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Nature knows no borders

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Ladies and gentlemen!

- It is a distinct pleasure for me to declare the agenda of our today`s sitting. As you well know, the problem of environmental pollution is, perhaps, second only to the threat of a thermonuclear catastrophe. This problem, presumably, will be the main item of interest for us today. People who will focus on the questions of ecology and environmental protection are: ……

- Dear friends! We hope it is not yet too late to save the Earth from ecological calamities it is facing. Well, obviously, throughout human history man has used nature extensively. Normally we talked of conquering nature, making it serve the people. For years we had been borrowing from nature without replacing its riches. Alas, as a consequence, the once blossoming lands of Madagaskar are turning into deserts, Oklahoma and Texas are being devastating, swept by dust and sandstorms, London and Tokyo choke with smog clouds, the poisoned Rhine waters menace the health of the Europeans.

- Well, such carpenters, such chips!

- Today mandarins predict such threatening phenomena as `acid rains`, a partial destruction of the ozone layer, increase in carbon-dioxide content in the air, soil and forest destruction and other catastrophes if the extensive methods don`t sink into obscurity. What have we inherited from our ancestors, and what will remain for our descendants, heirs?

- Yes, with increasing anxiety man has begun to brood over the fact that animate nature has been perishing before his very eyes. We can`t flee from the fact that by dumping into the nature`s ample bosom, its lap all we no longer need, we have all but made the entire world a rubbish heap. Is it too late to amend the situation? I hope not, but beggars can`t be choosers, so we have to anchor our hopes on learning a great deal from nature itself. This is apt to succeed! The giant photosynthetic factory of biosphere is a perfect model of waste-free production. The Earth`s garment of green, that gorgeous cloak consumes only 0,2% of the solar radiation falling onto its surface. This factory manufactures generous amounts of a hundred billion tons of organic mass and releases about a hundred billion tons of oxygen annually. It is this perfect model that served as the basis for developing the conception of the waste-free technology. In the near future it can help eliminate the antagonism between production and nature, to make rational the use of natural resources. Wastes are not an inevitable result of its imperfection. What was previously regarded as wastes has become an extremely valuable starting material for new production process.

- Let me add to that. Environmental protection, we`ve got to acknowledge, poses diverse questions. It is vital, above all, to preserve the air. It`s annoying to think that one transatlantic flight requires the burning of as much oxygen as is simultaneously produced by 25-50 hectares of forest which continue to be felled on an ever increasing scale. It is vital to preserve the water, bearing in mind that 40% of all fresh water is already used for the needs of civilization. It is vital to find appropriate means to preserve the soil, this unique combination of inorganic and organic substances, and living organisms. Approximately 90% of the planet`s arable land is already ploughed. It is vital to preserve the abundance of all species of living bodies ranging from viruses to man. Everything is equally necessary and important. The biosphere is a cohesive organism of which man forms part. If we just keep on bending brows, this won`t cut any ice, won`t get us anywhere. We`ll despise ourselves if we don`t stop acting the ass now.

- OK, there`s a bundle of interconnected problems. Could you supply one or two facts?

- Here you are. You`ve mentioned this question in your maiden speech. The temperature of the near Earth air is on the rise due to the burning of the heaps of fuel. The amount of carbon dioxide is rising. Generally its content amounts to 0,03%, but now it has gone up to 0,045%. If this tendency continues, it might literally lead to the melting of the mountain glaciers or blocks of ice in the Antarctica and Greenland. The danger is not to be lessened, otherwise we`ll be caught napping.

- Much concern has been raised about the chemicals eating up the ozone layer. These chemicals together with the exhaust gases of the automobiles and aircrafts absorb the ultraviolet radiation reflected by the Earth, thus leading to the increase of the Earth`s average temperature. Weakening of the ozone shield may lead to skin cancer, destroy plankton in the ocean, whose level would rise, flooding the cities. What could you say about all this, professor…? Can we contend the trend?

