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Glossary of Terms for Dairy

Читайте также:
  1. A Reference Glossary to Pronunciation Terms and Terminology
  3. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.
  4. Accounting terms
  5. Basic terms of delivery
  6. Booking terms and conditions
  7. Business Terms
Accredited person Has the same meaning as ‘recognised person’.
Accredited risk management programme verifier Has the same meaning as ‘recognised risk management programme verifier’.
Act The Animal Products Act 1999.
Agricultural Compound Has the same meaning as given to it in the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997.
Approved Means approved under the Act.
Aseptic Packaging Means the packaging of commercially sterile product into sterilised containers followed by hermetic sealing with a sterilised closure in a manner which prevents viable microbiological recontamination of the sterile product.
Assessment Systematic examination of an individual, organisation, plan, programme, or system against regulatory requirements.
Authorised Person A person designated by the Director-General under section 65 of the Act as an authorised person for the purpose of issuing official assurances for dairy product.
Category 1 Laboratory A recognised dairy laboratory that tests dairy product for export certification and tests samples to determine whether dairy product is fit for intended purpose or to meet overseas market access requirements.
Category 2 Laboratory A recognised dairy laboratory belonging to an animal product business that tests its dairy product that is intended for sale in the New Zealand domestic market and tests samples (including raw milk) for internal quality control purposes.
Certification Procedure by which official certification bodies or officially recognised certification bodies provide written or equivalent assurance that foods or food control systems conform to requirements. Certification of food may be, as appropriate, based on a range of inspection activities which may include continuous on-line inspection, auditing of quality assurance systems, and examination of finished products.
Clean Means free of soil, food residue, dirt, grease, cleaning or sanitising agents or other objectionable matter.
Codex Means the Codex Alimentarius Commission Joint Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)/ World Health Organisation (WHO) Food Standards Programme.
Competent Person A person who can be shown to have sufficient experience, training and knowledge to perform the nominated function.
Completion of Milking The time when milking of all animals intended to supply raw milk for consumption or further processing finishes.
Compliance Refers to all aspects of confirming that products, facilities, people, programmes, and systems meet regulatory requirements and, where applicable, export requirements issued under section 60 of the Act.
Consignment The goods identified in one bill of lading.
Contaminant Any substance or thing which (a) is undesirable, potentially harmful, or unexpected in a particular product or process; and (b) is or may be present in, or in contact with, animal material or animal product; and contaminated has a corresponding meaning.
Corrective Action Action taken to rectify, eliminate the causes of, and prevent recurrence of any problem/failure/non-compliance identified in a plan, procedure, process, product, programme, or system.
Country-specific Tariff Quota The tariff quotas relating to the import of dairy produce into the European Communities that specify New Zealand as the country of origin, namely: the tariff quota for butter of New Zealand origin; the tariff quota for cheddar cheese of New Zealand origin; and tariff quota for cheese for processing of New Zealand origin.
Critical Control Point (CCP) A step in a process at which a control can be applied which is essential to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a food safety hazard to an acceptable level.
Critical Limit A criterion which separates acceptability from unacceptability, and includes acceptable parameters as described in section 17(3)(c) of the Act.
Critical Non-compliance An action, event or omission which may result in — (i) failure to follow the lawful direction of an Animal Products Officer; (ii) an alleged offence against the Animal Products Act 1999; (iii) a critical situation; (iv) failure of a critical control point within a risk management programme or approved plan; (v) failure to identify when dairy material or dairy product is non-conforming; (vi) failure to stop a non-compliance; (vii) failure to keep accurate and complete records; (viii) failure to provide accurate, complete, and timely reports; (ix) failure to dispose of non-conforming dairy material or dairy product in compliance with regulatory requirements; (x) failure to prevent recurrence of a non-compliance; or (xi) failure to rectify a non-compliance within the specified timeframe.
