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Coal is the main source for the development of British industry. The biggest coal and iron mines are in the north-east of England, near the industrial centres of Newcastle and Sunderland; in Lancashire and Yorkshire in the west and central England; in Scotland, near Glasgow, in Wales near Cardiff, the capital of Wales, and near the port of Bristol. The biggest centres of iron and steel industries are situated in the neighbourhood of coal basins. They are Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Cardiff, Glasgow, and Sheffield. The most ancient centres of English iron and steel industry are Birmingham and Sheffield. Iron smelting based on local ore deposits has been practised here since ancient times. In the period of England industrialization Birmingham and Sheffield played the leading role in the creation of England's heavy industry. Sheffield has specialised in producing high-quality steel and articles of steel: heavy armaments, wheels of railway cars, looms, knives, fine instruments. Producing 80% of Britain’s crude steel, British Steel is the fourth biggest steel company in the Western world. Just under half of the total output is exported.
Each of the big towns became the centre of various industries. Especially great is the variety of industries in Birmingham, people call it “the city of 1500 trades”. One can find any type of production here, from steel smelting to manufacturing the most delicate articles. Rifles, various machinery, railway cars, motor cars, electrical equipment, scientific instruments and many other things are produced in Birmingham in great quantities. Alongside with the most modern large plants a great number of old small enterprises are to be found in this town. Birmingham is Britain’s "second city". The district around Birmingham is a land of factories and mines.
One of the leading industries of Great Britain is the textile industry. Britain produces a lot of wool, and the woollen industry is centred in Yorkshire. The main centres of cotton and woollen industry are Leeds, Bradford and Manchester which export their products to many countries. Britain imports cotton from America and other countries through the port of Liverpool, and cotton industry is at home in Lancashire, mainly Manchester, and also in Glasgow and Belfast. Textile machines are also made in all these and other towns. Plants producing textile machinery not only satisfy the needs in British industry but also export great quantities of machinery to the other countries
The ship-building industry is of great importance for Britain. For centuries Britain has been the leading shipbuilder in the world. The ship-building industry is centred in London, Glasgow, Newcastle, near Liverpool and in Belfast.
Coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are the oldest branches of industry. The new industries are the chemical, electro-technical, automobile, aviation and electronics. The new industries have developed hand in hand with science and technology and are equipped to meet present technical demands. Big cities and towns such as London, Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Birmingham have enterprises of nearly all branches of industry, old and new.
Britain’s chemical industry is the third largest in Western Europe, and it exports nearly 50% of production, making it Britain’s single largest export earner. The most rapid growth in recent years has been in pharmaceutical, pesticides and cosmetics. Britain also has highly developed mechanical engineering and metal goods industries, electrical, electronic and instrument engineering industries, shipbuilding and marine engineering industries, textile, clothing and footwear industries, construction, service and tourism industries.
In some sectors of the economy, a small number of large companies are responsible for a sizable percentage of total production, especially in vehicle, aerospace and transport equipment industries.
There are approximately 250 British industrial companies, each has an annual turnover of more than 500 MLB pounds. British Petroleum (BP) is the 11th largest industrial grouping in the world, and the second largest in Europe. Five British firms are among the leading 25 European Community companies. The largest manufacturing concerns are BAT Industries (tobacco, food products, etc.), Imperial Chemical Industries, Grand Metropolitan (food, drink, etc.), British Aerospace, Unilever (chemicals), Ford, General Electric Company, British Steel, and some others.
Britain is the world’s ninth largest oil producer and the fifth largest gas producer. Developing North Sea oil and gas it has created huge support industry offering equipment and services to oil and gas companies at home and abroad. The two leading UK oil companies are BP and Shell.
London, Liverpool and Glasgow are the biggest English ports. The products of Britain economy, for example, automobiles, textile, machinery, electronic equipment and many others, are exported to many countries of the world. Liverpool is the principal port of Western England. It stands on the river Mersey. It is the first in Great Britain in exports and it comes second after London in imports. Imports passing through Liverpool consist of cotton, wool, non-ferrous metals and oil export consists of fabricstextile machinery, electrical equipment and chemicals. International trade plays a vital role in Britain's economy. Exports of goods and services make up around 25% of national output.
English agriculture is also a highly developed industry. The greater part of the land here is used for sheep- and dairy farming. Vegetables are grown in all parts of the country. The chief grain crops are wheat and barley. British agriculture is famous for its efficiency and productivity. It employs about 2.1% of the workforce, and Britain is self-sufficient in 58% of all types of food and animal feed. Britain is a major exporter of agricultural machinery and agrochemicals. But because of lack of cultivated lands, it cannot supply the country with sufficient food products. Great Britain has to import grain, meat, fruits and other foodstuffs. Today Britain imports about 42% of its food. Two-thirds of agricultural land is owner-occupied. The fishing industry provides 59% of British fish supplies and employs nearly 17,000 full-time fishermen.
Task 3. | Find in the text equivalents to the following words and expressions: |
гірничо-видобувна, текстильна, хімічна, фармацевтична, харчова, важка, вугільна, легка, авіаційна, газова, нафтова, рибна, швейна промисловості, приладобудування, автомобілебудування, обслуговування, туристичний бізнес, металургія, суднобудування.
