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Pete Seeger at his 90th birthday celebration

Читайте также:
  1. A hamburger celebration
  2. Birthday Surprises
  3. Birthplace, birthday, residence (addresses, telephone numbers)
  4. Croatia has become the 28th member of the European Union, with crowds joining celebrations in the capital Zagreb.
  5. He was given as a birthday ему подарили на день рождения.
  6. May Day Celebrations




Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
для студентов неязыковых факультетов






Кандидат педагогических наук,
доцент кафедры иностранных языков
Магнитогорского государственного университета


Черняева А.Ю.

Social Matters: учеб.-метод. пособие по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых факультетов. – Магнитогорск: МаГУ, 2009. – 42 с.


Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов второго курса неязыковых факультетов и отвечает требованиям программы Министерства Высшего Образования РФ.

Целью учебно-методического пособия является совершенствование навыков аудирования, устной речи, обеспечивающих эффективную коммуникацию на иностранном языке. Материалы пособия предназначены для аудиторных занятий и самостоятельной работы учащихся. Курс расширяет кругозор студентов, углубляет их социокультурные знания о странах изучаемого языка.


Составители: канд. пед. наук, А.Ю. Черняева



© Черняева А.Ю. 2009
© Магнитогорский государственный
университет, 2009


Предлагаемые материалы к курсу английского языка предназначены для преподавателей и студентов неязыковых факультетов высших учебных заведений.

Методическое пособие разработано на основе современных принципов обучения иностранным языкам (принцип речевой направленности, индивидуализации, функциональности, ситуативности, новизны). Пособие обеспечивает речевую практику, предусматривает активное взаимодействие студентов в течение занятия, поддерживает высокую мотивацию студентов к изучению иностранного языка. Задания носят проблемно-поисковый характер, стимулируют речемыслительную деятельность, способствуют формированию у студентов коммуникативной компетенции.

Учебно-методическое пособие выстроено на аутентичном материале. В него также включены тексты для чтения страноведческого характера с целью расширения кругозора студентов, углубления их знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Предлагаемое пособие может быть интересно широкому кругу лиц, продолжающих изучать английский язык самостоятельно.




1. Listen to the song of a popular American singer. Try to imagine what the man who sings it looks like. Try to create a picture of his appearance in your mind.

2. After you have finished listening to the song write a complete description of his appearance (approximately 100-200 words in length) without discussing your ideas or showing what you have written to any of your classmates. Include answers to the following questions in your description:

1) How old is the singer?

2) What colour is his hair?

3) Is it long or short?

4) Is it straight, wavy or curly?

5) What colour are his eyes?

6) Is he tall, medium height or short?

7) Does he have an attractive figure?

8) If you are a girl would you like to have a date with him?

3. Present your description to the class. Compare your impressions to his actual appearance. Whose description is the closest to what you can see on p.8?

banjo stage folk songs hammer human race sought (seek) social justice civil rights chief issue non-profit group almanac Leadbelly - Ледбеттер, Хадди по прозвищу Свинцовое брюхо исполнитель народных песен. Был бродячим музыкантом, в 1934 встретил фольклористов Аллана и Джона Ломаксов, с которыми в течение 15 лет ездил по стране, собирая и исполняя народные песни, выступал в концертах, играл на двенадцатиструнной гитаре. Многие записи его песен хранятся в библиотеке конгресса США.   Hudson – Гудзон, река на востоке США



4. Emmylou Harris, Bruce Springsteen, Joan Baez, Ani DiFranco, Richie Havens and Taj Mahal – do you know anything about these famous American people? Listen to the report and say who or maybe what events or mutual interests gather them together. Information and words in the table above can be useful.

5. Listen to the report on Pete Seeger again and match the information from the left column to the events on the right.


1) 70

2) 1919

3) 90th

4) 1000s

5) 1940

6) 1950

7) 1969


a. birthday

b. established the non-profit group

c. First became famous

d. had a hit with "Goodnight Irene"

e. Has been playing banjo and writing songs

f. of people gathered at Madison Square Garden

g. was born

6. Answer the questions to the text you listened:

1) What musical instruments can Pete Seeger play?

2) Songs 0f what musical genres does Pete Seeger perform?

3) Why is Pete Seeger making music?

4) What is the purpose of music in Pete Seeger’s opinion?

