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The Cursed Family of Jacob and the Blessed Caravan
Which of us hasn't heard of Jacob's family? Or rather, who doesn't hold it in high esteem? Any why not when its off-spring world-wide take great pride in being descendants of Jacob, peace be upon his soul, and his son Joseph, prophet of God and the secretary of the store houses of the land in ancient Egypt?! How could anyone in his right mind ignore Joseph or be ignorant of him or his accurate divination?! We all know this, and the whole world knows him. He was tomorrow's predictor, interpreter of visions and dreams, truthful and trustworthy and chosen by his Lord who taught him how to interpret stories and events.
His attractive appearance was well-known and so desirable that the wife of the Aziz of Egypt in her passionate desire, tried to seduce him and tore his shirt at the back which proved that she was a liar. He was extolled by the city Ladies who, in their amazement, cut their hands with the knives they happened to be holding and said, "God preserve us! This can't be mortal! This is none other than a noble angel!" He nearly felt inclined towards them.
In addition, he foretold how the fortunes of Egypt would fare, its dreadful years after its prosperous ones and the period of arid countryside after the period of green meadows.
Therefore, Jacob's offspring have every right to be proud and feel honoured. They are descendants of a great and blessed family whose father was melancholic, Jacob and her distinguished son Joseph. So don't they deserve to be honoured and revered? And aren't they entitled to be treated as celebrities at airports, at weddings and other several occasions... even at conferences, if so it happened, and to be pointed out as Joseph's brothers with admiration?! What a great honour conferred by God as a favour upon this family! This much we know about Jacob's family, which makes it worthy to win our respect and be held in higher esteem...! But we should also know that this family is cursed and is neither noble nor blessed. This aura of holiness in which it is vested has been faked; and it does not deserve the veneration accorded to it. May the family of Jacob be cursed even though Joseph had been their son and Issac their grandfather. It is one of the basest families and the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and as such, they deserve disgrace and contempt. Didn't they lie about protecting Joseph from the wolves, pretend to be his sincere wishers and falsely promise to take every care of him? Didn't their father say to them, "I fear lest the wolf should devour him while ye attend not to him ".
They said, "If the wolf were to devour him while we are (so large) a party, then should we indeed (first) have perished ourselves!" May the family of Jacob be cursed! They contrived a vicious plan inspired by their guilty souls. They engaged in intrigue against Joseph, God's prophet. They said, "Slay ye Joseph or cast him out to some (unknown) land." They argued among themselves, squabbled and had different views on how to intrigue against Joseph and be unfaithful to their father, Jacob, may peace be upon his soul.
One of them said, "Slay not Joseph, but if ye must do something, throw him down to the bottom of the well " But Joseph knew about this affair while they (Knew him not) "They stained his shirt with false blood" The cursed family of Jacob are traitorous, treacherous and liars. They (I mean its sons) stripped Joseph off his shirt which they stained with false blood and took Joseph away from the attention of people and threw him to the bottom of the well. They did all this while Joseph saw and heard all that was going on around him but he did not shout at them or said, "You, filthy traitors...!
How can you be my brothers?!" Joseph was quite patient as God put into his heart this message. "Of a surety thou shalt (one day) tell them the truth of this, their affair" He was as innocent as was the wolf of his blood; rather, he was smiling at them in a joking mood while they were lowering him into the well.
He knew all this and was sure of their failure and that was why he did not say to them, "You're being unfaithful to your father when you treat me like this!" Neither did he say to them, "Do you worst but I will tell you of this affair of yours one day when your faces will turn black with shame, guilt and transgression and you will be the laughing stock of the whole world!" But in an attempt to give their treason and unsuccessful trick full force, they too were smiling back at him while in actual fact they were intriguing against him. "They plot and plan, and God too plans, but the best of planners is God" May the family of Jacob be cursed! And may the caravan be blessed! Yes, it was the caravan who got Joseph out of the well. They came soon after his brothers had cast him into the bottom of the well. The caravan let down their bucket and when they hauled it up, they found Joseph in it.
