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Plan of the lesson

Читайте также:
  1. A Good Lesson
  2. Additional Material to the Lesson
  3. Basic Lesson Plan Beginning with Section III
  4. By the end of the lesson students
  5. Chapter Eleven Lesson Two: Bullshit
  6. Chapter Fourteen Lesson Five: Sound
  7. Chapter Ten Lesson One: Destruction

The sphere: Special-professional sphere of communication

The Theme: Professional training of FL teacher: Induction programme

The aim: To form intercultural-communicative skills for dialogue professional-oriented communication in the frame of the sphere and theme.

Objectives: To provide

· acquisition of the subject matter of professional communication on the basis of the studied speech material;

· metalanguage and metacognitive skills;

· comprehension and adequate usage of the target language norms in the process of professional-oriented communication;

· ability and readiness to carry out argumentative professional-oriented discussion in the context of the theme;

· deepening of motivation and interest to the future profession.

Competences: ICC (metalinguistic, lingua-cultural; socio-cultural, strategic), professional-specialised.


· main: Akhmetova C., Brekalova T. A course book for seniors “Nobel Profession”, Almaty, 2007

· additional: 1) Training and Development Agency for Schools http://www.tda.gov.uk/teachers/induction.aspx;

2) www.cipd.co.uk/subjects/recruitmen/induction/induction.htm;

3) Разинкина Н. М. Стандартные фразы повседневного общения. М., 2006


Learning outcome (result): ability and readiness to participate in free communication in the form of polemic dialogue in the context of the future profession on the material provided on the lesson.


1. Motivational-orientational stage (3m) Lead-in (questions for brainstorming, group work)     Aim, result 1) Teacher’s introduction: You know that we have a special-professional sphere of communication. You have been at school practice and you know how important the teacher’s role is. Probably you’ve noticed that teachers, especially inexperienced, have lots of problems. Can you name some of the difficulties that teachers have during their first year of teaching? 2) Do you think it necessary or unnecessary to have a special training programme for young teachers? We’re going to talk about such programme which is known as induction programme in the western countries. At the end of the lesson you would be able to participate in free communication in the form of polemic dialogue in the context of FL teacher’s profession on the material provided at the lesson.  
2. Preparation for intercultural professional-oriented communication (15m) objectives: to understand, to learn, and to interpret the subject matter of the future profession by means of the target language; to form international-communicative skills necessary for free professional-oriented communication. language material: induction, inspector, self-evaluation, reflective practice, continuing personal and professional development, to encourage to take responsibility, mentor, to gain experience, to advance, valuable contribution, context-based education (CBE). speech material: scientific article, official document communicative acts: explanation, persuasion, clarifying technology: context-based education, informational   1) read the text on p. 65, Ex. 1 and choose the words connected with the professional development of a teacher (individual work – 1m.+ checking 1m). 2) Work with a partner and explain the meaning of these words and expressions (3m.). 3) Read the definition of the term “induction”. How would you explain it to the intermediate language learner (2m.) 4) Let’s work together and make collocations with all new words (semantic mapping – 3 m.). 5 ) What expressions can be useful when you explain something, try to persuade somebody or clarify the things in which you are not sure? (2m.) 6) Using the information from Ex. 1, p. 65, discuss in pairs the following (2m.): · what changes appeared in teacher’s professional development; · your attitude towards these changes. 7) What approach could provide such professional development? (Teacher gives the choice: life-long learning; learner-centred; cognitive; competence-based; or context-based education.) (T-Ss – 1m.)  
3. Professional-oriented intercultural communication (27m) Objectives: to form skills to perform free lingua-cultural adequate professional-oriented communication in a dialogic form on the basis of the material presented on the lesson. Problems for discussion: What kind of support do young teachers need? How can it be organized? Do we need a special induction programme for FL teachers in our country? Material: official documents Problem tasks: 1) a teacher from Britain came to KZ; he compared two systems of teacher’s preparation and found out a number of differences. His main complain was that he had spent the whole year doing his induction programme after graduating from the University before he could get a teacher’s qualified status (QTS). What do you think the points of differences are? Give your opinion about them. 2) At the conference devoted to the challenges of young FL teachers English induction programme namely the mentor support was suggested as a solution of the problem. What would you suggest? 3) One of our graduates came to England to work as a teacher. During the interview the headmaster asked her whether she had a TQS and what kind of training she had got. Describe the process of FL teacher’s preparation in KZ. Technology: situational analysis, small group discussion, mini-project, solution of the pragma-professional tasks. 1) Teacher’s talk about the project and the demand of foreign partners to introduce the induction programme. Distributing the material from the site about English induction programme for teachers. Students study the material individually to understand what the induction programme is, its advantages and disadvantages (3 m.) 2) Teacher checks comprehension (3m.). 3) Pragma-professional tasks: a teacher gives 2-3 situations (depends on time) to students (6 m.) (Teacher can give words and phrases to help students to find out the differences and give solutions). 4) Students work in groups of 3-4 people to decide if they accept the induction programme or not. They should give at least three supportive arguments for their decision (10 m.). 5) All groups discuss their decisions and the whole class accepts one variant (5m.).
4. Concluding stage (5m.) 1. Teacher’s concluding talk. 2. Home task: (yes) stages for the implementation of the programme in KZ. OR (no) think about the alternative for induction programme in order to stay in the project.


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