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  1. Give a brief history of Darling's Chocolate plc and explain why Colonel Darling chose a sole proprietorship to start his business.
  2. Give a brief history of Darlings’ Chocolates plc and explain why Colonel Darling chose a sole proprietorship to start his business.
  3. Introduce 4 candidates applying for the position of the Finance Director of Darlings’ Chocolates PLC, paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of every applicant.
  4. Introduce Peter Long, a new Finance Director of Darling's Chocolates plc. Explain why he was chosen for this position
  5. Melted / غير متجمد / منصهر melted chocolate / melted butter
  6. Peanut Butter Chocolate Covered Raisin Cookies



1. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the expressions below. There are some extra expressions that are not necessary. Point out all the sentences in the Present Indefinite Passive.


In the year 1620, a ship named the "Mayflower" brought 102 English men, women and children to the coast of America. These Pilgrims -... (1) - came to an area uninhabited by other Europeans. They came to America to begin a new life. In October 1621, the Pilgrims held a feast to celebrate their first harvest. They thanked their God for his blessings. The story of that Pilgrim feast... (2) among Americans.... (3) every year to young children in schools as one of the major American holidays approaches. The holiday... (4) Thanksgiving Day and... (5) on the fourth Thursday of November.

Other nations have days of thanksgiving, too, but Thanksgiving Day has a special significance for Americans because... (6) to that group of people who were among the first to come to the new World in search of freedom. Thanksgiving Day... (7) by families gathering together to enjoy a traditional dinner of roast turkey, and to speak to one another of the things for which they are thankful.

a. is now observed f. it is traced back

b. are congratulated g. is well known

c. is marked h. it is told and retold

d. as they are usually known i. is called

e. is prepared j. is introduced


2. Mark the sentences which cannot be used in the Passive Voice. Put the rest of them into the Passive.

1. Champagne corks kill more people than poisonous spiders. 2. Human blood travels 60,000 miles per day. 3. People spell the word “taxi” in exactly the same way in English, French, German, Swedish, Portuduese, and Dutch. 4. Postmen deliver 166,875,000,000 pieces of mail each year in the United States. 5. On average, every chocolate bar contains at least three insect legs. 6. Americans eat 18 acres of pizza every day. 7. People burn 26 calories in a one-minute kiss. 8. 259, 200 people die every day. 9. We use 43 muscles for a frown and 17 muscles for a smile. 10. Your ears and nose continue to grow throughout your entire life.


3. Match the beginnings and the ends to form English proverbs. Give a Russian equivalent for each of them..

1. The belly is not filled 2. The devil is not so black 3. Don’t cry out 4. Easily earned money 5. He that serves everybody 6. Lost time 7. An oak tree 8. A public hall 9. When a thing is done 10. A tree is known 11. A man is known 12. He that has an ill namе A. is never found again. B. by the company he keeps. C. with fair words. D. is half hanged. E. is not felled with one stroke. F. before you are hurt. G. as he is painted. H. by its fruit. I. is paid by nobody. J. is quickly spent. K. advice comes too late. L. is never swept.


Find a suitable proverb for each situation given below. Make up similar situations for the rest of the proverbs.

1. Jake did nothing all day and when he tried to finish his work on time he realized he would be late.Then he said to himself ...

2. Alex quite helpless when he began preparing for the exam. But he worked hard and after he had passed his exam and got “excellent”, his parents told him: “Now you see...”.

3. Jim won 3,000 dollars in a lottery. The sum seemed incredible. He invited all his friends and they went to the best restaurant in the city. Jim bought dozens of knick-knacks for his girl-friend. Great was his surprise when he discovered that only 50 dollars was left. No wonder,...