5) What are the most popular songs of Pete Seeger?

7. Imaging that you are a journalist and you are going to write Pete Seeger’s biography. Listen to the text and make notes about his vital events. Present your “Pete Seeger’s biography book” to the class. The following table will help you.


Pete Seeger When? Where? What? Etc.
was born  
became famous  
helped form  
and the Weavers  
left the Weavers  
never planned on  
saw music as  
More recently  
was joined by  
Made popular songs  
At the concert  



8. Below are statements about music which express different opinions. Give your views on them.

Ø There is only one way to come to understand music by learning to play a musical instrument whether an external one like piano or flute or by training the human voice to become an instrument.

Ø Music could save the human race.

Ø When a person learns how to reject the spurious and accept the genuine, then he will learn how to listen to music whether it is classical or popular.

Make use of the script p. 34 and table below if necessary.


Positive (+) Doubt (?) Negative (-)
I agree with you I am of the same opinion That’s right You are quite right I stick to the same opinion I think so I don’t know I doubt it I’m in two minds about it I’m not sure You can never tell You never know It is hardly likely that I disagree with you I differ from you I don’t think so I wouldn’t say so That’s where I disagree with you I stick to another opinion Certainly not


9. Pete Seeger saw music as a way to bring about political change. He sought world peace, social justice, civil rights and workers' rights.

a. Do you share his point of view?

b. Can you think of examples from your own experience to support or contradict his point of view?

c. What is the purpose of music in your opinion?

10. Discuss in groups

a. What musical genres do you know and what genre do you prefer? What music is difficult to understand, in your opinion? What music is tuneful or easy to follow?

b. What is your favorite musical instrument? Can you play it? Does it help you to understand music?

c. The human voice is regarded as the most refined instrument the proper use of which requires a great deal of training. How do you feel about this characterization? Who are your favorite singers?

11. Group work. You are going to discuss the effect of rock music on young people:

1) Spend a few minutes individually thinking of the effect of rock music on young people.

2) Team up in groups of 3 or 4. Discuss your ideas with the other students in your group, give arguments to back up your point of view.

3) Study the information in the table.

Decibel1 accounts for some everyday activities Doctors’ point of view Psychologists’ point of view
Sound Decibel level (dB) Doctors have found that a sound level of 120 dB causes pain. Eight hours of listening to noises above 90dB results in a temporary loss of hearing and only two hours spent in 100 dB noise causes permanent damage. Psychologists say that listening to rock music results in ‘escapism’ (abandoning social responsibilities). They also add some rock music affect young people like drugs. There are well-known cases of antisocial and amoral behavior on the part of young ‘music addicts’
1. Whispering 2. Normal conversation 3. Busy street 4. Noisy factory 5. Jet plane overhead 6. Thunder 7. Rock concert      
Decibel1- is a unit which measures how loud a sound is.


4) Think of the answers to the questions below and discuss them in your group.

a. How do you feel about facts and opinions given in the table?

b. How can you account for the large scale popularity of rock?

c. Is it only an entertainment to young people, protest or does rock music present their values? What values? What do they fight for/against?

d. Why are some rock fans less interested in the music of the past?

e. Can you think of any examples when people attracted by a new style of music forget about the past?

5) Have you changed your opinion after reading the information in the table? Why? Comment on it.

6) Make up a conclusion acceptable to everyone in your group.

7) Report the rest of the class about your conclusion on the problem. Support it with the arguments you discussed in your group.


12. Work with a partner. Make up and act out a dialogue.

1) You are at Pete Seeger’s concert. You like his music very much and follow up his creative development as a singer. Your friend is not very knowledgeable about Pete Seeger’s music and want you to initiate him/her in it.

2) You and your friend have attended a concert of contemporary music. On the way home you are sharing your impressions about it.

Pete Seeger at his 90th birthday celebration

Don’t forget to mention in your dialogue: 1.Type of event. 2. Program 3. Were the musical pieces well-known, new, avant-guard etc? 4. Was the event enjoyable, interesting etc. in your opinion? 5. What impression did the event make on you? Did you take a solemn oath not to attend one again?

13. What role does music play in your life? Do you want music just to make you happy or does the music that you prefer vary with your mood? How does it vary?





