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  1. A claim should be well organized with information in a logical order.
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Новиця, нова оселя, тобто село, що засноване на нових землях. Перша згадка припадає на 1367 рік.

Нови́ця — село Калуського району Івано-Франківської області, центр сільської Ради, розташоване на правому березі річки Лімниці, за 7 км від Калуша. Населення — 3940 чоловік.

село Новиця village of Novytsya
Країна Україна Country Ukraine
Область Івано-Франківська область Region Ivano-Frankivsk
Район Калуський район District Kalush
Рада Новицька сільська рада Council Novytsya
Основні дані Main data
Засноване 1367 Founded 1367
Населення 3940 Population 3940
Площа 18,55 км² Area 18.55 sq km
Поштовий індекс 77360 Index 77360
Телефонний код +380 03472 Telephone cod +3803472
Географічні дані Geographical data
Водойми Урив, Солонець Rivers Uryv, Solonents’, Limnytsya


Novytsya-a village of Kalush district Ivano-Frankivsk region, the centre of the village council, situated on the right bank of the river Limnytsya, 7 km from the town of Kalush. Population of the village: 3940 inhabitants.

Name: Ukraine

· Capital City: Kyiv (Kiev) (2,797,553 pop.)
(3,648,000 metro)

· Ukraine Population: 44,573,205 (2013 est.)

· World Populations (all countries)

· Currency: Hryvnia
(conversion rates)

100 hryvnia

· Ethnicity: Ukrainian 77.8%, Russian 17.3%, Belarusian 0.6%, Moldovan 0.5%, Crimean Tatar 0.5%, Bulgarian 0.4%, Hungarian 0.3%, Romanian 0.3%, Polish 0.3%, Jewish 0.2%, other 1.8%

· GDP total: $335.4 billion (2012 est.)

· GDP per capita: $7,600 (2012 est.)

· Language: Ukrainian (official) 67%, Russian 24%, other 9% (includes small Romanian-, Polish-, and Hungarian-speaking minorities)

· Largest Cities: (by population) Kyyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odesa, Zaporizhzhya, L'viv, Kryvyy, Mykolayiv, Mariupol, Luhansk

· Name: The origin of Ukraine's name can be traced back to ancient times, and simply means 'land.'

· National Day: August 24

· Religion: Ukrainian Orthodox - Kyiv Patriarchate 50.4%, Ukrainian Orthodox - Moscow Patriarchate 26.1%, Ukrainian Greek Catholic 8%, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox 7.2%, Roman Catholic 2.2%, Protestant 2.2%, Jewish 0.6%, other 3.2%

Geographical location of Ukraine

The territory of Ukraine stretches for 1316 km from east to west and 893 km from north to south. The total area of Ukraine is 603.7 thousand sq. km., representing 5,7% of the territory of Europe and 0,44% of the world. It is believed that Ukraine is the largest country in Europe that is located entirely within it. However, there is no consensus on where to place the eastern border of Europe.

The length of Ukrainian sea border is 1355 km. Ukraine has the official border with 7 UN states: in the east and north-east with Russia (1955 km), in the north with Belarus (1084 km), in the west with Poland (542 km), Hungary (135 km), Slovakia (98 km), in the south-west with Moldova (1202 km) and Romania (608 km). The coastline of Ukraine is 2835 km.

Ukraine consists of 4 geographical regions divided into 24 oblasts (regions) and 1 autonomous republic.


Ukraine has a mostly temperate climate, however, a more Mediterranean-like climate is found along the resort areas of the southern Crimean coast and Sea of Azov, where summer temps run quite warm.

In general terms, May and June bring warmer temperatures across the country, with very hot days in July somewhat common. Fall is pleasant, while winters can be brutally cold, especially east of the Dnieper River.
Rainfall amounts are higher in the west and north, and lowest in the east and southeast. In the west, around 1,200 mm (47.2 in) of precipitation is the average, while the coastal areas receive near 400 mm (15.7 in) annually. Snowfall can be heavy in the mountain regions.

