E. *Bacteriological.


127. From the vomit mass of a patient there were isolated very motile, slightly curved, Gram-negative rods which react positively with Inaba's diagnostic serum. What symptoms, most probably, will appear with the treatment absent?

A. Endotoxic shock.

B. Bacteremia.

C. *Fluid loss. (Dehydration)

D.Skin rash.

E. Ulcerous damages of intestine.


* A girl, 18 years old, from rural area of India has profuse diarrhea with fluid loss up to 8 liters a day. Which from given later microorganism may be reason of this infection?

*Vibrio cholera

Campylobacter jejuni

Enteropathogenic E.coli

Salmonella typhi

Shigella dysentheriae


“01”138. A patient with complaints of repeated diarrhea and vomiting, pain in muscles of legs, general weakness, and vertigo is hospitalized to an infectious department. After examination a doctor
has previously diagnosed cholera. Which method of investigation of the specimen from the patient should be used for express-diagnostics?

A. *Immunofluorescence test.

B. Agglutination test

C. Bacteriological.

D. Allergic.

E. Biological.


*03* A patient with diarrhea was hospitalized into infectious disease department. Microscopy of feces revealed Gram-negative curved rods. Which disease may be suspected?


Salmonella gastroenteritis


Enteric type of plague

Enteric fever


* A detection of serological variant of V.cholera allows to identify isolated strain and make a control of epidemic situation. Which way is it made by?

*Agglutination test with O-specific and type-specific sera

By Mukerje’s

By Heiberg’s

With detection of polymixin sensitivity

With agglutination of fowl erythrocytes


* Motile, slightly curved Gram-negative rods were isolated from patient’s vomiting mass and they were identified as cholera vibrio. Which test helps to differentiate classical variant of V.cholera from El-Tor biovar?

Agglutination with O-1 serum

Lactose fermentation

Growth onto 1% alkaline agar

*Growth onto agar with polymixin

“fish in steam” appearance at microscopy

Yersinia pestis


148. Microscopical examination of the sputum of a patient with acute pneumonia preliminary diagnosed has shown chaotically located microorganisms of ovoid form up to 2 microns long, more intensively stained on the poles. What the most probable diagnosis can be made on the basis of this data?

A. *Pneumonic plague.

B. Streptococcal pneumonia.

C. Staphylococcal pneumonia.

D. Klebsiella pneumonia.

E. Diphtheria.


*05* 171. In a mountain settlement mass death of rodents was observed. Simultaneously the inhabitants of this area were ill. The illness was accompanied by the fast rise of body temperature up to 40° C, apparent intoxication, increase of inguinal lymph nodes. In the touch smears of cadaveric material Gram-negative bipolarly stained ovoid rods were revealed. What microorganisms are the causative agents of this infectious disease?


Causative agents of anthrax.

*Causative agents of plague.

Causative agents of tularemia.



* From dead rodent ovoid, Gram-negative, and bipolar stained bacteria have been isolated. What microorganism may it be?

*Causative agent of plague

Tubercle bacilli

Causative agent of syphilis




* A geologist which has returned from expedition visited doctor and had typical for plague complaints. During examination doctor revealed symptoms of pneumonia. Which method of microscopy allows to reveal typical for causative agent of plague irregularity of staining?

With Pfeiffer’s fuchsine

*With methylene blue (by Loeffler)

With carbolic fuchsine (Ziehl’s fuchsine)

By Romanowsky-Giemsa

By Gram


*02* From the sputum of patient with headache, shivering, and cough Gram-negative, ovoid rods with bipolar staining have been isolated. They were located in chains into the smear from broth culture, and they formed R-forms of colonies onto agar. What disease is it typical for?


Meningococcal nasopharingitis



Streptococcal angina



*01* A man, 44 years old, muskrat hunter, has had heightening temperature up to 380С, headache, lid eyes edema, conjunctiva hyperemia, and surface ulcer onto the skin of neck. іIndicate the probable causative agent of disease:

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

Brucella suis

Leptospira interrogans

Bacillus anthracis

*Francisella tularensis


*00* A doctor had suspected bubonic form of tularemia and sent clinical samples to laboratory for bacteriological method. Which feature of this method is at this definite case?

*Pure culture is isolated from infected laboratory animals

Pure culture is isolated on solid media

Pure culture is isolated on enriched media

Pure culture is isolated into liquid media

Isolated culture is identified due to antigenic structure



114. During the swing of flu epidemic a milkmaid referred to a doctor with complaints of high body temperature, general weakness, absence of appetite, pain in joints. During 10 days she has been having self-treatment for flu. The infectiologist suspected brucellosis. Using what reaction is it possible to diagnose brucellosis?

