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What makes Nike's advertising tick?


1. Give the Russian equivalents:

1) a directory; 2) a mailshot; 3) a billboard; 4) a poster; 5) endorsement; 6) word-of-mouth; 7) a slogan; 8) a free sample; 9) a leaflet; 10) to publicise; 11) mass market; 12) a TVslot; 13) a retail outlet; 14) promotional technique; 15) advertising campaign; 16) price promotion; 17) online shopping; 18) media buying; 19) to run the ads; 20) pack design; 21) corporate identity; 22) teaser; 23) cheeky; 24) soaring prices.


II. Complete the sentences using active words & combinations:

1) Advertising is one of many ways in which manufacturers ____.

2) The most important thing of a really good advertising campaign is ____.

3) The launch early stages of an advertising campaign are ____.

4) Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing ____.

5) Mass market is concerned with non-luxury goods that _____.

6) When we spend very little money, but the campaign is very successful, we speak about ____.

7) The television commercial has always been the effective creator of ____.

8) TV advertising is the most glamorous, but the other media such as ____ mustn’t be ignored.

9) ____ is an advertising method where a celebrity is used in advertising particular goods.

10) The ultimate advertising is word-of-mouth, that is _____.


III. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Наружная реклама гораздо дешевле рекламного места на телевидении.

2) Взлетевшие цены на телевизионную рекламу заставляют клиентов использовать другие средства массовой информации.

3) Известный американский социолог и ​психолог в области масс-медиа Маршал Маклахан сказал, что реклама – величайшее искусство нашего века и она составляет большую часть современной культуры.

4) Покупки через Интернет становятся все более и более популярными.

5) В рекламной кампании Кока-Колы участвовали несколько известных личностей.

6) Рекламное место на телевидении не будет гарантией успеха, если его не использовать творчески.

7) При проведении рекламной кампании важно правильно определить целевого покупателя.

8) Многие думают, что реклама – пустая трата денег.

9) Рекламные агентства тратят много денег на создание умных рекламных лозунгов, которые должны быть короткими и запоминающимися.

10) Если вы хотите продать что-либо, вам следует разместить рекламное объявление в местной газете.


IV. Match the terms with the definitions:

directory 1. when a well-known person says how good a product is in advertisements. People will buy the product because they like or trust the person.
billboard 2. an advertisement on television, radio or in the film.
product endorsement 3. a book or list of names, facts, etc., usually arranged in the alphabetical order.
publicise 4. a large sign used for advertising.
commercial 5. to give information about something to the public, so that they know about it.

V. Answer the questions to the text “Outdoor advertising – a breath of fresh air”:

1) Why is outdoor advertising increasing in many countries?

2) What innovations have been used in outdoor advertising?

3) What can make the advertising campaign very successful?

4) Why isn’t advertising a waste of money?

5) Give examples of clever slogans that you remember from advertising campaigns.

6) Do you think that product endorsement is effective? Why? Why not?

7) What is the key feature of effective advertising?

8) Comment on the planning and launch stages of an advertising campaign.

9) Why is the online shopping becoming more popular nowadays?


VI. Read the text and say if the following statements are true or false:


1. Phil Night never uses endorsement as an advertising technique.

2. The “three-legged stool” concept included endorsement, product design and advertising.

3. Tiger Woods, the basketball star, demonstrated tennis t-shirts.

4. In 1986 Nike was number one trainer manufacturer in the USA.

5. Nike rely on decision-making process, but not on market research pre-testing.

6. Nike is famous for inventing stunts that are impossible to do in reality.

7. The message of Nike’s advertising is to arouse the consumer’s interest to unusual ads.


What makes Nike's advertising tick?

By Stefano Hatfield

Phil Knight, the co-founder and former Chief Executive of Nike, prefers to let his superstar athletes and advertisements do his talking for him. Named Advertiser of the Year at the 50th Cannes International Advertising Festival, he is the first person to win the award twice.

Knight has an absolutely-clear and committed strategy to use celebrity athlete endorsement. He describes it as one part of the 'three-legged stool' which lies behind Nike's phenomenal growth since the early 1980s with the other two being product design and advertising.

He has built Nike's expansion into sport after sport from its athletics roots on the back of sporting masters: Carl Lewis on the track; tennis's Jimmy Connors and John McEnroe; Tiger Woods, who led Nike into golf; Ronaldo and the Brazilian national football team; and the basketball star, Michael Jordan, who famously rescued the company.

From the beginning Nike has been- prepared to take a gamble on sporting bad boys others would not touch: Andre Agassi springs to mind. It was a strategy that began with Ilie Nastase, the original tennis bad boy. The Romanian had the quality that has come to represent Nike and its advertising: attitude.

After extraordinary growth, Nike became number one trainer manufacturer in the US. But Knight admits the company then lost its way as it failed to cope with its success. It experimented unsuccessfully with expansion into non-athletic shoes, and lost its number one position to Reebok in 1986.

Knight bet the future of the company on a new feature: a new air technology inside the trainer. He launched the product with a David Fincher-directed ad which used the Beatles track Revolution, and then marketed the Air Jordan brand on the back of Michael Jordan. Sales took off and the rest is history.

This brings us to the subject of globalization and the question of how American the brand can be. Nike uses a mix of global ad campaigns such as 'good v evil' and local advertising such as its famous poster campaigns in the UK. During a 21-year partnership with the agency Wieden and Kennedy, Nike has created some of the world's most attention-grabbing advertising: for example the Nike 'good v evil' campaign and two advertisements both for World Cups and the ad 'tag', last year's Cannes grand prix winner. Other famous ads star Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi playing in the streets of Manhattan; Tiger Woods playing 'keepy-uppy' with a golf ball; and Brazil's team playing soccer at the airport terminal.

It is a remarkable body of work, both in its variety, daring and consistent originality. At Nike there is a streamlined decision-making process that gives marketing directors real power. They do not rely on market research pre-testing which often reduces the impact of more experimental commercials.

There is also the long relationship with one of the world's best ad agencies, and what Wieden describes as 'an honesty about sport'. Things only happen in Nike ads that sportsmen and women can really do.

'My number one advertising principle - if I have one - is to wake up the consumer,' concludes Knight, with an absolute conviction that is unique among modern-day chief executives. 'We have a high-risk strategy on advertising. When it works, it is more interesting. There really is no formula.'


From The Guardian


VII. Summarize the text.

VIII. Complete the following passage putting in the article where necessary:

In February 1990, Perrier, one of ____ most famous mineral water companies, faced _____ serious image problem when small quantities of benzene were found in some bottles. ____ company decided to take 160 million bottles, worth 70 m USD, off the market. ____ spokesperson from ____ communications department made ____ statement to the press saying that this did not present ____ health problem but he did admit that for ____ product known for purity, it was definitely ___ mistake.

______ independent environmental consultant carried out _____ inspection at the Perrier plant and identified and corrected _____ fault. ______ same consultant said that a person spilling one drop of _____ lead-free petrol on their hand would absorb more benzene than if they drank a bottle of Perrier every day for a year. In this instance Perrier’s policy of ____ honesty and its concern for ______ consumers saved its image and good name.


IX. Complete the following passage using a gerund of infinitive. Use the verbs in the boxes:


build set up put bring make transform decide reflect appear create return change expand launch drink


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 811 | Нарушение авторских прав

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