Most Asked Questions?
Chapter Thirty-Two | Chapter Thirty-Three | Chapter Thirty-Four | Chapter Thirty-Five | Chapter Thirty-Six | Epilogue (optional) The Instructions | Relaxing and Letting Go | Opening your Heart, Filling and Surrounding Yourself with Love | Sending Love to People | Sending Love to your Children |
Why was this information hidden? Some people are obsessed with power and some are afraid of it. That made it easy to hide. Those that are afraid, are so because they tend to believe that power corrupts. I do agree it is what happens many times but not if the very thing that you are using is Love. Love serves to the best of all concerned. It also does not allow anyone to control anyone else and at the same time it releases those that are being controlled and manipulated by others. If you wanted to be in charge and in control of others this information is the last thing you would want those people to know. Neither is it going to be of use to you in that way. Just look at who has been in charge over the centuries and what they have done with their authority. That's why it was hidden, but we with our fears, we help. We are always afraid that someone will have something we don't have and it is fear that causes us to close our eyes to the very thing that will set us free. If you take some time to think about it you will find the reasons for yourself. The point is that it does not matter anymore, the information is here and it's not going to be hidden anymore. Our new technology has created very fast and efficient information transfer that has become unstoppable, unlike in the past.One more word! I stated that you could change someone's actions by sending and filling him or her with Love but that is not controlling them. It is simply filling them with the Love that they are lacking and in so doing they will make different and more loving decisions. Also their actions will come from Love rather than from fear, greed and anger, which is where a lot of leaders decisions, are coming from. Not only leaders but also every day people like us. Love changes them not you! But you are the one that gives them that Love for the change to occur. Once you see how well this works you will understand why it was hidden and how. Is the book true or is it from your imagination? The book is true. Things happen as I explained them. I did not exaggerate in order to write about it but I did leave some things out in order to make it understandable. I have had some experiences that go slightly beyond what might be believable and felt that it was best to leave them out at the present. It would also have made this book to difficult to understand because so many things were happening at the same time. The rest of the story you'll find in my next book. After you read book 2 you will understand why some things needed to be left out in the first book. If you liked this one the next one will really make the hairs on your back stand at attention. Or if you don't have any you just might, by the time your finished. Just thinking back gives me goose bumps. How does Love affect those that would do harm to others? Love is an energy that sustains all that there is including us. Imagine there is a valve in your body that supplies you with Love. As this valve closes it becomes very painful. It is something that we have become so use to that we don't even know it. But this inner pain is so great that it turns us into people we do not even want to be. Those that do things that we consider bad or hurtful to others their hearts or that valve is very closed only letting enough in to barely survive. It is so painful that they do not have any or very little feeling towards others or the environment around them. Its like having a headache for so long that you don't even know that it is there anymore and do not realize how it is holding you back. It just becomes normal. But it is not. This lack of Love will do many things to people and the effects are wide spread from illness to hate and all things in-between. This is where knowing how to open that valve and knowing how to send Love comes in. Sending and filling those people with Love will cause them to change right in front of your eyes. Even if they are on the other side of the world, distance does not matter. You will also find that by opening this valve inside of you that you will not attract hurtful people into your life, they will literally walk around you as if you don't exist. There will still be challenges, which are part of life. Are there any side effects to opening that inner valve that opens the Love inside of us? The only one that I have come across is that if you have been carrying a lot of anger and negative feeling with you. This is what I have experienced for myself. At first it will feel so wonderful that it is impossible to describe, then comes what I call a flushing of old stuff. So what I am saying, is that there will come some old feeling to the surface that has been pushed down but this will pass quickly if you just keep going. Then comes something even more beautiful, which even now puts tears in my eyes from the Love and freedom I feel. Some people feel that I am sticking my neck out saying things like this but I know I'm right and soon you will see it for yourself. Why you? Why not someone that is a writer or someone already in the publics eye? I don't mean this as an offense just that you have come out of nowhere with the most amazing information of this century. I don't take that as an offence I have asked the same question a thousand times myself. I have no answer other than I have a reputation for sticking my nose in places it seemingly does not belong. But frankly my dear I just don't give a hoot anymore. Hope you don't take that as an offence.? Are you still playing the lottery? Very very seldom. I have found much more interesting things to do with working with Love. There is the odd time I buy a ticket but it is either after I have had a dream about numbers or just for the fun of it, if the moment strikes me. Sometimes when I send Love an overwhelming feeling of Love comes over me, but other times I feel very little. Why is that? Why is that? I don't know! It happens to me to. I hope you did not expect me to know everything. I do know that it still works even if we don't feel it happening.
Today SometimesI wonder about tomorrow.But then,That was yesterday,Or was it the day before?So what about tomorrow?Oh, forget it! My Love,Let's just fall in Love again today… So that is it for now. Thanks for reading and I hope you have enjoyed it. I also hope that the information will make your dreams come true.It's a lot of work, isn't it? Well, that's the part of life that really sucks sometimes. Unless you Love what you do or find a way to do what you Love!
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