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The Structure of Subgame Perfect Equilibria Under the Discounting Criterion

Наказание карателя: Совершенная народная теорема для критерия гонки | Поощряющие игроки с наказанием: Совершенная народная теорема для критерия угасания. | Структура равновесия, совершенного по под-играм, для критерия угасания | Игры с конечным числом повторений | Punishing the Punisher: A Perfect Folk Theorem for the Overtaking Criterion |

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The strategy of each player in the equilibrium constructed in the proof of Proposition 151.1, which concerns games in which the discount factor is close to 1, has the special feature that when any player deviates, the subsequent sequence of action profiles depends only on the identity of the deviant and not on the history that preceded the deviation. In this section we show that for any common discount factor a profile of such strategies can be found to support any subgame perfect equilibrium outcome.

We begin with two lemmas, the first of which extends the one deviation property proved for finite extensive games in Lemma 98.2 to infinitely repeated games with discounting.

Lemma 153.1. A strategy profile is a subgame perfect equilibrium of the -discounted infinitely repeated game of if and only if no player can gain by deviating in a single period after any history.

Exercise 153.2. Prove this result.

The next result shows that under our assumptions the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoff profiles of any -discounted infinitely repeated game is closed.

Lemma 153.3. Let be a sequence of subgame perfect equilibrium payoff profiles of the - discounted infinitely repeated game of that converges to . Then is a subgame perfect equilibrium payoff profile of this repeated game.

Proof. For each value of let be a subgame perfect equilibrium of the repeated game that generates the payoff profile . We construct a strategy profile that we show is a subgame perfect equilibrium and yields the payoff profile . We define, by induction on the length of the history , an action profile of and an auxiliary infinite subsequence of the sequence that has the property that the payoff profile generated by the members of the subsequence in the subgame following the history has a limit and the action profile converges to . Assume we have done so for all histories of length or less, and consider a history of length , where is a history of length . Let be the sequence of strategy profiles that we chose for the history and let be the action profile we chose for that history. For select for a subsequence of for which the sequence converges, and let the action profile to which converges be . Obviously the limiting payoff profile of the subsequence that we have chosen is the same as that of . For choose for a subsequence of , for which the sequence of payoff profiles and the sequence both converge, and let the action profile to which converges be .

No player can gain in deviating from by changing his action after the history and inducing some outcome instead of since if this were so then for large enough he could profitably deviate from , where is the sequence that we chose for the history . Further, the payoff profile of is .

By this result the set of subgame perfect equilibrium payoff s of any player in the repeated game is closed; since it is bounded it has a minimum, which we denote . Let be the outcome of a subgame perfect equilibrium in which player ’s payoff is .

Proposition 154.1. Let be the outcome of a subgame perfect equilibrium of the -discounted infinitely repeated game of . Then the strategy profile in which each player uses the following machine is a subgame perfect equilibrium with the same outcome .

· Set of states:

· Initial state:

· Output function: In state play . In state play .

· Transition function:

o In state move to unless exactly one player, say, , deviated from , in which case move to .

o In state : Move to unless exactly one player, say , deviated from , in which case move to .

Proof. It is straightforward to verify, using Lemma 153.1, that this defines a subgame perfect equilibrium with the required property.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 55 | Нарушение авторских прав

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