Critical Situation Any situation which, in the professional judgement of an Animal Products Officer, places public health, animal welfare, market access, official assurances, national good, or the credibility of MAF or the Director-General at risk, or where an offence is suspected.
Cypher The quantity of product produced according to one product purchasing specification in one production plant during a single manufacturing run.
Dairy Factory Any factory engaged in the manufacture of dairy products and includes a skimming station, a buying or receiving station, or any other premises ancillary to a dairy factory.
Dairy Manufacturer Operator of a dairy factory processing dairy material.
Dairy material (a) animal material that is (i)milk extracted from a milking animal; and (ii)any material derived or processed from milk extracted from a milking animal, up until delivery of the material at the place of sale for consumption or for end use for purposes other than consumption, or its export; and (b) includes dairy product that, having been purchased or imported, is further processed.
Dairy processing All processing activities in relation to dairy material; and includes (a) the extraction of milk from milking animals for the purposes of export or sale; (b) transport of dairy material from a farm dairy to a place where processing or manufacturing involving the dairy material occurs; (c) processing of dairy material, including heat treatment, cooling, separation, concentration, filtering, blending, and extraction of milk components; (d) the addition of other material (including food, ingredients, additives, or processing aids as defined in the Food Standards Code) or other dairy material to dairy material; (e) the manufacture of products, including milk, butter, cream, milk-fat products, cheese, processed cheese, whey cheese, dried milks, milk-based infant formula, evaporated milks, condensed milks, whey, whey powder, whey products, casein, milk protein products, ice-cream, low dairy fat ice-cream-like products, yoghurt, other fermented milks, dairy desserts, lactose, and colostrum products; (f) the packaging of dairy material; (g) the storage, transportation, and handling of dairy material prior to (i) delivery of the material at the place of sale for consumption or for end use for purposes other than consumption; or (ii) its export (h) further processing of dairy material that was previously dairy product with or without the addition of other material (including food, ingredients, additives, or processing aids as defined in the Food Standards Code), including reprocessing, repacking, reconstitution with water, and recombination of dairy products with or without water to make any dairy products.
Dairy processor A person who, for reward (otherwise than as an employee) or for purposes of trade, carries out dairy processing; and (a) includes(i) a farm dairy operator; (ii) a transporter of dairy material from a farm dairy to a place of processing or manufacture; (iii) a transporter of dairy material from one place of processing or manufacture to another; (iv) an operator of any premises where dairy material is processed or manufactured or stored; (v) a transporter of dairy material to the place of export or sale for consumption or end use for purposes other than consumption; (b) does not include persons (such as airline or shipping staff, stevedores, retailers, or wholesalers) handling the relevant product at the port of export or at the place of sale for consumption or use.
Dairy product (a) animal product that, having originally been dairy material (i) has been delivered to the place of sale for consumption, or for end use for purposes other than consumption; or (ii) has left New Zealand's territorial waters in the course of its export; and (b) includes `dairy produce' within the meaning of the Dairy Industry Act 1952 (as in force before its repeal by section 75 of the Animal Products (Ancillary and Transitional Provisions) Act 1999).
Date of Manufacture The date on which the product becomes the product as described.
Date of Packaging The date on which the product is placed in the immediate container in which it will be ultimately sold.
Days Unless specified otherwise, refers to calendar days.
Designated Signatory A person who is authorised by the RMP operator to sign operator verification information on the operator’s behalf.
Director-General Chief executive of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Disease Any illness which has the potential to make the raw milk unfit for the manufacture of dairy products for consumption.
Eaten, or edible Includes eaten or edible by animals.
E-cert, in relation to dairy product The electronic programme provided by the NZFSA for the requesting and issuing of export certificates, and includes the NZFSA help file in that electronic programme.
Evaluation The process of independent external assessment of the validity of a risk management programme for the purposes of providing an independent evaluation report as required under section 20(2)(b) of the Act.
