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People with Feminine Styles . . .

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Gender, Culture and Conflict

Research has come to no clear conclusion about whether men and women actually behave in different ways while conducting conflicts. However, gender stereotypes do affect conflict behaviors when individuals act and react based on stereotypes of how men and women will/should act rather than selecting behaviors appropriate for the individual one is communicating with. Recent conflicts around the world women have continued to endure unprecedented levels of sexual violence and assault, leading to consequences including HIV infection, pregnancy and other health complications, as well as possible stigmatization and exclusion from their communities. Women who are made refugees as the result of conflict experience intense insecurity that comes both from being isolated from their habitual support systems and from the additional physical insecurities often present in situations of forced displacement. However, despite the horrific consequences of conflict for many women, it would be wrong to see women only as "victims" of conflict and to ignore their very important role in peacemaking and conflict resolution.

Some research suggests that there are distinctions between feminine and masculine styles of responding to conflict. The feminine style is more likely to focus on relationships issues, whereas the masculine style typically focuses on tasks. People with a feminine style often interact with others to achieve intimacy and closeness, but people with a masculine style interact to get something done or to accomplish something apart from the relationship. People employing a masculine style is often more aggressive and assertive than those employing a feminine style when pursuing a goal. The following list summarizes key differences that researchers have observed between feminine and mas-culine types of responding to conflict. Note that individuals of either sex may employ some characteristics of both feminine and masculine gender styles.

Perceived Gender Differences in Responding to Conflict

People with Feminine Styles...

Are concerned with equity and caring; connect with and feel responsible to others. Interact to achieve closeness and interdependence.

Attend to interpersonal dynamics to assess relationship's health

Encourage mutual involvement

Attribute crises to problems in the relationship

Are concerned with the impact of the relationship on personal identity

Respond to conflict by often focusing mainly on the relationship.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 45 | Нарушение авторских прав

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ТРАДИЦИОННЫЕ АФРИКАНСКИЕ РЕЛИГИИ| People with Masculine Styles . . .

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