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July 18, 2014 //
The Tesla Archives are here: Every Single Article Ever Written By Tesla … Free in astral records in 4th dimensional crystals that i red with my guardian angels,the info that Tesla himself left!
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943-that was his merkaba lightbody he can be materialised and dematerialised by will he is alive still he merged his physical body with soul,he was killed by illuminati and ressurected by archangel Chamuel to finish what he has started) – Scientist and Inventor and ex mystic and vampire and psychic medium vampire.The Genius Who Lit the World again as in the days of atlantis and lemuria when there was electrical light he did again and he returned technology from then but demonic illuminati hide his innovations and returned technology by draconians who helped him to help illuminati for their own purposes and arcturians who helped him and even holy celestial lightbeings who later reversed all negative counterfit merkaba of these first ones i nammed to good!
• Rotating Magnetic Field – Discovered 1882 in Budapest, Hungary
• Alternating Current – Lighting the Whole World Today
• AC Motor – One of the Ten Greatest Discoveries of All Time
• Tesla Coil
• Tesla Unit T =W/m²
All MRI machines are calibrated in Tesla Units
• Radio
• Neon Lights and lights in general others were just copy cats really of him edison was just a fraud who stole from tesla really evry singel patent and turned it upside down and took credit because he was jesuit masonic askenazi khazar zionazi zionist jewish rotchild cabal illuminati european warlock of vatican CIA psyops time traveler of MK ultra program helper of Michael Antonio satanist of CIA american military developer of satanic super soilders
• Robotics
• Free Energy
• Columbian Exposition – 1893 – Chicago, Illinois
The World’s Fair
America Celebrates 400 Years Since Discovery-they do it thanx to tesla who restored by help of viorious fallen celestial lightbeings he took psychoactive plants and was in contact with fallen celestial lightbeings and expanded mind and soul and later got delivered of them but is the one who is the worker against them now spiritual warrion in etherical realms and 5th dimensional new earth!
Victory of Alternating Current Electricity
• Niagara Falls Power Plant – 1896
• Colorado Springs Laboratory – 1899
• Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla’s Wireless World System) 1901 – 1905
• Transmission of Electrical Energy without wires-yup he restored that from egypt too and upgraded it with his expanded
• Use of Ionosphere for scientific purposes
Tesla had over 700 patents till he left vampirism and satanism and got saved by YAHUSHUA´s saving blood!
HOMO SAPIEN TO HOMO LUMINOUS-MERKABA ACTIVATED,TESLA IS 4TH DIMENSIONAL and 5th dimensional with lightbody immortal glorified body HUMAN NOW!what bible talks about!what satan/lucifer as ashtar command ashtar sheran mask liar counterfits with counterfit lightcodes!
DISCIPLINE OF TESLA THAT SEEKS TO UNIFY THE SEVERAL EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF HUMAN NATURE IN AN EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND INDIVIDUALS AS BOTH CREATURES OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT AND CREATOR WHO CREATED THEM AND UNIVERSE OF THEIR OWN VALUES,he is not just scientist of technology and is of biology and spiritual scientist and spiritual warrior and now he is also a many good things innovator that you will see who si right on new earth who´s heart is lighter then fedder!
An false flag draconian/grey invasion operation is also planned-tesla told in crystals and to me astraly about the demonic plans i already and bible talk about and the thing is Hitler and these fallen celestial lightbeings and tall whites who are taller greys in race of fallen principalities.
Humans allied with the Grey/Reptilian Luciferian Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex of fallen celestial lightbeings of satanic demonic evil beings working for Lucofrage Rofacale Sataniel-Lucifer/-Satan [MIEC] are concurrently preparing a false flag ET invasion, Mr. Tesla stated as i said what i already talk about what is in bible phrophecied the strong delusion commind phrophecy is about to be fulfilled.The negative extraterrestrial fallen celestial lightbeings and their alien demon half human mutant hybrids- with demonicly possessed humans the satanic illuminati masonic jesuit vatican area 51 bilderberg alliance intent on Earth take-over is referred to as the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC].
