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Translate into English using one-member and elliptical sentence structures where necessary.

Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольных работ | Контрольная работа № 1 | Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Begin each sentence with the words in italics. | Translate into English. | Choose the right words to fill in the blanks. | Fill in the gaps with prepositions. |

Читайте также:
  2. A contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian morphological stylistic means
  3. A Dictionary of the English language
  4. A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice.
  5. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  6. A humorous drawing, often dealing with something in an amusing way
  7. A syntactic word-group is a combination of words forming one part of the sentence.


1. Тишина. Ни звука в спящем саду. Мы, горожане, совсем не привыкли к этому. 2. Так вы придете? Я буду ждать вас. — Хорошо, хорошо. Буду точно в семь часов вечера. 3. Опять Митя выполнил домашнее задание не так, как было нужно. И снова получил нагоняй. — Бедный мальчик. Ведь он проболел почти месяц, неудивительно, что он отстал от класса. 4. Кто говорит? Саша? Наконец-то. Я уже думала, что ты уехал, не позвонив нам. 5. Сейчас курить нельзя. Подождите, пока самолет наберет высоту. 6. Вот. Опять выстрелы, слышите? — Да нет, какие там выстрелы. Это кто-то заводит мотоцикл. 7. Сегодня дождь с самого утра и до вечера. Ничего другого прогноз погоды не обещает. — В таком случае, нужно ехать поездом: самолет может задержаться. 8. Что с Дмитрием Степановичем? Почему его не было на совещании? — Уехал в срочную командировку. Кажется, в Ташкент. Или в Ашхабад. Точно не знаю. 9. Может, сделаем перерыв? Я вижу, вы здорово устали. — Нет, нисколько. Вы ошибаетесь. Не стоит прерывать работу. Еще полтора-два часа, и мы ее закончим. 10. Боже мой! Этот жакет — он так тебе не к лицу, Маша. Надень что-нибудь повеселее. — Может быть, розовое платье? — Очень хорошо. Только поторопись, мы опаздываем. 11. Звонок внизу. Наверное, почтальон. Откроешь? — Да, да, не беспокойся. 12. К вам. снова этот человек. Говорит, по личному вопросу. — Ладно, пусть войдет. Разберемся.


3. Use the proper form of the verb instead of the infinitives in brackets:


1. The council (to be divided) in (its — their) opinion. 2. The Committee (to consist) of five members. 3. Bread and butter (to be) a good kind of food at tea time. 4. My aim and object (to be) to make English grammar clear to all. 5. Every one of the letters (to be rewritten). 6. (to have) anyone forgotten to sign his name? 7. I can wait; four weeks (to be) not so long. 8. The grey and blue blanket (to be washed) today. 9. The white and feathery blossoms (to be) on the table. 10. A variety of questions (to be put) to the lecturer. 11. The number of books which we have to read for this examination (to be) considerable. 12. A great number of students (to be) present at the conference. 13. Each of us (to be) ready to help you. 14. "The great majority of architects, painters, or writers (to have) no principles, like any other Forsytes." 15. "I feel that the jury already (to think) that you were out to side something." 16. The Government (to be) not able to resist this resolution. 17. A couple of men in white overalls (to be) repainting the surface of a tank seated on swinging platforms that hung by hooks from the roof. 18. Police (to be) running for the spot. 19. Mr. Thomes' staff (to be) divided on the issue. 20. The pair (Jude and Sue) however, (to be) so absorbed in their own situation that their surroundings were little in their consciousness. 21. Con's family (to be), in fact, in the process of having tea, when they arrived... 22. The family (to be assembled) in the breakfast room... 23. On the florid black hall stand there (to be) a couple of periodicals and some letters that had come by the second post. 24. The ship proved to be a good ship, the crew (to be) capable seamen...


