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Key-principles in standard development

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1. _________________________________________

ISO does not decide when to develop a new standard. Instead, ISO responds to a request from industry or other stakeholders such as consumer groups. Typically, an industry sector or group communicates the need for a standard to its national member who then contacts ISO.

2. _________________________________________

ISO standards are developed by groups of experts from all over the world, that are part of larger groups called technical committees. These experts negotiate all aspects of the standard, including its scope, key definitions and content. Details can be found in the list of technical committees. The list of ISO technical committees provides basic information for each technical committee (TC). The TCs are listed in numerical order, following the order in which they were established. For example, TC 1 focusing on screw threads was created in 1947 and TC 269 on railway applications was created in 2012.

3. ________________________________________

The technical committees (TC) are made up of experts from the relevant industry, but also from consumer associations, academia, NGOs (Non-governmental organizations) and government. Each TC deals with a different subject, for example there are TCs focusing on screw threads, shipping technology, food products and many, many more. ISO has over 250 technical committees.

ISO’s full members (member bodies) can decide if they would like to be a participating member (P-member) of a particular TC or an observing member (O-member). P-members participate actively in the work and have an obligation to vote on all questions submitted to vote within the technical committee. O-members follow the work as an observer but cannot make any comments about the development process or vote. Correspondent members can become O-members of a particular technical committee.

4. ______________________________________

Developing ISO standards is a consensus-based approach and comments from stakeholders are taken into account.

More than three quarters of ISO members are from developing countries. The knowledge and expertise reflected in International Standards help developing countries realise their potential and getting involved in the development work makes sure that their needs are taken into account. ISO supports the participation of developing countries in standardization through its Committee on Developing Country Matters (DEVCO).

The views of consumers also need to be taken into account when developing standards. Standards often shape product characteristics. If consumers play an active role in developing standards, the characteristics of a product or service are more likely to meet their needs. This creates a win-win situation for the consumer and manufacturer or service provider.

Consumers have a voice in the development of ISO International Standards through the participation of the NGO Consumers International and the consumer representatives of national members in the technical committees. ISO also has a Committee on Consumer Policy (COPOLCO) that drives ISO policy in support of greater consumer involvement.


Exercise 15. Make up the possible word combinations out of the following and translate them:

- International standard organization - сконцентрувати увагу на гвинтових нарізях - a draft standard - технічний комітет - to respond to a request - член-спостерігач - multi-stakeholder process - a participating member - дійти згоди - to create a win-win situation - створювати взаємовигідну ситуацію - a technical committee   - відповідати на запит - to reach the consensus - член-учасник - проект стандарту - to focus on screw threads - Міжнародна організація зі стандартів - an observing member - процес, що охоплює багато зацікавлених сторін


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 46 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 6. Find the Participle I, II in the text and define their forms and functions.| Exercise 16. Match the numbers with the definitions and restore the process of standard development according to the text.

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