Superior survival dynamics of homo sapiens
Because of the superior survival dynamics of the human species, Mr. Tesla states, human society will defeat the hostile demonic civilizations that consist mainly of a Grey and Draco Reptilian factions by spiritual warfare very few choosen but far worse from hallow earth that will be realised not at all. “It is a dangerous situation,” Mr. Tesla states at the end of the talk about this with me and my guardian angels well he meant on majority even majority will be possessed by grays and dracos for some tile and some for long periods of time who will be enjoying counterfit merkaba lightbody that is empowered by these fallen celestial lightbeings. “However, all is under control and people should not panic who is right with God Tesla even stated.”
Watch Michael the archangel Prince in 2011war against ashtar command of jerusalem attacking forces of zionist illuminati vatican cia area 51 scums of vatican´s ecumental new age one world religion and goverement movement!
Mr. Prince’s revelations are contained in a 2 hour 29 minute that he gave to Tesla during the March 2011 Probe Spring Conference at St Annes-on-sea, Lancashire, U.K. when illuminati before on earth all satanic fallen beings returned done rituals to let them on earth to just realise them from pandora´s box and all trapped places realms shpheres galaxies and havens dimensions and planets and suns and stars they returned in earth´s atmosphere and on 2012 21.december when Lucifer came back and Mastriarchy age of aquarius Lilith´s rule started!
In 1964, U.S. intelligence expected a Grey/Reptilian ET takeover in 2000-2030-the last year of armageddon!The satanic forces Tesla explained more to me in future blogs i will give and he is God´s blessings to the world to be also source with angelic and archangelic and of other races of celestial astral etherical lightbeings against demonic fallen lower astral etherical beings info and their plans and scemes to enslave humanity and ruin world and trap souls with them to the realms of abyss of the ondemonium 9 underworlds!
The current war between hostile extraterrestrial Grey/Draco Reptilian faction and humanity has been in development for a number of decades.
In Tesla´s talk with Michael Prince reveals that in 1964 U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that a Grey/Reptilian extraterrestrial satanic alliance had a timetable for a planetary takeover of Earth sometime during the 2000 – 2030 period.
Tesla after getting info writes, “On April 15th, 1964,on astral crystals in 4th dimensional walls of tablets he received from angelic lightbeings,about two US intelligence personnel met under Project Plato with the Greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25th at Holloman air force base in New Mexico.This meeting was to renew the treaty that had started in 1934 again and was a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the Greys and Draco reptilians. The upper levels of US intelligence now believed the Greys and Dracos had this planet time-tabled for invasion and takeover between the years 2000 and 2030.”
Tesla from info of Michael Archangel Prince’s info made astral book that i red book about British MI-6: Buried Alive some people were and Tesla resurected them because of knowlage what satanic druidic demonic activity took place there
Exopolitical implications of Grey/Reptilian takeover
Michael Prince’s revelations have major implications for the exopolitical circumstances of Earth at this time Tesla said. There is abundant independent evidence of a threatened takeover of human society by a controller elite that is following the agenda of the hostile Grey/Reptilian faction identified by U.S. intelligence in 1964.
Humanity is seriously targeted by predatory Luciferian Reptilian extraterrestrial species of fallen celestial lightbeings
Up to 1 billion humans are abducted by hyperdimensional fallen celestial astral etherical lightbeings and humans are in cognitive dissonance and soul scalping program
This controller elite of illuminati mesonic jesuit askenazi khazar warlocks and witches includes terrestrial governments (executive, legislative, and judicial branches), media organizations, international organizations, and military and intelligence organizations that are populated by clones or cyborgs under the command and control of the Grey/Reptilian faction whose intent is to takeover Earth.
2017: The coming collapse of the world economic order Tesla also talks about as spiritual warrios and see that i talk and he gave for 4 people like me different info to tell to people like to me this!I got with him in contact by help of my guardian angels!
Trained as a cyborg assassin, starting at Q552 SS base in Nelson, B.C., Canada in 1942 one satanic super soilder time traveler fought with Tesla in 1952 and lost because Tesla told him i rebuke you in the name of YAHUSHUA and this hermetical(technology+magic=hemeticism) all collapsed!
