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  1. Basic approaches to language investigation. The functions of language.
  2. Boston Marathon suspect's injuries hinder FBI investigation
  3. Federal Bureau of Investigation
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  5. Full Title Eximer Laser — a Universal Instrument For Investigations in Microelectronics, Photochemistry, X-Ray Spectroscopy and Other Sciences Tech Area / Field
  7. Investigation


Ø 1) Make a list of issues covered by this extract.

Ø 2) Find the characteristics of the suspects in the investigation of the case.

Ø 3) What do the following nouns refer to: the slugs; the rope; the steel rod; fibers; prints?


Listeningcarefully and reading intently was Special Agent EricEast, only a ten-year man buta brilliant investi­gator. Six hours earlierVoyles hadpicked him to lead the investigation.The rest of the team hadbeen selected throughout the morning,and this was the organizational meeting.

East was listening and hearing what he already knew. The investigation could take weeks, probably months. Other than the slugs, nine of them, the rope, and the steel rod used in the tourniquet, there was no evidence. The neighbors in Georgetown had seen nothing; no ex­ceptionally suspicious characters at the Montrose. No prints. No fibers. Nothing. It takes remarkable talent to kill so cleanly, and it takes a lot of money to hire such talent. Voyles was pessimistic about finding the gunmen. They must concentrate on whoever hired them.

Voyles was talking and puffing. “There’s a memo on the table regarding one Nelson Muncie, a millionaire from Jacksonville, Florida, who’s allegedly made threats against Rosenberg. The Florida authorities are convinced Muncie paid a bunch of money to have the rapist and his lawyer killed. The memo covers it. Two of our men talked with Muncie’s lawyer this morning, and were met with great hostility. Muncie is out of the country, according to his lawyer, and of course he has no idea when he will return. I’ve assigned twenty men to investigate him.”

Voyles relit his cigar and looked at a sheet of paper on the table. “Number four is a group called White Resis­tance, a small group of middle-aged commandos we’ve been watching for about three years. You’ve got a memo. Pretty weak suspect, really. They’d rather throw firebombs and burn crosses. Not a lot of finesse. And, most impor­tantly, not much money. I doubt seriously if they could hire guns as slick as these. But I’ve assigned twenty men anyway.”

Ø 4) Find information on:

a) the leader of the investigation;

b) number of people in the investigation team;

c) place of the crime;

d) the suspects of the crime.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 87 | Нарушение авторских прав

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