Existing business, or existing animal product business (a) a business that was operating as an animal product business as at (i) the commencement of the Animal Products Amendment Act 2005, in the case of a business engaged in dairy processing (and to the extent only of that dairy processing); (ii) the commencement of Part 2 of the Animal Products Act 1999, in any other case; but (b) does not include any business or operation referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) of the definition of new business.
Export Transport of goods outside New Zealand.
Export Certificate Set The original export certificate form plus the appropriate number of copies.
Export Certificate, in relation to dairy material and product Is the form of an official assurance for dairy product determined by the Director-General pursuant to section 62 of the Act.
Export Requirement The requirements issued by notice under section 60 of the Act.
Exporter A person who exports any animal material or product from New Zealand, whether or not for reward or for purposes of trade; and, where an exporter registered under Part 5 is based overseas, includes the New Zealand agent or representative of that exporter.
External Verification The process of verification by a recognised verifier.
Facilities Includes water supply, steam supply, refrigeration, heating, ventilation, lighting, air conditioning, effluent disposal, waste disposal and sanitary arrangements for personnel.
Farm dairy A place where milking animals are milked on a permanent or temporary basis; and (a) subject to paragraph (b), includes (i) any stockyard, milking yard, feedyard, silo pad, or other construction associated with or involved in the activity of extracting milk from milking animals; and (ii) any place where milk from the milking animals is first collected, filtered, deposited, cooled, stored, or treated for transport or for further processing; but (b) does not include any place where any further processing takes place, or transport to that place.
Farm dairy operator The person in charge of operations at a farm dairy, including the extraction of milk from milking animals.
Financial year A period of 12 months beginning on 1 July and ending on 30 June.
Finished Product Dairy material or product which has been packed, in the manner intended for sale, and is awaiting the decision concerning conformance with regulatory requirements.
Fit for intended purpose Used in relation to any animal product, is described in section 5 of the Act.
Food Act regime The alternative regimes under the Food Act 1981 that consist of, or relate to (a) Part 1A of that Act and food safety programmes (b) The Food Hygiene Regulations 1974.
Food safety programme An appropriate food safety programme within the meaning of the Food Act 1981, being a programme whose adoption gives rise to an exemption from the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 under Part 1A of that Act.
Food Standards Code The code incorporated into New Zealand law by the New Zealand (Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code) Food Standards 2002 and issued by the Minister under section 11C of the Food Act 1981.
Foreign Matter Any extraneous thing — (i) that is injurious to health or harmful; (ii) that is offensive; or (iii) the presence of which would be unexpected or unreasonable in food of that description prepared or packed for sale in accordance with good trade practice.
Global Mean and Standard Deviation A calculation of the overall mean and standard deviation of weight or fat of the IMA lot.
HACCP The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. HACCP is a systematic identification of hazards and the measures for their control to ensure the safety of food. It focuses on prevention rather than end-product testing.
HACCP Plan A documented system, prepared in accordance with all the principles of HACCP, to ensure control of significant food safety hazards in a food handling process. A HACCP Plan will always include one or more critical control points.
Hazard A biological, chemical, or physical agent that (a) Is in or has the potential to be in animal material or product, or is or has the potential to be a condition of animal material or product; and (b) Leads or could lead to an adverse health effect on humans or animals.
Hazard Analysis The process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards and conditions leading to their presence to decide which are significant for food safety and therefore should be addressed in the HACCP plan.
Hazard Identification and Analyses A documented system prepared in accordance with the principles of HACCP but differing from a HACCP Plan because CCPs are not identified.
Heat Treatment The use of heat as a critical control point for the control of pathogenic micro-organisms. The term “heat treatment” includes the heat treatment equipment, drawings, manuals, operating and maintenance plans/procedures, training and validation programmes, and records.
IMA Certificate The certificate of official assurance in the form specified by the Director-General, having regard to tariff quota product requirements, that enables dairy produce to be imported into the European Communities under a country-specific tariff quota.
