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Target Market

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If it is business to business our target market is wholesaler Adamenko Alexander.

Wholesaler Adamenko buys our dairy products every day, and he distributes the products to the local convenience stores and restaurants in Blagshoveschensk making a good profit. Wholesaler Adamenko was given a license to sell our dairy production in the stores under our brand mark “Seryshevsky”; he sells them and makes a good profit for us as well. He is a loyal customer of MAC’s company (MAC’s organization 1). Mr. Adamenko has competitors who are also the wholesalers but they are smaller ones. For example, Adamenko’s one of the competitors is “Vladimir Aguseev” (MAC’s organization 7). He purchases the products from our factory and distributes to only restaurants.


If the case is business directly to customers such as people, “the target market” is “men and women” that are “20 and 80 years old” (MAC's organization 37). In this case the “target market” was selected with “multisegment targeting strategy” in the circumstances of different market segments (Lamb et al. 118) The target market of my product is men and women that are 20 and 80 years old. In this case the “target market” was selected with “multisegment targeting strategy” in the circumstances of different market segments (Lamb et al. 118). There is a “multisegment targeting stategy” because the product has different segments where the examples are different percentage of milk fat (2.5%, 3.2% or 4%), the kinds of milk (baked or pasteurized), and the quality of milk (healthy or not, expiry date is only 7 days or 1 year respectively)



The main competitors of my dairy product are Blagshoveschensk's dairy plant – “Alphabet of milk” and Blagshoveschensk's refrigerating plant – “Rovyena” (MAC's organization 18). They are competitors because they produce similar dairy products but only with a long expiration date of 1 or more years. There are people who do understand that long expiration date is bad for the health and do not. Those customers who do not have an idea about the consequences of the health, they buy from our competitors. Those customers who do understand, they buy our product, which is only 7 day of expiration and stay satisfied and healthy. Our main competitive product advantage is the organic milk that is produced without any bad ingredients.


Prospecting Methods, and Looking for Potential Prospects


In terms of my dairy products there can be used a lot of methods in order to get customers. In my case, I’m using two of the most powerful methods that are referrals and websites. “Referrals” is generally occurs when someone suggests to the cinsumer to buy one particular product knowing that this product is a good one (Manning et al. 200). For example, I have a loyal customer, who has been buying my products for long time. He would suggest me as a responsible company that follows and keeps all the procedures and promises for the customer’s need and wants. Moreover, he can advise me to another party and make a positive reference that my company has been in the business for 10 year, MAC knows how to treat with customers. Satisfied prospect might say to another one that my firm follows ethics. It has a “corporate social responsibility” as MAC regularly makes an effort to sponsor boarding schools, sports clubs, retirees and veterans of the Second World War in their city of Belogorsk (Lamb et al. 27). Websites also is very good way to find a prospect. For example, if you discovered a well-developed website that has an whole information about the product, you can easily attract the customer’s attantion because nowadays searching information about every item becomes more popular. Even children who are 3 years old can do it. The potential customer will be a prospect that will find a cause to buy my product in term’s of his needs. For instance, every business is williing to make a profit; in that case, the wholesaler, who finds my product very competitive in the market, will buy it to make a sustinnable profit at the end. Also, anyone can be a potetial prospect in the conviniece store if his desires meet his needs. In my case, the potential customer is one that is willing to buy healthy dairy products in the store and possibly cannot live without healthy products. If I were prospecting the customers, they would like to make a good customer for my product in the following reasoning. The first one is that they would like to keep good relationships between the businesses if they want to get better interest of each other. The second one is that potential customer such as wholesaler sees customers in the stores buying the products aggressively in terms of their needs and wants, why would he become a bad customer? There is no reason to do so. He gets a good profit.

The Approach


Aleksander Adamenko, Wholesaler

Adamenko’s company

134 Zavodskaya Street

Blagoveshensk, Amur region, Russia

Adamenko’s company is a small wholesale company that is buying dairy products from different manufactures. Their main focus is to buy well-qualified products and supply them to the retail and convenience stores, restaurants and other facilities to make a profit.


Larisa Kirova: Good afternoon, Adamenko’s wholesale company. How can help you?

Egor Mel’nichenko: Hello, it’s Egor Mel’nichenko calling from Mother and Children’s company that is specializing on the dairy products.

Larisa Kirova: He’s with a customer Mr. Sergeev temporary. Could I help you or would you like to hold or call back later?

Egor Melnichenko: I’d like to talk to mr. Adamenko. I’ll call in an hour.

(…Egor Melnichenko is calling back in 1 hour…)

Alexander Adamenko: Hello, Mr. Melnichenko, sorry, I was with a customer. How can I help you?

Egor Melnichenko: Hi, Mr. Adamenko, it’s ok; it’s not a big deal. I’m representing Mother and Children’s company that is focusing on the milk products. So, our mutual friend Alexey Kotovsky, who is a big businessman, told me that you are very responsible and honest businessman; you are looking for dairy products to buy in large quantities. I think we could help you.

Alexander Adamenko: Oh, that’s right. How is your product can be a beneficial one to me?

Egor Melnichenko: We’ve been in the market for 10 years. Our firm is producing different kinds of milk and supplying to different wholesalers. More importantly, our milk is mainly advantageous in terms of healthy ingredients, where the product feature is that milk is 7 days of expiry what proves it is produced without chemical ingredients.

