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Focus on language

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Читайте также:
  2. A Dictionary of the English language
  3. A foreign language serves the aim and the means of teaching
  4. A general model for introducing new language
  5. A) the language style of poetry; b) the language style of emotive prose; c) the language style of drama.
  6. Additional Language Exercises
  7. Additional Language Exercises

1. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Refer back to the text if necessary. Translate them into your native language.


1) benefit a) privileges granted to an employee by a company or corporation
2) tip b) pay given to an employee who is away from work because of illness
3) perks c) pay given to an employee who is on a holiday or vacation
4) bonus d) an amount of money paid at regular intervals
5) holiday pay e) a small present of money for a service given or expected
6) wage f) a way of referring to the amount of money that you earn
7) pay cheque g) a kind of award to employees beyond their normal pay
8) sick pay h) advantage


2. Match the verbs in A with the nouns in B. Some verbs can go with more than one noun.

1) to get a) cash
2) to affect b) job
3) to save c) studies
4) to have d) knowledge
5) to gain e) experience
6) to take f) shifts
7) to do g) money
8) to earn  


3. Read the sentence from the text. What does the verb phrase in bold mean?

§ If you do end up with the dilemma of choosing a part-time job or a holiday job always make sure of a few things…

Multi-word verbs (verbs with prepositions and particles) Many English verbs can be followed by prepositions or adverb particles. These combinations are rather like multi-word verbs. They are often called ‘phrasal verbs’. Some phrasal verbs are idiomatic, i.e. the meaning of the verb and particle together is sometimes different from the separate literal meanings of the verb and the particle. e.g. You’d better look up this word in a dictionary. (a literal meaning = to look for information in a dictionary) e.g. Everyone looks up to Robert because he always makes time to help others. (idiomatic meaning = to admire or respect) e.g. I’m looking forward to summer vacation. (idiomatic meaning = to be thinking with pleasure about sth that is going to happen (because you expect to enjoy it)


4. Match the highlighted phrasal verbs in the text with their meanings.

o to find out if sth is correct

o to become bigger or more important than sth else or to replace sth

o to create or develop sth

o to find out by reasoning or calculation

o to do sth from beginning to end, especially when it takes a lot of time or effort

o to return

o to examine sth

o to leave your house to go to a social event

o to manage to get sth

o to be finally in a particular place or situation


5. Replace the verbs in italics by the suitable phrasal verbs from the box below. Put letters L if the meaning is literal or I if it is idiomatic. Use a dictionary if necessary.

break down come across pick up work out(2) check out find out drop out of catch up with sb be fed up with put up with fall back (with sth)


a) My roommate answered the phone as I was having a shower.

b) This printer isn’t working properly. Do you think you could have a look at it?

c) I’m so tired of your being always late for classes. I’m not going to tolerate it any longer.

d) I’ve recently discovered that I’m pretty good at memorizing complex formulae.

e) She was very much surprised when she found this rare insect in the park.

f) These days more and more people do physical exercise to be fit and strong.

g) Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find a solution to this problem.

h) He is so upset because if he fails the reexamination he will definitely be excluded from the college.

i) Oh, I’m afraid, I’ve failed to do the task before the deadline.

j) If this device stops working again I won’t finish doing my observations today.

k) I’ve missed so many lectures on this subject through my illness, now I have to work really hard to keep pace with my fellow students.



1. You are going to hear four students telling about their part-time and summer jobs. Work with your partner to figure out what the following phrases mean. Use a dictionary if necessary.


working culture vital skills

flexible schedule pressure periods

previous training plenty of stamina

mature student intense study

vocational experience


2. Listen to the students and tell what jobs they are doing.


3. Listen again and complete the chart.


  Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Job responsibilities        
Special training or skills required        


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Part-time Job Benefits| Comprehension check

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