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Complaints and anamnesis taking in newborns and infants

Читайте также:
  1. Anamnesis morbi
  2. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information in the text. (2 points)
  3. Any human being taking initiation with the name and mantra of the Supreme
  4. Article 368. Taking a bribe
  5. B) Handling Complaints
  6. B) In the text find four reasons for people taking homeschooling.

Test and assignments for self assessment

Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer:

1. At the child of 4 months acute dysentery is diagnosed. What features of this disease are
typical for in this age category?

A Continuously relapsed duration

B. Absence of inflammation signs at sigmoscopy

C. Feces often lose excrement character

D. Expressed vomits and frequent regurgitation

E. There is neurotoxicosis in 20 % of cases

2. At a child, 4 years, shigellosis was complicated. What complication is the most typical?

A. Meningitis

B. Prolapse of the rectum

C. Hepatitis

D. Nephritis

E. Encephalitis

3. A child has dysentery for a long time. When the duration of this disease is considered as

A. Till 3 weeks

B. Till 1 month

C. From 1.5 till 3 months

D. Till 3 months

E. More than 3 months

4. Most epidemiologic and clinical value among serological varieties on our territory have the
following types of Shigella:

A. Grigor'ev-Shiga

B. SonneiandFlexner

C. Newcastle and Large-Sax

D. Sonnei and Grigor'ev-Shiga

E. Boydii and Shtutser-Shmits

5. At a child, 5 years, shigellosis is diagnosed. Indicate the mechanism of its transmission:

A. By food

B. By water

C. Fecal-oral

D. Contact-domestic

E. Air-droplet

6. There was the flash of dysentery in a small settlement. Children of what age could be ill more frequent?

A. 0-12 months

B. 1-2 years

C. 2-7 years

D. 7-10 years

E. 10-14 years

7. A boy, 10 years, is treated in the infectious department because of shigellosis. What is the
duration of shigellosis incubation period in children?

A. A few hours -7 days

B. 1-3 days

C. 1-5 days

D. 1-10 days

E. 5-30 days

8. At a patient, 10 years, in fecal culture Shigella is selected. Indicate the typical signs of colitis
syndrome in this case:

A. Liquid feces with undigested meal

B. Watery feces which remind a rice-water

C. Pain in epigastrium, nausea, vomiting

D. Paroxysmal abdominal pain, tenesmus, "rectal spit"

E. Excrements of the yellow coloring, mucus is contained in small amount

9. At a patient, 6 years, that has intestinal infection, mild degree, at bacteriological research of feces Shigella is selected. As basic treatment is recommended:

A. Genthamycin

B. Pancreatin
D. Netylmycin

10. Among the children of the closed child's establishment the flash of acute dysentery is
diagnosed. How long observation of contacts should be?

A. 5 days and 1 fecal culture

B. 7 days and 1 fecal culture

C. 7 days and 2 fecal culture

D. 10 days and 2 fecal culture

E. 14 days and 3 fecal culture


Algorithm of practical students' work

Complaints and anamnesis taking in newborns and infants

1. Friendly facial expression and smile.

2. Gentle tone of speech.

3. Greeting and introducing.

4. Tactful and calm conversation with the parents of sick child.

5. Explanation of future steps concerning the child (hospitalization, some methods of examination, etc.).

Complaints and anamnesis taking in toddlers and preschoolers (children aged from 1 to 6 years)

1. Friendly facial expression and smile.

2. Gentle tone of speech.


3. Greeting and introducing.

4. By means of game playing find a contact with a child.

5. Tactful and calm conversation with the parents of sick child.

6. Explanation of future steps concerning the child (hospitalization, some methods of examination, etc.).

Complaints and anamnesis taking in school age children

1. Friendly facial expression and smile.

2. Gentle tone of speech.

3. Greeting and introducing.

4. Tactful and calm conversation with sick child his/her parents.

5. Explanation of further steps to child and his/her parents (hospitalization, some methods of examination, etc.).

l.To collect complaints:

• fever, poor appetite, anxiety, fatigue, cramps;

• nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with pathological admixtures: green, mucus, blood, "rectal spit";

• abdominal pain, tenesmus, false urge for defecation.

2. To collect anamnesis of the disease, epidemiological anamnesis

• Acute beginning of the disease from fever, toxic syndrome, pain, dyspepsia.

• Eating of the infected products, contact with a patient who had diarrhea 1-7 days prior to

the disease beginning.

• There are alike signs in surrounders, which ate the same products. • Conversation accomplishment.


3. To inspect a patient:

Physical methods of examination of newborns and infants

1. Friendly facial expression and smile.

2. Gentle tone of speech.

3. Greeting and introducing.

4. Explain to the parents what examination should be performed and obtain there informed consent.

5. Prepare for examination (clean and warm hands, warm phonendoscope, etc.).
Physical methods of examination of toddlers and preschoolers

1. Friendly facial expression and smile.

2. Gentle tone of speech.

3. Greeting and introducing.

4. Explain to the parents what examination should be performed and obtain there informed consent.

5. Find a contact with a child; try to gain his/her confidence.

6. Prepare for examination (clean and warm hands, warm phonendoscope, etc.).
Physical methods of examination of school age children

1. Friendly facial expression and smile. ' 2. Gentle tone of speech.

3. Greeting and introducing.

4. Explain to the parents what examination should be performed and obtain there- informed consent.

5. Find a contact with a child; try to gain his/her confidence.

6. Prepare for examination (clean and warm hands, warm phonendoscope, use the screen if necessary etc.).

A. Examination:

• redness of the face, babies cry during defecation;

• a skin is dry, pale, sunken eyes, acute lines of the face; hyperemia of perianal area;

• dry and bright mucus membranes, coated tongue;

• sunken abdomen;

• gaping anus, rectal prolapse.

B. Palpation:

• lowering of skin elasticity, tissues turgor, sunken big fontanel, weight deficit (may be in infants);

• tender abdomen in left inguinal region, spasm of sigmoid colon.

C. Auscultation:

• tachycardia, strengthening, or deafness of cardiac tones;

• tachypnea, harsh breathing.

Conversation accomplishment

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