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Listen to a short paragraph of the Episode and write it down (classwork).

Complete the lead-in text using the words and phrases given. Explain the words in bold. | Watch the episode again and fill in the gaps with the missing information. Write no more than THREE words. | Complete the lead-in text using the words and phrases given. | Watch the episode again and fill in the gaps with the missing information. Write no more than THREE words. | Complete the lead-in text using the words and phrases given. | Listen to a short paragraph of the Episode and write it down (classwork). | Speaking points. Comment on the following quotations. | Render the following extract into English, using the language of the episode. | Study the model and complete the task. | Watch the episode again and fill in the gaps with the missing information. Write no more than THREE words. |

Читайте также:
  1. A Listen to the dialogue. Match the columns to form the dialogue.
  2. A Rainy Day Episode
  3. A Sample Paragraph
  6. A short guide to Moscow architecture by A. Lavrin

Teachers’ Notes:

The teacher can choose either extract to complete it in class in written form. Practise three-four listening before scripting the extract.

Extract 1

14:08 -I think, there is a big irony in this story. And it’s this. Diana, who in her lifetime did more than anyone to expose the Monarchy was the one who in the end revived it. Just look at the Monarchy now. Charles, meeting AIDS patients. The Queen, hosting a pop-concert at Buckingham Palace. Can you imagine any of this happening if it hadn’t been for Diana?

Diana transformed the Monarchy forever. And she was punished for doing so. However manipulative, however flawed you think she was, she was the one who did it. She was the one who took the risks in the face of massive opposition. The Monarchy made her famous. And then they impaled her. Now they are copying her.

Extract 2

20.07 -“William and Harry, we all care desperately for you today. We’re all chewed up with the sadness at the loss for a woman who wasn’t even our mother. How great her suffering is … we can not even imagine. I would like to end by thanking God for the small mercies he shows for us at this dreadful time. For taking Diana at her most beautiful and radiant. And when she had joy in her private life. Above all we give thanks for the life of a woman I’m so proud to be able to call my sister. The unique, the complex, the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana whose beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds”.


3 Find English equivalents for the following word-combinations.


все дальше отдалялись друг от друга тосковать одной дорога к счастью и гармонии болтать о всяких пустяках когда у ворот стоит завоеватель распространять вымышленную историю вылиться на страницы газет нанести ответный удар поразить мир смелое решение сдерживать эмоции никчемная, чувствительная пустышка собирать средства на благотворительные нужды вижу и слышу ежедневно она сметала все преграды у нее не осталось никакого выбора попытки нанести удар по ее репутации ее популярность еще больше выросла (мир) был полон опасностей защитить от внешнего мира снова обречь на одиночество застыть в величии славы и красоты как жестоко с ней обошлись наша скорбь безмерна навсегда останется в наших сердцах ошибочность самых распространенных убеждений moved further apart to languish alone the route to peace and happiness talk about inconsequential things on the thread from an invader to spin a new myth to splash all over the tabloid to hit back to dazzle the world a bold decision keep a lid on their emotions insignificant, sentimental lightweight to raise money for charity see, and hear … on a daily basis she was pulling out all the stops she was running out of choices attempts to discredit her Diana’s popularity soared was fraught with danger keep the world at bay condemned her to a new world of loneliness be frozen in her years of glory and beauty she has been dealt with a cruel hand we are all chewed up with the sadness will never be extinguished from our minds the fallacy of widely-held beliefs  



4 Check you know the meanings of the words and phrases given in the box, make use of them when covering the information provided in the episode:

1. Diana’s uniqueness.


to become enchanted effortless charm new-age treatments the route to to hold hands with inconsequential things rigid and dull in public to hold out one’s arms to smb to hug smb


inconsequential or inconsequent - not following logically as a consequence; trivial or insignificant; rigid – (physically) inflexible or stiff, severe;


2. That controversial book of Diana.


The bed chamber the mighty palaces to be trapped to keep the unsayable alive to be on the menu potent weapon to be stifled by on the thread from


stifle - to feel or cause to feel discomfort and difficulty in breathing; душить, задыхаться;


3. Diana’s and Charles separation.


to move further apart hunting and shooting friends to languish alone to spin a new myth a traitor off one’s heads adulation to go one’s way to hum sth up to be fueled by to splash sth over to set off on a tour to burst into flames


adulation -obsequious flattery or praise; extreme admiration; низкопоклонство; лесть; languish - to lose or diminish in strength or energy; to suffer deprivation, hardship, or neglect; слабеть, чахнуть, вянуть; off one’s heads – истерично, вне себя


4. Alone in Kensington Palace. Diana’s brave move.


hushed voices perceptible tension Christmas dinner to hit back to dazzle the world to have the cheek to do the shackles of the past a bold decision to highlight the problem eating disorders to turn sth into smth


cheek -impudence; effrontery; наглость, нахальство; дерзость; shackles - anything that confines or restricts freedom, кандалы, наручники

5. Monarchy versus Diana.


to keep a lid on iciness vulnerability to be defiant to seem frozen a lightweight to contribute to to sound corny to raise money for in-depth understanding on a daily basis to pull out all the stops to run out of

“Stiff upper lip” – the phrase means to remain resolute and unemotional in the face of adversity, or even tragedy. The phrase has become symbolic of the British, and particularly of the products of the English public school system during the age of the British Empire. In those schools the 'play up and play the game' ethos was inculcated into the boys who went on to rule the Empire. That 'do your duty and show no emotion.

iciness -a manner that is cold or reserved; aloofness; defiant marked by resistance or bold opposition, as to authority; challenging; вызывающий; неповинующийся, дерзкий, непокорный; corny – banal or sentimental; банальный, избитый;



6. Diana in Panorama programme. Prince Charles’ response.


to change overnight to be a liability to be low to lead to instability to account for advanced stages of to discredit smb to soar


Teachers’ Notes: Ask students to explain the sentence “I was a liability”.

liability - a hindrance or disadvantage; помеха; источник неприятностей; обуза;


7. Diana’s new role and new loneliness.


to be stripped of set off for a quest minefields a humanitarian ambassador to represent smb to be fraught with limitless wealth to keep the world at bay to condemn sb to


fraught -showing or producing tension or anxiety; полный, наполненный; humanitarian - having the interests of mankind at heart;


8. People’s grief.


the years of glory to deal sb with a cruel hand tears for innate sadness ultimate loneliness to shift the legend onto to smb’s rescue to articulate much to pay respects to one’s extraordinary appeal remarkable tribute to to stare at to be sideways by


innate -existing in a person or animal from birth;


9. Her Greatness.


to make one’s pilgrimage to wage wars to split atoms to rule over the fallacy of widely-held beliefs a hefty price tag be skin-deep to lead to ruin through a magic wand out of fairytale force the gasket of gold to pay a high price for to make sb pause


Fallacy -an incorrect or misleading notion or opinion; ошибочность; hefty -sizable; involving a large amount of money; price tag - a label on an article for sale showing its price;

Teachers’ Notes: Ask students to explain the sentence “We know that celebrities are skin-deep.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 73 | Нарушение авторских прав

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