IMA Lot A quantity of product covered by a single IMA certificate and a single corresponding import licence which has been issued for the identical product and quantity as the IMA certificate presented to the competent customs authority for entry into free circulation under the country-specific tariff quota.
Imported Dairy Material or Product Dairy material or product imported into New Zealand.
Importing Country Requirement The importing country requirements and associated specifications issued or made available under section 60 of the Act.
In writing Printed, typewritten, or otherwise visibly represented, copied, or reproduced, including by fax or email or other electronic means.
Independent Verification Programme A programme developed by manufacturers which is part of a registered risk management programme and provides for independent sampling and testing of dairy material to confirm the integrity of the New Zealand dairy industry regulatory systems.
In-process Laboratory A recognised dairy laboratory that tests dairy material, the results of which are used as a basis for reduced testing of finished product to determine whether dairy product is fit for intended purpose or to meet overseas market access requirements.
Input Any dairy material, dairy product, additive, processing aid, ingredient, packaging or other associated thing that is contained within, attached to, enclosed with, or in contact with, the dairy material or dairy product.
Issued, in relation to the issuing of an export certificate Signed by an authorised person; or in the case of E-cert documents means, approved by an authorised person; and issue has a corresponding meaning.
Label, in relation to any dairy product Any tag, brand, mark, or pictorial or other descriptive matter, written, printed, stencilled, marked, embossed, or impressed on, attached to, or forming part of, the product’s container. Container includes crate, can, box, case, wrapper, tin, and every other receptacle or covering used for the packing of dairy material or dairy product.
Lot A quantity of dairy material or product manufactured during a discrete period of time, typically not exceeding 24 hours, in one continuous process.
MAF The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Manufacture All activities involved with converting dairy material into dairy product (with or without other substances or ingredients), and its preparation in a dairy factory for sale. This includes receipt or deposit of the dairy material from which it is manufactured and the packaging for final sale.
Marae Includes the area of land on which all buildings such as wharenui (meeting house), wharekai (dining room), ablution blocks, and any other associated buildings are situated.
Milk The mammary secretion of milking animals.
Milking Animals Animals from which milk is intended to be harvested for the purposes of sale, trade or export, with or without further processing, during their milking-life from commencement of first lactation until they are withdrawn from the milking herd, including the non-lactating periods.
Milking Plant Includes any milking machine, milk pumping equipment, milk cooling equipment, milk storage equipment, or separator, and any other plant and equipment with which milk comes into contact in a farm dairy.
Minister The Minister of the Crown who, under the authority of any warrant or with the authority of the Prime Minister, is for the time being responsible for the administration of this Act.
Ministry The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry or such other Ministry as has, with the authority of the Prime Minister, for the time being assumed responsibility for the administration of this Act
Monitor In the context of a HACCP Plan, means the act of conducting a planned sequence of observations or measurements of control parameters to assess whether a critical control point is under control.
New business or new animal product business A business that first commences operations as an animal product business on or after the date of commencement of Part 2 of the Animal Products Act 1999 (or the date of commencement of the Animal Products Amendment Act 2005, in the case of a business engaged in dairy processing, to the extent that it is engaged in dairy processing) and includes: (a) A business that first becomes a dual operator butcher after the date of commencement of Part 2 of the Animal Products Act 1999 by reason of first becoming a retail butcher or a person who provides services in relation to homekill or recreational catch after that date: (b) Any new operations that are added, on or after the date of commencement of Part 2 of the Animal Products Act 1999, to a business covered by an existing licence or licences under the Meat Act 1981, to the extent that the operations are not covered by the existing licence or licences (or a licence granted after the commencement of Part 2 of the Animal Products Act 1999 in certain limited circumstances): (c) Any new primary processing operations that are added, on or after the date of commencement of Part 2 of the Animal Products Act 1999, to any business, whether or not subject to the Food Act regime, to the extent that the operations are not covered by an appropriate licence under the the Meat Act 1981.
Non-compliance Any failure to comply with requirements under the Act.