The blessed caravan saved him and the city treated him kindly. May the family of Jacob be cursed and may the caravan be blessed! Which of us, after this scandal, will have any respect or reverence for the family of Jacob? Who can trust them with Joseph any more? On the other hand, Joseph's brothers did not kill him when they could have done so, because they were entrusted to take good care of him. It is true that they did not kill him, perhaps because they argued his death but failed to come to a decision about it, as is mentioned in the Koran; or because they lacked the courage to do it; or because being his brothers, they could not bear in their hearts the sight of his real blood and found out that they could endure the sight of false blood other than his; or perhaps they preferred that he should gradually die in the well, or perhaps being his brothers, they had not planned his death in the first place by any means and simply wanted to leave him to his fate with the caravan which they seemed to know that it would come and pick him up.
One of them said, "Slay not Joseph, but if ye must do something, throw him down to the bottom of the well: He will be picked up by some caravan of travellers" It is most probably that the fear of their father and others was the real deterrent. May the family of Jacob be cursed and may the caravan be blessed! And how deceived we were when we honoured the family of Jacob because Joseph was their son... and we were so dazzled by the awesome procession of stars, the sun and the moon kneeling to Joseph that we said, "What a great halo surrounding Joseph's family!" And we preferred, or rather we were made to admire the scene at a distance with open mouths, which if we closed, we would vehemently applaud and inwardly repeat, "I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me".
"Verily in Joseph and his brethren are signs (or symbols) for seekers (after truth) " But what if this family was exposed... when Joseph's brothers began to plan this abominable treason at which hearts recoil in terror, "The skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin ", and a shudder of violent revulsion possesses the people who hear it?
Indeed the family of Jacob "have put forth a thing most monstrous " What if the family saved their honour and stood distinguished among the other people, and Joseph's brothers lived to serve him as apostles, taking good care of him, managing his affairs and listening to what he had to say to them?! However, Joseph implored God to forgive them in spite of what they had done! And "he provided a home for his parents with himself, and said, "Enter Ye Egypt (all) in safety if it please God ", and raised his parents high on the throne (Of dignity) and they fell down in prostration, (all) before him. He said, 'O my father, this is the fulfillment of my vision of old. God hath made it come true! He was indeed good to me when he took me out of prison and brought you (all here) out of the desert.". However, it was good the way Jacob's family had behaved, because, but for this abominable scandal, or scandalous abomination; or in other words, the family of Jacob is notoriously detestable, even though we used to think of them as a blessed and respectable family, not because they had a glorious history in the past, abundant resources, constantly flowing water, a much frequented fane, or a " canopy raised high"; it is quite the contrary because, originally, it was an unknown, detested, debased and dependent family living in the desert - as is mentioned in the Koran - and by the nature of their living circumstances, they were mere shepherds; and the biggest victory Joseph's brothers could have achieved, would have been to kill a fox or a wolf and could have never dreamt of victory over imperialistic or retrograde regimes.
This great universal glory had never occurred to any member of Jacob's family, who have never as much as dreamt of the glory of Egypt and its storehouses, except Joseph who could see the future and specialised in the interpretation of visions. But for this shameful act what could Jacob's family be like now? or rather, how would the whole world treat this family? People could have carried them on their shoulders in sincere reverence! Hadn't they begotten Joseph, who received revelation from God, who made him prophet, secretary of the store-houses of the land, interpreter of visions and passionately desired by women? Thank God who showed us in the Glorious Koran what Jacob's family were really like and explained that they were not guardians of Joseph, rather, "they were plotting a scheme" for him in a hellish slow way.
In other words, they were digging up a well to cast him in when he was endeavouring to create a glorious history for them. The sons of Jacob's family were, in fact wicked as well as insipid: Joseph tried to erect a fane of fame and renown for them which they sought to destroy by their own hands. However, it is only fair to give justice to any member of Jacob's family who deserved it - if there were any who deserved it, of course. Yes, it seems that the eldest and youngest - who, as the Koran mentions, was their half brother on their father's side - of them were. The eldest brother was the one who suggested to the rogues of the treacherous family of Jacob not to kill Joseph but to throw him into the well from where he would be picked up by some passing caravan.
