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Empire Building” by D.Moggach

Читайте также:
  1. Barbary states, Ottoman Empire, Japan
  2. British Empire
  3. Chapitre XI. L’Empire d’une jeune fille!
  4. Colonial Expansion and the Formation of the Colonial Empire
  5. Colonial Expansion and the formation of the Colonial Empire.
  6. Describe the establishment of British Empire.



1.Check the pronunciation of the following words:

sewing machines, Hindu, liquor (compare: liqueur), aisle, salubrious, yoghurt, triple, lager, cider, Urdu, Lahore, ghee, rupee, sellotaped, VAT receipts, neon, rotisserie, samosa, Rover, polish (compare: Polish), sari, settee, detour, closed-circuit surveillance, pasties (compare: pasty-faced), massage and sauna, solace, lease, Islam, siren, Gandhi, Greenham Common, balustrade, anorak, wallet, bald, mahogany, bellow, dahl, concrete, incorrigible, en suite.



2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

1. он (магазин) не слишком шикарно выглядел (128) it didn’t look much

2. матовое стекло(128) frosted glass

3. в любое время (129) at all hours

4. захватанные банкноты (129) soiled bank notes

5. монеты, которые они отсчитывали (129) coins they counted out

6. на глазах у всех (130) in full public view

7. разглядывая бутылки позади него (131) еyеing thе bоttlеs bеhind him

8. Это было в конце 70-х.(131) Тhat was in thе late sеvеntiеs

9. человек побывал на Луне (130) a man had walked on the moon

10. квитанции (131) VAT receipts

11. знал нас всех по именам (132) Knеw us all by namе.

12. он перевел Арифа в частную школу (133) Hе transfеrrеd Arif to a privatе sсhool

13. выполненная готическим шрифтом (133) paintеd in Gothiс sсript

14. портативный телевизор (134) pоrtable TV set

15. звон колоколов (134) pеal of bеlls

16. она – просто загляденье! (134) lsn`t shе a piсture



3. Check the meaning of the following words and expressions and translate the sentences comprising them:

- to take smth. over (“It didn’t look much when he took it over”)(128) перенять, взять в свои руки?

- to go bust (“The previous owners had finally gone bust”) (128) разориться

- to shamble in (“These men shambled in at all hours”) (129) тащиться, плестись

- to raise one’s eyebrows at (“Sometimes he raised his eyebrows at Khalid”) (130) хмуриться

- to swell (“His heart swelled.”) (133) таять

- detour (“he just made a detour on the other side of the pavement.”) (135) крюк

- to loiter (“New loitering men replaced the old.”) (135) бездельничать

- to fit out (“He fitted out an office in the store-room”) (135) оборудовать?


4. Fill in the suitable words and expressions:

swell fit out to take over shamble loiter

raise one’s eyebrows go bust make a detour


1. Do you want me to take over the digging if you’re tired? 2. He loitered about the station, looking in the bookshop and watching the departure board. 3. His heart swelled with pride as he stood watching his son graduate. 4. More than twenty companies in the district went bust during the last three months.5. We made a detour to drop Sarah off on the way home. 6. Sick patients shambled along the hospital corridors. 7. Chuck raised his eyebrows at her, not knowing what to say. 8. There were snug mountain cabins fitted out with pine furniture.


5. Translate into English:

1.Мы сделали крюк, чтобы не ехать через центр. 2. Отец потерял работу, когда фирма прогорела. 3. Столовая была обставлена превосходной мебелью. 4. Его сердце было преисполнено гордости, когда он смотрел, как его дочь получает награду. 5. Шаркающей походкой она вошла в комнату. 6. Её поведение вызвало у некоторых недоумение. 7. Это было место, где раньше слонялись без дела подростки. 8. В этом году фирма получила контроль над тремя компаниями.


6. Check the meaning of the following words and expressions and translate the sentences comprising them:


- to have one’s eye on sth/sb (”he had his eye on that”) (135) очень хотеть?

- to break the mould (“they broke the mould when they made Harry”) (138)

- keep oneself to oneself (“his son was keeping himself to himself recently”) (140) быть в себе?

- titbit (“she should produce those titbits in which she excelled”) (142) лакомый кусочек

- to bellow (“a man stood in a doorway, bellowing”) (142) орать

- shifty (“An unknown, shifty, Englishman’s face.”) (143) хитрый

- to be in a state/get into a state (“Sharine was in a state.”) (143) быть на нервах?