Non-conforming In relation to dairy material and dairy product, means any dairy material or dairy product that is suspected or known not to meet regulatory requirements or not to have been processed in accordance with regulatory requirements.
NZFSA Refers to New Zealand Food Safety Authority within the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
NZFSA Signatory Seal or Signatory Seal The unique signature stamp issued by NZFSA to authorised persons.
NZFSA website Refers to
Occupier, in relation to a farm dairy In relation to a farm dairy, means every person presently occupying, managing or controlling the dairy. In relation to any other premises, includes every person presently carrying on business there.
Official assessor A person appointed as an official assessor under section 79 of the Act.
Official Assurance Statement made by MAF to a foreign government, or an agent of a foreign government, attesting that, as appropriate, any one or more of the following applies in respect of any product: (a)any specified process has been completed under the relevant legislation with respect to the product concerned; (b)the product concerned meets the standards set under the legislation for that product; (c)any market access requirements of the importing country, which New Zealand has agreed to meet, that are stated in the assurance have been met by the system under which the product was produced or processed; and/or (d)the situation in New Zealand, in relation to any matter concerning animal material or animal products, is as stated in the assurance.
Operator In relation to an animal product business, means the owner or other person in control of the business.
Operator Verification The application of methods, procedures, tests and other checks by the operator to — validate the risk management programme; and determine the ongoing compliance and applicability of the risk management programme; and re-validate the risk management programme when changes occur that may have a significant impact on the outcomes of dairy material or dairy product, — and corresponds with confirmation as described in section 17(3)(f) of the Act.
Operator Verification Information The information prepared and signed by a designated signatory providing to the NZFSA a summary of the records and test reports and other information relevant to the dairy material or product pertaining to a specific lot of dairy material or product and includes declarations made regarding the product and any additional information required by the relevant importing country requirement for the purposes of obtaining official assurances.
Outcome (RMP) The expected level of control of a risk factor relating to dairy material or dairy product resulting from implementation of the risk management programme.
Output Dairy material or dairy product resulting from an operation under a risk management programme.
Owner Owner including — (i) any agent, manager, lessee, or bailee of an owner; and (ii) in the case of a farm, a farm dairy, or any part of a farm or farm dairy, a sharemilker of an owner; and (iii) where an owner is a body corporate, every person who is a manager, secretary, director or other principal officer (however described) of the body.
Packing system One or more packing lines that share a common principle of operation and sampling, and utilise the same staff for routine sampling.
Pathogen Disease-causing organism.
Pest Harmful or destructive organism which may affect then fitness for intended purpose of the dairy material or dairy product.
Point of Use The point at which the material, e.g. water, comes into contact with the dairy material or dairy product, or in a situation of indirect contact, comes into contact with the equipment, item or other material that comes into contact with the dairy material or dairy product.
Potable Water Drinking-water which does not contain any determinands which exceed the Maximum Acceptable Values (MAVs) given in the “Drinking Water Standard for New Zealand 2005” issued by the Ministry of Health, or later editions or amendments of those Standards.
Prerequisite Programme A documented programme covering good manufacturing practice (GMP)-based food hygiene activities that may interact at a number of process steps within and across various processes in a food premise, and that have the potential to influence the hygiene status of the product and/or control hazards.
Primary processor A person who, for reward (otherwise than as an employee) or for purposes of trade slaughters and dresses mammals or birds; or (a) dresses mammals or birds that are killed wild animals or are killed as if they were wild animals; or (b) removes or extracts or harvests any animal material from live animals for the purpose of processing for human or animal consumption; or (c)is a dairy processor; or (d) in the case of (i) finfish or shellfish, or animal material derived from finfish or shellfish; or (ii) a mammal or bird, or animal material derived from a mammal or bird, if in the opinion of the Minister it is appropriate that the primary processing of that mammal or bird or animal material should extend beyond the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b); or (iii) any other animal, or animal material derived from any other animal, processes those animals or that animal material to the extent specified by the Minister by notice in the Gazette after appropriate consultation in accordance with section 163 and after having regard to the following matters (iv) industry practice in relation to the animal material concerned: (v) the degree of processing and number of processing operations required in relation to the animal material: (vi)the risk factors involved in processing the animal material (vii) whether or not the processing of the animal material is or may be appropriately addressed by any legislative regime other than this Act: (viii) Such other matters as the Minister considers relevant in the particular circumstances but does not include hunters within the meaning of paragraph (b) of the definition of primary producer.
