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  1. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  2. Additional i nstructions for sending Love -- April 2004
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The Plan

1. General characteristics of the phrase. The phrase and the sentence.

2. Different approaches to the classification of the phrase.

3. Subordinate word-groups, their structure, peculiarities. Types of subordinate phrase.

4. The problem of coordinate, predicative and prepositional phrases.

Recommended Literature

1. Иванова И. П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. - М., 1981.

2. Blokh M. Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M., 1983.

3. Ilyish B. A. The Structure of Modern English. - L., 1971.

Additional Literature

1. Телия В.Н., Русская фразеология. - М., 1996.

2. Rayevskaya N. M. Present-day English Syntax. - K.


Key problems Key words Contents Literature
I. General characteristics of the phrase. The phrase and the sentence.     Ø combination of words Ø subordination Ø the minor unit of syntax Ø grammatical unit Ø analytical form of the word Ø constituent element Ø the rules of syntactic relations Traditionally Scholars support the idea that in Syntax there exist two basic types of syntactic relations: they are subordination and coordination. Besides these types of syntactic relations there exist in syntax 4 other types of relations such as: predicative, objective, adverbial, attributive ones. The first studies of the phrase were worked out by ac. V.V. Vinogradov in 1946. According to Vinogradov’s point of view the phrase is a combination of words connected by means of subordination. e.g. a fine day, to do the work. The phrase as well as the sentence is a Syntax minor unit (See supplement to the lecture). The traditional linguistics, based on Vinogradov’s theory, points out that the phrase is a combination of only two words, which is a grammatical unit but not analytical form of the word. The constituent elements of the phrase belong to different parts of speech, which are connected with each other according to the rules of different syntactic relations e.g. AN – a nice girl, (attributive relation). Adv Adj – extremely beautiful (adverbial relation). The combination of words is a phrase based on the linear arrangements of language units of a syntactic string which is built up by means of language word-forms capable of combinability. The phase is a syntagmatic string structure of words. Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов. - С.114 В.Н. Телия, Русская фразеология.— М., 1996.— С. 12-13   Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов.— С. 100-101   Blokh, p. 382   Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов. - С. 238-240.
II. Different approaches to the classification of the phrase. Ø the hierarchy of syntactic relation   Ø the theory of three ranks   Ø the head Ø the modifier Ø the adjunct   Ø test frame   Ø the combination of words   Ø endocentric Ø exocentric     Ø agreement Ø government Ø adjoinment Ø enclosure Ø linear grouping of words   Ø syntagmatic grouping   Ø notional words Ø functional words   The problem of the phrase classification is very debatable in modern linguistics. There are different approaches to its classification. O. Jespersen considers the group of words as the hierarchy of syntactic relation, based on the position of the headword and its dependant elements. According to O. Jespersen’s theory which is called “the theory of three ranks”, all words can be divided into: 1) the head (The word of primary position); 2) the modifier (The word of secondary position); 3) the adjunct (The word of tertiary position). e.g. terribly cold weather, a furiously barking dog. tertiary secondary primary (adjunct) (modifier) (head) A great contribution to the theory of the phrase was done by L. Bloomfield. It was L. Bloomfield who introduced the term - “the phrase”. According to his point of view the phrase is a linear grouping of words. There are two types of phrases 1) endocentric (headed) e.g.: Poor John; 2) exocentric (non-headed) e.g.: Lohn and Mary. The Phrase

endocentric exocentric

subordinate coordinate


Ilyish and other linguists think that the phrase is the combination of words of purely grammatical approach, which is built by means of such syntactic relations as agreement, government, adjoinment, enclosure.

