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Match the name of the doctor with the area in which he specializes.

Читайте также:
  1. A Decide which of these statements are true (T) or false (F).
  2. A Listen to the dialogue. Match the columns to form the dialogue.
  3. A peninsula is a piece of land, which is almost completely surrounded by water, but is joined to a larger mass of land.
  4. A strait is a narrow passage of water between two areas of land, which is connecting two seas.
  5. A) Look at the table below and match the problem with its effect.
  6. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.
  7. A) read the text and tell which of the problems mentioned in the text are typical for the city you live in.

Who is Who in Medicine.

therapist /physician/general practitioner/ ‘internist(Am) – терапевт

p(a)ediatrician[pi:diə’tri∫(ə)n] /children’s doctor – педиатр

surgeon – хирург

dentist/stomatologist – дантист, стоматолог

optician – оптик

oculist/ophthalmologist – окулист, офтальмолог

psychiatrist [sai’kaiәtrist] – психиатр

psychologist [sai’kolәd3ist] – психолог

physiotherapist – [fiziә’Өerәpist] – физиотерапевт

gynaecologis[gainə’koləd3ist]t/women’s doctor – гинеколог

(ne)urologist [juә’rolәd3ist] – уролог

midwife – акушерка

dermatologist – дерматолог

(hospital) nurse – медсестра, сиделка

dietitian/nutritionist - диетолог

pathologist – патолог(оанатом)

anesthesiologist [ænisӨizi’olәd3ist] - анестезиолог

orthopedic [o:Өә’pi:dik] - ортопед

pharmacist (Br)/druggist (Am) - фармацевт

сardiologist - кардиолог

radiographer [reidi’ogrәfә]- рентгенолог

speech therapist - логопед

neuropathist [njuә’ropәӨist] - невропатолог

neurologist - невролог

otolaryngologist/ENT specialist - отоларинголог

laboratorian/lab technician/assistant - лаборант

plastic surgeon – пласт. хирург

veterinarian/vet - ветеринар

‘out-patient - амбулаторный больной

'in-patient – стационарный

casualty [‘kæ3juəlti]- человек пострадавший от несчастного случая (раненый, убитый)



Match the name of the doctor with the area in which he specializes.


1. a casualty a) a doctor who puts patient to sleep prior to surgery.

2. a general practitioner b) a person who is trained to treat patients by giving

them exercise or massage, often to help them to walk

after an accident or operation.

3. a midwife c) a doctor whose job is to perform operations.

4. a nurse d) a person who has been injured or killed in an

accident, a fire or a war.

5. an optician e) a person, usually a woman, who has been trained to

advise pregnant women and to help them when they

are giving birth.

6. an out-patient f) a person who tests people’s eyesight and provides

glasses and contact lenses.

7. a pathologist j) a doctor who examines a dead body to find out how

the person died.

8. a paediatrician h) a person who has to visit a hospital regularly for

treatment while still living at home.

9. a pharmacist i) a person who looks after patients in hospital.

10. a physiotherapist g) a doctor who specializes in treating sick children.

11. a psychiatrist k) a doctor who performs cosmetic surgery.

12. a surgeon l) a doctor who treats bone problems.

13. an ophthalmologist m) a doctor who treats people suffering from mental


14. an anesthesiologist n) a doctor trained in general medicine who treats

people in a certain local area for all kinds of illnesses.

He/she is usually the first doctor people go to when

they are ill.

15. a plastic surgeon o) a person who is qualified to prepare and sell


16. an orthopedic p) a doctor who treats eye problems.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 47 | Нарушение авторских прав

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