Recorded by The Big Three


Mommy, mommy, come and look

See what I have found

A little way, a way from here,

While digging in the ground


Come away Melinda

Come in and close the door

it is nothing but a picture book

they had before the war


Mommy, mommy come and see

mommy come and look

they’re four or five Melinda girls

inside this picture book


Come away Melinda

Come in and close the door

There are lots of girls like you

Before they had the war



Mommy, mommy come and see

Oh, mommy, hurry, do

There’s someone grown-up very tall

Who doesn’t look like you


Come away Melinda

Come in and close the door

You father was a man like that

Before they had the war


Mommy, mommy, mommy please

Tell me if you can

Why can’t it be the way it was

Before the war began

Come away Melinda

Come in and close the door

The answer lies in yesterday

Before they had the war


What does this song mean?

Do you think the story this song tells is important or unimportant?




1. What do you know about educational systems of other countries (Britain, the USA, Japan etc.)? Discuss:

1) Do they have pre-school education?

2) How many years of compulsory education are there?

3) When does an academic year start?

4) How many subjects do students have at school, college, etc.? What are they?

5) How many hours a day/ days in a week do students usually spend at schools, colleges or universities?

6) Can they choose what subjects to study or all the subjects at school are compulsory?

7) What age students can enter a university or college?

8) How many years of higher education do they have?

2. Read the words from the table if some of them are unknown for you check their meaning in the dictionary then listen to the text about education and number the words in the order they appear in the text.

a. air condition

b. are under pressure

c. employees

d. extend

e. interfere

f. point out

g. provide

h. schedule

i. weeks off

See key

3. Listen to the text carefully and entitle it. Make use of the headings given here. Which of them best describes the text, if any? Give your variant.

1) Debating A Year-Round Education

2) Advantages And Disadvantages Of Studying All The Year Round

3) School Calendars

4) To Study Or Not To Study?

4. Decide whether each statement is true or false.

1) In case of raising test scores some schools have lengthened the school day or added days to the year or both.

2) Traditional school calendar has 118 days

3) There are no schools in the USA with a year-round schedule.

4) The National Association of Year-Round Education says almost 9% school students attend year-round schools.

5) year-round schooling helps students from poor families that lack educational support at home.

See key

5. What impressed or make you anxious?

o Idea that studying can become never-ending.

o School calendars and schedules in some American schools.

o Anything else?

6. Give your views on the following problems.

Ø There are more and more scientific discoveries are made today but there is no room even for some of them in crowded school schedule.

Ø It is impossible to extend an academic year all the time.

Ø There are many other important after-classes activities than studying all the time.

Ø Vacations are as important as studying.

Ø The more you study the more chances you get to have a successful career in future.

Make use of the table below.


Positive (+) Doubt (?) Negative (-)
I agree with you I am of the same opinion That’s right You are quite right I stick to the same opinion I think so I don’t know I doubt it I’m in two minds about it I’m not sure You can never tell You never know It is hardly likely that I disagree with you I differ from you I don’t think so I wouldn’t say so That’s where I disagree with you I stick to another opinion Certainly not


7. Break up into groups of three. 1) Listen to the text again and make notes.

Student 1 – write down information supporting year-round education Student 2 - write down information opposing year-round education Student 3- make notes about offered changes in school schedules/ calendars.
Traditional calendar no longer meets….      
    Students are unable…
Long vacation causes…      
  It can cause problems for    

2) Share the information you’ve written down with other students. Discuss it in your group. Think of any new arguments you can add to the 1st and 2nd columns. Use the script if necessary. Offer your own reasonable changes of school schedules or calendars. Remember that students shouldn’t drop behind traditional educational programs.

3) Weigh all pros and cons of the problem and take one of the sides. Give reasons for your choice. Make up a school schedule/calendar reflecting your point of view.

4) Present your ideas to the rest of the class. Listen to the other students’ considerations. Vote for the best problem solving.

8. You are supposed to give description of an imaginary year-round primary, secondary or high school. The following questions can be helpful. First read background information p. 24

1) What kind of school is it?

2) What is the size of school? (Number of students/staff, their sex, age range of students etc.)

3) What buildings does the school possess? (Number of classrooms, libraries, labs, playing fields, staff rooms etc.).

4) How is teaching organized? (Group/individual studying, class equipment, flexible/fixed timetable).

5) What subjects are included in the curriculum? Are they compulsory? Can students choose subjects they like or vary their number?