Types of Syntactic


agreement adjoinment

e.g.this (that) hat e.g.to run quickly


government enclosure

e.g. to look at him e.g. a little girl

the boy’s hat

Blokh does not use the term “the phrase”. He discusses the problem of combination of words as syntagmatic connections and uses the term for this purpose as syntagmatic grouping of words.




notional words notional words

pretty good +

functional words

functional words

e.g.; from out of e.g.: a little girl


    Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов.— С. 162   Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов. С. 131-134   B. Ilyish, pp. 174-179     Blokh. P.229   Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов.— С. 102-105     Blokh, pp. 229-230 III. Subordinate word-groups, their structure, peculiarities. Types of subordinate phrase.   Ø binary structures Ø the leading element Ø the dependent elements     Ø morphological classes   Ø syntactic relations     Ø nominal phrase     Ø verbal phrase   Ø objective relations Ø adverbial relation Ø adjectival phrase     Ø adverbial phrase   Ø kernel regressive phrases Ø kernel progressive phrases Ø kernel verbal phrase Ø kernel existential phrases     As it has been mentioned, V.V. Vinogradov’s theory of the phrase is based on subordination. This theory was supported and developed by other linguists. In terms of grammatical organization subordinate phrases are binary structures in which one of the members is a syntactic leading element (its head), the others are the dependent elements. e.g.: fresh air, a nice girl, awfully tired Subordinate phrase consists of the combination of words, which belong to different morphological classes. So, the phrases may be classified in accord with the morphological specification of the headword of the phrase. Subordinate phrase     Nominal Adverbial phrases phrases e.g.:Adj+N e.g.:DD fine weather very slowly N+N ND world peace a month later Verbal Adjectival phrases phrases e.g.: VD e.g.:AdjAdv to read a book The basic type of relations between the elements of subordinate word-group is that of syntactic dependence in the syntagmatic chain represented as SR2. The terminology of the elements of the subordinate phrase is based on the notion of the terminology of the members of the sentence because the phrase is the structural element of the sentence into which the sentence may be devided. The syntactic relations existing between the elements of subordinate word-groups is modified by the relations existing between the head-word and its dependent element which is a potential member of the sentence. Thus the type of syntactic relations existing within the nominal phrase is attributive one, e.g. a nice girl (The Nominal phrase is built by means of attributive relations). The verbal phrase can be built up by objective relations and adverbial ones accordingly: e.g. to read a book, to sing well. The adjectival phrase is built up by two types of syntactic relations existing within the elements of the phrase. They are: - adverbial and objective, accordingly: e.g. - extremely good, - to be kind of him, - to be keen in playing cheers, - to be tired of this work The adverbial phrase is built up only by means of adverbial relations e.g. very well. Note! Prof. G.G. Pocheptsov’s classification is based on the inner structure of the phrases. Prof. G. G. Pocheptsov finds such types of subordinate phrases, as: a) kernel regressive phrases with adverbial nominal leading element: e.g. fairly well; my book; b) kernel progressive phrases (adjectival): e.g. full of life; c) kernel verbal phrase e.g.: to hear the phrase d) kernel existential phrases e.g.: being cold   B. Ilyish, pp. 172-174     Rayevskaya, pp. 45-46   Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов.— С. 134-144     IV. The problem of coordinate, predicative and prepositional phrases.   Ø syndetic phrases Ø asyndetic phrases     Ø predicative phrases     Ø kernel prepositional phrases In the classification of the phrase there is a problem of coordinate, predicative and prepositional phrases. L. Bloomfield refers coordinate phrases to endocentric phrases, Blokh considers them as syntagmatic grouping of notional words (John and Mary). Coordinate phrase is a combination of independent words of equal rank represented in the syntagmatic chain as SR1 Coordinate phrases     syndetic phrases asyndetic phrases (the components (consist of 2 or are joined by more syntactically function words) equivalent units) e.g.: white and black e.g.: dirty ridicu- lous business Predicative phrases are such structures in which the syntactic functions of the component parts differ from the function of the phrase and the elements of them are interdependent (SR3). They are expressed by different predicative complexes, represented by 2 elements (SR3). e.g.: the lesson over, for them to come Modern home and foreign linguists single out one more type of the English phrases - prepositional phrases: in order to; in spite of. Note! G.G. Pocheptsov calls them as kernel prepositional phrases. G.G. Pocheptsov refers the preposition to the head of the subordinate phrase as the means of syntactic relation between the elements of the phrase. e.g.: to depend on him, to look at them   Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов. - С. 105.   B. Ilyish, pp. 179-181     Иванова, Бурлакова, Почепцов.— С. 143-144


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