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Що ви думаєте стосовно цього відкриття? Воно можливе? Обґрунтуйте свою відповідь.

Читайте также:
  1. Здавлювання шиї в області сонної артерії привело до зниження артеріального тиску і ЧСС. Який механізм лежить в основі цього ефекту?
  2. ІІ. Чи можна подані слова віднести до омонімів? Аргументуйте свою відповідь. Які омонімічні явища ілюструють ці приклади?
  3. На основі наведеної інформації визначте концепцію маркетингу, яку використовує підприємство. Охарактеризуйте комплекс маркетинг-мікс підприємства. Обгрунтуйте відповідь.
  4. Суть інтегрального способу. Для аналізу яких факторних моделей його використовують? Техніка використання цього способу.
  5. Тема: Імуноглобуліни як продукт гумораль­ної імунної відпові­ді. Первинна і вто­ринна імун­на відповідь. Імунологічна пам'ять. Реакція пре­ципітації.
  6. Тема: Клітинна імунна відповідь. Фагоцитоз. Реакція зв'язування компле­менту. Імунологічна толе­рантність.
  7. Тік краща відповідь.

Використовуючи інформацію з тексту, підготуйте розповідь про метали та неметали.

2. Підготуйте переказ тексту, користуючись наданим планом:

  1. The ancients’ understanding of composition of all substances.
  2. The origin of the word “element”
  3. Robert Boyle’s theory of elements.
  4. The number of elements today. Give examples of man-made elements.
  5. Give the properties of metals.
  6. Give the properties of non-metals.


а) Напишіть символи наданих елементів: magnesium, manganese, mercury, sodium, zinc, copper and lead.

б) Які елементи представлені символами: K, P, Ag, Fe, Cr, Ca?

в) Яка валентність наданих елементів: sodium, aluminum, iron, mercury, zinc?


The ancient elements have been known for so long that none can say how they were named, e.g. gold, silver, iron, tin, lead.

When new elements began to be discovered in the 18th century, it was decided that metals and non-metals should be given different kinds of names. All the new metals would be named with – ium at the end. Nonmetals would have – on at the end of their names.

The – ium idea has generally worked out quite well. You should be able to tell that potassi um, and sodi um, and magnesi um are metals from their names. (But helium is a gas, and is definitely not a metal. It was given a metal’s name by mistake! Helium would really named helon).

The – on idea for nonmetals hasn’t been used as widely. So, carb on, arg on and silic on are nonmetals. But there are plenty of nonmetals with different name endings, e.g. bromine, hydrogen (and iron is definitely a metal, even though its name ends in – on).

Some of the elements have named with a meaning. Sometimes the name tells a story about the element. The table below shows some examples:

Name Meaning Reason
Bromine Carbon Chlorine Helium   Hydrogen Greek: bromos (bad smell) French: charbon (charcoal)   Greek: chloros (green) Greek: helios (the Sun) Greek: hydor gennao (I form water) Bromine has a very sharp smelling vapour. Charcoal is almost pure carbon. Chlorine is a pale green gas. Helium was first discovered by investigating sunlight. Water is formed when hydrogen burns.


1. Прочитайте діалог та дайте відповіді на наступні запитання:

1. Who has found the information about number 114 element?

2. Who predicted the discovery of the element?

3. When was the discovery predicted?

4. What famous book by Da Vinci did Leo read?

5. In what way did Leonardo Da Vinci predict the element?

6. What was peculiar about the great man?

7. What was one of the reasons for coding the discovery?

8. Who suggested the name of the element?

9. What does the last line in the dialogue mean?

MIKE: Ann. I've heard that a new element was discovered by one of our fellow students. Can you imagine that!

ANN: Hm... What kind of element is it?

MIKE: As far as I know, it's a transuranium element.

ANN: Was it given any number in the Periodic Table?

MIKE: Yes, its number is 114. Leo said that this discovery...

ANN: Leo? Leo who?

MIKE: Leo Matveyev. He is the student who found the origin of the element.

ANN: Matveyev. How did he do it?

MIKE: I'm trying to tell you, but you interrupt me all the time.

ANN: I'm sorry. Go ahead, please.

MIKE: The thing is, Leo thinks that this discovery was predicted by Leonardo da Vinci as early as the 16th century.

ANN: How did Leo find it out?

MIKE: I guess, he's read Leonardo da Vinci's famous book. Anatomy.

ANN: Yes, and so what?

MIKE: Well, according to Leo, da Vinci gave a column of digits and didn't tell anybody about their meaning.

ANN: Do you remember these figures?

MIKE: Yes. Here you are. Vertical column with digits 8,7, 1,7,4,7. Le­onardo da Vinci was crazy about coding his ideas. But our Leo supposed that this column contains some information which was dangerous for those times. Or probably too early to decipher it.

ANN: More than that, these were the times of alchemy and all schol­ars were trying to discover the formula of "philosophic stone".

MIKE: Correct. And our fellow student made an attempt to decipher the column by means of simple arithmetic operations.

ANN: Could you show me his calculations?

MIKE: I'm afraid I can't. I remember only the result. Two numbers were obtained: 114 and 184.

ANN: I see. It's a formula of this element.

MIKE: Quite right. Our Leo has once again proved the genius of the great Italian.

ANN: What about the name of the element? Does any name exist?

MIKE: Yes, believe me or not, Leo suggested the name of the element in honour of Leonardo da Vinci — Leonardium.

ANN: Only in honour of da Vinci?...

Що ви думаєте стосовно цього відкриття? Воно можливе? Обґрунтуйте свою відповідь.