6) What forms of reward/punishment are used?

7) What way is the system of school administration organized? (parent-teacher association, students’ organizations etc.)




1. Look at the postcards. What day can you present your

friend with one of them on? Do you know anything about these holidays? When, where or the way are they celebrated? Share your ideas with the class.


2. Listen to the text about the origin of one of these holidays. Focus on the general meaning of the text to answer true/false questions from the table. There are also some useful words in the table which can help you better understand the meaning of the text, check their meaning in the dictionary.

  True False Words
1. It is European holiday. 2. It is a religious holiday. 3. This day is a symbol of diversity that makes this nation unique. 4. ‘New learning’ of Renaissance epoch empowered European people to migration and a new world discovering. 5. Freedom and promise of a better life have drawn millions of immigrants to the country for about 5 centuries.         Ancient Muslim Conscience Settlers Freest Heritage Bahamas Plato Aristotle Copernicus Galileo J. Locke E Pluribus Unum (lat) – Out of many, one.

See key

3. Listen to the text for details and write shot answers.

1) When Americans celebrate Columbus Day?...... in...................................

2) What country did Columbus serve?.............................................. ……….

3) What was Christopher Columbus nationality?............................................

4) When was Columbus born? …………………………………………….

5) What Columbus was seeking? ……………………………………………

6) What invention in1440 spurred a revolution in communication and learning?................................................................................................

7) What myth did Copernicus and Galileo shatter?....................................

8) What did European settlers assert when they established the USA?............

4. Let’s play the game ‘Crisscross’. Divide into two teams Noughts (0) and Crosses (x). Your aim to get three noughts or crosses in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. To do this choose phrase from one of the boxes and enlarge it referring to the text. Listen to the text if necessary.

Three ships reached islands Christopher Columbus – an Italian navigator. The Renaissance epoch.
The works of ancient Greek philosophers The European astronomers The ‘new learning’
The right of all men to freedom Columbus Day English political philosopher J. Locke

5. Did you learn anything new from the text? Did anything impress you?

6. What draws millions of immigrants to American shores? What makes American people unique? Give your views and discuss them with the class.

7. Listed below are numerous stereotypes of mainstream American culture often held by people from other countries:

1) Place V beside those characteristics which you believe describe mainstream American culture accurately.

2) Write at the bottom of the list any other characteristics of Americans that you think of.

3) Compare your list with the rest of the class. Are there people holding the same views?

4) Think of your national mainstreams. Tick in the list characteristics you think best describe your culture add some new if necessary. Share your ideas with the class.

5) Compare mainstreams of American culture and your own. Does anything coincide?

Rich ……………………………


Don’t care deeply about their family…………………………..

Don’t care about old people……


Loud, rude, like to shout……….

Talk a lot but don’t say much…

Think that they are experts…….

Polite …………………………..

Aggressive ……………………..

Believe in personal control, not fate………………………………

Dislike authority……………….

Usually in a hurry……………….

Motivated by money, possessions……………………..

Competitive …………………….

Adventurous …………………..


Future –oriented……………….

Believe in making decisions and taking actions………………….


Spend too much on themselves…

Generous to others……………..

Hardworking but undisciplined…

Like to improve themselves ……

Direct and open………………….


Ignorant about the rest of the world……………………………

Racially prejudiced but believe in equality…………………………



Religious ……………………….

Tend to have superficial relationships…………………….



8. The motto on the Great Seal of the United States is ‘E Pluribus Unum. Does it best describe Americans, their culture or heritage? Why? Give your reasons.

9. Organize an interview with an American student.

1) Work in work in small groups of two or three.

2) Read the script p. 34 and additional information about Columbus Day Decide what questions you would like to ask an American student about American culture and traditions and about the way Americans celebrate Columbus Day.

3) Act out an interview and then present it to your class.

4) Listen to the other students. Whose interview was the most interesting, informative or expressive?

5) Vote for the best interview.



Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul

With a corncob pipe and a button nose

And 2 eyes made out of coal


Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say

He was made of snow but the children know

How he came to life one day


There must have been some magic

In that old silk hat they found

For when they placed it on his head

He began to dance around


Oh, Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be

And the children said he could laugh and play

Just the same as you and me


Frosty clumsy as he can be

See him loafing along

Off he goes on an icicle spree

With a happy song


Oh, Frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day

So he said let’s run and we’ll have some fun now

Before I melt away


Down to the village with a broomstick in his hand

Running here and there all around the square

Saying ‘catch me if you can’


He led the down the streets of town

Right to the traffic cop

And he only paused a moment when

He heard him holler ‘Stop!’