As for the youngest brother, who was their brother on their father's side, he was on the side of Joseph, and hence he was unpopular with the other sons of the cursed family who tried to make trouble for him as well and finally got rid of him as they had done to Joseph before him when they left him as a pledge in Egypt where they sought their measure of grain from Joseph whom they did not recognize.



Stop Fasting When You See the New Moon
The messenger of God, may peace be upon his soul, said "Begin your fast when you see the new moon and break your fast when you see the new moon again. Should it be overcast, complete your fast for thirty days" This is the Sunnah (i.e. followed by Muslims in this respect).
Consequently, every year the adherence to this Mohammedan Sunnah gets Muslims into difficulties concerning the first and last days of the fasting month of Ramadan and the Hajj (i.e. the annual pilgrimage to Mecca) except this year, and we shall know how this difficulty has been avoided only this year. Of course, the appearance of the new moon differs from one place to another, or rather, from one continent to another where Islam has universally spread and where local ways of spotting the new moon were unable to cope, as the Arabian peninsula, or perhaps Mecca and Medina were the only places meant at the time when communication was non-existent. Therefore, it was out of the question to expect news from Yemen about the new moon if we were in Mecca or Medina, as it would have taken the traveller more than a month in order to come an tell us about the new moon.
However, nowadays that the world can communicate on a wide scale at the speed of sound (i.e. 340 m/s), it is feasible to announce the appearance of the new moon throughout the world. But the difficulty has not been made easier even by this important, scientific change in communication. On the contrary, the difficulty has become more complicated as we now know more about the world than we used to know. This fact has increased the strife among Muslims: Sheiks, laymen, princes and poor people.
The Saudis do not relish the idea of the Hajj falling on a Friday because of the overcrowding which takes place and the problems they have to face accordingly - and they have every right to be wary in this respect. Of course, they have the right to be even more concerned should it be proved that the Hajj on a Friday usually coincides with the death of one of the members of the Saudi royal family - God forbid! Such is the pessimism of our brothers in Saudi Arabia about the Hajj on a Friday... So let it be on a Saturday, or a Sunday, but not on a Friday when the risk of losing one of the princes looms large.
God forbid! Some facts have been made clear to us by the progress of modern sciences and rapid communications, which we hope would facilitate our symbol of unity in deciding the beginning and the end of the fasting month of Ramadan and the Hajj. It has been made clear that Friday in Indonesia is actually Thursday in Libya - in other words, the thirteenth of Shabaan in Libya is, in fact, Ramadan the first in Indonesia or in the Solomon islands, in the pacific ocean - that is to say, if Indonesia were to telephone to announce the beginning of the month of Ramadan, Libya would still be in the month of Shabaan, This proves that sight of the new moon can only be limited... so limited that every region has to begin fasting at the local sight of the new moon and break their fasting in the same way. But the thorny problem is that of the Hajj. The beginning and end of fasting is not much of a problem, practically speaking.
The real insoluble problem is that of the Hajj. If people set off for the Hajj from every distant corner of the world with prearranged dates for the rituals of going round the Kaba, standing on Mount Arafat and the casting of pebbles in accordance with their local lunar calendar, indicating the beginning and end of fasting, this would create the problem of every distinct group of Muslims having their own Hajj which is different in time to that of the other groups, and consequently, there would be no one day for the standing on Mount Arafat and the following day of Sacrifice... and the other rites of the Hajj.
This would be a serious problem both spiritually and practically, especially for our brothers in Saudi Arabia. However, this affair was settled only this year by General Schwartzkopf personally, the blessing of the Lord be upon him! He decided in advance... from the first week of Ramadan that Eid Al Fitre (Feast of the end of Ramadan) would be Monday the 15th of April 1991 A.D. and accordingly, he categorically fixed the days of the Hajj in accordance with the western calendar, no matter, as far as General Schwartzkopf was concerned, whether seen or not -- I mean the new moon and not General Schwartzkopf -- or whether the month of Shabaan was thirty days or less... or even if the month of Ramadan itself was twenty-eight, thirty or, if need be, thirty-one days. The whole affair was not for discussion or subject to the new moon being seen or not; nor was it a matter of Sunnah or Fardh (Command from God), or "So said the Prophet, and so said God " The decree of General Schwartzkopf had to be obeyed.