A. *Wright's.

B.Wassermann test.

C.Coombs test.


E. Ouchterlony test.


*06* A veterinarian, working at cattle farm, visited doctor and complained of pain in joints, fever, weakness, night sweats. He has been ill for a month. According to complaints and patient profession doctor suspected brucellosis. Which material collected from this patient should be exameneed in ordinary bacteriological laboratory?

*blood serum

Cerebrospinal fluid

Vomiting mass




*00* From a patient, 40 years old, with acute feverish disease of unknown etiology blood was collected for serology at the 8th day of illness. After agglutination test with different diagnosticums it has been estimated that Widal test was positive at serum dilution 1:100, and Wright test - at serum dilution 1:400. Which diagnosis may be made according to serology results?


Enteric fever

Paratyphoid fever A

Paratyphoid fever B



84. During a scheduled examination milkmaids had a Burnet's intracutaneus allergy test. This test is used to detect hypersensitivity to:

A. * B rucellin.

B. Tuberculin.

C. Old tuberculin.

D. Tularin.

E. Antraxin.


126. A patient with an infectious disease has positive skin allergic B urnet's test. What diagnosis was confirmed by this test?

A. Q fever.

D. Salmonellosis.

B. Tularemia.

C. Typhoid fever.

E. *Brucellosis.


11. A patient with brucellosis has a positive Burnet's intracutaneous allergy test. Which immune system factor can induce inflammatory reaction in the site of brucellin introduction?

A. IgA.

B. *Sensitized T-lymphocytes.





144. A child has brucellosis diagnosed. The child didn't have any contactswith sick animals. How could the infection get into the organism?

A. Via dirty hands.

B. Via dirty vegetables and fruit.

C. Via water.

D. *Via unpasteurized milk.

E. During injections.


Bacillus anthracis


119. During a biological test in touch smears from the organs of an animal streptobacteria surrounded with a capsule were revealed. It gives the basis to diagnose:

A. Tularemia.



D. Brucellosis.

E.Croupous pneumonia.


* From horse carcass Gram-positive, capsulated, in size 8x1.5 µm, arranged in chains bacteria have been isolated. Which microorganism is it?

*Causative agent of anthrax

Causative agent of foot-and-mouth disease.


Causative agent of hepatitis A.

Causative agent of tetanus.


*00* 98. A 34-year-old patient complained of carbuncle on his face. Examination revealed a painless thin edema of subcutaneous fatty tissue with a black eschar in the center, and vesicular eruption on the periphery. Microbiologic examination revealed nonmotile capsule-forming streptobacilli. What microorganisms are the causative agents of this disease?

A. *Bacillus anthracis.

B. Staphylococcus aureus.

C. Bacillus anthracoides.

Bacillus subtilis.

Bacillus megaterium.


* During microscopy of cattle-breeder’s eschar (scab) with suspicious anthrax typical Gram-positive rods surrounded with capsule have been revealed, that at cultivation onto nutrient media have formed colonies with “lion mane” appearance. Which drug should be used for prevention of anthrax in contact persons?

*Vaccine STI

Vaccine STI-1

Antitetanus serum

Sixanatoxin (Sixtoxoid)

Anti-anthrax gamma-globulin


*03*05*08* 39.The territory of the old burial ground of cattle (for animal refuse), that has not been used for over 50 years, is planned for house building. But soil investigation has shown the presence of viable spores of an especially dangerous disease causative agent. Name the microorganism which could have been preserved in soil for such a long time.

A. Yersinia pestis.

B.Francisella tularensis.

C.Brucella abortus.

D. *Bacillus anthracis.

E.Mycobacterium bovis.


65. A man referred to the reception ward of an infectious disease hospital, having received by mail an envelope with suspicious powder. The man was isolated, and the powder was sent to the laboratory for detecting the presence of anthrax causative agent's spores. Which is the fastest method of detecting these microorganisms?

A. Isolation of pure culture.

B. Complement fixation test.

Precipitation in gel.

*Immunofluorescence test.

E. Neutralization test.


*00* 90. An extract of cattle-breading raw material was delivered to a laboratory from the area, where cases of anthrax among animals were noted. What serological reaction should be used for detecting anthrax causative agent antigens in the investigated specimen?

A. *Termoprecipitation.

B. Complement fixation test.

C. Indirect hemagglutination.

D. Radioimmunoassay.

E. Precipitation in agar.


106. In a laboratory for the examination of animal skins the precipitation test is used (Askoly test). The resultis: in some minutes after adding of the immune serum with skin extract an albescent ring formed. What does this result indicate?

