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Rhyme meter rhythm

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Rhyme – one of the properties of poetry, which is the repetition of the same sound, identical/similar, usually at the end

of 2 or more lines. We normally distinguish b/n:full rhyme (I-sky, night-right),incomplete rhyme (fresh-press),compound rhymes (spirit-?),eye-rhymes (visible, but not pronounced): (love-

prove),masculine rhymes (monosyllabic words): e.g. down-town – and are standing on the last line or, or bisyllabic words accented on the last syllables: domain-remain; mouth-south.,feminine rhyme (words are accented on the last but one syllable: error-terror)

1.The rhyming patterns are shown with the help of letters, e.g. couplets. When the last word of the 2 successive lines are rhymea: a a b b

2.Triple (dactylic) rhymes: a a a, based on 3-syllable words. 1 syllable stressed, 2 unstressed

3.There exist cross (quatrain) rhymes: a b a b

4.framing (rheme) rhymes: abba – frame

5.internal rhyme: the rhyming word is placed not at the end of the line, but within rhymes.

Functions of rhyme:1) to signalize the end of line and mark the arrangement of lines into stanzas (4ростишие) 2) rhythm becomes evident because of rhyme3) the ends receive greater prominent



Poetic rhythm – r. is created by the regular recurrence of (un)stressed syllables of equal poetic lines. The regular alterations of (un)stressed syllables from a unit which is a foot.

In poetry it has a greater degree of regularity and manifests itself as meter (размер):

1) measured, patterned arrangement of syllables, primarily according to stress or length

2) the specific rhythm determined by the prevailing foot in the line (iambic meter).

There are 5 basic metrical feet:

1) iambus (ямб): the 2nd syllable is stressed) A horse! A horse! My king dom for a horse! (William Shakespeare, Richard III)

2) Trochee (хорей): every first syllable of the two is stressed. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's The Song of Hiawatha - Should you ask me, whence these stor ies?

Whence these leg ends and tra di tions,

With the od ours of the for est,

With the dew and damp of mea dows,

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven":

Ah, dis tinct ly I re mem ber it was in the bleak De cem ber;

And each sep arate dy ing em ber wrought its ghost up on the floor.


3) dactyl (дактиль): the 1st of the 3 is stressed.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem Evangeline, which is in dactylic hexameter:

This is the / for est prim- / ev al. The / mur muring / pines and the / hem locks,

The first five feet of the line are dactyls; the sixth a trochee.


4) amphibrach (амфибрахий): the middle of the 3 is stressed.

Leonard Cohen's song "Famous Blue Raincoat"

It's four in / the morn ing, / the end of / De cem ber

I'm wri ting / you now just / to see if / you're bet ter

New York / is cold, but / I like where / I'm liv ing

There's mu sic / on Clin ton / Street all through / the eve ning.


5) anapaest (анапест): the last of the 3 is stressed (There is guilt in the sound, there’s guilt in …)

Byron's The Destruction of Sennacherib:

The As syr ian came down like a wolf on the fold

And his co horts were gleam ing in purp le and gold

And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea

When the blue wave rolls night ly on deep Gali lee.



The repetition of the units of the meter or feet makes verse. The number of feet in a line is different in different poetic words. The length of line is usually indicated in the Greek terms: a 2-foot line

– dimeter a 3 foot line – trimester, 4 - tetrameter, 5 - pentameter, 6 -nexameter,7- hectometer.8 - octometer

Sonnets were all written in 14 lines (first by Ptrarka) iambic – pentameter, ababcdcdefef – 99

Ballads are usually written in iambic tetrameter (4столб. ямб)


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