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It’s time to bring back the real Spirit of the rainbow warrior through real talking circle and real workshop of emotional healing

Читайте также:
  1. A. Look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  2. A. Talking about similarity
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  4. As puritanical rules retreat, the American market for beer and spirits is growing more competitive
  5. B) to preserve spiritual values and to form scientific worldview (philosophy).
  6. B. Rising of water through tiny tubes. (---------------------)



We have been in many rainbows all around the world for many years, and we have seen the magic spirit of the rainbow dying in every gathering espacelly in France, cause we let Babylone and religons lifestyle destroy the Rainbow Warrior Spirit…


First because rainbow poeple don’t dare to say NO! It is the part of the warrior we have to wake up by healing the religon beleaf that love is to be nice, smily, gentle, saying yes all the time. There is no true yes, if there is no true no. And love is to be true with each other even if we loose the affection of the others, friends, familly etc…. I know it’s not easy but it’s the price if we want a true world.



2) Yes love is free by définition, but let’s make it clear. I have seen in all the rainbow gathering men coming only to fuck young sisters and after those girls are alone with babys, walking all over the planet to find a place to live cause the guy left her after the gathering. The result of this is that those girls quit the gathering thinking «oh rainbows are shit. There is no real spirituality there!. it’s only «sexual Holiday camp» with poeple who look like hippie but act like Babylone’s guys!».

So they quit the rainbow desapointed and most of them go back to Babylone supporting the system which destroy the planet and the future of the childrens cause they don’t find the real rainbow warrior poeple, her real familly of light. But we are hère! Watch!


And there is also women coming only to find a boyfriend, to play «Muppets» with boys, they come in a rainbow like a Holiday camp because it’s esay and free from money. Those behavior influence men to go back in babylone’s lifestyles and give them a rong picture of what women realy are.


Rainbow are made to heal ourselfs from babylone and religions lifestyles and if you don’t want this, go in holidays camp where you can find this and let us create something different for the future…


3) «Rainbow new age poeple» think that anger is a bad emotion that we have to suppress. They think that love is to be all the time happy and the only emotion allowed, is joy.

But it’s a programmation from the sado-masochist religons! All the dictators of this planet want us to be nice and smily like sheeps who never rebel, who never express their anger, who never dare to say no, who never dare to express their opinion!!! Anger is an important émotion which realy help poeple to find back who they truly are! And to find back their inner warrior force to create a better world.


4) The dictature of the hug. Rainbow gathering hase been invased by the idea that we have to hug all the time cause this is love expression but it’s completely wrong. I have seen a lot of fals rainbow becoming agressiv when you don’t want to hug them?!? When we don’t want to hug it doesn’t means we dont love, it’s means we don’t want to hug that it J!


5) In Africa they say we need a hole village to grow up one child!


if you understand my words, you understand the responsability of the rainbow warrior to create a lot of place, communities where childrens can grow up out of the sado maso religons lifestyles which have created an wrong concept of the familly to make adults supporting this system. Childrens needs 100% of attention, 24h/24h and the religons concept of the Small nuclear familly (mother/father/children) it’s not enough for them. It hase been created to make children grow up with a lak of attention, affection, love. It create poeple with a huge lak of love and consciouns they try to feed outside of themselves with possessions…leads to a world of possessions, not a world of love.


6) The talking circle is the heart of the rainbow warrior Healing gathering to create true relations, and unity. We have to learn to preserve the energy of the circle which is very powefull if we don’t let poeple suck the energy of the talking circle by talking for hours and the rest of the circle get tired waiting for his turn to talk. This is very important to understand that true talking circle Works and bring us higer in the consciouns of unity and love when poeple try to keep the energy of the circle alife by saying their truth in the shortest way it’s possible. It’s not easy but it’s possible and it’s realy gréât when it works.


The place we invite you is a real magic place with spring water over the océan, yes it’s true J! And we want to respect it as much as we can!

So bring with you everything to be autonome. Rainbow Spirit is also alife when each one of us is as much as possible autonome from the rest of the tribe.


Your tente

Your plate, spoon etc…as much natural as you can

Sleeping bags

Torch, cause the area is realy wild

Your natural music intruments

Your private bottle of water there is spring water in the land but it’s important to have your own bottle to fil it up.

Creative Tools, to draw, to play with childrens,



The idea is to propose to those who are touched by «the original Rainbow warrior call» to gather in order to share their visions and experiences.

So if you are ready to Wake up the rainbow warrior in you, to heal yourself from babylons and religions lifestyles, welcome home, we are happy to meet you!!! But knows that as a rainbow warrior family we won’t hesitate to kik you out with love of the gathering if you come as a conquistador of Babylone and religions lifestyle J!




To receave the invitation send an email to: mimibas@hotmail.com


If you want to help for the seed camp contact the same adress we will be there around the 1,2 of November. ONE LOVE!


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 91 | Нарушение авторских прав

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