- go like clockwork (“Everything was going like clockwork.”) (145) идти как часы



7. Fill in the suitable words and expressions:

get one’s eye on state break the mould go like clockwork

keep oneself to oneself bellow shifty


1. You’re looking very shifty. What have you been up to? 2. They bellowed at her to stop but it was too late. 3. He made a mistake and got into a terrible state about it. 4. She succeeded in breaking the mould of political leadership. 5. He's got his eye on the new girl in your class. 6. He is a very private person - he keeps himself to himself. 7. Dr. Bailey was doing the operation, so your wife was in safe hands and everything went like clockwork.


8. Translate into English:

1. Бабушка всегда прибережет несколько лакомых кусочков для внучат. 2. Она уже давно положила глаз на новый велосипед. 3. Нам было слышно, как сержант выкрикивает команды. 4. Вечеринка прошла какпо маслу. 5. Это была попытка совершить переворот в политике Великобритании. 6. На углу улицы было несколько подозрительного вида людей. 7. Никто почти ничего о нем не знает; он очень замкнут. 8. Она просто с ума сходила из-за своих экзаменов.


9. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

1. Ты записала это на видео? (134) You'vе put it on thе vidеotapе?

2. установил видеонаблюдение (135) he had had installed closed-circuit surveillance

3. сопливые носы (135) runny noses

4. батончики Кит-Кат (135) bars of kit-kat

5. взъерошил ему волосы (136) ruffled his hair

6. «Ты думаешь, хорошие манеры можно купить за деньги?» (136) You think you саn buy mannеrs with monеу?

7. Она убирала посуду в сервант. (136) she was putting thе сroсkеry away in thе сabinеt

8. Будь, что будет. (137) What bе, will bе

9. ставни против взлома (137) vandal-proofs shuttеring

10. переоборудование (137 rеfitmеnt

11. Мальчики не намного старше Арифа (138) boys little older than arif

12. завыла сирена (139) siren wailed

13. «Ты загораживаешь мне экран». (139) you`re blocking my view

14. встали в живую цепь (139) made a human chain

15. ковровое покрытие (139) fitted carpets

16. безобидное Пепси (139) blameless pepsi

17. Арифа нигде не было видно (139) arif was nowhere to be seen



10. Check the meaning of the following formal words, paraphrase them in a more neutral style and translate the phrases comprising them:

- transient (“The neighbourhood was a transient one”) (128)временный

- indolent (“run by an indolent Hindu”) (128)ленивый

- merchandise (“ Hamid re-stocked the merchandise”) (128)товарооборот, вещи

- salubrious (“where the neighbourhood was more salubrious”) (128)здоровый, полезный

- twilit (“their twilit lives”) (129) сумеречный, унылый

- solace (“Inside the shop lay the solace of food and order.”) (135) утешение

- to assent (“He thought she was assenting, but …”) (137)соглашаться

- dissipated (“Their religion is a dissipated one.”) (137)рассеянный, развлекательный

- suffuse (“The trees loomed against the suffused sky”) (141) закрывать, заливать


11. Fill in the suitable formal words:

transient merchandise indolence /i ndolent suffuse

dissipate/ dissipated assent salubrious solace twilit

1.Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices. 2. After a sudden burst of activity the team lapsed back into indolence. 3. A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect. 4. We had to move to a house in a less salubrious area. 5. His voice was low and suffused with passion. 6. He’s not the first young aristocrat to dissipate his fortune in gambling. 7. I know it isn’t much solace, but several people did worse in the exam than you. 8. He lay in bed for some time in the indolent state between waking and sleeping. 9. The room was suffused with a soft golden light.10. Her latest film, by general assent, is her best yet. 11. He recalled his indolent youth spent in nightclubs and bars. 12. I’m sorry to say that when his wife left him, he found solace in the bottle. 13. She dismissed him with an indolent wave of the hand. 14. Most of the attacks took place in the city’s less salubrious suburbs. 15. The city has a large transient population. 16. Japan exported $97 billion in merchandise to the US in 1992. 17. She hurried out into the twilit street. 18. Before an Act of Parliament can become law, it needs to receive Royal assent from the monarch.


12. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

  1. в кожаных переплетах (141) bound in lеathеr
  2. она сказала, что скучает по дому (141) shе said shе was homеsiсk
  3. в конце концов они решились на компромисс (142 ln thе end thеy сompromisеd.
  4. она визжала от удовольствия (142) she squealed with pleasure
  5. застегнул свой пиджак (142) buttoned up his jacket
  6. когда Ариф приблизился к нему (143) as Arif nеarеd him
  7. как будто за последние несколько минут он постарел на десять лет (143) as if hе had agеd tеn yеars in thе last momеnt
  8. избавиться от чувства тревоги(143) triеd to shakе off his unеase
  9. чье имя Хамид, к сожалению, не расслышал (145) whosе name Нamrid unfогtunatеly had not сaught
  10. зрелище, которое предстало его глазам (146) thе sight that mеt his eyes


13. Translate phrases with «titbit» in the following sentences:

1.I’ve only been able to pick up a few titbits of information about what happened. 2. Our guide gave us some interesting titbits about the history of the castle. 3. This magazine is full of juicy titbits. 4. She had saved a few titbits for her cat. 5. Tell me all the latest titbits of gossip!



14. Explain the meaning of the following words and translate the phrases comprising them:

- bedsits and lodging houses (128)

- West Indians (“The local blacks were big West Indians”) (129)

- musky (“left a musky male scent behind them”) (129)

- pasty-faced (129)

- flotsam and jetsam (130) (“he never offended his wife by describing to her this flotsam and jetsam.”)

- a quickie (“How about a quickie?”) (131)

- a skip (“it took seven skips to clear the rubbish”) (132)

- a bangle (“her bangles tinkled”) (133)

- conversion (“The conversion of the upper floors was completed”) (133)

- business-wise (“National holidays were always good, business-wise”) (134) полезный для бизнеса

- jigsaw (“picking up the scattered jigsaw in front of the TV”) (134)

- to cower (“Khalid’s bride cowered in the corner”) (134)

- settee (“Hamid sat down heavily on the settee”) (134)

- pasty (“They bought crisps and hot pasties.”) (135)

- “All about lay the ruined and the dispossessed.” (135)

- lounge (“Arif was in the lounge”)(136)

- to irk (“More and more she irked him by doing this.”) (136)

- sorely (He leaves a widow, Ivy, and will be sorely missed.”) (138)

- detached house (“he bought a large detached house for his family”) (139)

- french windows (139)

- anoraks (“Two small figures in orange anoraks”) (139)

- to joggle (“He joggled the plaits of Aisha”) (142)

- to scuttle (“before she scuttled to the kitchen”) (142)

- to fluster (“his wife would look flustered”) (142)

- blustery (“It was a cool, blustery evening”) (142)

- eerie (“It was an eerie sound, scarcely human”) (142)

- spick and span (“the house was spick and span”) (145)

- en suite (“the bathroom en suite”) (145)

- a tread (“Thud, thud … the narrow treads shook”) (145)


15. Translate the following sentences with “-wise” words:

1.Things aren't too good businesswise. 2. What shall we do foodwise - do you fancy going out to eat? 3. Moneywise, of course, I’m much better off than I used to be. 4. What do we need to take with us clothes-wise? 5. We were very lucky weather-wise yesterday.


17. Translate the words and expressions related to running a business:

1) to go bust (128)

2) to re-stock the merchandise (128)

3) cash-desk (128)

4) shop keeper (128)

5) (to extend) the opening hours (129)

6) to sit at the till (129)

7) a carrier-bag (129)

8) business was brisk (129)

9) “put it on the slate” (130)

10) “it’s not shop policy” (130)

11) stock-room (130)

12) the crate of Schweppes (130)

13) to fill out one’s VAT receipts (131)

14) in view of increased turnover (131)

15) to negotiate discount terms (131)

16) manufacturers of lager (131)

17) to buy freehold (131)

18) to finalize the transaction (131)

19) shop-front (132)

20) retail space (132)

21) a chicken rotisserie for take-outs (132)

22) a large range of fruit (132)

23) trade in (133)

24) to have record takings (135)

25) take-away food (135)

26) the expiry of the lease (137); to take over the lease (137)

27) unexploited sales area (137)

28) to double the stock (137)

29) to introduce fast-profit items (137)

30) a rental Slush-Puppy dispenser (137)

31) to have a brisk sale (138)

32) to sell on long leases (139)


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