In his March 2011 war against fallen ones who are behind ashtar command fallen seraphim and cherubim, Michael Prince reveals that between 1976–1979 he was one of a rescue savior archangels of group of 42 children who were subjected to trauma-based mind control and implanted as future cyborg super soldiers at a secret Nazi SS trauma mind control training facility near Nelson, British Columbia, Canada who called the names sacred holy original names of God.
The 42 children were test tube babies, each bearing sought-after alien demon hybrid DNA, of alien hybrid children mixture babies of fallen celestial beings and humans passed down to one who had inserted of these hybrid children into the true soul children who had been adopted into human families that were part of multi-generational trauma-based mind control families alsves of illuminati. The children were being trained to be future CIA monarchy MK ULTRA CIA satanic super soilder assassins.
This in British Columbiacoordinators of a Nazi network in British Columbia that in the 1976-79 time period acted as fronts for a Nazi base facility in area of Eagle Lake, also known as Murphy Lake, British Columbia. Eagle Lake is northwest of the area of the Nelson, British Columbia, Canada Nazi SS Q552 trauma-based mind control training base that Mr. Prince archanel explained to Tesla exposed in his talk.
1934 Treaty between Grey zeta raticulians and U.S. government
According to Michael Prince archangel, the first treaty between the Greys was signed in July, 1934. Mr. Prince states, “It was here that the agreement was first made between the Greys who were actually representing a race of reptilian-like beings from the Draconis star system and representatives of the US intelligence community. The treaty stated that in return for the Greys providing high technology, the US federal government would allow the Greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions for use in an ongoing genetic program.”Tesla was interested in hearing this because he himself was an experiment victim who had sex with many races of fallen celestial ligbtbeings of etherical astral archonic parasites and jinnies.
Mr. Prince telsl Tesla, “On July 11th, 1934, the first treaty between the beings, which have become known as the Small Greys (approximately three and a half foot grey beings with large wraparound eyes from the Orion star system) and the US federal government, under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, occurred aboard a naval ship at the port city of Balboa, Panama. This was one of the most important events in human history because it thrust us into a role we were not prepared for as regards becoming host bodies to a malevolent,evil sinister insidious satanic fallen demonic astral etherical race of fallen celestial lightbeings.
“Although there are benevolent “Zetan”’ Greys, these entities did not have humanity’s best interests at heart.These ones are working for the light worker networks of new age movement and new age religions like:
Tesla has expanded consciousness on evrything now he knows them better then i and they themselves here they are:
Heaven’s Gate
Heaven’s Gate is most known for the mass suicide of 39 people in it in 1997. What is far less known is that the Heaven’s Gate community still exists and still teaches the messages of their now-dead founders.
Jedi Religion (Jediism)
LaVeyan Satanism
Luciferians and How They Differ from Satanists-new separation luciferians are white magic and satanists are blak magic,it is just side and aspect of the same beings they tap in power!
While Luciferians and Satanists both employ terms commonly associated with the Devil, they are not the same.
Native American Church (and Peyote Use)
New Age ecumental esotericism
Today’s general default world´s religion New Age movement has risen to prominence over approximately the last 40 years. However, the term itself has 19th century antecedents, most notably its use within Theosophy, which teaches many beliefs held in common with today’s New Agers. The New Age is commonly understood to be the astrological Age of Aquarius now.
Occultism – Western Occult Tradition
Druids of Hollywood have created a very warped image of occult studies, leading many to use the word as synonymous with black magic and demon worship.
Panentheism – What is Panentheism?
Panentheism is the belief that God is both transcendent and immanent. this is false!
Pantheism is a form of religion that believes that the universe and God are one and the same. Neither exists outside of the other. Therefore, all things are ultimately connected with one another.his is lie that is esoteric version of first one who is egoteric which is psudo science which is religion also.
The Peoples Temple
The Peoples Temple is one of the most well known suicide cults, killing over 900 people in Jonestown in 1978. But before it became a symbol of religion gone wrong, it was a charitable organization that provided for the poor and embraced the disenfranchised.
