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Общая характеристика действия

Give the summary of the text. | Общая формула сказуемого в страдательном залоге | TOPIC ACTIVITIES | The Legislative Power in the UK | Give the summary of the text. | Some Say it should Never Work Again | Со сказуемым в страдательном залоге | Преобразование действительного залога в страдательный | TOPIC ACTIVITIES | The Executive Power in Great Britain |

Читайте также:
  1. Describing the employee-­ Характеристика служащего
  3. II. 1. Общая характеристика отклоняющегося поведения несовершеннолетних
  6. III. Крымское ханство как пространство межкультурного взаимодействия средневекового Крыма.

Нижегородская академия

С.И. Балишин

Ю.В. Ильин

Л.И. Мартынова

И.Г. Ольгинская




Учебное пособие по английскому языку

Часть 2

Под редакцией профессора И.А. Горшеневой

Нижний Новгород 2006

ББК 81.2Англ-923


Government & Law:Учебное пособие по английскому языку, часть 2 / С.И. Балишин, Ю.В. Ильин, Л.И. Мартынова,
И.Г. Ольгинская, — Н. Новгород: Нижегородская академия МВД России, 2006. — 321 с.



Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для курсантов и студентов вузов МВД на втором этапе обучения. Основной целью пособия является дальнейшее развитие иноязычных речевых навыков и умений в процессе профессионального общения.





кандидат филологических наук, доцент Л.И. Солуянова;

кандидат филологических наук, доцент И.В. Самойлова


Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Нижегородской академии МВД России


© Нижегородская академия МВД России, 2006



Настоящее пособие предназначено для второго этапа обучения английскому языку в вузах МВД и неязыковых вузах юридиче­ского профиля. Весь материал поделен на разделы (Units), отра­жающие программное содержание обучения английскому языку во втором и третьем семестрах. Каждый раздел состоит из уроков (lessons), включающих грамматический практикум, лексический тематический блок, тексты для аудиторного и автономного чте­ния, устно-речевые задания.

Первая часть пособия включает предметно-логическое содер­жание тем под условным названием “Government”, в которых под­робно рассматривается государственное устройство Великобрита­нии и США, а также профессия сотрудника правоохранительных органов и юриста.

Вторая часть (Law) посвящена рассмотрению ключевых поня­тий юридической специальности, правовых систем англоязычных стран.

Методическая организация материала позволяет совершенство­вать навыки и умения, периодически возвращаясь к изученному языковому материалу на новом содержательном уровне. Обучае­мые могут развивать не только речевые навыки и умения, но и со­вершенствовать логику юридического мышления, развивать про­фессиональный кругозор.







1. Grammar and Practice: The Perfect Continuous Tenses
2. Topic Activities: Monarchy
3. Speaking: The UK Constitution
4. Supplementary Reading: British Monarchy



Перфектные продолженные времена

Общая характеристика действия

во временах «Perfect Continuous»

Подчёркивается продолжительность действия к определённому моменту настоящего, прошедшего или будущего (Как долго?)
Наиболее часто употребляемые обстоятельства времени: for, since, all morning/ day/ week / month / year; by ……. for (in future); How long (in questions)?

Общая формула сказуемого во временах «Perfect Continuous»

  HAVE   в соответствующем времени   Presenthave/has   Past had Future will have been + Vm+ ing


Примеры: 1) We have been waiting for you since 2 o’clock. Мы ждём тебя с 2-х часов. 2) Ann had been sitting at home all day yesterday. Анна просидела дома весь день вчера. 3)By the end of this year our family will have been living here for ten years. К концу этого года будет10 лет, как наша семья живёт здесь.