2. Складіть діалог, користуючись інформацією з тексту. Розіграйте свій діалог парою. Існують декілька можливих ситуацій, при яких подібний діалог може відбутися:

  1. Two students are discussing the lecture they’ve just heard.
  2. A student discusses his paper with the supervisor.
  3. At the examination the professor asks the student a few questions on the states of matter, and the student answers.
  4. Your choice.

Matter can occupy three different states – gas, liquid and solid. Changes of state depend on the motion of microscopic particles. The motion of these particles depends on energy. Cooling particles takes away energy and slows them down. Hearing particles adds energy and speed them up. In a gas these particles move quickly and randomly, they have neither set volume not shape. In a liquid the particles slow down and clamp together. We use gases such as a natural gas, in many important ways. Cooling a gas into a liquid decreases its volume dramatically. This makes it possible to store and transport more effectively. In a solid particle of matter have a definite volume and shape. They are held in a pattern that repeats itself in three dimensions. Crystals are highly ordered form of solid matter. They were one of the clues to the arrangement of particles in the solid.

The states of matter are few. But the way in which they are realized, the number of different substances around us, are many. Let me give you an example. On breathing oxygen – the life-giver – is obviously a gas. But here is another element, sulphur that chemically very closely related to oxygen. And yet, it is obviously different: it is a solid at room temperature. Now, there are obviously different forces that work between the atoms of molecules of sulphur and oxygen within these two substances. We want to know why this is so. We have to probe deeper, we have to, then, ask: What is the nature of the atom? What is that makes oxygen and sulphur similar or different?

3. a) Нижче наданий опис десяти елементів Періодичної таблиці. Визначте назви та символи елементів. Оберіть елементи із списку:

chlorine, tin, hydrogen, zinc, copper, bromine, carbon, helium, silver, oxygen

1. Chemically it is a reactive metal, combining with oxygen and other nonmetals and reacting with dilute acids to release hydrogen.

2. Chemically it is reactive. It combines directly with chlorine and oxygen and displaces hydrogen from dilute acids. It also dissolves in alkalis to form stannates.

3. It is a white lustrous soft metallic transition element. It is used in jewel­lery, tableware, etc., and its compounds are used in photography.

4. A colourless, odourless gaseous element. It is the most abundant in the Earth's crust (49.2 percent by weight) and is present in the at­mosphere (28 percent).

5. A colourless, odourless gaseous chemical element. It is the lightest and the most abundant element in the universe. It is used in the Haber process.

6. This nonmetallic element is totally inert and has no known com­pounds. It was discovered in the solar spectrum in 1868.

7. It is a red volatile liquid at room temperature. Chemically, it is inter­mediate in reactivity between chlorine and iodine. The liquid is harm­ful to human tissues and the vapour irritates the eyes and throat.

8. It is manufactured by the electrolysis of brine and also obtained in the Downs process for making sodium. It has many applications, one of which is purification of drinking water.

9. The name of this element comes from the island of Cyprus. It is used for making electric cables and wires. Its alloys are used extensively. Water does not attack it, but in moist atmospheres it slowly forms a characteristic green surface layer (patina).

10. A nonmetallic element belonging to group IV of the Periodic Ta­ble. It has two main allotropic forms (diamond and graphite).

4. Decide whether the Past Simple or the Present Perfect best completes each sentence.

1. We (have studied, studied) solubility of these solids. 2. At that time researchers (paid, have paid) much attention to solubility studies. 3. The Curies (have discovered, discovered) radium in 1896. 4. The results of the experiment (were discussed, have been discussed). 5. Analysts usually (performed, have performed) quantitative analysis before qualitative one. 6. This problem (has been solved, was solved) two years ago.

5. Define the functions of the verb «to have». Translate the following sentences.

1. The hexose phosphates have an important function in the intermediary metabolism of carbohydride. 3. The colour of many flames has nothing to do with heat and a lot to do with the chemicals present. 4. The statue of Amour has stood in Piccadilly Circus, London, since 1893. The statue has suffered no corrosion over the past century. 5. It is interesting to note that the explosive nature of fulminates has claimed many victims throughout the history of chemistry. 6. Practising chemists have difficulties with the concept of «amount» in chemistry.

6. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect Tense or the Past Simple Tense.

1. The early chemists (to organize) the elements according to convenience and practical use. 2. You already (to experiment) with some families. 3. You (to come) a long way in your study of
chemistry. 4. You just (to complete) to observe the volumes of hydrogen for the reactions of
magnesium and sodium. 5. You may (to wonder) why water is always H20, and never H50 or HO
or H02 6. We never (to use) acids of different concentrations.

7. Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.

1. There is evidence that sucrose decomposed. (The experiment, to be completed, successfully, this month). 2. He makes many mistakes in his report. (He, to miss, this term, laboratory lessons).3. She cannot show you how to separate the contents of the test tube into the two original substances.
(She, never, to do, this work). 4. He has good results. (He, to study, for a month, this problem). 5. The elements are grouped by their similar properties. (Different elements, just, to group, we). 6. We are able to determine which elements react similarly. (We, already, observe, the reactions of various compounds). 7. A variety of useful compounds contain fluorine. (We, recently, to study, the Halogen family).

8. Answer the following questions using the Present Perfect

1. I am completing the experiment. And you? 2. They are installing the new equipment in their laboratory. And you? 3. I am looking through new material. And you? 4. We are writing a report of our ammonium chloride experiment. And you? 5. We are measuring the temperature of water now. And you? 6. They are copying the data of the experiment in their notebooks. And you? 7. He is recording the mass of the solution. And you? 8. I am removing the test tubes from the balance. And you? 9. She is explaining the difference between recording and reporting results. And you? 10. We are trying to dissolve two white solids in equal amounts of water. And you? 11. They are examining some sand crystals with hand lenses. And you?





Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 32 | Нарушение авторских прав

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