Primary producer, or producer a farmer, and includes (a) any person who (otherwise than as an employee) farms, raises, grows, or keeps animals for reward or for the purposes of trade in those animals or in animal material or products derived or taken from those animals; and (b) any person who hunts animals for reward or for purposes of trade.
Processor A primary processor or a secondary processor.
Produce (a)used in the context of primary production, means farm, raise, grow, or keep animals for reward or for the purposes of trade in those animals or in animal material or products derived or taken from those animals; (b) where used in reference to animal product produced under a risk management programme or a regulated control scheme, refers to animal product that results from the application of any process or processes covered by the programme or scheme.
Producer A single production plant or factory in which product is produced for export to the community under the country-specific tariff quota.
Pure Milk The whole of the milk drawn at the time of milking from a healthy animal; but does not include milk mixed with any preservative or chemical or colouring matter of any kind.
Quota Compliance Programme (QCP) A programme of conditions, processes, procedures, measures, and standards to be complied with, performed, undertaken, taken, or met in relation to: any process or activity related to dairy produce, ingredients used in the manufacture of dairy products, or both for IMA certification of quota product; and sampling, examination, inspection, and testing, or any of those actions, relating to any such process or activity as required according to amended EC Regulation 970/2000; and the recording and inspection(by persons with qualifications and experience approved by the Director-General for the purpose) of information relating to any such action; and (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) may include conditions, processes, procedures, measures, or standards relating to the production, manufacture, storage, or transport of dairy products presented to MAF for IMA certification.
Raw Milk Milk produced in accordance with a registered risk management programme and that has not been subjected to any processing intended to alter the quality or compositional characteristics of the milk.
Recognised agency In relation to any function or activity, means a person or body recognised under section 103 of the Act for the purpose of performing that function or activity.
Recognised Dairy Laboratory A laboratory that is a recognised agency for testing of dairy material or product.
Recognised Evaluator A person recognised by the Director-General under section 103 of the Act to perform evaluation functions and activities.
Recognised person In relation to any verification or other specialised function or activity, means a person recognised or accredited under section 103 of the Act to perform that function or activity.
Recognised risk management programme verifier A person currently recognised or accredited under section 103 of the Act as a risk management programme verifier.
Recognised risk management programme verifying agency A person or body currently recognised under section 103 of the Act as a risk management programme verifying agency.
Registered exporter An exporter currently registered under Part 5 of the Act.
Registered risk management programme A risk management programme that is currently registered under Part 2 of the Act.
Registration Registration under the Act.
Regulated control scheme A scheme of a kind described in section 38 of the Act, and includes an emergency control scheme instituted under section 41of the Act.
Risk factors (a) risks from hazards to animal or human health (b) risks from false or misleading labeling (c) risks to the wholesomeness of animal material or product.
Risk management programme Has the meaning given by section 12 of the Act, and, except in Part 2, is to be taken to refer to a registered risk management programme.
RMP Risk management programme.
Routine sampling and testing The sampling and testing defined in the risk management programme that is undertaken by a manufacturer to verify that finished product is safe and truthfully labelled.
Season The “dairy year”: period from 1 June through to 31 May in the following year.
Secondary processor A person who, for reward (otherwise than as an employee) or for purposes of trade, processes animal product at any stage beyond its primary processing.
Self-contained Process A process which begins when milk or cream enters a totally enclosed processing unit within a critical hygiene area, and ends when the product is packed.