- In the first place, it is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to speak at this sitting. As to the core of the matter. I`m sure, things have been exaggerated. Human activity may not have such a harmful effect on the ozone layer as we previously thought. I`ll drop a hint. As you all know, ozone is a slightly different form of oxygen. Its most important function is to shield us from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. Studies predicted that continued use of some man-made chemicals would swiftly reduce the ozone layer by as much as 18%. Gloomy prospects, indeed. But this notwithstanding, a just completed report by the National Research Council of the US Academy of Sciences concluded that the ozone outlook is not as bad as had been predicted. The report suggests that the ozone concentration may actually increase over next century. Detailed analysis of the ozone concentration from 1970 to 1980 produced no discernable trend in the amount of the ozone. Furthermore, the study found that an apparent decrease in ozone may have been detached at an altitude of about 40 km, but this must have been offset by increases in ozone at lower altitudes.

- That was a very valuable information. But as to the air pollution, these are not only man-made substances that have been found guilty. Some natural phenomena contaminate the air and soil as well, don`t they?

- They do. Consider volcanic activity, for example. In 1980 a powerful volcano exploded in the state of Washington. The explosion of Mount St. Helen`s volcano equaled the force of 500 atomic bombs. It blew away almost 2 cubic km of Earth, thousands of tons of ash and melted rock. The total damage was about1500 mln. dollars, it destroyed 400 sq.km. of trees, 57 persons died, the luckiest got away with bruises and bumps.

- Yes, the volcano did damage the part of the landscape and the scientists had expected a long lasting waste land, a decay with scarce vegetation. But animals and plants appeared to have returned much faster than expected. The ash had even spurred the growth of some farm crops, by keeping rain water in the ground for a long time. It added small amounts of sulfur to soil that didn`t have enough of the element. Deer and elk are living again in the area. Most rivers and lakes are again becoming clean.

- I`m inclined to think that natural phenomena do not contaminate the surroundings in the way the humans do. The fate of the Easter island civilization is a grave reminder to us all. This is a tiny, lonely, desolate island 2000 km from the coast of Chile. The people there had created a system of writing, studied the Sun and Stars and carved huge heads from the volcanic rock. But about 300 years ago Easter islanders began to fight each other and most of the 10000 people disappeared. But we don`t really know why this society faded away, how this candle of life had been blown out.

- Let me object to you. There`s new evidence that may help solve the mystery. The people had deliberately and selfishly cut the soil and exhausted it without replacing. This severely changed the environment. The soil became too barren and poor to grow food plants, and small animals could no longer live. This caused a terrible shortage of food, dammed the civilization back. The island became unable to support its solitary civilization. The fighting and destruction continued until no virgin forests remained there and the cradle of the civilization died. Destruction of soil and forests is bound to lead to the disaster at any time. This is a vivid example of what might happen today with us.

- Forests in West Germany, for example, are in danger of being destroyed by air pollution and other causes. The most serious damage is reported in famous black forests. Studies of evergreen trees show that they are slowly turning yellow or losing their needles. 80% of the silver fir trees show signs of some damage, half the spruce trees have the same problems. We are to oppose the trend vigorously. Ministry of agriculture said the area of damaged trees have increases by four times.

- Most German scientists believe pollution from factories, electric power centres, autos is the main cause of the damage. Dangerous chemicals including sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides are released from major industrial area in close vicinity in West Germany and France. The pollution is carried in the air and falls out on the trees, the lawns, meadows in the form of acid rain. Soon we`ll be stung by remorse, I`m convinced. We`ve got to lend a helping hand to each other.

- Well, the thing is clear. The European governments should pass special laws and seek shrewd agreements among other countries to reduce the industrial pollution spreading across national borders. It`s a long lane that has no turning. Experts are to treat forests with fertilizers and chemicals to try to prevent further damage, to stop a succession of calamities, to develop new kinds of trees that are not affected by pollution. Damage to forests have also been reported in some European countries. There`s something to rack our brains over.

- I`d also like to point out to this obvious question: lack of fresh water is becoming one of the very acute problems. Water is necessary to sustain life and good health. We often forget this fact when we think about the other building blocks of life such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. We can live for many days without eating. However, only 2-3 days without water usually leads to death. The human body may look solid, but much of it is water. Newborn babies are as much as 85% water, women are about 65%, and men are 75%, since they have less fat cells. Water performs a lot of functions: it carries hormones, antibodies and foods through the body as blood. It carries away waste materials and cools the body, carrying the heat to the surface of skin where the heat is lost through perspiration. If we lose too much water we will become sick. A 10% drop in body water causes the blood system to fail, a 15-20% drop leads to death. Water famine is a terrible disaster. We get much water in the foods we eat. Most fruits and vegetables are more than 80% water, meats are 50-60% and even bread is about 33% water. Water may be one of the simplest of all chemical substances but it is vitally important for our civilization.

