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Saber-Class Fast Frigate



Advanced Technical Specifications for the Saber-Class Production Vehicle

Accommodation: 60 (15 Officers, 45 Enlisted Crew) Classification: Fast Frigate [Diplomatic, Science, Scout, Patrol] Funding for Saber Class Development Project Provided by: Advanced Starship Design Bureau, United Federation of Planets Defense Council Development Project Started:2336 Production Start Date:2358 Production End Date:Still in Production Current Status:In Service Locations of Saber-Class Construction:
  • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yard, Mars
  • Copernicus Fleet Yard, Luna
  • San Francisco Fleet Yards, Earth
  • Avondale Production Facility, Rigel II
  • Seskon Trella, Tellar
Current Starship Identification and Registration Numbers:
  • U.S.S. Nighthawk - NCC-79273
Former Starship Identification and Registration Numbers:
  • U.S.S. Shrike - NCC-79812



1.0 Saber-Class Introduction 1.1 Mission Objectives 1.2 Design Statistics 1.3 General Overview 1.4 Construction History 2.0 Command Systems 2.1 Main Bridge 2.2 Main Engineering 2.3 Security Department 3.0 Tactical Systems 3.1 Phasers 3.2 Torpedo Launchers 3.3 Deflector Shields 4.0 Computer Systems 4.1 Computer Core 4.2 LCARS 4.3 Security Levels 4.4 Universal Translator 5.0 Propulsion Systems 5.1 Warp Propulsion System 5.2 Impulse Propulsion System 5.3 Reaction Control System 6.0 Utilities and Auxiliary Systems 6.1 Navigational Deflector 6.2 Tractor Beam 6.3 Transporter Systems 6.4 Communications 7.0 Science and Remote Sensing Systems 7.1 Sensor Systems 7.2 Tactical Sensors 7.3 Science Labs 7.4 Probes 8.0 Crew Support Systems 8.1 Medical Systems 8.2 Counselling Services 8.3 Crew Quarters Systems 8.4 Recreational Systems 8.5 The Mess Hall 8.6 Observation Lounge 9.0 Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems 9.1 Flight Bay 9.2 Shuttlecraft 10.0 Saber Class Flight Operations10.1 Mission Types 10.2 Operating Modes 10.3 Separated Flight Mode 10.4 Landing Mode 10.5 Maintenance 11.0 Emergency Operations11.1 Emergency Medical Operations 11.2 Lifeboats 11.3 Rescue and Evac Operations Appendix A - Variant Designations Appendix B - Basic Technical Specifications Appendix C - Deck Layout Appendix D - Author's Notes Appendix E - Credits and Copyright Information




Pursuant to Starfleet Exploration Directives 911.3, Starfleet Defense Directives 114.9 & 154.7, Starfleet Borg Defense Initiative Directive 371.6 and Federation Security Council General Policy, the following objectives have been established for a Saber-Class Starship:

  1. Provide a mobile platform for a range of defensive, diplomatic, or scientific projects.
  2. Supplement the Oberth and Miranda class Starships in some specific missions, as an instrument of Federation deep-space explorative, scientific or defensive roles.
  3. Provide autonomous capability for full execution of Federation defensive, cultural, scientific, and explorative policy in deep space or border territory.
  4. Serve as a frontline support vehicle for primary assets during times of war and emergencies.
  5. Provide a mobile platform for testing and implementation of mission-specific or new technology of any kind.



Length: 190 meters
Width: 193.19 meters
Height: 48.60 meters
Weight: 2,756,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity:
9,954 metric tons

Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite with micro-fibre reinforced ablative armour over critical compartments.
Number of Decks: 10 Total, 9 Habitable.



The Saber Class starship entered service in 2358 with the purpose to replace the out-dated Oberth class science/scout ships, as well as to fill the role of an escort/police vessel for the internal security of the Federation. She was envisioned as an extension of the Steamrunner class light cruiser, so that, when working in tandem, the two classes would complement and support each other. With limited facilities, long-term missions were generally outside of its design, but for internal Federation missions, or specific deep space objectives, the Saber proved to be a very capable ship.