Oh, Frosty the snowman had to hurry on his way

But he waved good-bye saying

‘Don’t you cry. I’ll be back someday again’




1. When you were a teenager did you often have arguments with your parents? Did you argue more with your mum or dad? Why? Did your mom give you instructions like these below?

· Make your bed now

· Chew slowly

· Come home before nine

· Eat the breakfast it’s the most important meal a day

· Do your homework

· Etc.

When did your parents stop controlling your every step? Do you know any grown-up people who are still under their mom’s thumb?

2. Before the song is played read the sentences below. What do you think the song will be about? Listen and number the sentences in the order they appear in the song.

1. And if all your friends jump off a cliff, would you jump too?

2. Can you EVEN hear a word I say?

3. Close your mouth when you chew

4. Don’t forget you gotta feed the cat!

5. Don’t get smart with me

6. Fold your clothes

7. Get up now

8. Saying “thank you” “excuse me” make you welcome everywhere

9. Please remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at 3 today

10. Were you born, in a barn?

11. Would you like some hay?

3. Listen to the song for the second time and answer the questions.

1) Who sings the song?

2) Who do you think it is addressed?

3) Is addressed person male or female? Why do you think so?

4) How old is the addressed person? Why?

4. Say:

1) What makes you welcome everywhere.

2) What for the addressed person will thank his/her mom one day.

3) What his/her duties are at home.

4) What he/she shouldn’t forget to do today.

Justify your answers with the reference to the song. Listen to the song again if necessary.


5. Listen to the song one more time and write down the young (addressed) person’s DOs and DON’Ts. Make use of the table below. Discuss your variants with group mates then make the same list about yourself. Do you have much in common?



6. Listen to the song and follow the script p.25 Give Russian equivalents to the following expressions see lines 39, 43, 44, 62, 63, 87. Do or maybe did your parents use the same phrases?

7. Work in twos and make a list of other typical phrases/expressions parents use addressing young people. Compare your lists with other students. Are there any surprises? Discuss:

a) What feelings and emotions do these phrases cause?

b) Do they leave you cold?

c) Why do you think parents use them? Couldn’t they be more original?

8. Give your views on the following problems.

1) Parents give instructions to their children to protect them and make their life better and secure.

2) Modern teenagers are really awful.

3) Most young people think they are criticized for no reason.

4) Contemporary young people are very infantile and need to be controlled

9. Should children always obey their parents? What about parents obeying their children? There are some examples of parents’ obeying behavour. Have you ever experienced it? Complete the list with your own examples. Why do you think parents do it and what are the results of such obeying parents’ behavior?

a) Parents leave the house when their children are having a party, because their presence merely spoils the fun.

b) Parents buy any toys or clothes their children ask for to stop them being naughty.

c) …………………………………………………………………………

d) ……………………………………………………………………………

e) …………………………………………………………………………

9. According to the song the person is grounded when he/she is 36. There is any core of good sense?

  Age in the UK Age in your country
You must go to school You can drink alcohol in private You can buy a pet without your parents being there You can get a part-time job You can leave home without permission of your parents You can get married if your parents agree You can leave school and work full-time You can apply for a passport You can drive a car but not a lorry You can go to prison You can vote You can drink alcohol in public    


10. Work with a partner to complete the guide above of what young people can or can’t do at different ages in the UK and in your country. Do you think government should give more/less rights to young people? Share your ideas with the class.

11. What do you think the son/daughter’s answer to the mom’s song would be? Write a poem, song or just a monologue in replay reflecting child’s point of view.


1. Look at the picture and read the titles. What do you think these people are doing? Where are they? What river is it? And what is the problem? Share your ideas with the class then listen to the text and check your guesses.

2. Listen to the text carefully then underline the correct variant in each sentence. More than one variant is possible. Make use of the words from the box to understand the text better.

