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Implementation of the proposals by government and non-government organizations

Formal Education | Statement of the problems | Analysis of the problem |

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My experiences and personal beliefs lead me to believe that our government plays critical role in ensuring a quality education for all kids in Ukraine. Nowadays our education system is far from perfect; there are lot aspects that need to be resolved on legal basis. That’s why I consider that in the near future it is necessary to confirm new education reforms by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and organize state standards of educational services and modification of them, control over their observance. It is the key aspect for resolving the problem that we have in education system. Also it is necessary to stimulate the attraction of investments from non-government organizations and private investors.

Necessary resources and conditions

The Government of Ukraine provide financial support for education system even much more than in more developed countries like Germany, Japan, France and many other countries. As I written below in Ukraine during the period of 2000-2007 the State expenditure on education was equal to 5,3% from gross domestic product, whereas in Germany — 4,4, Japan — 3,4, Spain — 4,4, Italy — 4,3, the USA — 5,5, France and Great Britain — 5,6 %. That's mean that the state financing of educational activity is in Ukraine is on the level of the most developed countries in the world, and even exceeds it. This statemant prove the idea that the problem is not in financial support but in the efficiency of their usage. So first of all the problem of undeveloped legislation in education system should be resolved, which not need big government’s and investors’ financial support. But still it is not so easy task, it demand correct decision making, reformations and strong cooperation of all branches in education system. It is not enough just to create new reformations in legislation it is also necessary to implement it in life and to help people to adapt to these new reforms. Also it is very important to make necessary researches and to increase salaries in this segment. Because nowadays education segment is one of the low paid segment and there is not only problems with low salary but also problems with regular paying of it.



Analysing the data of current and previous situation in education system I understood that in spite of reforms which are created by government almost every year our education system is far from ideal one. According the statistics in this segment we have enough necessary resources, such as human resources (in some areas even too much), financial resources (government support) etc. But still it is not enough to provide good effective work in this segment. As was said we still have problems with low salaries, bribes and old technologies and old equipment in this segment. That’s why

Great Br.
it is necessary to make a of scientific research on effects of modernization of the economic mechanism of educational sphere, creation of uniform bases of system of state standards of educational services, decreasing of educational establishment and their employees to an appropriate amount. By implementation of these actions we certainly will improve the situation in education segment and will get world recognition of our diplomas.



1) http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/CobbDouglasProductionFunctions/

2) http://www.eurmacro.unisg.ch/tutor/cobb-douglas.html

3) Statistical publication Regions of Ukraine

4) Горбачук В. М., Тесленко А. О. Параметри функції Кобба–Дугласа України у 2005–2009 рр. на основі регіональних даних / Сучасні інформаційні технології в економіці, менеджменті та освіті. – Львів: Львівська філія Європейського університету, 2011.

5) http://zn.ua/EDUCATION/esli_my_takie_obrazovannye,_to_pochemu_takie_bednye_reformirovanie_sistemy_obrazovaniya_vzglyad_ekon-74249.html

6) http://pidruchniki.com.ua/16330826/sotsiologiya/sistema_osviti_ukrayini

7) http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/types-of-education-10749.html



Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

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