Alexander Adamenko: It’s attractive.

Egor Melnichenko: Can we meet to discuss more information about the product and find the solutions for it?

Alexander Adamenko: Absolutely, it is a great idea. Telephone is not an appropriate way to make the deals through.

Egor Melnichenko: “Yes, so do you have your appointment calendar handy” (Manning et al. 241)?

Alexander Adamenko: Yes, I do. Let me look for it.

Egor Melnichenko: Well… Can we meet up on Friday at 13:00 a.m in the Stake House Restaurant?

Alexander Adamenko: Yes, actually it’s perfect. I just cancelled an appointment with Mr. Sergeev. So I’ll meet you Mr. Melnichenko at that time instead of.

Egor Melnichenko: So, that’s excellent, I’ll send you an email with confirmation in case something changes; and moreover, I’ll make you a favor to send you an email with scanned literature that about our product.

Alexander Adamenko: Sounds beautiful!

Egor Melnichenko: It was a pleasure talking to you. Have a great day!

Alexander Adamenko: Thank you a lot. Have a good time!



I used specific methods to establish rapport and gain attention in order to make a meeting. As the telephone is not the best way to discuss the products abilities, it is easy to lose communication with a customer during the telephone dialog; hence, you have to be very careful what you are going to say. In this manner, the best way is to make a proper note of your dialog; you have to be very prepared. In these circumstances, the methods that I used can help you. The first one is “politely identify yourself and the company you represent” (Manning et al. 241). If you start talking rude and without any credibility, you will automatically make a negative impact on the customer that can lead to stop a conversation. The second one is to “state the propose of your call and explain how the prospect can benefit from meeting” (Manning et al. 241). If you breach this method, customer also will cancel the call. He is a businessman that probably does not have enough time to talk without reasoning. Without hearing his needs, he will get bored and reject the call. In terms of “showing respect for the prospect’s time by telling the person how long the appointment will take,’’ I can be marked positively very easy (Manning et al. 241). Respect to the customer brings a wonderful effect to have a meeting as well as “confirm the appointment with a brief note or email massage” (Manning et al. 241). The customer, who is good in computers, will be very pleased to see a message with confirmation of meeting. Based on the “referral method of approach” that I used to gain an attention from a customer is an effective one because customers are likely to hear the thoughts of the third party rather than manufacture (Manning et al. 247). The third party whether likes or not the product will give a good background about it unless he does not have a need to lie. The satisfied third prospect will tell the weaknesses and strengths of the product to customer, and the customer who gains knowledge about the product will be pleased to hear every truth. Again, all these methods are really important to use in order to get a positive impression of a customer. Without these methods, chances are very low to arrange the meeting.



The Recognition Process


Egor Melnichenko: Hello Mr. Adamenko, I’m Egor Melnichenko from Mother and Children’s company.

Alexander Adamenko: Hi, I’m very glad to meet you. It is such a beautiful day outside today.

Egor Melnichenko: It’s a wonderful shiny day. It’s also nice to see you too. Here is my business card, so keep it.

Alexander Adamenko: That’s perfect, have a mine card too.

Egor Melnichenko: I met our mutual friend Mr. Kotovsky yesterday; he sent you HI.

Alexander Adamenko: Oh, I’m very pleased to hear from him; he is really good friend of mine. Say him big HI from me too.

Egor Melnichenko: Ok. We spoke in a phone few days ago about the dairy products for your company. Did you have a chance to look at the scanned book that I sent you by email?

Alexander Adamenko: Well, yeah. It’s about the dairy products that you selling, right?

Egor Melnichnko: It is.

Alexander Adamenko: Well, I spent a while thinking about your product because we already have in mind a supplier that is selling the dairy products too.

Egor Melnichenko: OK. Before I’m going to ask you some questions, could you tell me what is your strategy in terms of product’?

Alexander Adamenko: Basically, our strategy is to be ethical in terms of the product. From the birth, I hate lying to people. It’s just the way it is. So I’m wondering to find a well-produced dairy product that I can introduce to the all people. This product must have no the chemical ingredients inside because if it has, people might get sick.

Egor Melnichenko: I’m glad to hear that. So, does your supplier meet your wants and needs?

Alexader Adamenko: Actually, no. He is producing the dozen of dairy products, but all of them contain chemical ingredients that might cause the some illnesses of customers.

Egor Melnichenko: I think I have a good offer for you that will benefit and satisfy you as customer. Let me show the samples of the dairy products.



Work Cited

Lamb, Charles W., Joseph F. Hair, Carl McDaniel, Harish Kapoor, Richard Appleby and Janice Shearer. MKTG: Second Canadian Edition. Toronto: Nelson, 2013. Print


MAC's Organization. Mother and Children' Background: How we built the Relationships? Belogorsk: Mayak, 2011. Print


Manning, Gerald L., Michael Ahearne, Barry L. Reece and H. f (Herb) MacKenzie. Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value. Toronto: Pearson, 2013. Print


Manufacturing-Trading Company MAC. Deli Meats and Sausages Confectionery and Bakery Products. n.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013


Permax Services CIS. The Analysis of the Dairy Market in Russia. n.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 56 | Нарушение авторских прав

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