- I side with you, professor. We`ve got the Rheine and Danube water problems on the European continent, and the Issyk-Kul, the Aral lakes and other ponds in this country. Speaking of the Baikal, for example, 20% of the world`s fresh water supplies are concentrated here. If all the planet`s water vanished one day, with every person consuming 500 liters daily, the Baikal would support the human life for as long as 40 years. It is unique as to the quality of water depending on the functioning of its divine combination of the flora and fauna, consisting of 2600 life forms in the lake; two thirds of them are found nowhere else in the world. Special boards, committees are to be elected and new laws passed to protect the lake from the wrecking. A new mentality is necessary – we all must drink fresh water and breathe clean air. I can`t endure the thought that they may one day be lost for good.

- I do believe ours isn`t a voice in wilderness into which our planet might turn one day if we don`t stop what we all see is wrong. Lack of water is directly connected to the formation of deserts. Fossils indicate that the deserts began to be formed only several million years age, being the young parts of the land. Desserts appear in the high pressure areas where the air drops no rain. Many other natural phenomena have something to do with the creation of the deserts – winds, air pressure, the currents of the sea, mountains. But there is another cause – man himself. The deserts are the product of the human activity in the places where the soil is not protected by the people. In the Middle East, North America man`s failure caused vast areas of grassland to decrease and plants droop from drought without moisture, precipitation.

- Gentlemen, I deem you`ve been right while stressing the need for an intergovernmental accord or a special program coordinating the efforts by many special national laboratories. The Ukrainian leader called for creation of waste free technology on the basis of the integrated use of natural resources. What do we do? Of all the minerals we utilize approximately 1%, whereas 99% are thrown away contaminating surroundings. A special institution developing a great theory of prof.Vernadsky, that man of genius, has to be set up. Great industrial enterprises, projects should undergo a special ecological examination, a check-up and become waste-free. Consider food consumption. Everything bought at the supermarket comes in its own package. These bottles, boxes and bags may look attractive but they have a very short life span. Once their contents are removed they are thrown away. For the consumer that`s usually the end of it, but for local and state government officials in charge of waste disposal this is only the beginning of an ever growing weary problem that damps their spirits. The absence of available land field space combined with a steadily increasing volume of garbage is promoting a search for new methods of waste management. Unfortunately, more often than not the authorities have to clutch at a straw.

- Well, an average man discards more than 200 kg of packagings each year and the problem what to do with it has become very acute, especially in cities located in densely populated regions. Thrash, lumber may be sent as far away as the neighbouring towns or even states, and the garbage disposal cost increased decently several times. Some countries are even negotiating junk export agreements with the other countries.

- I`ve heard of constructing waste-to-energy plants that burn solid wastes to produce energy. Emotions are being whipped up around the matter since the plants emit pollution in the air.

- That is true. The only way to alter the wretched state of things is to rely more heavily on a third method that has the greatest potential for handling the problem. This is recycling – the new method of waste disposal that has been developed because of the past problems with ground water contamination and current concerns about the environmental effect of waste-to-energy plants that burn garbage to create steam or electricity. It is the process by which manufactured goods after their use are treated as raw material to produce new products.

- Let me illustrate the idea with a few examples. Used newspapers or glass bottles and aluminium cans after their use are squeezed and recycled to produce new paper, glass or aluminium articles. The goals of the process are to reduce the amount of waste generated, recycle the material that can`t be reused and recover energy from wastes that can`t be recycled.

- That sounds reasonable!

- The key to make the technique successful seems to be getting people to participate, educating them how to safely and economically dispose of their wastes, to segregate materials into different storage bins. This can result in considerable savings. But it has to be a joint effort on the part of consumers, on the part of manufacturers and on the part of the governments.

- Thank you. In conclusion let me note that no country alone can solve global ecological problems. It is not what one or several countries can do that matters. What matters is what all countries are prepared to do for the sake of the future generations to preserve and continue life on the Earth. There`s no more time to reflect. It is time to act. Let`s swear an oath we will!


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

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