Small, fast, highly manoeuvrable, and well armed, the Saber has also proven its worth as a defensive vessel. Many ships of this class were involved in the defence of Sol during the Second Borg Incursion, as well as being involved in the conflict against the Cardassian/Dominion alliance. While not specifically a warship, the Saber held its own and showed itself to be a valuable asset for Starfleet and the Federation.



In 2336, when the United Federation of Planets sent out a call for a new vessel, capable of adapting to multiple roles and destined to replace the aging Miranda and Oberth class ships, over ten designs were submitted by various research and development groups. Several of these designs were picked for prototype construction and evaluation, including the Norway, Steamrunner, and Saber class vessels. Each design was assigned a construction yard and development team, with hopes of a rapid construction and deployment.

But before the Saber-class prototype could be readied for construction, there was a fundamental shift in Starfleet's "Master Plan for the Fleet" causing the focus of R&D resources to be redirected to larger, multi-mission ships instead of the smaller, mission-specific types. It wasn't until the late 2340's that Starfleet again returned to the development of its smaller vessels.

With the returned interest of Starfleet, the plans for the small frigate were dusted off and reviewed. After a minor redesign, construction on the prototype hull, designated NX-60500, began in 2354 at the Avondale Production Facility on Rigel II. Basic nacelle / hull construction was completed within 8 months, and the Primary computer core was installed in January 2355.

The Ceries Industries B-grade M/ARA was obtained for the main power source. Installation was completed without problems and ship-generated power was produced within 2 weeks of warp core delivery. Impulse engines and reaction thrusters were mounted, with only one week lost due to faulty fusion reactor cores.

Initial construction was completed by late 2355. Moved to the Avondale testing grounds, the newly named USS Saber began its impulse stress tests, which it passed with extremely high efficiency scores. Returning to the Avondale Production Facility, internal compartmental construction was soon completed. On March 5, 2356 the Saber left Rigel II on her shakedown voyage.

On December 6, 2356 the USS Saber, NCC 60500, was officially commissioned during a ceremony over Earth. At this time the R&D team and the construction crews were given a commendation for the rapid development and construction of a new starship class.

Since then the Saber-class has been prolific. While not glamorous, the small vessel completes its assigned tasks with great proficiency, and trustworthiness. During its flight career it has logged some of the fewest engineering problems, and some of the best warp field efficiencies within Starfleet. Even when its compatriot, the Steamrunner class, was pushed out of its field by the newer Intrepid class, the Saber continued to serve in Starfleet.

Even though safety was always a concern, it wasn't until the discovery of the Dominion that Starfleet began to consider strengthening the Saber. With the Steamrunner entering into a refit cycle, it was decided that certain variations of the Saber would also be upgraded to stronger offensive/defensive capabilities. Patrol and Scout variants were redesigned to handle the 2nd generation torpedo launchers and the new Type X phaser arrays. New shield grids and avionics upgrades were included as well as general engineering redesigns and computer core replacements. When completed, the 'new' Saber class, designated FFU, became a formable defensive platform.

During the Dominion war and the following 2nd Borg Incursion, the Saber continued to win itself accolades for sturdiness and engineering strength. The design had proven so solid that production continues (with NCC's starting in the 79000's), and new Saber class vessels leave the construction yards with surprising regularity.

Several small modifications have since been added to the refit specifications on the Saber class, including the addition of EMH technology in sickbay. All current productions of the Scout and Patrol variants are now the FFU.




General Overview: Primary operational control of a starship is provided by the Main Bridge, located at the top of the primary hull, on Deck 1. The Main Bridge directly supervises all primary missions and coordinates all departmental activities.

The Main Bridge is a highly restricted area; only personnel with Level 4 security clearance (Officers with the Rank of Ensign or higher) and authorized bridge personnel are allowed on the bridge. All bridge officers have access to a type I or II phaser.

The Main Bridge is an exchangeable module, allowing for a wider variety in mission parameters.

Layout: The primary Bridge configuration is a proven design, being adopted by later vessels, such as Defiant-class starships. The Captain's Chair, Tactical, Operations, and Engineering are on a raised area of the bridge. The central area of the Main Bridge provides seating and information displays for the Captain. The Captain's seat is equipped with fully programmable consoles for a variety of uses.