A. *Presence of bacillus anthracis antigens.

B. Presence of Clostridium perfringens toxin.

C. Presence of brucellosis causative agent.

D. Presence of escherichia surface antigen.

E. Presence of salmonella Vi-antigen.


156. To check cattle-breeding raw material (leather, wool) for the presence of anthrax agent soluble thermostable antigen in water-salt extract from raw material is prepared. What reaction may be used for this purpose?

A. Neutralization.

B. Precipitation in agar.

C. Agglutination.

D. Indirect hemagglutination.

E. *Ring-precipitation.


Clostridium tetani


146. The causative agent of tetanus produces exotoxin with different biological action effects. What clinical symptoms can this toxin cause?

A. Disorders of vision.

B.* Lackjaw.

C. Diarrhea.

D. Skin rash.

E. Nausea.


* During earthwork one from the workers had been seriously injured. A surgery of his wound and penicillin injection had been made in a hospital. After 2 weeks he had spasms. Which drug could have been injected to patient besides given before?

Donor gamma-globulin



Aminoglycosyde antibiotic

Tetracycline antibiotic


* After 48 hrs’ incubation into termostat of necrotic tissue homogenizate rough large flat colonies have grown onto the Zeissler blood agar. Colonies had tendency to “creeping” growth. Which properties of isolated microorganisms are noted in task description?







Clostridium botulinum


*06* 169. Jerked fish, being the cause of food poisoning, has been delivered to a bacteriological laboratory. The sample was cultured under anaerobic condition. After inoculation into Kitt-Tarozzi medium a bacteriologist has revealed microorganisms akin to a tennis-racket. What disease do they cause?

A. Typhoid fever.

B. Salmonellosis.


Staphylococcal toxic infection.



*05*06*07* 163.A bacteriological laboratory conducts a research of canned meat for the presence of botulotoxin. An extract from the researched material with antitoxic antibotulinic serum of A, B, E types was injected to the experimental group of mice. An extract without antitoxic serum was injected to the control group.
What serologic test has been used?

A. Complement fixation.

B. Precipitation.

C. *Neutralization.


E.Double immune diffusion.


59. A patient with the previous diagnosis of botulism has been hospitalized. What serological reaction should be used to determine botulinum toxin in test specimens?

A. Complement fixation test.

B. Agglutination.

C. *Neutralization.


E.Immunofluorescence test.


94. After eating canned mushrooms a patient has bulbar paralysis symptoms: ptosis, diplopia, aphonia, and dysphagia. Botulism was previously diagnosed. What test should be used to determine the toxin type?

A. *Neutralization.

B. Agglutination.


Complement fixation test.

E. Immunofluorescence test.


164. A student, having eaten meat, tinned in domestic conditions, has symptoms of food poisoning, caused by Clostridium botulinum: diplopia, dysphrasia, respiratory paralysis. What caused such symptoms of botulism?

A. Enterotoxin secretion.

B. C. botulinum invasion into intestinal epithelium.

C. *Neurotoxin action.

D.Endotoxic shock.

E.Activation of adenylate cyclase.


* A dried home-made fish was sent to laboratory as suspicious cause of severe food poisoning; symptoms of disease indicated action of severe exotoxin, that damaged nuclei of medulla oblongata. Which diagnosis was given in appointment card to laboratory assay?





Enteric fever


*02*03*04* A patient N. admitted to hospital with complaints of vomiting, giddiness, diplopia, difficulty of swallowing. A doctor suspected botulism. Which methods of laboratory diagnostics should be used to confirm diagnosis?

A. *Biological probe, bacteriological

B. Allergic test, serology

C. bacteriological, mycological

D. protozoological, microscopy

E. –


* A patient with suspicious food poisoning has been made a diagnosis “botulism”. Which tactics of doctor will be? Which drugs should be administered for treatment of patient?

*Gastric lavage, antibotulism sera, antibiotics

Antibiotics, vaccine

Gastric lavage, vaccine, antibiotics

Antibotulism sera, vaccine

Gastric lavage, vaccine, antibiotics


Gas gangrene infection

*From wound discharge of patient with suspected gas anaerobic infection next bacterium was isolated: Gram-positive rod, 6x1.5 µm in size, with subterminal spore, and it can form capsule into the host organism. What microbe is it?

