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The List of Literature used on the subject

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International Educational Corporation

Kazakh-American University



Subject – History of Kazakhstan

Course – I

Academic Year – 2015-2016

Term – II

Instructor – Taichikova K.T.

Aim of the course.

The aim of the course is to help students to decipher in a difficult processes of history of Kazakhstan. This course demonstrates all of the major events in Kazakh history, discuss the Kazakh traditional society and Kazakh under Russian imperial and Soviet rules and assesses the impact of these rules on the traditional Kazakh Society. To provide and overview of the field in each period of history.


I. The Content of the Subject

№ п.\п. The theme and the content Amount of hours
  Lecture 1. Introduction. Ancient Kazakhstan  
  Lecture 2. Bronze and Iron ages tribes.  
3.   Lecture 3. Huns, Uisuns and Kangles.  
4. Lecture 4. Feudal states in Kazakhstan (VI-XII cc.).  
5. Lecture 5. Feudal states in Kazakhstan (VI-XII cc.).  
6. Lecture 6. Mongolian invasions to Kazakhstan.  
7. Lecture 7. Disintegration of Golden Horde and foundation of Ak-Horde and Mogulistan.  
8. Lecture 8. Kazakh Khandom formation.  
9. Lecture 9. Ethno genesis of Kazakh nationality.  
10. Lecture 10. Kazakh Khandom in XVI-XVIII cc. Tauke khan. “Zhety-Zhargy”.  
11. Lecture 11. Djungarian invasions to Kazakhstan.  
12. Lecture 12. Joining of Kazakhstan to Russia. Ablay-khan.  
13. Lecture 13. Social-economic and political life of Kazakhstan in the first half of XIX c. Rules about Siberian and Orenburg Kirgizes.  
14. Lecture 14. National-liberation movements under the leading of Kenessary Kassymov, Issatay Taimanov, Makhambet Utemissov.  
15. Lecture 15. Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX c.  
16. Lecture 16. Administrative reforms of 1867-1868. Social-economic development.  
17. Lecture 17. Kazakhstan during the Russian revolution 1905-1907.  
18. Lecture 18. Kazakhstan during the I WW and Rebruary revolution 1917. “Alash” party.  
19. Lecture 19. October Socialist re4volurion 1917 and foundation of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan.  
20. Lecture 20. Civil war. NEP. “Small October” and it’s essence.  
21. Lecture 21. Industrialization in Kazakhstan: character, consequences.  
22. Lecture 22. Collectivization in Kazakhstan: methods, forms and consequences.  
23. Lecture 23. Social-economic and political life of Kazakhstan eve the war. Repression and deportation.  
24. Lecture 24. Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)  
25. Lecture 25. Social-economic and political life in 1950-s.  
26. Lecture 26. Social-economic and political life in 1960-s.  
27. Lecture 27. Social-economic and political life in 1970-80-s.  
28. Lecture 28. Social-economic and political life in 1990-s.  
29. Lecture 29. Kazakhstan – sovereignty, independence state.  
30. Lecture 30. Revision  



Theme hours
  Seminar1. Introduction 1. Role and place of the History of Kazakhstan in the system of high education 2. Periodization of the History of Kazakhstan  
2. Seminar 2. Kazakhstan in stone and bronze ages. 1. Periods of the ancient time. 2. Tribal unions and ancient states. 3. Economy and social arrangement.  
3. Seminar 3. Feudal states on the territory of Kazakhstan (VI-XII cc.) 1. Turkic and Western-Turkic states. 2. Turgesh, Karluks on the territory of Kazakhstan. 3. Kimak and Kipchak states. 4. Karakhanid state.  
4. Seminar 4. Culture of Kazakhstan in the VI-XII cc. 1. Writing and literature. 2. Art. 3. Religion. Spread of Islam in Kazakhstan. 4. Science. Al-Farabi.  
5. Seminar 5. Mongolian invasions 1. Mongolian state foundation. 2. Mongol uluses in Kazakhstan. 4. Foundation of the Golden Horde. Social-economic consequences of Mongolian invasions.  
6. Seminar 6. Kazakh Khandom: foundation and development. 1. Reasons of the foundation of Kazakh Khandom. 2. Kazakh khandom in the second half of the XV-XVI cc. 3. Kazakh Khandom in the end of the XVI-XVII cc.  
  Seminar 7. Formation of Kazakh nationality. 1. Main stages of the formation of Kazakh nationality, it components. 2. Completion of the foundation of Kazakh nationality.  
  Seminar 8. Djungarian invasions. Tauke Khan. 1. Tauke-khan (1680-1715 гг.). «Zhety-Zhargy». 2. Djungarian invasions. Anrakai battle.  
  Seminar 9. Joining of Kazakhstan to Russia. 1. Historical reasons of the joining of Kazakhstan to Russia. 2. Beginning of joining of Kazakhstan to Russia. 3. Historical significance of joining of Kazakhstan to Russia.  
  Seminar 10. Social-economic and cultural development of Russia in the XIX c. 1. Colonial policy of Russia. 2. Development of capitalistic relations. 3. Culture of Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX c.  
  Seminar11. Kazakhstan after February bourgeoisie- democratic revolution. 1. February bourgeoisie-democratic revolution. 2. Provisional government and national question in Kazakhstan. 3. “Alash” party and it program.  
  Seminar12. Kazakhstan in the first half of 20-s. 1. NEP 2. Industrialization. 3. Collectivization. 4. Foundation of the Kaz.ASSR.  
  Seminar 13. Kazakhstan eve and during Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). 1. Policy of repression and deportation. 2. Beginning of the Great Patriotic War. 3. Reconstruction of economy. 4. Kazakhstanians on the fronts. 5. Culture and science during the war. 6. Historical significance of the Great Patriotic War.  
  Seminar14. Kazakhstan in the post-war period. 1. Development of virgin and unused lands. 2. Economic reforms of 60-s. 3. Beginning of stagnation. 4. “Perestroika”. 5. December events 1986.  
  Seminar 15. Independent Kazakhstan. 1. Declaration of Independence of Kazakhstan. 2. Development of market economics. 3. Foreign policy of Kazakhstan.  