Sell Has the same meaning as trade; and sale has a corresponding meaning.
Shelf Life The period nominated by the manufacturer during which the product maintains its fitness for the intended purpose at a specific storage temperature and at other specified conditions.
Significant Change Any change made to key staff, environment, premises, equipment, facilities, process or product, which may affect the fitness for the intended purpose of the dairy material or dairy product.
Standard of Identity A standard that defines the meaning of a term or designation used to describe a product. Such a standard typically includes the name of the product, its definition, and essential composition and quality factors.
Store Premises (not being a dairy factory, or farm dairy, or a retail shop or store ancillary to a milk station, dairy factory or farm dairy) used for storing any dairy material or dairy product processed under a registered risk management programme, prior to — (i) delivery of the material to the place of sale for consumption or for end use for purposes other than consumption; or (ii) its export.
Stored Materials Includes any product that has been held in store outside the immediate manufacturing (critical hygiene) area as defined in the QCP.
Summary of Records A report, prepared and signed by a designated person, that provides to NZFSA a summary of the records and test results and declarations pertaining to a specific lot of dairy product to enable verification of compliance for the purpose of the provision of official assurances.
Supporting System A system used to support the overall ongoing compliance of the Hazard Identification and Analyses/HACCP Plan, but which does not necessarily influence the hygiene status of the product and/or control hazards.
Tariff Quota Product Requirements The requirements established by the European Communities that must be met by a consignment of dairy product if it is to be imported into the European Communities under a country-specific tariff quota. [Currently specified in EC Regulations 1374/98 and 970/2000.]
Test Report A report prepared by a dairy laboratory recognised as a Category 1 recognised agency in accordance with ISO Guide 25/ISO Standard 17025, which accurately, clearly and unambiguously presents test results and other information relevant to the dairy material or product.
Trade Sell for human or animal consumption or use; and includes (a) Selling for resale (including as a constituent part of another article) for human or animal consumption or use; and (b) Offering or attempting to sell, or receiving for sale, or having in possession or exposing for sale, or sending or delivering for sale, or causing or permitting to be sold, offered, or exposed for sale; and Barter; and (d) Supplying an article under a contract, together with other goods or services or both, in consideration of an inclusive charge for the article and the other goods or services; and (e) Supplying an article where there is a statutory responsibility to supply; and (f) Offering as a public prize or reward, or giving away for the purpose of advertisement or in the furtherance of any trade or business; and (g) Every other method of disposition for valuable consideration.
Uncontrolled Hazard A hazard which has been identified in a hazard analysis and for which the operator has no control measures available, and the operator is not required to control that hazard.
Uninterrupted Process A continuous process that generates one cypher of product.
Validate In relation to a Risk Management Programme means the process by which the operator ensures that the programme is complete, and meets the requirements of the Act and any relevant animal product regulations and specifications; and when implemented, will consistently achieve the required outcomes of the programme; and re-validate has a corresponding meaning.
Validated Test Method A test method that has been validated in accordance with an NZFSA -approved standard.
Validation The process by which the operator ensures that the programme, plan or system is complete, and meets the requirements of the Act and any relevant animal product regulations and specifications; and when implemented, will consistently achieve the required outcomes of the programme, plan or system.
Verification Includes the ongoing checks carried out by recognised persons to determine whether (a) Operations that are subject to a risk management programme or a regulated control scheme are in compliance with the requirements of the programme or of this Act: (b) Animal material or products for whose export an official assurance is required have been produced or processed in a way that meets the requirements for the official assurance.
Veterinary Medicine Any substance, mixture of substances, or biological compound used or intended for use in the direct management of an animal.
Wholesomeness In relation to any regulated animal product, means that the product does not contain or have attached to it, enclosed with it, or in contact with it anything that is offensive, or whose presence would be unexpected or unusual in product of that description.
Withheld Excluded permanently from delivery or sale, and withhold has the same meaning.
Working Days Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding statutory holidays.


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