The whole affair was one of security for the American forces, its allies and the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, God's House and the tomb of his prophet included. The month of Ramadan this year had to end, for security reasons at the latest on Sunday 14.04.1991 for all Muslims who began fasting on Saturday, Sunday or Monday: the fourteenth meant the fourteenth, no matter whether it was overcast or people strained their eye-sight out. This necessarily meant that the first of Shawal had to fall on 15.04.1991 even if it were a full moon or not, or even if it were found necessary to choose another month for the Hajj, such as Shawal itself or Dal Qeedah. On the other hand, if the timetable of General Nor.
were to be rejected, the Muslims, enjoying full self respect, self-sovereignty and freedom of choice in the matters of their religion, could always, choose any other month. This did not contradict the Koran as General Schwartzkopf himself said. The Koran says, "For Hajj are months well known," So, it is not a month but months! Thus, thanks to General Nor.
Schwartzkopf a practical solution was at last found to this problem, which had always been a bone of contention in as far as the sight of the new moon was concerned. There was no need for Muslims to try to catch sight on the new moon of Shawal as the whole thing had been settled. It was formally announced in Saudi Arabia that the last day of Ramadan would be Sunday and the following Monday would be the first of Shawal... and to hell with you, and your new moon, and your Islamic and non-Islamic courts of law! Moreover, General Schwartzkopf had decreed that all registrational formalities for the Hajj, in all corners of the world, be completed before the end of Ramadan; and it was for this reason that General Schwartzkopf had to fix the end of Ramadan, because this action for the first time was made compatible with arrangements for the Hajj.
The Hajj was of considerable concern to General Schwartzkopf because the arrival of hundreds of thousands of people from the Islamic world to places under his protection was a very delicate matter. The Hajj this year was different from that of previous years, because it came this time when Mecca and Medina were under the protection of the American forces.
And, as every one knew, the Saudi government invited these forces to protect them when the Iraqi forces entered Kuwait and perhaps might have wanted to enter the sacred places in order to annex them to Iraq. That would create a very serious situation as these forces might invade the western oil fields, too.
For this reason the Saudi Government, as a sovereign state, had every right to ask for protection, and it was in the interest of America to grant such protection; and, but for the intervention of the American forces, Mecca and Medina might have been annexed to Iraq despite the pros and cons of the whole affair. Now that the protection provided by the American forces had averted such eventuality, who would blame General Schwartzkopf for drawing up a timetable for the end of the months of Ramadan and Shawal and the days of standing on Mount Arafat, the offering of sacrifice and the casting of pebbles, and the last day of Ramadan as the closing registration date for those who wished to undertake the duty of the Hajj?! For this tactical reason, it was impossible to leave the end of Ramadan to the chance sight of the new moon as that could jeopardize the forces entrusted to protect the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In other words, General Schwartzkopf had no choice but fix the fourteenth of April as the last day of Ramadan and the fifteenth as the first day of Shawal... and the rest till the day of standing on Mount Arafat according to the western calendar only... In addition to the prohibitions mentioned in the Koran - namely, " Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj..." General Schwartzkopf decreed that the pilgrims to God's sacred House this year had to observe an additional list of prohibitions coming from the General himself and not from God.
This list forbade the pilgrim to bring any pictures other than the one in his passport and books of all kinds, the Koran, Hadith and Fiqh included.
He also forbade the pilgrims to say any prayers except the ones prepared by the General himself, copies of which were available free of charge at all guides' offices. The prayers were to be strictly followed as any other form of prayers under the guise of freedom of speech might lead to hostile slogans against the American forces, or perhaps against the General himself or his president - God forbid! Such eventuality might bring on agitation and protest marches which would disturb the law and order for which the American forces were responsible as Mecca was an integral part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia whose protection was the sole responsibility of General Schwartzkopf.
Who was in the wrong, then? No doubt, it was the non-committed one, the one who deviated from the right course of action; the one who disobeyed the orders. Why should one look up high into the sky to see the new moon? One might as well say, "It was overcast " by which method one would hit several birds with one stone: In this way, which would be most desired, one would have followed and adhered to the Sunnah since it was overcast and so one had to observe Ramadan for thirty-two days. On the other hand, one would have gained an excellent recompense and reward of fasting two more days.
