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Years 1984 nineteen eighty four 2005 two thousand and five | Currencies £3.15 three pounds fifteen $7.80 seven dollars eighty €260 two hundred and sixty Euros |
Decimals 1.5 sixteen point five 17.38% seventeen point three eight percent 0.185 (nought/zero) point one eight five |
Bigger numbers 3, 560 three thousand five hundred and sixty (BrE) three thousand five hundred, sixty (AmE) 598,347 five hundred andninety-eight thousand,three hundred and forty seven (BrE) five hundred, ninety-eight thousand, three hundred forty seven (AmE) 1,300,402 one million three hundred thousand, four hundred and two (BrE) one million three hundred thousand, four hundred, two (AmE) 1m one/a million (1,000,000) 3bn three billion (3,000,000,000) $7.5bn seven point five billion dollars £478 four hundred andseventy eight pounds (BrE) four hundred, seventy eight pounds (AmE) |
Fractions and percentages
These can be written in numerical form or as complete words.
Fractions: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ex. 4 Say these numbers.
1. a) 47 b) 253 c) 1,846 d) 13,000 e) 34.947 f) 478,938 g) 2,485,293
2. a) 3.7 b) 4.87 c) 8.476
3. a) ¼ b) ¾ c) ½
4. a) 13% b) 40% c) 69% d) 100%
5 a) €400 b) $140,000 c) £20,000 d) $35,893
Ex. 5 Most presentations deal with numbers and approximations.
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Ex. 2 Study the following useful phrases. | | | Ex. Turn the following direct questions into the embedded ones by starting them with the words given. |