The Tactical/Security control station (comprised of two consoles, one for tactical, and one for security functions) is to the left of the Captain's Chair. Tactical console access is extremely limited; only Level 4 Tactical clearance personnel can use it, and the user must input special codes to even get access to the massive amounts of computer links that give tactical nearly limitless information. For full access, the console's security subsystem can run a battery of scans on the user, including thermal, biological, retinal, and vocal tests. If all of these are passed, full access to the ship's offensive and defensive systems is made available.

To the Captain's right is the Operations manager's console. Identical in size and design to the Tactical/Security station, the Operations manager is located closer to the bridge engineering station rather than close to the front of the bridge. The Operations Panel, due to the tremendous amount of sensitive information found there, has security protocols as stringent as the TAC consoles. Directly aft of the Ship Operations Console is the Mission Operations Console, for use during Away team missions.

Also located on the platform, against the aft wall of the bridge, is a large master systems display monitor, similar to the one in main engineering. All relative ship information (such as damage, power distribution, etc.) is displayed on the cutaway image of the ship. Below the MSD is a large engineering console encompassing Eng I and Eng II. This console has a smaller cutaway diagram of the ship, which displays all engineering-relevant data and shows warp fields and engine output. This console also has priority links to the computers, the Warp Propulsion System (WPS), the Impulse Propulsion System (IPS), Reaction Control System thrusters (RCS), the Structural Integrity Field (SIF), the Inertial Damping Field (IDF), and the navigational deflectors.

Although usually unattended, the Chief Engineer can bring these consoles to full Enable mode by entering voice codes and undergoing a retinal scan. The Engineering II console is fully programmable, and can run any Secondary Console function, including Sciences, Medical, Operations, Limited Helm control, or Security.

Directly fore of the command area is the Flight Control Officer, who faces the main viewer. The FCO is equipped with a console that proceeds around an almost one hundred and eighty degree angle and has priority links to the navigational sensor and deflectors, as well as to the Warp/Impulse/Thruster propulsion systems. This console also has links to engineering controls and monitors (such as the SIF, IDF, hull integrity monitor, and structural stress monitors), as well as access to the tractor beam controls.

At the very front of the bridge chamber is a large viewscreen. It performs all functions expected of it, including communication and magnified visual scans of nearby objects.

Against the port walls of the main bridge, forward of the raised command section, are the consoles for Science and others that are programmable for a multitude of functions. There are two Science consoles. Science I, which is the primary science console, has priority links to the Main Computer and to all sensors and probes, as well as links to Flight Control, Operations, and Tactical.

Science II is the ASO's (Assistant Science Officer's) console, but can be used by any personnel. Science II has access to all science, navigational, sensor, and communications systems. Science II can be configured to operate in tandem with Science I, although security links and all other non-science data are withheld from Science II. Science II usually works independently of Science I.

Against the starboard wall of the main bridge, forward of the Captain's chair, is the Executive officer's console. This console has priority links to almost all ships functions as well as the hand-input sub-console for use in setting the auto-destruct system.

The auto-destruct sequence follows Standard Starfleet security procedures which can be accessed via any secured Memory Alpha ODN connection.

There are two turbolifts on the bridge that can handle normal transit around the ship as well as an emergency ladder that connects the bridge to Deck two. There is also one door, to the rear of the raised section, which leads to the Captain's Ready Room, which is directly aft of the Main Bridge.

There are no escape pods connected to the bridge. Pods are located on decks three through six. Two pods are reserved for the top four officers in the chain of command on the ship, because they are the last four to leave the ship. These are located on deck three. As the number of experienced Captains dwindles in Starfleet, the notion of a Captain going down with his ship has been abolished. If the ship is abandoned, the top four officers in the chain of command will wait until everyone else is off the ship, opt to arm the auto-destruct (not always necessary, but there if needed), and then leave in the two escape pods.



Located on Deck 1, Main Engineering is the 'heart' of the ship, comparable to the bridge as the 'brain'. It has access to almost all systems aboard the starship, and manages repairs, power flow, and general maintenance.

Off to the starboard side of Main Engineering is the Chief Engineer's Office, which is equipped with a diagnostics table, assembly and repair equipment, a small replicator, a personal use console with built-in private viewscreen and a private bathroom.