1) (Christians Jews Muslims) all consider the Jordan River holy. 2) The leader of the world's Roman Catholics blessed the cornerstones of two (people churches houses)to be built next to the river 3) The Jordan River is (polluted going dry navigable). 4) The Jordan is more than (400 300 200) kilometers long 5) The Jordan begins in the (valleys mountains hills) of Lebanon and Syria 6) The Jordan ends at the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth (400 300 200)meters below the level of the Mediterranean Sea 7) The southern part of the river forms the (barrier border obstacle) between Jordan and Israel and includes part of the Palestinian territories. 8) The World Monuments Fund placed the river on its (Red Book watch list sightseeing list). See key cornerstones – угловой камень здания demand for - потребность в pump – работать насосом, закачивать Bless- благословлять appeal to обращаться к к/л Baptize- совершать обряд watch list список наблюдения Christians – христиане Jew – еврей Muslim-мусульманин Pope – римский папа крещения John the Baptist-Иоанн Креститель Zalul- название израильской экологической организации Lebanon- Ливан Syria -Сирия the Dead Sea - Мертвое море the Mediterranean Sea – Средиземное море Jordan территория к западу от реки Иордан; река Иордан Israel – Израиль Nader Al-Khateeb – Надер Аль-Хатиб – руководитель эколог. группы 'EcoPeace’ the Red Sea - Красное Море


3. Answer the questions below. Listen to the text if necessary.

1) Why is the river Jordan believed to be holy?

2) Why did leader of the world's Roman Catholics visit the holy place?

3) What ecological problems are threatening the Jordan?

4) What organizations are trying to solve these ecological problems?

5) What proposals have been offered to solve the problems?

6) Why were these proposals rejected?

4. What interesting facts about the river Jordan did you learn from the text?

5. Discuss these questions in groups of three or four.

Ø What are the main, in your opinion, ecological problems the world is facing now?

Ø In many countries there is a political party called “The Greens” What is its purpose?

Ø Is there the same political party in your country? If not, why?

6. Are you ‘green’? Would you like to be a member of any ecological organization? Why? Is it hard to be ‘green? Give your reasons.

7. Work in pairs to see how ‘green’ you are.

Ø Fill in the questionnaire yourself and then compare your answers and final score with your partner.

Ø Discuss which of the ways of being ‘green’ listed in the questionnaire you think are the most important and which are the most difficult. Give your reasons.

Ø Look back at the ex.6. Did you change your opinion?

  Yes No Sometimes
1) Do you re-use plastic carrier bags? 2) Do you buy organically-grown vegetables? 3) Do you buy glass (not plastic) bottles? 4) Do you take empty bottles to a ‘bottle bank’? 5) Do you buy CFC-free sprays? 6) Do you buy vegetables and fruit loose rather than in plastic packets? 7) Do you buy white tissues rather than colored ones? 8) Do you buy free-range eggs? 9) Do you buy rechargeable batteries? 10) Do you buy soap and cosmetics not tested on animals? 11) Do you try to save energy in the home? 12) If you have a car do you use unleaded petrol? 13) Do you try to use public transport or ride a bicycle as much as possible? 14) Do you try to avoid using chemicals to kill garden pests? 15) Do you keep paper or aluminum cans for recycling? Score: Score 1 point for every ‘Yes’ More than 10 points: you obviously care about the environment and try to preserve it. 5-9 points: you are beginning to show more interest to the environment. Less than 5 points: you don’t seem very interested in being ‘green’?        

8. Work in groups. Imagine that you are members of the ‘Greens’ and you meet to discuss ecological problems of the river Jordan.

Ø Listen to the text again (follow its script if necessary) and make brief notes on the environmental problems the river Jordan is facing now and the offered solutions to solve them.

Ø Analyze the ecological situation in the area

Ø Discuss in your group the listed in the text ecological problems.

Ø Agree or disagree to the solutions offered by people to solve these ecological problems.

Ø Offer your own solutions and explain their benefits to the ecology.

Ø Prepare a report reflecting the main points, solutions etc. of the meeting.

Ø Share it with the rest of the class.

Ø Listen to the other students’ reports. Discuss and vote for the best ones.





In the town where I was born

Lived a man who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land of submarines

So we said up to the sun

Till we found the sea of green

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine.

We all live in yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine


And our friends are all aboard

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins to play


We all live in yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine (2)


As we live in a life of ease

Everyone of us has all we need

Sky of blue and sea of green

In our Yellow submarine, Yellow submarine,

Yellow submarine.


What is the message of the song?






Additional Information

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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