1. Read and translate the following example sentences:

1. Catherine has been shopping for an hour.

2. My mum has been cooking for three hours.

3. It has been snowing since yesterday evening.

4. How long have you been waiting?

5. What have you been doing since I last saw you?

6. Jack had been watching TV non-stop until his mother switched it off.

7. John had been playing football all day yesterday.

8. Tom had been looking for a job for half a year before he found one.

9. They had been walking for an hour before it started to rain.

10. By the end of next week Alec will have been travelling for a month.

11. By 3 o’clock, she will have been studying for five hours

12. By Saturday Lisa will have been dieting for two weeks.

13. He has been feeling unwell all morning.

14. He has been living in this village since he was born.

15. By the end of this year, the actress will have been starring in films for twenty five years.

16. It has been raining for the whole day and the ground is wet.

17. I had been studying English for 2 years before I entered the Academy.

18. How long has Janet been working at the hospital?

19. She has been working at the hospital since she left school.


Случаи употребления времен Perfect Continuous
Present Past Future
1. Действие, которое уже началось, длилось в те­чение какого-то времени и продолжается в на­стоящий момент. e.g. I have been working for 3 hours. Я работаю уже 3 часа (и всё ещё продолжаю работать). 1. То же действие, что и в Present Perfect Continuous,но проис­ходившее в прошлом: e.g. Yesterday I had been working for 3 hours before the boss came. Вчера я работал 3 часа до того, как пришёл босс (и застал меня за этой работой). Подчёркивается продол­жительность уже начав­шегося действия до оп­ределённого момента в будущем, включая и его: e.g. By the time I finish work, you will have been waiting for more than 3 hours. К тому времени, как я закончу работу, ты про­ждёшь более 3-х часов.
2. Действие, которое уже началось, длилось в течение какого-то времени и только что закончилось с видимым результатом. e.g. I am tired. I have been working all day. Я устал, потому что работал весь день. 2.То же действие, что и в Present Perfect Continuous,но проис­ходившее в прошлом: e.g. I was tired. I had been working all day yesterday. Я устал, потому что работал весь день вчера.  
3. Выражение гнева, не­довольства, раздраже­ния каким-то продол­жительным действием. e.g.Who has been reading my business papers? Кто (всё время)читает мои деловые бумаги? Примечание: ·1 Perfect Continuous обычно употребляется только с динамическими глаголами. С “ non-continuous” глаголами (know, believe, forget, understand, see, hear, feel, like, cost, appear, contain, include, mean, fit, etc.) употребляется Perfect Simple. e.g. I have known Ann since we were at school. Я знаю Анну со школы.

2. Read and translate the following sentences. Then say what use of the Perfect Continuous each sentence shows:

1. The boy is dirty. He has been playing football.

2. Who has been drinking my juice?

3. Peter, you have been talking to the student on your right for the last five minutes. Behave yourself!

4. It has been raining all day today. I wish it would stop.

5. Philip is angry. His wife has been nagging him to fix the lamp.

6. She had been working hard that day, so she was very tired.

7. The baby-sitter had a bad headache. The child had been screaming for an hour.

8. They had been skating together for three years before they entered the competition.

9. Barbara was upset. She had been arguing with her husband about how to spend the money.

10. By the end of the next month, Mark will have been running his own business for six years.

11. There was a road accident at the end of the motorway because the driver had been travelling all night without any rest.

12. Somebody had been smoking in the room as there was a smell of cigarettes.

13. I’m sorry, the hall is in such a mess. We’ ve been decorating.

14. The test result is much better. It’s clear you’ ve been revising.

15. Bob Geldolf has been doing a lot of work for charities since his mid-eighties.


3. Fill in “for”, “since” or “by …” :

1. ____ Christmas, you will have been studying at the Academy ____ more than a year.

2. I have been waiting for you ____ four o’clock.

3. ____ the time Mr. Brown is sixty, he will have been working for the same company ____ forty years.

4. Bob has been trying to find a job ____ two months ____ he served a five-year sentence.

5. Her father will have been working for this firm ____ twenty years ____ the end of this year.

6. He had been working ____ early morning before I arrived.

7. She has been living in St. Petersburg ____ 1998.

8. The weather is fine today. The sun has been shining ever ____ we got up.

9. I have been waiting for an e-mail from my friend ____ two weeks already.

10.I have known Jane ____ her childhood.


Структура предложений во временах «Perfect Continuous»

Affirmative (Утвердительные)
I/ You/ We/ They He/ She/ It   I/ You/ He/ She/ It/We/You/ They Presenthave (‘ve) has (‘s) Past had (‘d) Future will have (‘ll have)   beenstudying
Interrogative (Вопросительные)
PresentHave Has Past Had Future Will I/ You/ We/ They He/ She/ It   I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/You/ They beenstudying?     have beenstudying?
Negative (Отрицательные)
I/You/We/They He/ She/ It   I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/You/ They Presenthave not (haven’t) has not (hasn‘t) Past had not (hadn’t) Futurewill not (won’t) beenstudying have beenstudying

4. Practise questions in the Present and Past Perfect Continuous using the words in brackets. Respond to the following comments:

e.g. – So you work in a bank now. (How long/work/there). How long have you been working there?


