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Traffic, direct, light, fast, transport, rush-hour, change, fare, overcrowded, convenient, distance, town, underground, travel, foot

WHY SOME PEOPLE LEAVE AND SOME COME BACK | A. inconvenience, convenience, convenient, inconvenient, conveniently | New York and London | They decided to visit the property in December because | Always Optimistic | Botanical, maintenance men, digging, flowerbeds, ultimately, instrumental, rarest, expertise, plant hunters, artificially, rainforest, specimens, gatekeeper, labourers, prestige | Prepositions of movement | On the Way to Work |

Читайте также:
  1. A. inconvenience, convenience, convenient, inconvenient, conveniently
  2. Aesthetic impressions are fast, enduring and consequential
  4. Environmental noise is the summary of noise from transport, industrial and recreational activities.
  6. II Read the text and say what Americans prefer for breakfast, if it is healthy food. Speak about healthy habits.
  7. Monday January 7 Germantown, Tennessee


People use various means of 1. _______ to get from one place to another. When getting about 2. _______ one can go by bus, trolley-bus or by the underground. The 3. _______ in every city is very popular with the citizens. It’s the 4. _______ and most 5. _______ way of going about town. If you have to 6. _______ a short 7. _______ you may take a bus, a tram, a trolley-bus or go on 8. _______. If there is no 9. _______ bus to your destination, you’ll have to 10. _______ on to another bus (trolley-bus, tram). When we travel on buses (trams, etc) we have to pay 11. _______. It’s not too much and it doesn’t depend on the distance you go. If there are many cars, buses and trolley-buses in the town we say that the 12. _______ is heavy. If the vehicles are few we say that the traffic is 13. _______. The traffic is especially heavy in the 14. _______, that is in the morning when people are hurrying to work and in the evening when people are coming back home. At this time the public transport is 15. _______ (packed to the full).

Exercise 6

Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. The easiest way to get around London is ____ underground.

2. I decided not to go ____ car. I went ____ my bike instead.

3. Queue ____ a bus stop. Do not try to push in front ____ everyone else, get ____ the bus through the entrance door.

4. Quick! Get ____ the train. It’s ready to leave.

5. Sorry, I’m late. I missed the bus, so I had to come ____ foot.

6. He got ____ the car and drove off.

7. I was travelling ____ train ____ Bristol. When the train arrived ____ Bristol I got ____ the train.

8. If you happen to be careless ____ traffic rules and cross a street either ____ a red light or not ____ a zebra crossing you are sure to be punished ____ traffic rules offence.

9. I saw Jake this morning. He was ____ a bus which passed me.

10.My mother usually goes ____ work ____ her car.


Exercise 7

Explain the difference between

1. a carriage and a compartment

2. a season ticket and a return ticket

3. a ticket inspector and a bus conductor

4. a train driver and a guard


— Speaking

Decide if each of the sentences below is an advantage or a disadvantage for that type of public transportation. Put a plus in front of the advantages and a minus in front of the disadvantages. Explain your decision.

Bus     Subway Train   Taxi ___ Riders must always have correct change for the fare box. ___ Riders can get transfers from one bus route to another. ___ The conductors speak fast, and it’s hard to understand them. ___ During rush hours there are many subways to choose from. ___ Commuter trains never have to go through traffic. ___ Train timetables are long and difficult to understand. ___ Taxi fares are expensive, and the passenger must tip the driver. ___ Taxicabs are often the quickest way to get around city.

Exercise 8

Translate into English.

Транспорт в місті Києві

Найшвидшим і найзручнішим транспортним засобом звичайно ж є метро. Система Київського метро досить проста, усього три лінії. В разі якщо вам доведеться робити пересадку на станціях, там де необхідно, ви потрапите до потрібної вам платформи без жодної проблеми. В київському метро не відчувається, що ви під землею. Це завдяки унікальному архітектурному і художньому дизайну станцій, які схожі на палаци. Кожна станція представляє сюжет історичної події, що відображає мирні зусилля народу України.