Raelian Movement
esoteric masonic ufo cult
marijuana smoking sorcery magi cult
Santeria is an African Diaspora religion centered in Cuba. It recognizes a collection of deities known as orishas with whom human beings can interact,these are seriously dangerous fallen celestial lightbeings. Santeria has gained notoriety for its practice of animal sacrifice, which provides blood to the orishas. Developed by slaves of Catholic masters.
an mainstream psudo science cult of nerds lead by high levels of demonic beat people known as man in black who are not entierly what will smith´s move was all about but they work with area 51!
Neo Shamanism
Esoteric spiritism
Theistic Satanism-esoteric high level astrological satanism
Thelema is a complicated set of magical, mystical and religious beliefs formed in the 20th century by Aleister Crowley. Today it is embraced by a variety of occult groups including the Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) and Argenteum Astrum (A:.A:.), the Order of the Silver Star.
UFO Religions
Unitarian Universalism
Westboro Baptist Church
Vodou (Voodoo)
Vodou (Also spelt Vodoun, Voodoo, and several other variants) is a syncretic religion combining Roman Catholicism and native African religion, particularly the religion of the Dahomey region of Africa. It is primarily found in Haiti, New Orleans, and other locations within the Caribbean.
neo paganism witchcraft
Multi-Faith Comparisons of Religions
A variety of quick comparisons between a variety of different religions, helping to illustrate both similarities and differences across different faiths.
“The US government completely disregarded the Constitution of the United States by doing this and not telling the American people. It was here that the agreement was first made between the Greys (who were actually representing a race of reptilian-like beings from the Draconis star system) and representatives of the US intelligence community. The treaty stated that in return for the Greys providing high technology, the US federal government would allow the Greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions for use in an ongoing genetic program.
“Seven years after this treaty, in 1941, the Greys approached the German government and Hitler. A treaty was then arranged with the Nazis. The Greys offered mind control and other technologies to the Germans, and in return wanted human subjects to conduct their genetic experiments on.Tesla was one of the developers of his simillar technology and they stolen from him and killed him with illuminati and archangel chamuel ressurected him and delivered him from vampirism and introduced him to truth and he is now spiritual and biological scientist and spiritual warrior. The information I have is that Hitler told the Greys they were not to touch the German people but could do what they wanted with the people in the concentration camps. In the last century, Germany and America have been the main areas of Grey and reptilian invasion, as you can see by the vast amounts of people going missing in America lately,this Tesla confirmed to me. This is why the Nazis were so involved with cloning technology and experimentation on twins.
“Approximately twenty people in the US and Germany at the time would have been directly involved in the Grey – human treaties. The information was kept on a strictly need-to-know basis within the governments and secret services. Little has changed regarding Grey, government, and concentration camp issues. We now [as of 2006] have the Grey, Draco reptilian, and government sell-outs in Britain and America who are torturing test subjects as we speak, installed into underground concentration camps.”
10-year extensions of 1934 treaty with Grey luciferians
Michael Prince told Tesla that the 1934 U.S. secret treaty with Grey has been renewed every ten years. He states, “As the MIEC [Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex] began to expand in the early forties, the second extension of the 1934 Grey and US government treaty was signed in 1944. This treaty was renewed every ten years from 1934 to 1964 and the treaties still are being renewed today. Lincoln has just recently visited the Chrysantheum bio-genetics facility in Dulce, New Mexico, as a new archive system is being set up there. A scientist who has worked there since the 1970’s informed Tesla that a new treaty has just been signed.”
Treaty broken by Grey and Draco Reptilian luciferian factions of fallen etherical astral celestial lightbeings.
Michael Prince states that by the time of the 1944 10 year extension of the treaty, the treaty was broken by the Greys.
Mr. Prince told Tesla, “By 1944, the Grey/human treaty was showing signs of stress, as it was discovered that Greys were abducting more people than they were putting on the government lists. In May 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the third extension of the Grey and US government treaty was signed – the Grenada Treaty. The Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians blatantly broke the terms, as we shall see later in the book.
“The Grenada Treaty was agreed upon under the Holloman air force base in New Mexico by the Greys and the ULTRA unit of the NSA. The name of the facility under Holloman AFB was code named DANDELION, although this may have changed now. The ULTRA unit was one of the most elite and super secret of the NSA factions at the time and was ran by Project Paperclip Nazis who were part of the NSA after 1945. All ULTRA members were cloned humans.
