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Unit 1. The press vocabulary


Читайте также:
  1. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  2. A. Translate the following letters to a teen magazine and express your attitude toward the two opposing views of the conflict most university students face.
  3. A. Translate the text and express your attitude toward the following assessment of homemaking.
  4. Absence of the articles in set expressions
  6. Academic Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary


Дисципліна "Мова англомовної преси" передбачає формування уявлення про газетний текст як особливий вид дискурсу та розвиток навичок роботи з оригінальними газетними та журнальними матеріалами з метою вдосконалення вмінь щодо рецепції лексичного та граматичного наповнення тексту публіцистичного жанру.

Завдання дисципліни "Мова англомовної преси" – навчити теоретичним та практичним навичкам роботи з англомовним медіатекстом.

У результаті вивчення дисципліни студент повинен знати теоретичні основи функціонування і принципи побудови сучасних англомовних медіатекстів, жанрові особливості медіатексту, основи функціонування новиннєвих повідомлень, редакторських статтей, статтей на політичну, соціально-економічну тематику, а також спортивних коментарів, рецензій, інтерв’ю, рекламних та приватних оголошень, засоби реалізації явища політичної коректності у англомовному медіатексті, особливості побудови та функціонування заголовків англомовного медіатексту, застосування правил пунктуації при написанні друкованого медіатексту та його електронної версії.

У результаті вивчення дисципліни студент повинен уміти працювати з оригінальними газетними та журнальними матеріалами з метою вдосконалення вмінь рецепції лексичного та граматичного наповнення англомовного тексту публіцистичного жанру.


EXERCISE 1. Translate the following words and learn them by heart:

1) newspaper, paper; a daily paper (a daily); a weekly paper (a weekly); a national paper, a country-wide paper; a local paper;

2) magazine; a weekly magazine (a weekly); a monthly magazine (a monthly);

3) periodical;

4) сору;

5) issue; today's issue; yesterday issue; to issue, come out;

6) to publish, to carry;

7) editor; to edit;

8) to print;

9) circulation;

10) subscription; to subscribe (to);

11) supplement;

12) article (on); leading article; an editorial article; report (on); to report (on);

13) event, developments; the events (developments) at home and abroad; the latest events (developments); current events (developments); to give full attention to some event; to follow the events (developments);

14) item;

15) news; home news; foreign news; international news; world news; local news; latest news;

16) newsman;

17) affairs; home affairs, national affairs, domestic affairs, internal affairs;

18) coverage; to give a full (wide) coverage of (to) an event; to cover;

19) interview; to have an interview with somebody; interviewee; interviewer; to interview (smb.);

20) message;

21) appeal;

22) decree; to issue a decree;

23) note; to note;

24) advertisement; to advertise;

25) announcement; to announce;

26) statement; the statement of January 5, 2007; to issue a statement; to release a statement; to state;

27) declaration; to declare;

28) information; to inform (of);

29) commentary (on), comment; a daily political commentary (comment); to comment (on);

30) communique; a joint communiqué;

31) review; to review;

32) round-up; press round-up;

33) to picture, to feature;

34) mass (information) media;

35) to deal (with) (dealt);

36) to touch (upon);

37) devote (to);

38) space;

39) title; headline, heading; to headline;

40) key-note; main idea;

41) to be addressed (to);

42) author; the author of the article believes.., considers..., explains..., describes.., discusses...; points out...; emphasizes..; comes to the conclusion;

43) question, problem, issue; a disputable question; a vital question, an urgent question, a burning question, key question;

44) situation; the international situation; the present-day situation; to improve the international situation;

45) disarmament; general and complete disarmament; to achieve general and complete disarmament;

46) ban; to ban; to ban nuclear tests;

47) stand, position; our stand (position) on disarmament; to stand for;

48) peace; lasting peace; universal peace; to consolidate world peace; to advance a peace initiative; peaceful; peace-loving;

49) coexistence; peaceful coexistence of states;

50) security; to guarantee international security, to promote interna­tional security; to build an all-embracing system of international security;

51) detente, relaxation; the relaxation of international tension; to deepen détente;

52) movements; the national liberation movement;

53) cooperation;

54) cause; the cause of peace; the cause of war;

55) contribution (to); to make a contribution (to smth.); to contribute (to smth.);

56) concern; to concern; all the countries concerned; as far as economic cooperation is concerned;

57) duty;

58) aim, objective, goal;

59) fight, struggle; to fight (for) (fought); to fight (against).


EXERCISE 2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. This paper is issued three times a week.

2. Press carries objective information on what is happened in the world.

3. There are some interesting items on international events in to­day's paper.

4. A large group of newsmen representing foreign TV and radio companies came to Moscow.

5. The conference was given nationwide TV and press coverage.

6. The sports news is fully covered in this paper.

7. The message to the President was published in all country­wide papers.

8. The head advised you to subscribe to this newspaper. It fully recovers the problems you are interested in.

9. This monthly informs the readers of all the world and home developments of importance.

10. All peace-loving nations are vitally concerned about peace and international security.

11. What magazines devote a great amount of space to pictures and photographs?

12. The press always focuses public attention on all important is­sues of social, economic, scientific and cultural life.