4. Make the following passive.

1. They cook meals in the kitchen. 2. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 3. One praises a student when he works hard. 4. They make progress every day in the world of science. 5. They take examinations in January and in June. 6. People speak English all over the world. 7. They write examination-papers at the end of each term. 8. They hold conferences every year. 9. They teach foreign languages at this university. 10. They bring mail early in the morning. 11. Do they give the students every opportunity to study languages? 12. Do they sell TV-sets in this shop? 13. Do they show the tourists all the monuments of the city? 14. Do people often visit this place? 15. Do they take medicine regularly? 16. Do they often invite you to such parties? 17. Do they often ask you for advice? 18. They don’t use this equipment. 19. They never discuss such problems. 20. They don’t often clean this window. 21. They never make such mistakes. 22. They don’t take the child to the nursery school.


5. Translate the following sentences.

1. Игрушки для маленьких детей делают из безопасных материалов. 2. Студентам обычно задают много вопросов на экзаменах. 3. Это помещение проветривают дважды в день. 4. Лекции по истории языка читают по-английски. 5. Этот магазин закрывают в 10 часов. 6. По-английски говорят во всем мире. 7. Мясо подают с овощами. 8. Это лекарство принимают до еды. 9. Такие книги издаются только за рубежом. 10. Профессию выбирают в соответствии со способностями. 11. Это выражение часто используется? 12. Тебя часто просят о помощи? 13. Такие вопросы часто задают? 14. Как часто убирают эту комнату? 15. В какое время принимают посетителей в этом учреждении? 16. Почему ребенку не дают мороженое? 17. Зачем его так часто посылают за границу? 18. Здесь разрешено курить? 19. Где продают билеты? 20. Эта пьеса основана на исторических фактах? 21. Мне не часто дают подобные задания. 22. Ему не разрешают выходить из дома так поздно. 23. В этом магазине телевизоры не продают. 24. Ему никогда не ставят хороших отметок. 25. Такие статьи не помещают на первой странице. 26. Студентам не разрешается брать книги из читального зала. 27. Этого ребенка никогда не водят в театр. 28. Такие новости не часто услышишь. 29. Это слово не часто используется в современном английском. 30. В нашем университете испанский не преподают.


6. Open the brackets using the verbs in the proper voice form of the Present Indefinite Tense.

NOTE: cacao is the name of the tree, cocoa is the name of the powder made from cocoa beans.


Cacao (cultivate) in tropical climates. The cacao tree (like) climates within 10 to 20 degrees of the Equator. The trees (need) warm weather and rich soil. They (prefer) shaded sunlight. That’s why banana trees, rubber trees, or coconut palms (plant) beside the cacao tree in the orchard. Three main varieties of cacao beans (grow) today. Cacao trees (harvest) twice a year. Workers (use) a machete to cut the pods off the trees. They (place) on banana leaves in large wooden boxes. They (leave) to ferment for several days. During fermentation the beans (become) darker and (lose) their bitter taste.

After fermentation the beans (sun-dry) for several days. Then they (pack) in sacks and (ship) to factories. When the beans (arrive) at the chocolate factory they (sort) and (clean). The beans (roast) at 250 to 350° degrees for thirty minutes to two hours. The time (depend) on the type of bean. The cacao beans (give) off a wonderful aroma during the roasting process.

After roasting the outer shell of the beans (remove). The shells (sell) as animal food. The inner nib (очищенное от шелухи зерно какао) is then (crush) and (heat) to melt the cocoa butter and (grind) to a thick paste. This paste (call) chocolate liquor, but it (contain) no alcohol. Dark chocolate (make) by combining chocolate liquor with sugar, cocoa butter, and vanilla. To make milk chocolate chocolate liquor (combine) with cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids or powder. White chocolate (make) without chocolate liquor. It is the cocoa butter that (give) it the chocolate flavor.


7. Retell the following stories using the Passive Voice wherever possible.

A. A farmer goes to a large city to see the sights. They give him a room at a hotel. Before retiring he asks the clerk at what time they serve the meals. “We serve breakfast from 7 to 11, lunch from 12 to 3, and dinner from 6 to 8,” the clerk explains. “Look here,” the farmer asks in surprise. “What time do you expect me to see the town?”