National symbols

The national emblem

Presidential standart



National flag


The snowball tree

the willow-treeThe sunflower



Embroidered towel





Ukraine, the largest country totally in Europe, has many diverse and interesting geographic features.

As for mountains, the northern reaches of the Carpathian Mountains stretch across western Ukraine. The country's highest point is located there; Hoverla Mountain, at 2061 m (6762 ft) tall.

The Crimean Mountains front the southern edges of the Crimean Peninsula, and some lower, heavily-eroded mountains extend into Russia just north of the Sea of Azov.

Much of central Ukraine is covered by plateaus, and fertile plains (steppes), somewhat hilly areas of grasslands and shrub lands. The Black Sea Coastal Lowlands cover the southern edges of the country.

Ukraine is bordered by the waters of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Major rivers include the Desna, Dnieper, Dniester, Donets and the Southern Bug. Numerous waterfalls are found in both the Carpathian and Crimean Mountains.

The Dnieper River, one of the major rivers of Europe (fourth by length) flows from Russia, through Belarus and Ukraine, to the Black Sea. The river's total length is 2,285 km (1,420 mi).


Travel information


Ukraine is a country vivid with its riches of culture and history.
Tourists from all over the world find a wide variety of attractions in Ukraine including the capital city of Kiev, home to the Golden Gage, the Cathedral of St. Vladimir, museums, architecture and historical sites. The city of Odessa offers the Potemkin Stairway, the opera house, museums, the Vorontsov Palace and other places to see too numerous to mention.

Today more and more tourists open Ukraine as one of the most picturesque places in the world. This is thanks to its geographical position and nature. Tourists visit with pleasure the city of Lviv, the Carpathian mountains, where green tourism is beginning its development.

The architecture of Ukraine is an interesting blend of golden domes of the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox cathedrals, Turkic architecture and ancient cavecities.

The Ukranians have worked hard to prove that this once overlooked country is a viable, interesting and beautiful destination.



· Calling Code: 380

· Electricity: 220V, 50Hz

· Drive on the: Right

· Times to Travel: Ukraine's climate is mostly temperate, with a more Mediterranean-like climate found along the resort areas of the southern Crimean coast and Sea of Azov, where summers can be quite warm.

May and June bring warmer temperatures across the country, with very hot days in July somewhat common. Fall is pleasant, while winters can be brutally cold, especially east of the Dnieper River.




Новиця славна своїми людьми. Кожен житель нашого села гордо каже:

“Я з Новиці!”

Село гордиться своїми священиками, лікарями, педагогами, прокурорами, суддями, економістами, менеджерами, лісівниками, агрономами, ветеринарами, журналістами, успішними підприємцями, як в Україні, так і за її межами.




Novytsya is proud of its people. Every inhabitant of our village says proudly: “I am from Novytsya!. The village is famous for its priests, doctors, teachers, prosecutors, judges, economists, managers, forest guards, agronomists, vets, journalists, successful businessmen both in Ukraine and abroad.

Yosyp Petrushevych

Novytsya is famous for its outstanding people. The family of Petrushevych is among them.In 1869 Yosip Petrushevuch, who later became the headmaster of the school, came to work to Novytsya school. He was also the founder of Novytsya cultural gardening, and the founder of”Prosvita” (organization that promoted education and culture among Ukrainian people).He was fond of gardening, bought new kinds of apple-trees and planted new gardens. Soon Novytsya became “the capital” of gardening in the region. Yosyp also taught children, organized circles of the Ukrainian literature. Yosyp died in 1918. One of the streets of the village where his gardens still give the harvest was named after Petrushevych. His family remained living in the village of Novytsya.

Йосип Петрушевич

Новиця славиться знаменитими людьми. Серед них — і родина Петрушевичів, яка довший час проживала у Новиці.На працю до Новицької школи в 1869 прибув Йосип Петрушевич, який згодом став директором школи. Також він був фундатором новицького культурного садівництва,засновником ”Просвіти”.Він захоплювався садівництвом, купував нові сорти яблунь і висаджував їх. Незабаром Новиця стала столицею садівництва в регіоні. Крім того, Йосип навчав дітей, організував гуртки української літератури. Йосип помер 1918.На його честь назвали одну з вулиць села,де до цього часу квітнуть і дають урожай його сади. Його сім’я лишилась жити у селі Новиця.

Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was a large and well organized Ukrainian nationalist military and later partisan army that engaged in a series of conflicts during World War II against Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, and both Underground and Communist Poland. Its official date of creation is 14 October 1942, day of Intercession of the Theotokos feast.

Novytsya people were very patriotic. They never bent their heads before enemies.

They took part in the battles against the numerous enemies and were members of the UIA.

The List of rehabilitated participants of liberation in the village of Novytsya includes 6 people: Anna Getmanchuk, Lelyk Ivan, Petriv Fedir,Parashchak Mykhailo, Perehinets Ivan, Vasil Stelmah.

Список реабілітованих учасників визвольних змагань в селі Новиця нараховує 6 чоловік: Гетьманчук Ганна, Лелик Іван, Петрів Федір, Паращук Михайло, Перегінець Іван, Стельмах Василь.

The emblem of UIA

The flag of UIA



Vasyliv Illya,”Gamaliya”-

District leader of Ukrainian Notionalist Organisation.

Illya Vasyliv was born a simple peasant family in 1925.He finished the 7 classes of local school and entered the Kalush school where he studied for four months.In1941 he went to study in Kalush trade school where he got the profession of an accountant. 9 July 1943 he was mobilized to the SS Division”Galychyna”.

After training he was appointed the commander of the department and later an assistant of the commander. Approximately two weeks later fighting against the Soviet army began. During the battle Illya was slightly wounded in the chest. Later he was offered to join the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Illya agreed. In late July 1944 he was admitted to the army as an ordinary shooter and got the name”Gamaliya”. In 1952 he was captured by Ministry of State Security. In 1995 the villagers built the monument to his honour near the church.


Василів Ілля («Гамалія»)- районний лідер Організації Українських Націоналістів.

Народився Ілля в 1925 в простій селянській родині. Закінчив 7 класів місцевої школи і вступив у Калуш до гімназії,де провчися 4 місяці. В 1941 пішов на навчання в Калуську торгівельну школу,де здобув фах бухгалтера.9 липня 1943 мобілізований в дивізію ”Галичина”.

Після закінчення навчання був призначений командиром відділення. Приблизно через два тижні почалися бої з радянською армією. Під час бою Ілля був легко поранений в груди. Йому запропонували вступити в сотню Української Повстанської Армії. Ілля дав згоду. В кінці липня 1944 був прийнятим до сотні рядовим стрільцем і присвоїв ім’я”Гамалія”. В 1952 захоплений МДБ. В 1995 односельці спорудили на його честь пам’ятник біля церкви.


Dmytro Popovnyak

Dmytro Popovnyak was the organizer of Novytsya”Lug”with Kucherak M. and Ilkiv O. In Germany joined the organization headed by the opponent of Bandera Melnyk and some time later came back. He worked in the village of Novytsya, but soon died.

Ivan Perehinets

One of many Novytsya heroes who died for the freedom of his native land. In 1944 when Novytsya began to mobilize to the front, he was 20 years old. He went with the youth to the woods. For a long time followed the orders of the Ukrainian Nationalist Organization. During the wars he fell ill and soon died.


Дмитро Поповняк

був організатором Новицького”Лугу”разом із Кучераком М. та Ільківим О. У Німеччині вступив в організіцію очолювану опонентом Бандери Мельником і через деякий час повернувся додому. Працював в селі Новиця,але незабаром помер.


Перегінець Іван Васильович

Один з героїв Новиці, що загинув за волю своєї Батьківщини. У 1944 йому було 20,коли у Новиці почалася мобілізація на фронт. Пішов з молоддю в ліс. Довго виконував накази ОУН.

Між багатьма війнами він захворів на запалення легень і помер.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 116 | Нарушение авторских прав

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