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Наб. р. Фонтанки, д. 15. 5-й этаж. Актовый зал.

Читайте также:
  1. Новое заведение открылось в цоколе свечки на пересечении Красного проспекта и Ядринцевской, потеснив располагавшийся тут ранее «Дождь», у которого остался лишь один этаж.



Мая 2014 г.


17 мая, суббота. 16.00 – 19.00.

Русская христианская гуманитарная академия (РХГА).

Наб. р. Фонтанки, д. 15. 5-й этаж. Актовый зал.

Доклад проф. Христиана Линдтнера (Копенгаген)

Nâgârjuna and his main Greek sources:

catuskotis & tetraktus


(c переводом и презентацией)


In accordance with the distinction between two Truths, Nâgârjuna´s MK works at two distinct levels. At the surface level, the 27 chapters of the MK discuss various concepts, that one can read, express or communicate. Behind or below or above this surface level, there is a highest truth, a paramârthasatyam that can only be achieved or reached by means of samvrtisatyam, which thus “covers” the highest truth. What this distinction actually means, can only be ascertained by one who has been informed that each word and each letter in the Sanskrit (and Pâli) has to be read as if these words and letters were Greek. In Greek, each letter, and word, is also a number.

MK is a primarily a commentary on the “Dharmacakrapravartanam” (DCP), the fundamental text of “Buddhism”. The DCP has been transmitted to us in several recensions, of which the one in Pâli(m) is correctly considered to be the earliest (Mahâvagga).

The MK copies the numerical symmetry of the DCP. For instance, the textual unit of the madhyamâ pratipad consits of exactly four times 27 words. Even the number of letters and syllables (172 + 161 = 333, corresponding to a 172 circle with an inscribed 161 pentagon) have been calculated so as to display numerous symmetrical patterns!

This distinction can be traced back to Greek Pythagoreans, according to whom “all things are or have numberes”. The so-called Pythagoreans made a sharp distinction between mathematicians and listeners, i. e. insiders and outsiders. A distinction between mathematical and “narrative” truth is thus made. This Pythagorean distinction is at the foundation of the DCP and the MK. It serves as the basic formative principle. Exactly as in the case of the Greek New Testament, the number of words and syllables of given textual units have been calculated with an accuracy that is simply astonishing. Many years of analysis have revealed symmetrical and objective mathematical patterns in these texts, and that these can all be traced back to what the Pythagoreans called the tetra-ktus – “the source of eternal nalture”, as they swore.

These calculations are definitely not the result of mere coincidence. The numerical symmetries are so frequent, so consistent and so accurate that it would be plainly preposterous to reject their palpable presence as a matter of “mere coincidence”.

… The main reason for scholars of Buddhism still being in the dark about the fundamental teachings, is their failure to recognize the Pythagorean sources of the DCP and the MK – and other Buddhist texts. One must know that these texts work at two levels at the same time. Without a knowledge of Greek geometry, even the best scholar will remain in the dark.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 43 | Нарушение авторских прав

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