“The original documents of this treaty and the original materials from it can be found today in the NSA facility called Blue Moon. Blue is code word. Blue moon is an underground facility beneath Kirkland air force base in New Mexico. The entrance to the base is in the Manzano Mountains. Inside Blue Moon is the technological headquarters of the very secretive DOE, which Lincoln and Dean Warwick work[ed] for. Today [2006], the DOE at Blue Moon is building free energy devices, developed from Grey and Draco reptilian technology, for use in space.”
Treaties with the galactic luciferian federation of ashtar command of vril,pleadian elites of azazel who worked for Lucifer and some who still do are ones who Tesla received technology and commuznication and ideas and stuff before when he was a satanist and practicing vampire.
Mr. Prince states to Tesla that the U.S. government knows of the luciferian races of these beings that are involved with the affairs of Earth. He states, “There have also been Human treaties with these cruel uncompassionate races, and their motivations and actions in these areas seem to prove their intentions to be extremly evil.”
Mr. Prince tells to Tesla, “This situation is so bizarre and gets even more so as we go deeper into highly classified areas. I have seen NSA contact, X3, there are at least 118 different sub races of 10 known races of fallen celestial lightbeings along in nuber hybrid races all in one races, that the NSA knows about, involved in the affairs of this planet. The NSA refers to this grouping under such titles as The Link and others.
There are the the Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, Tau Ceti, Sirius A, and Ummo, which have been referred to by contactees and secret service personnel as The Galactic federation of Lucifer ashtar command. Here we are going into complicated Star Wars-type Exo-politics.
“However, there are some factions of Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians and evil factions of Pleiadians, for example who are controlled opposition more openly then these who are just plainly idiotic examples for naive to fallow. This is obvious, as in any race there are good and evil elements. I wanted to just make this distinction clear because in the so-called New Age movement, there is almost obsession with New Age advocates claiming all reptilians are negative and all Pleiadians are here to save us from them,this is satan´s bad cop good cop mind game. There have also been treaties with these both races, and their motivations and actions in these areas seem to prove their intentions to be just as bible predicted and Tesla cound not agree more with it,only confirms this in many ways.
1934 – Tall blonde Pleiadians & the Nazis
Michael Prince reveals that in 1934 a group of tall blonde Pleiadians of semyaza first approached the US government and the Roosevelt administration. They were rebuffed by the US government and so the Pleiadians then approached the Nazis as american goverement is strictly rulled and founded by draconians and they just were the ones who lead the place before moors and they attacked moors before and after.
Mr. Prince writes, “In 1934, a group of Pleiadians (Tall Humanoid beings with blond hair and blue eyes)fallen archangels of semyaza approached the US government, under the Roosevelt administration, in an effort to work out an eventual military disarmament arrangement. The US government refused, so the Pleiadians approached Hitler and the Nazis instead.Tesla told before i tell about myself i tell you this and what happened i say by this time Tesla explained, the Draco reptilians had taken control of much of the upper levels of the US federal government, and the human puppets would not give up their military weapons. Part of the covert reptilian agenda is to massively reduce the world’s population by wars to reduce resistance, if and when the time comes, to the final Draco invasion. The Pleiadians worked out a treaty with Hitler and the Nazis that in exchange for technology the Nazis would not attack the Jewish people. The Pleiadians tried to stop all of this, and their treaty with the Nazis held together until around 1941. I cannot get a very clear picture of what happened after this as Tesla told they have not stopped satanic sacrafice of original heru Yazralites of true moorish jews,they the zionists khazars created videos of fake holocaust as the information is so tightly compartmentalised. It is also hard to see through the massive amounts of propaganda that came out after the Second World War. There was a plan to repopulate the Jewish community from Germany to Madagascar, but this didn’t happen because the Madagascans wanted no part of it.
“The Nazis developed their advanced saucer-shaped aircraft from the Pleiadian technology after the Pleiadians purposely crashed some of theirs in Germany to honour
their part in the treaty. The Nazi craft were known as Hauneba and Vril. The Nazis were not able to copy the Pleiadian anti-gravity drive but found ways around this. By 1941, the Pleiadians pulled out of the treaty and would no longer deal with Hitler and Nazis copletly in all ways as before.It was at this time that the Greys approached them, and this is where the Nazi trauma-based mind control technology came from.”