Щодо інших видів міського транспорту, то якість їх послуг залишає бажати кращого. У години пік, коли рух у місті дуже інтенсивний, майже не можливо сісти на автобус чи тролейбус. Вам поталанило, якщо ви не потрапили до транспортної пробки, вам не відтоптали ноги, і ви змогли вчасно пробитися до виходу, щоб не проїхати свою зупинку. Коли ви вийшли з автобусу, навіть якщо почуваєтесь ні живим, ні мертвим після такої подорожі, будьте уважним на вулиці і дотримуйтесь правил дорожнього руху, оскільки транспортні пригоди часто трапляються за вини пішоходів. Найкращий і найнебезпечніший спосіб перейти проїжджу частину у центрі міста, звичайно, підземним переходом або принаймні на зелене світло. Не ставте під загрозу життя інших людей і своє особисте, порушуючи правила дорожнього руху.

Exercise 9

Put the correct preposition in each space in the sentences below.

1. We went down ___ the lift. 2. We met ___ the station. 3. I waited 20 minutes ___ a bus. 4. In Britain people queue ___ buses. 5. We must wait ___ the bus stop. 6. She waited ___ the platform. 7. The tube stops ___ every station. 8. The conductor asked ___ our fares. 9. We finally got ___ the bus ___ our destination. 10.I’ll meet you ___ the ticket office. 11.Get your ticket ___ the machine.

Exercise 10

Write a good question for each of the following answers on the lines below.

Example: Ask the bus driver. What do you do if you are not sure of your stop?

1. Pull the cord!

2. Hold onto the strap!

3. Look at the timetable.

4. Look at the meter.

5. Ask the conductor.

6. Give a good tip.

7. Offer your seat.


— Speaking

Choose the best answer and tell why you choose it. There may be more than one good answer.

1. An elderly man gets on a crowded bus. A middle-aged woman rider should

a) get up and motion to her seat,

b) stay seated and say nothing,

c) ask if he would like her seat,

d) other.

2. A taxicab driver gives you your change in ten-dollar bills. You don’t have any smaller change, and you don’t want to tip ten dollars.

a) Ask the driver if he has change.

b) Leave no tip.

c) Ask the driver to wait a minute and get change from a nearby store.

d) Other.

3. The driver of a horse-drawn carriage has given you a very nice tour of the city. Give

a) a 5% tip,

b) a 15% tip,

c) no tip,

d) other.

4. The person next to you on the train is sitting very close to you, and you begin to feel uncomfortable.

a) Pull the emergency cord.

b) Change your seat.

c) Leave the train.

d) Tell the conductor.


— Speaking

What can you say in each situation?

1. A friend wants back the bike you borrowed six weeks ago, but you don’t have money to pay the transport fare and have to get to your work somehow.

2. The bus driver wants to know why you don’t have a ticket.

3. You promised to repair your friend’s car. The friend is still waiting.

4. The ticket inspector on the train says you have the wrong ticket.


Exercise 11

Translate into Ukrainian.

Я живу у великому, чистому, гарно спланованому і прекрасному місті. Коли я стомлююсь від шуму і гаміру галасливого міста, я разом з батьками їду до бабусі у село. Це навіть і не село, а хутірець. Його чудова природа відновлює мої сили і енергію. Тихими вечорами я прогулююсь маленькими стежинками. Вони вузенькі, звивисті, але мають свою чарівність. Міські жителі часто проводять відпустки у сільсікій місцевості. А мої родичі з батькової сторони, що живуть у селі, часом навідуються до нашого міста. На щастя у них є власний автомобіль, і вони їдуть по двосторонньому шосе до міста. Оскільки мій дядько гарний водій, він добре знає дорожні знаки.