*Clostridium perfringens

Clostridium tetani

Clostridium botulinum

Clostridium hystoliticum

Bacillus anthracis


* A patient with suspicious gas gangrene infection was admitted to hospital. Which medium should patient sample be inoculated?







* Filtrates prepared from broth cultures of gas gangrene causative agents have poured into test tubes, then added species antitoxic sera and have being remained at room temperature for 40 minutes. For detection of anaerobic species it is necessary now:

*Inoculate the test tube contents into animal

Add agglutinating diagnostic serum into test tubes

Inoculate content of test tubes onto solid nutrient media

Add precipitating diagnostic serum into test tubes

Add erythrocytic diagnosticum into test tubes


21. A patient injured in an accident has been suspected of probable development of anaerobic wound infection (gas gangrene). What is the most appropriate treatment before making a specific laboratory diagnosis?

A. Native plasma.


C. Type specific immune serum.

D. *Polyvalent specific serum.

E.Placental γ-globulin.


*07* A sample from patient’s wound has admitted to laboratory. Which microbiological method may indicate species belonging of causative agent?







* At food poisoning a culture of anaerobic, Gram-positive spore-forming rods was isolated. Which species, most probably, does isolated agent belong to?


Proteus vulgaris


Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Escherichia coli

Corynebacterium diphtheria


87. A patient was admitted to a clinic in grave condition, fever, heavy breathing. Preliminary diagnosis of diphtheria croup was made by the microscopy of throat specimen. What method of staining was used?

A. Peshkov's.

B. Ziehl-Neelsen's.



E. Ozheshko's.


158. In the smear from the tonsils of a patient with diphtheria suspected there have been revealed blue rods with thick­enings on the ends. What method of staining has been used?

A. *Loeffler's.






* 108. Among the children of a boarding school there are cases of angina. Microscopy of tonsil smears stained by Neisser method revealed yellow rods with dark-brown terminal granules arranged in the form of V, W, and X letters (Rome number 5). What infection can be suspected in this case?

A. Infectious mononucleosis.

D. Tonsillitis.

B. *Diphtheria.

C. Listeriosis.

E. Scarlet fever.


* A pure culture of Corynebacterium diphtheria had been isolated from a patient. After smear preparation and staining with Neisser’s technique next inclusion bodies were revealed:



*Volutin (polyphosphate)


Drops of neutral lipids


*After examination of 6-year-old girl with angina a doctor suspected diphtheria. He collected a sample from tonsils. Which microscopy appearance is typical for causative agent of this disease?

*Gram-positive rods arranged at angle

Gram-positive cocci arranged in chains

Gram-negative cocci arranged in pairs

Chaotically located Gram-negative rods

Paired Gram-negative cocci


* A pure culture was isolated from material (membrane from tonsils) of patient with suspected case of diphtheria. Morfologically these microorganisms are:

*Rods with clublike bulges on ends

Spherical shape


Spiral form

Rods with pointed ends


* From patient with suspected faucial diphtheria a bacterium with next morphological properties was isolated: Gram-positive rod with bulges onto ends, 3x0.6 µm, arranged as fence in smear. Which microorganism is it?

*Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Corynebacterium pseudodiphthericum



Bordetella pertussis


* During identification of Corynebacterium diphtheria culture cultural properties, starch fermentation and hemolytic activity are studied for:

*Indication of biovars

Indication of serovars

Detection of toxigenecity

Phage typing

Bacteriocin detection


*08* Inoculum from pharynx of a patient ill with angina was inoculated onto blood-tellurite agar. It resulted in growth of grey, radially striated (in form of rosettes) colonies 4-5 mm in diameter. Gram-positive bacilli with clublike thickenings on their ends placed in form of spread wide apart fingers are visible by microscope. What microorganisms are these?

*Diphtheria corynebacteria


Botulism clostridia




6. Prophylactic vaccination of a student's group was necessary because of a case of diphtheria. What preparation should be used to develop artificial active immunity?

A. *Diphtheria toxoid.

B. Antidiphtheritic serum.

C. Specific immunoglobulin.

D.Vaccine DPT (triple vaccine).

E. Inactivated vaccine.


*07*08* 45. To determine the toxigenicity of diphtheria causative agents isolated from patients, cultures are inoculated onto a Petri dish with nutrient agar on both sides of the centrally located filter paper strip sodden with antidiphtheric antitoxic serum. After cultures incubation in the agar between separate cultures and filter paper strip the sites of medium opacity are revealed. Which serological reaction has been carried out?