4. Point out the subordinate clauses and state of what kind they are (subject clause, object clause, etc.):


1. He gave such a start when I put my hand upon his shoulder, that he made me start too. 2. "He told me to return directly I had the answer." 3. Nell had scarcely settled herself on a little heap of straw in one corner, when she fell asleep, for the first time that day. 4....her profile was still so youthful that it made her grey hair seem powdery, as if fancy-dressed... 5. Gabriel knitted his brows, as if he were slightly angered... 6. "All around everything was still as far as the ear could reach. 7. The point is, would you take the offer? 8. I was very much surprised that Mr. Peggotty was not Ham's father, and began to wonder whether I was mistaken about his relationship to anybody else there. I was so curious to know, that I made up my mind to have it out with Mr. Peggotty. 9. While they were so poor, the children were delighted if they could do anything to help economically. 10. "Jon, you can just see where I've got to cross the river. There, round the bend, where the woods begin." 11. And as soon as he was out of the wood, in the free open meadow, where he could breathe, he started to run as fast as he could. 12. Although the sun had set, the heat hung heavily in the narrow street. 13. Presently she slipped from his knee and began to toddle about, but with a pretty stagger that made Silas jump up and follow her lest she should fall against anything that would hurt her. 14. The bracken and leaves turned very early, so that the park in the hazy September sunlight had an almost golden hue. 15. I liked to read what they liked to read: what they enjoyed delighted me... 16. "But you know perfectly well that this is not what I meant." 17. The other girl, who had lifted her head to listen to her sister, repeated, while she gazed at the fire, a line of what had been read. 18. About them was the smell of grass that had been recently mown, the rustle of leaves in air so saturated that you scarcely noticed it had stopped raining. 19. She led him to a stream which gushed and twisted between rust-coloured boulders, the marks on which showed that in winter the stream was much deeper. 20. "One evening, shortly after my arrival, we were sitting over a glass of port after dinner, when young Trevor began to talk about those habits of observation and inference which I had already formed into a system, although I had not yet appreciated the part which they were to play in my life. 21. They were now in an avenue of almond trees which, deceived by last week's sunshine into belief that spring was here, were already showing their blossoms. 22. It was quite dark when he rose to go out to the hotel where, alone at his table, he had his evening meal. 23. It seemed incredible that one so young should have done so much. 24. He was still so wide awake at dawn that he got up, slipped on tennis shoes, trousers, and a sweater, and in silence crept downstairs and out through the study window. 25. Gathering my mantle about me, and sheltering my hands in my muff, I did not feel the cold, though it froze keenly. 26. I was obliged to confess that I did not quite know what she meant. 27. The sky was so blue, and the sun so bright, that an eternal summer seemed to reign over this prospect. 28. She stirred the fire, so that a ripple of light broke from the disturbed coal... 29. At sunset I stood in the meadow above my house, and watched the red orb sink into purple mist, whilst in the violet heaven behind me rose the perfect moon. 30. The tide and wind were so favourable that the ship was enabled to come at once to the pier. 31. The miles appeared so long that they sometimes thought they must have missed their road. 32. "What I want is to give Tom a good education..." 33. Neither of them knew, how uncertain I was as to whether or not I could swim well enough... 34. The house was so still, that I heard the girl's light step upstairs. 35. "All I know is what I have read in the papers." 36. It is wonderful and beautiful how a man and his dog will stick to one another, through thick and thin. 37. Whether it was chance or choice can never be known... 38. "If you are not too tired," he said, "can you give me ten minutes?" 39. The young people went off at once to wherever they were going... 40....what she and Elliott wished to find out from Dr. Nelson was what Larry intended to do.


5. Paraphrase the sentences so as to use subordinate clauses as suggested in brackets paying attention to the use of the oblique moods and modal verbs.


Model: The order was for all the things to be packed in forty minutes (predicative clause). – The order was that all the things should be packed in forty minutes.


1. She wished to see her son a doctor, like his father (object clause). 2. We were very sorry that they had not taken part in the New Year party (object clause after "to wish"). 3. We have a long way to go, so it is high time to start (subject clause). 4. What is the matter with you? You look ill (predicative clause). 5. We were surprised at his being unaware of this unpleasant fact (object clause). 6. What we want is to complete this series of experiments by February (predicative clause). 7. The girl felt frightened that she might betray her excitement (object clause with the conjunction "lest"). 8. He made a proposal about postponing the discussion until a later date (appositive attributive clause). 9. It is strange that he misunderstood the meaning of her offer (subject clause). 10. My desire is for all the students of the group to get a permit to attend this lecture (predicative clause). 11. It is most urgent for the patient to be examined by a surgeon (subject clause). 12. I suggest reviewing all the material again (object clause). 13. He was upset by the doctor's recommendation to change the climate for a milder one (appositive attributive clause). 14. It looks like raining (predicative clause). 15. Though shy and nervous, she went up straight to the chief and flatly refused to obey (adverbial clause of concession). 16. But for the mist we could have seen the building of the Moscow University quite clearly (adverbial clause of condition). 17. The speaker coughed and stammered as if in doubt how to proceed (adverbial clause of manner). 18. The doctor promised to send a nurse if necessary (adverbial clause of condition).







Подписано в печать … Формат 60 х 84/16. Бумага для множ. аппаратов.

Печать плоская. Усл. печ. л. … Уч.-изд. л. … Тираж … экз.

ФГАОУ ВПО «Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет». Екатеринбург, ул. Машиностроителей, 11

Ризограф ФГАОУ ВПО РГППУ. Екатеринбург, ул. Машиностроителей, 11.


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Translate into English paying attention to the structure and use of elliptical sentences.| Arriving onboard

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