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Fig. 1.1 Water-supply scheme from superficial sources (river)

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1-river water intake; 2-pump station of the I rising; 3-water-purifying station; 4-reservoir of clean water; 5-pump station of the II rising; 6-headraces; 7-water-tower; 8-plumbing network; 9-water-supply object; 10-piezometric line in network at time of the maximal water consuming; 11-the same at the time of maximal transportation of water to the tower.

Fig. 1.2. Water-supply scheme with underground water purifying:

1-aquiferous layer; 2-mining hole; 3-water-purifying station; 4-reservoir of clean water; 5-pump station of the II rising; 6-headraces; 7-water-tower; 8-plumbing network; 9-water-supply object; 10-piezometric line in network at time of the maximal water consuming; 11-the same in headraces.

Fig.1.3. Water-supply scheme from the mining hole:

1-water intake mining hole; 2-deep electro-pump; 3-base above the mining hole; 4-headraces; 5-water-tower; 6-piezometric line in headraces at time of the maximal water consuming; 7-the same in the network; 8-water-supply object; 9-plumbing network.

Settlements near foot of mountains can have the water source that is located higher them. In this case self-watering water-supply system with or without water-purifying system is used.

Industrial enterprises are differed by their variety of technological processes, consume water of different quality and require different pressure in separate workshop networks. Specificity of water-supply technical systems is a possibility of water turn for different requirements. That’s why, water-supply systems of industrial enterprises are quite difficult. If enterprise is located on the territory of the settlement and consumes insignificant volume of not drinkable water, then it’s sufficient to serve water to the enterprise from the urban networks. If significant volume of not drinkable water is consumed, then it’s sufficient to organize separate systems of technical water-supply: straight flowing (fig.1.4a), in which water after the non-permanent use is thrown down in the sewage system; with repeated water usage (fig.1.4б), where water is used consistently in several technological operation; reverse (fig.1.4в), in which after the usage of water for the technical requirements, it is cleared and cooled, than used at the same object in the same technological operations. Choosing of technical water-supply scheme should be decided by technically-economic calculations.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 63 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Water-supply systems and schemes| Specific water consumption

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