And who would dispute the matter or brand one as infidel when one could answer back Koranically, "And it is better for you that ye fast " And he would be one of those who bow down their heads submissively in obedience of God's command. " And bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship) ". The Koran is being exploited, or rather, misused by many Muslims to gain power and to justify unfair gains, murder and illegal practices; even prostration and openness. So long as you claim to be a Muslim, you can exploit the Koran for any personal gain.
Can you pretend to be more pious or righteous than the Muslim Brothers, the Repentance and Migration Party, Sultan Abdul Hamid, Abdul Majid, Sheikh Abdul Rahman, Abd Norman and Abd McMillan...? Therefore, the fifteenth of April 1991 AD (i.e. western calendar) had to be the feast-day (Eid Al Fitre) and the Eid service had to be held at the Mecca sanctuary at 06.50 and at the sanctuary of the prophet at 06.00.
The rest of the Islamic world had to observe the differences in time undisputed.
General Schwartzkopf Air, Land and Sea Protected Mecca.



A Prayer for the Last Friday
As next Friday will be the last Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan regardless of the dates of the beginning and end of the fasting, Muslims in the south of the Philippines, north of Thailand, the Malaysian islands excepting Sarawak and westwards to Nigeria, to one quarter of the Cameroon, three fifths of Malawe, and one quarter and three sixteenths of South Africa - Muslims living in these regions are required to go to the mosque and say a prayer on the last Friday of Ramadan - every one of them in the spirit of the Koran, which says, "Go ye forth, (whether equipped) lightly or heavily.
The prayer, the full text of which will be given later on, and which has recently been discovered with the discovery of the cobalt gamma ray, helps the one who learns it, teaches it, or says it to dispense with modern sciences, especially the applied sciences.
How absurd we must have looked when we spread solid as well as prefabricated schools, institutes, university colleges and vocational training centres everywhere to the extent that every child was able to go to school in a concerted effort to combat ignorance, to eradicate chronic illiteracy, and to comprehend modern sciences in order to make progress and confront the challenges of enemies.
We were absurd because we did not exert as much effort to look for the old books which contained the profound secrets of cults, denominations and orders that had petered out in time, such as Ibn Taimiyah... and Ibn Katheer. We were also wrong when we started the iron and steel industry and erected chemical and petro-chemical factories on which we had spent billions of dinars.
The great man-made river may as well be abolished. The second phase of the huge iron and steel complex, and the second phase of the Ras Lanoof complex, which comprises three hundred factories for petrochemicals should also be abandoned. This will help us to save millions of Dinars to reprint the yellow books. No doubt, the Muslims - I mean the Arabian Muslims lost between the Ocean and the Gulf were stricken with fear and terror when they knew for sure that the sons of Israel had made great progress in Modern science and with the help of American - Arab funding they were able to utilise their knowledge of modern science to send up a satellite capable of taking real pictures of anything they wanted at every second. The Israelis were greatly disappointed when the pictures of Arab daily activities began to come regularly and simultaneously to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: They were disappointed because at first the satellite took pictures of everything in the Arab World, and so the Israelis had a pile of pictures of camels in Mauritania, donkeys in the Sudan together with pictures of Kings and presidents at summit conferences. The Israelis were really annoyed at having to sort out so many pictures in order to decide which were of no use and which would constitute a danger to the future of Israel. So they adjusted the satellite to concentrate on selected target places and to stop photographing camels, donkeys and such things as these. Consequently there appeared pictures such as Rabta, Tajura, Tarhuna, Bu-Kamash, Gasr Ahmed, the High Dam, the Great Man-Made River and Ras Lanoof.