Individual projects

1. Paleolithic sites on the territory of Kazakhstan.

2. Material culture of Bronze age in Kazakhstan.

3. Ancient culture and art of Sakas in Kazakhstan.

4. Culture of upper Bronze in Central Kazakhstan (Begazy and Dandybay).

5. Political history of Huns.

6. Social-economic history of Uisuns.

7. Military-political organization of Kangles.

8. Caravan trade and Great Silk Road.

9. Monuments of Talass writing and their historical-cultural significance.

10. Culture of Kazakhstan in IX-XIII c.

11. Mongolian invasions to Kazakhstan.

12. Feudal states in Kazakhstan.

13. Administrative, state and social arrangement of medieval states of Kazakhstan.

14. Russian-Kazakh relationships in XVI-XVII cc.

15. Foundation of Kazakh Zhuzes.

16. Origination of the ethnonim “kazakh”.

17. Social structure of Kazakh society in XVI-XVIII cc.

18. Historical significance of “Zhety-Zhargy”.

19. Kazakh-Zhungarian wars: causes and consequences.

20. Internal policy of Kazakhstan in the eve of joining to Russia.

21. External policy of Kazakhstan in the eve of joining to Russia.

22. Military Cossack colonization in Kazakhstan.

23. Abulkhair-khan and his role in the history of Kazakh nationality.

24. Ablay-khan – as a military and political leader.

25. Administrative reforms of Russian government in 20-s of the XIX c.

26. Political reforms of 60-s of XIX c.

27. Foundation of the first industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan.

28. Russian intellegence in Kazakhstan (second half of XIX c.).

29. Ch.Valikhanov and his scientific heritage.

30. Development of school education in Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX c.

31. Abay Kunanbayev: life and creation.

32. National-liberation movement under the leading of Kenessary Kassymov.

33. Stolypin agrarian reform in Kazakhstan.

34. National-liberation movement under the leading Isatay Taimanov and Makhambet Utemissov.

35. Strengthening of migration processes to Kazakhstan in the end of XIX beg. XX c.

36. Kazakh writer-democrats(beg. of XX c.).

37. Amangeldy Imanov and uprising of 1916.

38. Foundation of “Alash” party and government “Alash-Orda”.

39. “Ush-Zhuz” party activity.Civil war and foreign intervention to Kazakhstan.

40. Policy of “military communism” in Kazakhstan.

41. NEP and it’s essence.

42. Policy of “Small October” in Kazakhstan it’s essence.

43. Repression against national intelligence.

44. Deportation to Kazakhstan in 30-40-s XX c.

45. Transformation of Kaz.ASSR to Union Republic.

46. Collectivization in Kazakhstan: peculiarities and consequences.

47. Political repression in 30-s XX c.

48. Nazarbayev N.A. - first President of RK: life and activity.

49. Social-political and cultural life of Kazakhstan (1945-1960).

50. Development of antinuclear life in Kazakhstan.

The List of Literature used on the subject

1. Асфендияров С.Д. История Казахстана (с древних времен): Уч. Пособие / Под ред. А.С.Такенова. – Алма-Ата, 1993. – 2-е изд.

2. История Казахстана с древнейших времен до наших дней? Очерк. – Алматы: Дэуир, 1993.

3. История Казахстана: Пособие для студентов. – Алматы: Казинтерграф, 1998.

4. Кан Г.В. История Казахстана: Учеб. Пособие. – Алматы: ВШП Эдилет, 2000.

5. Оразбаева А.И. Курс лекций по истории Казахстана для студентов неисторических факультетов. Часть 1. Древняя и средневековая история Казахстана. – Алматы: Казак университетi, 2001.

6. История Казахстана (с древнейших времен до наших дней)? В 5 т. – Алматы. – Т.1. – 1996; т.2. – 1997; т.3. – 2000.

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