A. Precipitation in gel.

B. Coombs reaction.

C. Agglutination.

D. *Ring-precipitation.

E. Opsonization.


*05* During investigation of preschool institute staff for carriage state C.diphtheriae was isolated from one of kindergarten teachers. Toxigenecity examination has been made and it nas been revealed that this strain did not produce exotoxine. Which reaction was made to detect toxigenecity of diphtheria bacteria?

Complement fixation test

Immunofluorescence test

Agglutination test

*Precipitation in agarose gel

Ring precipitation test


55. Pure culture of diphtheria corynebacteria is isolated from a patient. What serologic test should be used for detecting toxigenicity of the culture?

A. Agglutination.

B. *Precipitation in agar.

C. Complement fixation test.

D. Hemagglutination inhibition.

E. Passive hemagglutination.


102. Corynebacterium diphtheria was obtained from a sick child with diphtheria suspected. What research is necessary to be carried out to be convinced that this microbe causes diphtheria?

A. Agglutination test.

B.Staining by Burri-Giens' method.

C. Inoculation on blood agar.

D.Infecting a rabbit.

E.*Determining of toxigenicity


*07* 154. A girl of 7 with high temperature, complaints of pain in throat and general weakness has been hospitalized to the infectious department. The doctor has suspected diphtheria and has given the instruction to take material from the fauces for isolation of the pure culture of the pathogen. Which point is the most important for confirmation of the diagnosis «diphtheria»?

A. Detecting volutin granules in the causative agent.

B. *Toxigenicity test.

C.Cystinase test.

D. Hemolytic activity of the causative agent.

E.Phage typing.


*03* 75. A microorganism, isolated from a 5-year-old child's nasopharynx, is identical to Corynebacterium diphtheriae by morphological and biochemical properties, but doesn't form exotoxin. What process can make this microorganism toxigenetic?

Chromosome mutation.

*Phage conversion.

Cultivation on telurite medium.

Passage through the organism of sensitive animals.

Cultivation in the presence of antitoxic serum.


* A child, 5 years old, has admitted to hospital with painful throat and fever. Diagnosis “diphtheria” was made. It is known causative agent of diphtheria secretes toxin which damages translocation. Which way does it make?

*By translocase inhibition

By modification of protein translocation factor

With translation mistakes

By elongation of inhibition

By aminoacyl-m-RNA linkage damage


129. Examining a 6-year-olf child a doctor has noticed on pharyngeal tonsils a grayish "pseudomembrane".Attempt to remove it causes moderate bleeding. Bacterioscopy of tonsils swabs has shown Gram-positive club-shaped bacteria. What symptoms can appear within the next few days without specific treatment?

A. Very strong attack-like cough.

B. Lungs edema

C. *Toxic affection of the cardiac muscle, liver, kidneys.

D.Papular rash on skin.

E.Intermittent fever.


128. Antitoxic sera are used for the prophylaxis and treatment of:

A. Gonorrhea.

B. Whooping cough.

C. Shigellosis.

D. *Diphtheria.



157. In the pediatric department of an infectious clinic a boy had diphtheria diagnosed. Which preparation should be injected first of all?

A. *Diphtheritic antitoxin.

B. Diphtheritic anatoxin.





*06*08* In a patient with suspicious diphtheria microscopy of throat sample smear has revealed rod-shaped bacteria with volutin granules. Which etiotropic drug is agent of choice in this case?


*Antidiphtheric antitoxic serum


Diphtheria toxoid



168. It is necessary to carry out specific active prophylaxis of diphtheria of children in a kindergarten. What preparation should be used for this purpose?

A. *Toxoid.

B. Antibiotics.

C. Probiotics.

D. Corpuscular vaccine.

E.Immune serum.




*05* 172. In a kindergarten vaccination against pertussis is planned. Which preparation is used for the immunization?

A. Type specific serum.

B.BCG vaccine.

C.*APDT vaccine (DPT).

D.Normal γ-globulin.

E. ADT vaccine.


*01*03*04* For serological diagnosis of whooping cough test tube reactions with pertussis and parapertussis diagnosticums were made. Granular deposit was formed onto the test tube bottom in which diagnosticum from Bordetella parapertussis had been inoculated. Which type of antibody has this reaction revealed?







Mycobacterium tuberculosis

*01* 72. Microscopy of the sputum of a patient with an acute form of pulmonary tuberculosis is carried out to detect the causative agent of this disease. What method of staining is the most rational in this case?

A. Gram's.

B. *Ziehl —Neelsen's.

C. Burri —Gins'.

D. Romanowsky — Giemsa.

E. Neisser.


81. Sputum of a patient with tuberculosis was delivered to a laboratory. What method of staining

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