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Part 2. Climatic Zones

Part 3. Arctic Story | The Case of the Arctic Hero | Exercise 3. Find the right answer to the last question: What was wrong with Charles’s story? |

Читайте также:
  1. Arctic and Antarctic Climatic Regions
  2. The final stabilization of the new Earth’s poles will produce the new climatic situation on the planet
  3. World Climate Zones

Study the list of vocabulary and pronounce the words after the teacher:


zone [zəun] – зона, пояс

tundra [’tлndrə] – тундра

to melt [tə melt] – таять

the level of precipitation [ðə ’lev(ə)l əv pri‚sipi’teiò(ə)n] – уровень осадков

water circulation process [’wɔ:tə ‚sə:kju’lei∫(ə)n ’prəusəs] – круговорот воды

thickness of ice [’θiknis əv ais] – толщина льда

the Pole of Inaccessibility [ðə pəul əv ‚inəksəsə’biliti] – полюс недоступности

all the year round [ɔ:l ði: jə: raund] – круглый год

weak [wi:k] – слабый

herb [hə:b] – трава

berry (pl. berries) [’beri(z)] – ягода

shrub [∫rлb] – кустарник, кустарничек

moss [mɔs] – мох

lichen [’laik(ə)n/ ’lit∫(ə)n] – лишайник

severe conditions [si’viə kən’di∫(ə)nz] – суровые условия

seal [si:l] – тюлень

reindeer (pl. reindeer) [’reindiə] – северный олень

caribou [’kæribu:] – олень карибу

Arctic/ polar fox [’a:ktik/ ’pəulə fɔks] – песец

musk-ox (pl. oxen) [’mлsk ‚ɔks] – мускусный бык

walrus [’wɔ:lrəs] – морж

swan [swɔn] – лебедь

hare [heə] – заяц

whale [weil] – кит

to vanish [tə ’væni∫] – исчезать, пропадать

to herd [tə hə:d] – пасти

wildlife [’waildlaif] – дикая природа

creature [’kri:t∫ə] – живое существо

species [’spi:si:z/ ’spi:∫i:z ] – род, порода, вид

growing period – вегетативный период

Exercise 1. Practice the reading of the following words and the names of nationalities:

climatic [klai’mætik], Arctic [’a:ktik], polar [’pəulə], frigid [’fridჳid], sub-Arctic [sлb’a:ktik], sub-Antarctic [sлbæn’ta:ktik], temperate [’temp(ə)rit], torrid [’tɔrid], sub-torrid [sлb’tɔrid], equatorial [‚ekwə’tɔ:riəl], subequatorial [sлb‚ekwə’tɔ:riəl]

Lapps [læps] – саами, Eskimos [’eskimuəz] – эскимосы, Yupik [’ju:pik] – юпики, Tungus [’tungu:z/’tлngu:z] – тунгусы/ эвенки, Yakuts [jæ’kuts] – якуты, Chukchi [’t∫ukt∫i:] – чукчи, Koryaks [kər’jaks] – коряки


Exercise 2. Look through the text “Arctic and Antarctic Climatic Regions” and find in it the words with the following meanings:


1. an animal with long ears and a short tail

2. degree of heat or cold

3. furthest north point or furthest south point

4. frozen water

5. extremely large

6. fall of rain, sleet, snow or hail


Exercise 3. While reading the text “Arctic and Antarctic Climatic Regions” find antonyms to the following words:


1. intense - 5. to freeze - 9. same -

2. torrid - 6. hot - 10. rare -

3. high - 7. above - 11. mild -

4. unfortunate - 8. to fall - 12. everywhere -

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 50 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Part 1. Climate Affections| Arctic and Antarctic Climatic Regions

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