1954: Eisenhower Administration and the Galactic ashtar luciferian command!
Michael Prince confirms to Tesla the accounts of an approach by representatives from a galactic governance body to upper levels of the Eisenhower administration in 1954.
Mr. Prince tells Tesla, “On February 20th, 1954, around the same time as the Grenada Treaty, a delegation from the Galactic Confederation of Worlds approached the upper levels of the US government. This was an effort to limit the death and destruction of the Grenada Treaty and weapons developed from it. This delegation met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful attempt to reach an agreement on the US government’s thermonuclear weapons program.
“Tesla says the stumbling block was that the Federations were not willing to provide technology that might have been used by the military industrial factions of the Eisenhower administration but to give some junk of it and steal Tesla´s stolen by nazi illuminati leading factions.He also says many factions of the upper levels of US government were under heavy Draco mind control by this time, and there was no way they were going to give up their nuclear weapons. The emerging Military, Industrial, luciferian Complex in the US, Britain, Russia and elsewhere was just jinnie of matriarchy before its time arrived in work.”
The Pleiadian Agenda Tesla worked for!
Michael Prince’s message is ultimately optimistic to Tesla as he way from grip of satan delivered. He states that the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] is currently using a “Tablets of Destiny” supercomputer system that includes the HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails and Artificial Intelligence mind control system to attempt planetary ecocide and genocide. Mr. Prince states that the Pleiadian fleet is here to liberate humanity and will be successful as humanity is brainwashed as controlled opposition fleets they will be used to further agenda of heeling of arcturians and technological support of Andromedans will make pleadians as savior figures and these others just as companions so the whole idea is set up that these with Metatron and Ragiel,Raziel,Molec,Azazel,Semyaza,Nera,Asket,Elektra,Mia,Merope,Azaela rulled by Matriarchy of Alcyone:
She Alcyone is soulmat archangel of Semyaza and she is fallen archangel who is ruller of the pleadian faction also who Tesla once worked with having hybrid child with herself!Electra, Celaeno, Taygeta, Maia, Merope, Asterope and Alcyone,Nera,these are the ones who are the fallen archangels of this pleadian faction.
Mr. Prince tolds Tesla, “When I’m an busy war machine i am not against these,i am against satan´s factions direct ones.Note this is my personal note that I don’t want to look back upon my life and remember that I was some kind of prophet of doom who brought fear into the lives of millions of people. My work has now reached many, and I need to be careful. My message is ultimately one of love and peace, which is against lust Pleiadian paradigm. A win-win situation were every man, woman, and child on this planets benefits.
“The corrupt Illuminati paradigm wishes to see the destruction of the so-called Goyim sheeple matrix basterds – all the people on earth who are not “New Israelites.” When my unit task was involved in RV [remote viewing] i saw what Tesla was telling me archangel revealed to him!
“It was a C.O.G (Continuity of Government) type operation with the Illuminati wanting to repopulate the earth with offspring of the most gifted hybrids, to rise from the ashes like the phoenix.
Tablets of Destiny – HAARP & Supercomputers
“These are linked in a geometrical grid pattern around the world and can trigger large scale disasters such as tidal waves, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Anyone who has investigated this subject would be familiar with the H.A.A.R.P scalar weather warfare system based in Alaska. This is part of the T.O.D super computer. Ultimately, mankind is being held hostage by this system.
this is Tesla´s daughter and this down is his wife:
this is photo that Tesla took of what he was describind
the hermetical program he told about
his sister his son
his technology
archangel Alcyone and his hybrid over here with these big eyes children with fallen archangel Alcyone:
this is her: his restores tec:
Alcyone herself on actual photo,and this is evil magican possessed by jinn:
clean conception he had with hsi wife mentalism type of sex where he moves sperm and sekret dematerialising them before putting in egg.he was sexualy connected with her he had his penis in her vagina but they were sitting still,just by mentalism moving DNA-SPERM AND RNA SEKRET into egg dematerialising it he uses his brain 89% and he did this psychokinesis mentalism very well!
Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 77 | Нарушение авторских прав
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