Крім того, йому, як і всім пішоходам, необхідно дотримуватись правил дорожнього руху. Мій дядько часто розказує історії, про те, як пішоходи порушують правила: переходять дорогу на червоне світло, не користуються переходами “зебра”, або підземними переходами. Навіть маленькі діти знають, що перш ніж перейти дорогу, спочатку треба подивитися наліво, а, дійшовши середини, подивитись направо.

Моя ж тітка віддає перевагу міському транспорту, стверджуючи, що автомобіль витрачає багато часу, “застрявши” в транспортній “пробці”. Вона користується автобусом, тролейбусом і трамваєм, але звичайно віддає перевагу метро. Купивши жетон, ви спускаєтесь ескалатором на платформу і можете проїхати одну зупинку або подорожувати аж до кінцевої зупинки.

Автобусом дуже важко подорожувати в наш час. По-перше, автобуси ходять нечасто, по-друге, вони дуже переповнені. Тітка радить купляти талони завчасно та вчасно їх компостувати, щоб вас не обізвали “зайцями” (bilker) і не покарали. Та надійніше придбати проїздний квиток і подорожувати аж скільки душа забажає (to one’s heart’s content)!





Listen to what two people are saying about how they travel in a large city.

Before you listen, study the table and predict what they will say. As you listen, write in the table the information from the conversation.

Do you agree with what they say?

  Public transport Car

Lynn: Well, I reckon it’s a bit ____ to have a car, if you live in the middle of London like I do. Personally, I go everywhere ___ _____ transport, buses, tubes, and I don’t have any complaints - well, not too many.

Interviewer: It’s quite expensive nowadays though, isn’t it?

Lynn: Like everything else, I’m afraid. I would say it will cost me about 5 or 6 pounds a week. Sometimes I get a Travelcard, which you can use on the ____ or on the buses, and sometimes I get the bus. It depends how organized I am feeling that week. It’s very easy to use public transport, it’s much cheaper than a car, and there’s lots of it, you can get anywhere quickly, especially on the Underground. While in a car you ___ _____ in a ______ ____.

Interviewer: So you wouldn’t consider _______ even a small car?

Lynn: It doesn’t make any sence for me. The big problem is parking, there’s simply nowhere to put it if you drive into the centre, unless you feel like paying a fortune in a ____ ____. And even then, sometimes you just can’t find a space. And the other big problem is crime - if you leave your car in the street, chances are that either the car, or _____ of it will be missing when you come back...

Interviewer: Peter, you run a car, don’t you? Is it really worth it?

Peter: Well I must admit, I’ve often asked myself that question, especially when I’m stuck in the middle of a traffic jam. I suppose that the main reason I still do it is that I can’t stand waiting for buses and trains and things - I just ____ ___ the car, and ___ I ___. It’s easier to plan your journey. And you can go any time - most public transport is fairly awful after say 12.30 at night, so if you like going out late, you know, there’s a problem. And the buses are so ______ all the time, and the tubes, so you end up feeling like a _______ in a tin...

Interviewer: Isn’t it a bit expensive though?

Peter: Yes, it is. I’ve worked out that it costs me between 15 and 20 pounds a week, so I suppose I could save a lot of money if I went by bus. It’s just that I can’t stand all that waiting, ______ and shoving, you know? Anyway I enjoy driving...


Exercise 1

The following comments are overheard at the local truckers’ cafe. Read each comment, decide what kind of driver is talking or write what kind of truck he/she drives.

Example: Trash cans are very heavy! A sanitation worker who drives a garbage truck.

1. Delivering oil is a dangerous job!

2. You’ve moved five rooms of furniture today!

3. I am on my way to pull a broken-down car to a service station.

4. They bought a lot of hamburgers today.

5. I still have two more packages to deliver.

6. I have seen new automobiles on the truck.

7. I hope it doesn’t snow again tomorrow.

8. I’m loaded with two tons of dirt.

9. The mixer makes so much noise.

10. You wouldn’t believe how dirty city streets are.

Exercise 2

Write the word that best describes the examples listed.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 54 | Нарушение авторских прав

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