Entrance to the primary engineering spaces is provided by two large blast doors, one pair each on decks 1 and 2, that can be closed in cased for internal or external security reasons, as well as in case of emergencies.

Just inside of the doors on deck 1 - Main Engineering - is an observation area where technicians monitor various systems of the ship. Also in that area, is a floor-mounted situational display similar to the Master Systems Display found on the Bridge. Affectionately referred to as the 'pool table', the Chief Engineer can use the display to more easily get a broad view of the situation with just a glance.

Farther in from the observation area are the warp core, running up through the Engineering department through “The Pit”, and the main control systems. The pit is a hole in deck 1, allowing engineering personnel to look down on the warp core, which runs vertically up through the engineering hull. As is common on many Starfleet vessels, the Saber class has it’s warp core run vertically through each deck of the ship which enables the core to be ejected easily either through either the top or the bottom of the ship’s hull, if needed to avoid a breech, and dependent upon the situation.

Circular in shape, but exceedingly functional to save space inside the ship, Main Engineering has usable consoles mounted on every piece of 'real estate' around the circumference of the room and provides primary control access for the engineers and technicians. Additionally, there are numerous ladders and access panels to Jefferies tubes, which lead throughout the ship. The technical complexity of the starship dictates the use of these spaces to maintain peak efficiency and affect proper repairs.

On deck 2 is the Matter/Anti-Matter Assembly (M/ARA). This is where primary power for the ship is generated inside the Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Chamber (M/ARC). This system is checked on a regular basis due to its importance to the ship. Access to the warp core is restricted, with a front port to get to the Dilithium matrix as well as a side port for access to the warp plasma conduits.

Deuterium Storage and Anti-Matter Storage Pods, the fuel components for the M/ARA, are stored on deck 7, where they are piped to the intake valves on the warp core. Both fuels can be ejected out of the top or bottom of the ship.



This multi-room department is located in a restricted area on deck 5. Within it are the entrances to the phaser range, the Brig, the auxiliary weapon control room, and the Ship's Armoury, as well as the Chief Tactical Officer's office.

The CTO's office is located next to the Brig. It is decorated to the officer's preference. It contains a work area, a personal viewscreen, a computer display, a replicator, and a washroom/head.

Brig: Located on deck 5, the brig is a restricted access area whose only entrance is from within the Security department. The Saber class vessel has 2 double occupancy cells, which contain beds, a retractable table and chairs, a water dispenser, and a toilet. The cells are secured with a level-10 forcefield emitter built into each doorway.

Internal Forcefields: Controlled from the bridge or from the Security office on deck 5, forcefields can be activated throughout the ship, effectively sealing off sections of the hallway from the remainder of the vessel.

Internal Sensors: Used to monitor the internal security of the ship. They can identify the location of specific crewmembers that are wearing their comm. badge. They can be used to determine the general location of any person on board the ship, based on the entry of specific variables by the Tactical officer.

Phaser Range: The phaser range is located on deck 5. The phaser range is heavily shielded and the walls are armoured. It is designed for low level phaser fire, but can withstand short phaser blasts at setting 16 without a problem.

The phaser range is used by security to train ship's personnel in marksmanship. During training, the holo-emitters in the phaser range are activated, creating a holographic setting, similar to what a holodeck does. Personnel are "turned loose" either independently or in an Away Team formation to explore the setting presented to them, and the security officer in charge will take notes on the performance of each person as they take cover, return fire, protect each other, and perform a variety of different scenarios. All personnel on board are tested every six months in phaser marksmanship.

There are 25 levels of phaser marksmanship. All personnel are trained in the operation of phaser types I and II up to level 14. All security personnel must maintain a level 17 marksmanship for all phaser types. The true marksman can maintain at least an 80% hit ratio on level 23.

Ship's Armoury: This room is located in a restricted area on deck 5 and is under constant guard. The room is sealed with a level-10 forcefield and can only be accessed by personnel with Alpha 3 security clearance. Inside the armoury is a work area for maintenance and repair of phasers as well as multiple sealed weapon lockers. The armoury stocks enough type-I and type-II phasers to arm the entire crew. Type-III phaser rifle and the new compression phaser rifles are available as well, but only in enough numbers to arm approximately 1/3 of the crew. Heavy ordinance is available in limited numbers.