Then there appeared pictures of the ten year old girl, Mietiga, playing in front of her house, that of Sana, and that of Okba Ibn Nafa, brown and tall with a beard, wearing a green turban... then that of Gordabia, sitting in the open air, veiled up with men, women and children around her... also that of Nasser waiting for Egypt... it is also certain that the Israelis possess the nuclear bomb and long-range missiles to deliver it... and they are manufacturing military aircraft which they have started to sell to a number of countries. This is only one front of the serious challenges facing the Arab Nation which calls for a revolutionary programme to amass all resources in the service of science education, organized work and confrontation in order to attain a high degree of readiness to pay the price and shoulder the necessary consequences to save a nation at risk and abuse.
But the religious sons of this nation who have been taught Islamic theology by erudite teachers from Afghanistan, India and Britain such as Al-Nabahani, Sayyid Qutb Zada, a Persian originally from India with Egyptian nationality, Mohamed Assad, Hawa, Weikon from Turkey, Mirza and Bahauddin from Persia, Jack Birke and Jarody - they think highly of these preachers and have great faith in them, especially Sayyid Qutb Zada, Al-Nabahani and Black Dodge whose first name became Mohamed when he embraced Islam. By the way, they have been promised abode in Paradise as was expressed in a speech by Zeinab, and as expressed in their own confessions entitled "Investigations and confutations " Anyway, the sons of this nation, who belong to the Muslim brothers, the Islamic Liberation party, the Movement of Proclamation, Repentance and Return to God, Jihad against the Muslims, Call and Propaganda in Defence of America... they have drawn young people's attention to this momentous secret which they have discovered after long sleepless nights spent in serious research and concentrated study of voluminous yellow books - namely, that the prayer on the last Friday of Ramadan is sure to cause failure of all abominably hostile plans and render the function of modern science and technology ineffective.
If we were to believe in what the parties of God coalition say, there is no need for our children to go to schools, higher technical institutes or the Bright star University of technology... rather, let them out in the open air on sidewalks selling cigarettes and cakes to adults... the only important thing to do is to learn the prayer, the full text of which will be given later on... but on condition that it be recited by all the Muslims in the regions mentioned before save the ones excepted. As for the prayer, it is as follows:-
"May they be unable to see! May they be unable to see!" to be recited a thousand times per minute on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan together with the word "Amen!" This prayer has been tried for accuracy and proved correct and right.
It can make the Israelis unable to spot Arab vital installations including the Rabta medicine factory... as a matter of fact, they cannot see even the Arabs themselves.
This prayer is sure to blindfold the Israeli satellite. One of the Muslim Brothers working at the Rabta factory secretly informed the Americans about the nature of work at the factory. This made America move its fleets towards Libya for another confrontation... but the repetition of this prayer a thousand times per minute together with the word "Amen!" before the investigations rendered America unable to see the factory - let alone the Israeli satellite which circles around Algeria, Libya and Iraq only... and true enough, neither America despite the great fleet gathering, nor the Israelis have struck at the factory in Rabta up to the time of writing this article.
The other amulet is just a mere reading of "Under the shades of the Koran " and not the Koran itself; and according to the explanatory interpretation of the Muslim Brothers, "The Koran is one book but 'under the shades of the Koran' is ten books" These books, as you may well know leave the readers hardly any time to read any other nonsensical subject or programme such as chemistry, mathematics, space and depths... but on condition that they seclude themselves in mosques or at home when they read them in order to have the desired effect.
O, believers, May Allah enrich your general knowledge, try to imagine how great and effective the prayer would be if all the Muslims from Jakarta to Marrakech, except the regions afore-said, applied themselves to it... it would be too powerful to defeat, remembering that prayers do not appear on the enemy's detection screens as do aircraft, ships and missiles. So hurry up and teach your children the books of the Muslim Brothers and the Liberation and Repentance Front.. Print and reprint these books and seclude yourselves at home and in mosques to study them thoroughly till Doomsday.
