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Theory of English grammar

Читайте также:
  3. A contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian morphological stylistic means
  4. A Dictionary of the English language
  5. A TEACher of ENGLish
  6. Accentuation tendencies of English.
  7. After having studied grammar (The Noun. The Number)




I. Course Size   10 classroom hours: • lectures - 6 hours; • seminars - 4 hours;

II. Course Summary

1. Aims of this course:

Ø to present the grammatical level of the English language as a system;

Ø to demonstrate how to apply the analytical techniques (methods of analysis) studied to various grammatical phenomena;

Ø to introduce you to some disputable issues of grammatical studies in modern English

2. Content:

Main units and notions of grammar, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of the units of grammar, parts of speech, the noun and its categories, the adjective and its category, the verb and its categories, verbals (non-finite forms of the verb), finite versus non-finite forms of the verb as the basis of the category of representation, the phrase and types of relations within a phrase, the sentence, primary and secondary predication, pre-functional and functional models of sentence analysis, syntactic, semantic and logico-communicative structures of the sentence, the multiple sentence (clause complex), principles of sentence classifications, syntagmatic relations of sentences within a text. For more detail see the Course Map, where L stands for lecture; S – for seminar; index - number, e.g. S2- seminar №2.

3. Learning Outcomes: As a result of the course you are expected

Ø to pass from “knowing grammar” to “knowing about grammar”; after studying grammar we become more alert to the strength, flexibility and variety of the language, and thus we are in a better position to use it and to evaluate others’ use of it;

Ø to pass from answering “how” questions to “why” questions about different grammatical issues;

Ø to be able to apply the analytical techniques studied as well as to perform independent grammatical studies and make your own argumentative reasoning;

Ø to become aware of disputable issues and possible solutions of major grammatical problems;

Ø to acquire a wide range of strategies for independent study, to be able to perform individual grammatical research for the term-paper.


III. Student Activity

The course treats you as adults responsible for your own learning as that is the only way you can progress. You are provided with the Course Map which is to help you to manage your time and organise it efficiently. The types of work through the course include: lectures, seminars, independent study, tasksand tests on various analytical techniques (methods of analysis). A self-check test (with the keys) is to be done before the summer session. A final test is to be done before the oral examination; your mark for the test contributes to your final mark.

IV. Assessment

Final examination test Shows how you can apply the analytical techniques to various grammatical phenomena
Oral examinationcard Part I: Part II: Speak on the given grammar issue. Speak on the given grammatical phenomenon and analyse the examples provided

Дата добавления: 2015-11-13; просмотров: 219 | Нарушение авторских прав

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