B. Donkeys on the small island of Re, which belongs to France, wear trousers in public. People take off the trousers before they bring the donkeys to their stables. When you ask people of the island to explain this, they cannot give the reason for this strange custom.

8. Translate the following texts.

А. В Великобритании и некоторых других странах существует традиция делать генеральную уборку весной. Конечно, у домохозяек круглый год есть работа. Но есть вещи, которые трудно делать ежедневно или каждую неделю. Например, только весной сдвигают тяжелые шкафы, и пространство за ними очищают от пыли и грязи. Делается все возможное, чтобы тщательно вычистить весь дом. Иногда мебель полностью выносится из комнаты, и комнату ремонтируют.

Это особенно напряженное время для женщин: выбиваются ковры и половики, полируется мебель, переклеиваются обои. И через несколько дней такой тяжелой работы дом выглядит как новый. Используется любая возможность избавиться от лишних предметов, а также купить что-то необходимое.

Хотя началом года считается январь, по-настоящему год начинается весной. Возможно, поэтому это время года обычно выбирают для того, чтобы сделать дом особенно чистым и уютным.

B. Для большинства семей в Великобритании Рождество – самый важный праздник в году. Отмечается он 25 декабря. В воскресенье перед Рождеством в храмах проводится специальная служба, где исполняются особые гимны. На дома вывешиваются украшения из бумаги и остролиста (holly). В каждом доме устанавливается елка, которую украшают игрушками и гирляндами. С Рождеством связано множество традиций, но, наверное, самая важная из них – это традиция дарить подарки. Подарки заворачивают в красивую бумагу и кладут под елку. Дети оставляют у подножия кровати длинный носок или чулок накануне Рождества, 24 декабря, в надежде, что Санта Клаус спустится по трубе и оставит им маленькие подарки, фрукты и орешки. Обычно они не бывают разочарованы! На праздничный ужин в Рождество обычно подается индейка и рождественский пудинг. Поздно вечером по телевидению показывают Королеву, которая поздравляет граждан своей страны с Рождеством.



1. Read the text, point out the passive constructions and do the task that follows..

You know that Egyptian Pyramids are among the wonders of the world. All the tourists who come to Egypt are always taken to see these huge monuments that surprise everyone by their size and weight.

A tremendous effort was needed to build such pyramids and they were built with so few aids. It is hard to believe that huge stone blocks weighing as much as ten tons were pushed into position with levers and rollers. Each pyramid was built on a foundation of huge rocks. It is interesting to note that the huge pyramids were planned so that each edge faced a point of the compass.

There is good reason to think that as well as forming the tombs of kings, these huge structures were used to observe the stars and planets, which was of tremendous importance for the agriculture.

Here are some answers. Work out the questions.

1. They are surprised by their size and weight. 2. Next to no instruments were used. 3. It was done with levers and rollers. 4. They stood on huge rocks. 5. They were planned in such a way that each edge faced a point of the compass. 6. To observe stars and planets.


2. Open the brackets using the verbs either in the Active or in the Passive form of the Past Indefinite Tense.

The Tower of London has a very interesting story behind it. It (begin) by a man who was not even English, William of Normandy. At the time he (be) the cousin of England's King Edward. It all (start) because William (become) outraged when Edward (back) down on his promise to give the throne to William and (end) up giving the throne to his English brother-in-law, Harold. William (sail) his army across the English Channel to conquer England. On October 14, 1066 Harold (defeat) in the Battle of Hastings and England (conquer) by the Normans. On Christmas Day later that year, William who now (call) William the Conqueror – (crown) King of England. Immediately after William (take) over as king, forts (build) everywhere. Some of them later (rebuild). For example, the fort that (stand) in the southeastern corner of London, near an old Roman wall on the north bank of the Thames River (remove) in 1078 and (replace) by a huge stone stronghold. It (mean) to become a symbol of William’s power, a fortress for his defense, and a prison for his enemies. It (name) the Tower of London.

The Tower (finish) twenty years later. A chapel, apartments, guardrooms, and crypts (build) inside. The Tower (protect) by a wide ditch, a new stone wall, the old Roman wall, and the river. This (do) to secure the fact that this tower (be) a prison that no prisoner would escape from.

