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What is Journalism?

Training of Journalists

There are two main stages of training journalists in the United Kingdom – for the beginners and for the experienced senior. The training can be based within the newspaper itself or upon a university or college.

These stages give very positive effect. The university training, or the general education gives the future journalist the necessary background for his profession. It includes the study over three years of shorthand, typewriting, English language and literature, the organization and functions of central and local government, law, sometimes musical theory, the history of art, etc.

The newspaper training is built around the newspaper in which a journalist is employed. The training is held under the supervision of the editor. Such education is partly at the employer’s expense and in his time.

Journalism in Russia dates back to the first handwritten Russian newspapers. They were called Vesti (News) and Vedomosti (Information). The earliest newspapers date back to 1621. The first printed Russian newspaper appeared in 1702. The great expansion of the press, broadcasting and television has intensified the demand for skilled journalists.

Professional training of journalists is a recent innovation in our country. The Moscow Institute of Journalism was established in 1921. After that the departments of journalism were created at some Universities, and special schools and courses were organized.

After the Second World War, some departments of journalism were established at Universities on the basis of the Faculties of Philology. The largest centre for the training of journalists is the Faculty of Journalism at the Lomonosov University in Moscow. In 1993 the Faculty of Philology at Kemerovo State University was renamed into the Faculty of Philology and Journalism. Nowadays it is a leading centre for training journalists in Siberia.


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What is Journalism?


Basically, all journalism is concerned with news. It may be news of the moment, of what has happened or is in the process of happening. Or it may be longer-term news either for a general or a particular audience. The news may be of interest to everybody or to only a small group. In journalism there is an element of timeliness not usually present in the more leisurely types of writing, such as writing of books. Journalism is known to be a report of things as they appear at the moment of writing. Historically the journalist has been identified by society to be carrying out two main functions: reporting the news and offering interpretation and opinion based on it.

Commonly identified as “journalists” are the reporters, writers, editors, and columnists who work for newspapers, press associations, news magazines devoted largely to public affairs.

News reporting and commentaries delivered by television and radio are equally a form of journalism, as are direct broadcasts of news events and public affairs documentaries.

Journalistic writing is a contemporary report of the changing scene, intended to inform readers of what is happening around them. The impact of journalism can and often does influence the course of events, because it brings the public opinion into focus and sometimes creates it.

There are two great characteristics that make news work worthwhile. First, journalists are forced to keep learning, to enter new worlds, to see life from yet another perspective. Second, they are supposed to say what things really are.

Most journalists find their work interesting and rewarding on the whole. They face new situations every day. They have chances to meet important and interesting people and deal with vital social and political issues. They get pleasure from doing a public service, however small their contribution. While they work constantly under deadline pressures, they consider this to be part of “being in the action”.

The journalist is sure to deal with immediacy. He is communicating the developments of the day to an audience whose lives are affected by the events he discusses. Many of the facts reported in any issue are soon outdated by later developments; yet they are true at the moment of writing.

The television and radio journalist communicates news of contemporary events by means of electronic devices. The television and radio journalism is more pronounced than that of the written word. Events with strong elements of sound or sight, such as a forest fire, a football game, or a political convention are sure to be especially well communicated by television and radio. And the reading public and viewers want the news to be true, timely and exciting.


1. Give the Russian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations.

Journalism, long-term news, pronounced, developments, to carry out, the changing scene, to bring public opinion into focus, leisurely, being in the action, timely, journalistic writing, immediacy.


2. Give the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations.

Широкая аудитория, сообщение новостей, устаревшие факты, читающая публика, обозреватель, прямая передача, редактор, сообщать, мнение, объяснение, событие, издание, электронные средства, телезритель, влиять, комментарий, ход событий, данный момент, общественные дела, общественные и политические вопросы.


3. Give as many words of the same root as possible.

Base, affect, view, excite, special, date, report.


4. Complete the sentences with the words from the text.

1) Journalism … with the news of the moment.

2) We know that journalists … out news reporting and interpretation based on it.

3) Reporters pay much attention both to … affairs and local ones.

4) Journalists can … public opinion and even create it.

5) The public wants a true and … news reporting.

6) There are many electronic … in this studio.


4. Make up word combinations choosing the words from the columns and use them in the sentences of your own.

Public, Direct, Radio, Press, Changing, Leisurely, Longer-term, outdated Broadcast, Facts, News, Scene, Types of writing, Association, Affairs, journalism


5. Match the word with its definition.

1) particular; 2) timely; 3)pronounced; 4) vital; 5) exciting; 6) rewarding;

a) of the greatest importance;

b) very strong or noticeable;

c) deserving special notice or attention;

d) worth doing or having, giving satisfaction;

e) happening at just the right time;

f) causing strong feelings of expectation and happiness.


6. Answer the following questions.

1) What is journalism?

2) What function does the journalism carry out?

3) What is the aim of journalistic writing?

4) In what way does the television and radio journalist communicate news?

5) Why is radio and TV journalism considered to be more pronounced?

6) What kind of news do the reading public and viewers want?


7. Agree or disagree with the statements.

1) Basically all writing is concerned with news.

2) In journalism there is an element of timeliness.

3) Journalists carry put two main functions: reporting the news and offering commentaries to any political speech.

4) All journalists communicate news by means of electronic devices.

5) The journalists hardly ever find their work interesting and rewarding.

6) One of the great characteristics making news work worthwhile is absence of deadline pressure.


8. Compare different types of journalism. What is common (different) in the work of a newspaper (radio, TV) journalist?


9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a journalist.


10. Give a talk on the topic “What is Journalism?”



Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 104 | Нарушение авторских прав

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