The titles of these books make their content clear enough, such as The ruling of Religion on Smoking and Growing Beards, The Fiqh of the Sunnite Majority Concerning the Use of Henna and Shampoo, and The Kennash Treatise on How to enter Paradise Easily. Then there are Ibn Taimiyah's books which explain the wisdom of eating with three fingers, eating when one is in a reclining position, and the wisdom of having one's food served on wooden or metal plates. Of course, you won't forget the previous prayer which comes under the military aspect of the fiqh of the democratic Muslim Brothers Party. This prayer is concerned with the defensive strategy of the party. Complementary to it, there is the prayer peculiar to the economy, which is simple enough to recite only a hundred times per second, it has been tested and found useful against prices going up for no apparent reason and in resisting exploitation with no revolutionary theory to guide one or even a revolutionary movement. The prayer is as follows:
Gracious Allah, have mercy on workers and civil servants and protect them from shopkeepers and protect wholesale merchants against senior revolutionaries. Should firing break out in the day light, the ones to blame for it would be the merchants and the revolutionaries in which eventuality we could only implore you, O, Allah, to pardon the ones who cause prices to go up and exchange the Dinar for a dollar. On the other hand, those who want the Arab Nation to unite so as to be strong and make progress and eventually defeat its enemy, will have to repeat after the Imam on the afore-said Friday this prayer, "Gracious Allah, our weakness is clear enough to notice; and our welfare is at your disposal and, as you know, we do not possess the ring of Shobeik Lobeik (i.e. wish-granting ring) The Jews and the Christians have gone up to you in their missiles and satellites... and we do not emulate them in their blasphemy of invading the space. We humbly implore you and praise your Holy Name!" O, believers, this is what the different allied Islamist parties call on you for... all of them; the Muslim Brothers, the Liberation Part, the Movement of Repentance and Return to God and the party of the Call and Propaganda, they want you to know that you cannot make any progress forward, or enter the world of technology, or get out of your present state of backwardness or liberate Palestine... or at least blow up the bases of missiles guided to strike at every Arab capital... you can achieve none of this unless you return to your yellow books... and go back in history two thousand years to find out who had murdered Caliph Othman and bring him to justice, also find out who had murdered Al Hussein, and who had a better claim to the Caliphate, Ali or Mu'wiyah, and also what the credentials of Yazid and Al-Hussein were. You will have to make sure how many people had attacked Othman and what time exactly the terrible crime happened.
Turning your attention to the books of Ibn Taimiyah, Ibn Katheer, Yakon, Hawah, Sayyid Qutb Zada, Allori and Al-Mawdudi you will be able to grasp the fundamental basics which are indispensable for advancement and for finding a solution to your administrative and economic problems as well as the dwindling oil prices as a result of the Christians discovering new sources of other forms of energy... and essential for the defensive action according to article 51 of the U.N. charter against star wars, nerves war, and electronic war. How can we move forward when we do not yet know who was worthier to succeed his father as caliph, Al-Hadi or Al-Mahdi... Al-Amin or Al-Mammon.. and whether the camel of Ali, May Allah save his face, was brown or white, and last, but not least, whether Caliph Othman's shirt was made of cotton or nylon. You find all these basic branches of knowledge in the retrograde, sorry, I mean, time-honoured traditional books which the modern Islamist parties strongly suggest that you read thoroughly, even if you have to wear glasses. Some of you might deride this trend... from the point of view of blasphemy and heresy... but can any one in his right mind, living at the advent of the twenty-first century afford not to worry at such critical issues?! How can we enter this new century when we still do not comprehend why it is advisable to use your five fingers when you eat and the wisdom of using only three fingers, and why it is inadvisable to lick your fingers before sucking them, and why it is advisable to finger-lick the plate after eating, and the advisability of picking up food fallen on the floor... you may refer to page 297, chapter 109 of the book "Ketab Assaliheen" "Good people's Book" by Imam Zakariya Yahya.
You have also to know whether you can die your beard with colouring shampoo or only with henna, and whether the cloak of a Muslim woman can be machine-sewn or only hand-made, and if she could wear one made by an unbeliever or an Indian or a Pole. May Gracious Allah guide the Muslims to the right path, heighten strife among them, make them call one another infidel, encourage them to forsake and fight one another so that they may be allied to the people of the Book... You are always near and ready to answer! Please, Gracious Allah, unite the Muslims under the banner of Washington and Tel Aviv, and make the unbelievers together with their women, children and goods a booty to be fairly and justly distributed among Muslims... with no partiality for the left or for the right... Amen!

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 45 | Нарушение авторских прав

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