1. You are doing a course of law, aren’t you?

(How long/ do that)

2. I like Ann’s new boy-friend.

(How long/ go out together)

3. Have you just arrived? You look wet. (It/ rain)

4. John, you look pretty tired. (What / do)

5. Marry looks bored. (Who/ talk to/ all evening)

6. So you’ve changed jobs since I saw you last. (Where/ work/ since then)

7. We haven’t seen each other for ages. (How/ get on/ since we last met)

8. So your girl-friend hasn’t arrived yet. (How long/ wait for her)

9. Peter looks hot. (He/ dance)

10. The policeman was interrogating the witnesses when the chief investigator arrived. (How long/ interrogate/ before)

11. Her eyes are red. (Read/ all through the night).

12. Tom felt very tired. (Work/ hard all day)

13. When I entered the hall, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (Who/ smoke/ in the hall)

14. The two boys came back home. They were both very dirty.

(Play football/ in the rain).

15. The members of the Committee are revising the bill now.

(How long/ by the end of the week).

Сопоставление употребления времён

“Perfect Simple” и “Perfect Continuous”

Perfect Simple Perfect Continuous
·2 Завершенностьдействия: They have made a deal. Они совершили сделку. ·3 Продолжение действия: They have been discussing a deal all day. Они обсуждаютсделку весь день.
·4 В фокусе внимания результатвыполнения действия: He has painted a nice picture. Он нарисовал прекрасную картину. ·5 В фокусе внимания действие,объясняющее результат: He is tired. He has been painting the picture all day. Он устал, потому что рисует картину весь день.
·6 Отмечаетсясколько раздейст­виеповторялось: He has played with the symphony orchestra three times this season. В этом сезоне он играл с симфо­ническим оркестром три раза. ·7 Отмечается период времени, в течение которого происходит действие: He has been playing with the symphony orchestra all season. Весь этот сезон он играет с симфоническим оркестром.
·8 Постоянная ситуация: People have eaten a lot less meat over the last 20 years. За последние 20 лет люди стали есть меньше мяса.. ·9 Временная ситуация: People have been eating less meat recently because of the crisis. В последнее время люди едят меньше мяса из-за кризиса.
·10 Полноеотрицание действия: I haven’t read this book. Я не читал эту книгу (совсем не читал). ·11 Частичноеотрицание: I haven’t been reading this book long. Я читаю эту книгу не очень долго. (Отрицается не действие, а наречие «долго»).
С глаголами live, feel, work, teach возможно употребление как Perfect Simple, так и Perfect Continuous без заметного различия в их значении. e.g. He has been living/ has lived here for more than 10 years.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Perfect Simple or the Perfect Continuous:

1. The amount of crime (to increase) over the last ten years.

2. Hurry up, John. I’m waiting for you. You (to have a bath) for an hour.

3. He (to write) this composition for two hours and can’t complete it.

4. Wake up! You (to sleep) for ten hours already.

5. This is the factory where my father worked. He (to work) here for twenty five years before he retired.

6. Queen Elizabeth II (to reign) since 1952.

7. Beatrice was frightened. She (to watch) a horror film for half an hour.

8. Helen (to teach) English since she left university.

9. That man (to stand) at the bus stop for the last half an hour.

10.I (to call) you five times this morning. Where have you been?

11.This country (to welcome) several hundred refugees in the last few weeks.

12.I (not to write) the report yet.

13.I (not to write) the report long.

14.He (to dance) a lot at the party.

15.He (to work) since early morning before I arrived.

16. A – Did you do anything last night?

B – I went to the gym and I (just/to arrive) home when Michael called me. He said he (to try) to call me for ten minutes before I finally answered the phone.

17.Sally is upset. She (to lose) her purse.

18.Fiona (to go) to the gym every day for two weeks already. She (to decide) to get in shape for the summer.

19.I (to wait) for my friend for 20 minutes when I realized I (to come) to the wrong place.

20. Mary is calling Nick, but he (to answer) so far. By 3 o’clock she (to try) to get him on the phone for an hour.


1) Pr.P.S.; 2) Pr.P.C.; 3) Pr.P.C; 4) Pr.P.C; 5) P.P.C.; 6) Pr.P.C; 7) P.P.C;
8) Pr.P.C; 9) Pr.P.C; 10) Pr.P.S.; 11) Pr.P.S.; 12) Pr.P.S.; 13) Pr.P.C.;
14) Pr.P.S.; 15) P.P.C; 16) P.P.S.; P.P.C.; 17) Pr.P.S.; 18) Pr.P.C.; Pr.P.S.;
19) P.P.C.; P.P.S. 20) Pr.P.S.; F.P.C.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 55 | Нарушение авторских прав

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