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Ex.3. Use the appropriate form of the Future in the Past instead of the Infinitives in brackets (mind time indicators).

Читайте также:
  1. A future action in progress in adverbial clauses of time and condition
  2. A View into the Future of eLearning
  3. Adjectives Followed by Infinitives
  4. Age-Appropriate Clothing
  5. An action which begins before a definite moment in the future, will continue up to that moment and will still be in progress at that moment
  6. An Uncertain Future
  7. Assignment 3. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the list.

1. We were sure we (to know) the results in a week’s time.

2. She warned me not to call on her at 5 o’clock. She (to prepare) for the conference.

3. My friend inquired me when the big match (to begin).

4. We hoped they (not to forget) all that by the next day.

5. I was sure I (to finish) everything by the time you got back home.

6. The teacher told the students that by the end of the academic year they (to read) five of Show’s play.

7. The guide said that the aspect of the city (to change) greatly by the end of 2007.

8. In her letter she wrote that she (to stay) in London for two months by the 1st of July.

9. She phoned me to stay that she (to wait) for me at the hotel at midday.

10. Hob said that at that very time they to fly) to Spain.

11. We were sure it (to stop) raining by the evening.


Ex.4. Translate the following sentences into English using the Future in the Past.

1. Боб пообіцяв прийти. Я був впевнений, що він знову буде розповідати свої забавні історії.

2. Ми не могли повірити, що оволодіємо англійською мовою до кінця другого курсу.

3. Вони повідомили, що до кінця року вони завершать свої дослідження.

4. Я здивувалася, коли дізналася, що вона викладатиме у школі вже 15 років до 1 вересня.

5. Він поцікавився, коли я дам йому цю статтю.

6. Я не був впевнений, чи впізнає вона мене, коли побачить.

7. Вона пообіцяла, що поговорить зі мною, як тільки дізнається про результати.

8. Я міг уявити, що будуть робити мої батьки, коли я повернусь: батько буде дивитися свою улюблену телепрограму, а мати – готувати мій улюблений пиріг.

9. Олена сказали Миколі, що приєднається до нього через деякий час, якщо він почекає на неї.

10. Мої друзі зараз у Болгарії. Вони написали у своєму листі, що до кінця місяця вони будуть гостювати там вже чотири тижні.


Ex.5. Transform the following sentences so as to use the corresponding Future in the Past Tenses. Make use of the suggestions in brackets.

Model: I supposed he was working at his report (from 5 till 9). → I supposed he would be working at his report from 5 till 9 o’clock.

1. She informed us she would arrive at 6 o’clock (by 6 o’clock).

2. The secretary said she would send the letters at midday (by midday).

3. He was sure he would come back at the end of the week (by the end of the week).

4. My brother said they would operate on him in a day or two (at that time the next day).

5. I was sure he would be digging in the garden when I came (for about an hour).

6. Boris said he would play tennis in the evening (all that time).

7. The guide remarked that about 20000 people had seen that exhibition (by the end of the month).

8. I knew they would be discussing the problem when I came (for an hour).


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 70 | Нарушение авторских прав

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The use of the Future Perfect in the Past| Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

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