Several monarchs (die) in the Tower of London. One was thirteen-year-old King Edward V who (take) to the Tower together with his younger brother, the Duke of York, and (murder) in the Garden Tower, which later (rename) the Bloody Tower. Two of Henry VIII’s six wives, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, (condemn) to death and (behead) here.

In 1603, during the reign of King James I, part of the Tower of London (turn) into a museum.


3. Translate the following into English.

1. Самая высокая температура в мире (+63 С) была зарегистрирована в Эфиопии. 2. Первым романом, который был напечатан на машинке, был «Том Сойер». Он был написан Марком Твеном. 3. Старейший университет в мире был создан в Египете. Он был основан как академия в 989 г. В это время там преподавались такие предметы, как математика, астрономия, медицина и география. 4. Старейший национальный флаг в мире был принят в Дании в 1218 году. 5. Знаменитый мемориал Стоунхендж (Stonehenge) был построен между 1800 и 1400 годами до нашей эры для наблюдений за небом. Каждый из камней, из которых он состоит, достигает высоты 4-4,6 метров. Ученые полагают, что некоторые камни были принесены с расстояния в 31 километр от этого места. 6. Эйфелеву башню (The Eiffel Tower) построили в память о выставке, проходившей в Париже в 1889 году. Башню назвали в честь Александра Густава Эйфеля (Alexandre Gustave Eiffel) - человека, построившего ее. Она была построена за поразительно короткий срок - всего лишь за 17 месяцев. Сегодня она используется для многих целей: для рекламы, как маяк для самолетов, а также в качестве радио- и телепередатчика. 7. Что такое Версальский дворец (The Palace of Versalles)? Это жилище использовалось как охотничий домик короля Франции Людовика XIII (Louis XIII). По приказу короля Людовика XIV его превратили в великолепный дворец и перенесли сюда королевский двор. Дворец был обставлен самой красивой мебелью, украшен скульптурами и картинами. Почти ежедневно здесь устраивались развлечения для короля и его придворных. 8. Статуя Свободы - это символ Америки, страны свободных людей. Однако сделана она была во Франции. Ее привезли в Соединенные Штаты в качестве подарка от дружественного народа Франции. В 1886 году ее торжественно открыл президент США Гровер Кливленд (Grover Cleveland).

4. Open the brackets using the verbs in the proper voice form of the Present Indefinite and Past Indefinite Tenses.

NOTE: This text is an extract from the novel “Brave New World” written by Aldous Huxley. The book is set in an imaginary future 600 years on. In this new world humans are bred and conditioned by scientific methods to create a society in which people have peaceful, reasonably happy lives. People are divided into classes (Alphas, Betas, Gammas and so on), each of them performing their own functions in the Society. The extract describes the Central London Hatching and Conditioning Centre where humans are made.


The Director (give) the students a brief description of the modern fertilizing process; (speak) first, of course, of the operation necessary for the beginning – ‘the operation which (accept) willingly for the good of Society, not to mention that those on whom it (perform) (pay) six months’ extra salary’. He (describe) how the eggs after removal from the body (keep) alive and developing; (mention) the liquid in which they (keep); and leading the students to the work tables, (show) how this liquid (take) from the test tubes; how, drop by drop, it carefully (examine) on specially warmed slides; how the eggs (examine) to make sure they were normal and then (count); how they afterwards (transfer) to a container which (and he (take) them to watch the operation) (place) in a warm solution in which the male fertilizing agents (swim) freely; at least one hundred thousand of them in every thousandth of a litre of solution; how, after ten minutes, the container (lift) out of the solution; how the fertilized eggs (go) back on their shelves. There the Alphas and Betas (remain) until definitely bottled, but the Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons (bring) out again, after only 36 hours, to be treated by Bokanovsky’s Process.


5. Supply suitable verbs in the Active or the Passive form and finish the story. You will have to use some of the verbs several times.

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