13. The aim of the article published in this weekly is to provide the reader with some information on the economy of developing coun­tries.

14. The first article in the paper is the leader which is of great importance, since it expresses the official view on significant political and social issues. It is never signed by the author. The leader is always a statement of opinion, often a critical review of a problem and usu­ally calls for some particular action. The leader may be on any subject that is topical, or, of special interest. Leaders comment on foreign as well as home events. It is absolutely essential that the leader is up-to-date, so that although the general lines of the article may be worked out before, the actual writing is left to the last minute to allow the writer to deal with the very latest developments. Leaders are planned and written under the direct control of the Editor.

15. The aim of mass information media is not only to inform the people of everything that is going on both in their country and abroad, but to help them to understand and correctly interpret the events. In­formation thus has a very great educational role to play. Hence, the great responsibility resting on the mass media. Broadly speaking they are means of creating moral and political climate.

16. On the last pages you will find the article which are some­times called features. The term "features" covers a wide range of sub­jects. It generally covers reviews on books, criticism on the theatre, on music, art, film and television, articles on science, travel, chess prob­lems, sport events, etc.


EXERCISE 3. Make up sentences.


The article is about is devoted to deals with touches upon considers is connected with home affairs international problems latest events news from abroad events in France sport news
It should be noted stressed pointed out that emphasized mentioned starts notes the problem is very urgent the visit was a success the newspaper covers a wide range of smth the election has already taken place prices will rise by describing the situation
The author stresses goes to say comes to the conclusion that the situation is under control the importance of current policy that the problem is too serious


EXERCISE 4. Render an article making use of the following scheme.

What is the title of the article you have chosen?

The article is headlined... / The title of the article is...

The headline of the article I have looked through...

The piece of information I am going to retell is headlined...

What type of article is it?

It is an economic (political, leading) article.

It is an editorial.

It is a political commentary / a review (a report).

What page is the article printed on?

It is printed on front page / published on page 2.

What development (event) does the article inform of?

It inform the reader about: the latest events (developments), the events abroad, the current events.

What news does the article contain?

The article contain: home news, local news, international (world, foreign) news.

What affairs does the article give coverage of?

The article dives coverage of home (national, domestic, inter­nal) affairs.

The article gives coverage of foreign (international, world, ex­ternal) affairs.

Who is the author of the article?

The author of the article is...

The article is written by...

The author is not pointed out.

Where and when was the article published?

The article was published in...

The paper in its issue of May 29 published the article...

What is the key-note (main gist) of the article?

The main gist (key-note) if the article is...

The article is devoted to...

The article deals with / touches upon / considers the problem of...

How does the author describe the contents of the article?

The author starts by telling about (that)...

First the author notes that...

The author writes (states, stresses, points out, thinks) that...

Next the author mentions...

The articles goes on to say...

The author comes to the conclusion that...

Finally he emphasizes that...

What is your own opinion?

I found the article important, interesting.

To my mind...

Have you got any additional material on this event?

To my mind I have read a few facts about it.

As far as I know I have not met such information.

To my regret I have nothing.

EXERCISE 5. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below.

a) layout; b) editorial; c) coverage; d) gossip; e) supplement; f) horoscope; g) fees; h)slanted; i) documentaries; j) full; k) ghost; l) caricature; m)channel.

Let's take newspapers first. We said that when a newspaper favours one side, then that newspaper is ____ either towards that side or against the other side. We also said that newspapers can be divided into the quality papers and the popular papers, and that the quality papers had a better _____ of the news. That noun is from the verb "to cover the news". I also mentioned the expres­sion "to report news in _____which means that a newspaper reports the news in detail, and not just briefly. We also mentioned the _____, the satirical and humorous drawings in newspa­pers. We also dealt with the different sections of a newspaper.

There's the _____, where the editor gives his opinions. There's the _____ column, where the private lives of famous people are reported.

There's the _____, where you can see what the stars foretell about your future. Then there's the sports section. I told you that many famous sportsmen don't actually write articles themselves in newspapers, but that a _______ writer writes it for them-1 also explained that the _____ of a paper, the way it's arranged, is very important- I also talked about the colour ________, the separate magazine that some daily and Sunday newspapers publish once a week.

We then discussed television. I said that in London people have a choice between three ________ BBC1, BBC2 and com­mercial television. Commercial television obtains its money from advertising. The BBC gets its money from license ________. Although I wasn't very complimentary about television, 1 did praise certain programmes, especially the _______, those films which report true facts about different aspects of life.


EXERCISE 6. Replace the underlined words with one of the following phrasal verbs in the appropriate form.

a) cut out; b) go over/through; c) cut down; d) come out; e) lay out (a lay out); f) turn down; g) bring out; h) write up (a write up).


1. The first issue of "The Times" was published in 1785.

2. I'll have to reread (and check) the manuscript again to make sure that all the typing errors have been corrected.

3. The arrangement (of the material) of a textbook is almost as important as the content.

4. John's first article was rejected by several newspapers.

5. I think we can remove the last paragraph. It only repeats what was said earlier.

6. The publishers are planning to introduce a paperback edition of this book soon.

7. The article is too long for publication in its present form. You will have to make it shorter.

8. The new dictionary got a very good review in educational journals.



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