Torpedo/Probe Magazine: These restricted areas are for storing unarmed photon torpedoes, quantum torpedoes (if the mission dictates), and science probes type I - VI and type IX (types VII and VIII are available if the mission dictates). Also stored here are the components for manufacturing new photon torpedoes as well as the equipment to put them together. These rooms are also accessed by the loading mechanism for the torpedo launchers. Fore and Aft torpedo magazines are found on deck 2.




Phaser array arrangement: Two dorsal phaser arrays on the primary hull, extending from the aft 1/3 of the saucer and converging on either sides of the bridge. One ventral phaser array with a 90 degree arc on the forward half of the primary hull.

Phaser Array Type: Originally the Saber-class vessel was launched with three type IX phaser arrays. After the fleet wide refit, the Saber-class, even though it is a small sized vessel, was fitted with the Type X array system, the new standard in phaser emitters.

Each array fires a steady beam of phaser energy and the forced-focus emitters discharge the phasers at speeds approaching.986c (which works out to about 182,520 miles per second - nearly warp one). The phaser array automatically rotates phaser frequency and attempts to lock onto the frequency and phase of a threat vehicle's shields for shield penetration.

Phaser Array Output: Each phaser array takes its energy directly from the impulse drive and auxiliary fusion generators. Individually, each type X -emitter can only discharge approximately 5.1 MW (megawatts). However, several emitters (usually two) fire at once in the array during standard firing procedures, resulting in a discharge approximately 10.2 MW.

Phaser Array Range: Maximum effective range is 300,000 kilometres.

Primary purpose: Assault

Secondary purpose: Defense/anti-spacecraft/anti-fighter



Arrangement: Two fixed-focus torpedo launchers are used for photon or quantum torpedo/science probe deployment. The forward launcher is located on deck three. The aft torpedo tube is located on Deck one. In the uprated Saber, these launchers are the second generation of automated, high-speed launcher found on the smaller, newer starships (such as the Intrepid, Defiant and the Nova) and each is capable of firing 3 devices at a time, giving the ship a salvo of 6 torpedoes at a time (3 forward, 3 aft).

Type: Mark XXV photon torpedo, capable of pattern firing (sierra, etc.) as well as independent launch. Independent targeting once launched from the ship, detonation on contact unless otherwise directed by tactical.

Payload: Sabers can carry 45 completed torpedoes. Additional components stored onboard can allow for the manufacture of an additional 15 photon torpedoes.

Standard manufacture rate is 2 torpedoes per hour. Max rate is 5 torpedoes per hour.

Quantum torpedoes are carried as the mission dictates.

Range: Maximum effective range is 3,000,000 kilometres.

Primary purpose: Assault

Secondary purpose: Anti-spacecraft



Type: Symmetrical subspace graviton field. This type of shield is fairly similar to those of most other Starships. During combat, the shield sends data on what type of weapon is being used on it, and what frequency and phase the weapon uses. Once this is analyzed by the tactical officer, the shield can be configured to have the same frequency as the incoming weapon - but different rotation. This tactic dramatically increases shield efficiency.

Output: There are eight shield generators on a Saber. Each generator consists of a cluster of ten 28 MW (megawatt) graviton polarity sources feeding into a 575 millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifier. Each generator produces 280 MW of shield power, and each can approach 98,000 MW for 150 nanoseconds during peak momentary loads.

During Red Alert situations, five of the generators will operate in a phase lock, producing a continuous output of about 1400 MW.

During Cruise Mode (Condition Green) two generators are required to be operational at all times with one additional generator on standby. Deflector output during Cruise mode is approximately 560 MW.

The power for the shields is taken directly from the warp engines and impulse fusion generators. If desired, the shields can be augmented by power from the impulse power plants. The shields can protect against approximately 23% of the total EM spectrum (similar to a Galaxy Class Starship's shields).

Range: The shields, when raised, stay extremely close to the hull to conserve energy - average range is seven meters away from the hull, but can be extended to surround a nearby object, though at the loss of shield strength.

Primary purpose: Defense from enemy threat forces, hazardous radiation and micrometeoroid particles.

Secondary purpose: Ramming threat vehicles.



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