Task 4. | Translate the following words into Ukrainian and memorise them into Ukrainian: |
produce – producer, product, products, production, productivity;
manufacture – to manufacture, manufacturing, manufacturing cost, manufacturer, manufactured goods.
Task 5. | Memorise the following words: |
company, firm, group (grouping), concern,
enterprise, plant, factory, works, workshop, shop, mine, mill,
the principal port, a large company, the leading companies, a commercial centre.
Task 6. | Find the odd word in each line: |
articles, goods, products, trades;
wool, steel, cotton, textile;
production, manufacture, output, fabrication;
steel, metal, iron, rifle;
port, district, area, region;
to make, to do, to have, to produce.
Task 7. | Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian: |
total production, national output, annual turnover, workforce, main source, development, manufactured goods, highly developed industry, iron smelting, deposit, high-quality steel, heavy armaments, wheels, railway cars, looms, fine instruments, crude steel, rifles, various machinery, motor cars, electrical equipment, quantity, district, wool, cotton, textile machines, metal goods, fishermen, at home and abroad, non-ferrous metals, fabrics, sizable, vehicle, electronics, the most rapid growth, food products, per head of population.
Task 8. | Translate the words in italics into English using the following words: to satisfy the needs, to meet demands, to supply with, to provide, to play a vital role, to make up, to be situated, to be produced. |
1. The biggest centres of iron and steel industries розташовані in the neighbourhood of coal basins.
2. Textile machines випускаються in Manchester, Glasgow and Belfast and other towns.
3. Plants producing textile machinery not only задовольняють потреби in British industry but also export great quantities of machinery to the other countries.
4. The new industries have developed hand in hand with science and technology and відповідають present technical вимогам.
5. Exports of goods and services складає around 25% of national output.
6. International trade відіграє важливу роль in Britain's economy.
7. The fishing industry забезпечує 59% of British fish supplies.
Task 9. | Fill in the gaps with the necessary words: |
1. The ____ is the country which sells their products to other countries.
2. The ____ is the country which doesn’t produce enough goods and have to buy them abroad.
3. Any industrial unit which makes some products is called a ____.
4. The person who works in the fish industry is a ____.
Task 10. | Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Prove your thoughts. |
1. In Britain more people are engaged in manufacturing than in service.
2. Britain exports cotton to America and other countries through the port of Liverpool.
3. Britain is one of the major steel exporters in the world.
4. The oldest branches of industry, such as coal-mining, metallurgy, textile, shipbuilding are more highly developed in Great Britain than the new ones.
5. Britain not only satisfies its own need in energy but can also export it to other countries.
6. Britain is self-sufficient in food products and does not have to import much.
7. All the farmland in Britain is privatized.
Task 11. | Answer the following questions: |
1. Can we speak about Great Britain as a highly developed country?
2. What is the main source for the development of Great Britain?
3. Where are the biggest centres of iron and steel industries situated?
4. What are the most ancient centres of English iron and steel industry?
5. For how long iron smelting based on local ore deposits has been practised here?
6. What articles of steel are produced in Sheffield?
7. Do you know the name of the biggest British steel company?
8. Can we consider each of the big towns of Great Britain as a centre of various industries?
9. What city is called “the city of 1500 trades”? What is produced in the city?
10. Why is Birmingham the Britain’s “second city”?
11. What can you say about the textile industry of Great Britain?
12. Does Great Britain produce textile machinery for export?
13. Is Great Britain the leading shipbuilder in the world?
14. What new industries have been developed in UK?
15. Why Britain’s chemical industry is the largest export earner in Britain?
16. Name some of the biggest British companies and firms. What annual turnover do they have?
17. Does UK produce oil and gas?
18. What is the principal port of Great Britain?
19. How is agriculture developed in Britain?
Task 12. | Tell about the agriculture in Great Britain using the following words: |
sheep- and dairy farming, vegetables, wheat and barley, efficiency and productivity, self-sufficient, food and animal feed, agrochemicals, lack of cultivated lands, to import grain, meat, fruits and other foodstuffs, owner-occupied, fishing industry.
Task 13. | Write a brief report about exports and imports of Great Britain. |
Memorize the following words and word combinations: | |||
1. | ancient | стародавній | |
2. | armament | озброєння | |
3. | chemicals | хімікати | |
4. | coal and iron mines | вугільні та залізні шахти | |
5. | crude steel | необроблена сталь | |
6. | dairy farming | молочне сільське господарство | |
7. | demand | попит | |
8. | electrical equipment | електричне обладнання | |
9. | knife | ніж | |
10. | loom | ткацький станок | |
11. | manufactured goods | промислові товари | |
12. | mining | гірнича промисловість | |
13. | neighbourhood | сусідство | |
14. | ore | руда | |
15. | pharmaceutical | фармацевтичний | |
16. | railway car | залізничний вагон | |
17. | to reflect | відбивати, відображати | |
18. | self-sufficient | самостійний, самодостатній | |
19. | ship-building industry | суднобудування | |
20. | textile industry | текстильна промисловість | |
21. | trade | ремесло, професія | |
22. | vehicle | транспортний засіб | |
23. | wheel | колесо | |
24. | wool | вовна | |
25. | workshop | майстерня, цех | |
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