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Introduction to Property Law

Exercise 8. Complete these sentences, in which the speaker classifies information. Use no more than three words for each space. | Exercise 17. The text is an excerpt from a lease, setting forth the statutory conditions applying to the lease. Read it and complete the spaces (1-7) using these subheadings. | Exercise 18. Where do these ideas appear in the text? Write the number of the section or sub-section in which they can be found. | Exercise 25. Listen to the following interview between a lawyer (Ms Blackwell) and her client (Mr Watson), who intends to buy a house in Spain. |

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The following text serves as an introduction to basic concepts and terms used in real property law, many of which have been in use for hundreds of years.

Vocabulary notes

alive живий
crucial вирішальний, критичний
descendant нащадок
distinguish розрізняти, відрізняти(ся), відзначати(ся)
easement сервітут (обмеження права користування чужою власністю)
enforceable який підлягає виконанню
escheat перехід безгосподарного майна до казни
essentially по суті
exclusive винятковий, ексклюзивний
freehold безумовне право власності на нерухоме майно
grantee одержувач
grantor дарувальник
hereditament нерухомість, яка може передаватись у спадщину
inheritance успадкування
lease оренда
leasehold орендування
mortgage застава
personal property рухоме майно
pur autre vie на час життя іншої особи
real property нерухоме майно
remaindermen особа, що очікує свого майбутнього права
reversion повернення майна попередньому власнику
revert переходити до попереднього власника (про майно)
tenant орендар, наймач
tenement орендоване майно
usufruct узуфрукт (право користування чужим майном і прибутками від нього)

Exercise 1. Read the text and decide whether these statements are true or false.

1.The term of years of a freehold estate is not fixed.

2. The term reversion refers to the passing of real property to the State when the owner of the property has died and has no legal heirs.

3. A licence grants exclusive possession of a property.

4. The Statute of Frauds permits oral contracts in the case of leases if the duration is more than a certain number of stipulated years.

Introduction to Property Law

English-speaking jurisdictions generally distinguish between real property and personal property. Real property is a general term for land, tenements and hereditaments. On the other hand, personal property refers to everything which does not fall under the heading of real property. This brief summary addresses key terms in relation to real property.

Real property can be divided into freehold estates and leaseholds. Freehold estates are those whose duration is not determined. By contrast, the duration of a leasehold is fixed or capable of being fixed. Essentially, there are four types of freehold estate: the fee simple, the fee tail, the life estate and the estate pur autre vie.

As its name suggests, a fee simple refers to a whole interest in a piece of real property and may pass through sale, inheritance or reversion, i.e. when the owner dies and there are no persons alive who have the right of inheritance, the property reverts to the State. Reversion is also referred to as an escheat. A fee tail is an inheritable estate which lasts as long as the original grantee or any of his descendants live. A life estate is an estate granted only for the life of the grantee. When the life tenant dies, the remaindermen take possession, or the land reverts (see above). An estate pur autre vie is similar to a life estate, except that the estate is granted for the life of someone other than the grantee.

A leasehold is generally created through what is referred to as a lease, which is a contract for exclusive possession, generally for a term of years, usually for a specified rent or compensation. A leasehold should not be confused with a licence. The crucial test for determining whether a lease or a licence has been created is whether there is exclusive possession. If there is no exclusive possession, there is no leasehold. A good example of this is where the property remains in the control of the grantor, such as in the case of a hotel room or dormitory.

Generally speaking, the Statute of Frauds requires that agreements regarding the sale of or interests in land must be in writing to be enforceable. In respect of leases, the Statute of Frauds for a particular jurisdiction will specify that leases for more than a certain number of years must be in writing to be enforceable, e.g. three years in England. For land sales, the Statute of Frauds requires a formal writing.

There are numerous other areas of real property law which commercial lawyers deal with on a day-to-day basis. Real property law includes such things as easements, usufructs, mortgages and other financing measures.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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OBELIX ALICE MOWGLI SNOW WHITE| Exercise 7. Listen and answer these questions.

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