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II. ĭ-Stems.

FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. | TABLE OF CONTENTS. | ASIATIC MEMBERS OF THE INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY. | EUROPEAN MEMBERS OF THE INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY. | SOUNDS, ACCENT, QUANTITY. | B. Quantity of Syllables. | Grammatical Gender. | Cases alike in Form. | General Principles of Gender in the Third Declension. | Nine Irregular Adjectives. |

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  1. III. Consonant-Stems that have partially adapted themselves to the Inflection of ĭ-Stems.

A. Masculine and Feminine ĭ -Stems.

37. These regularly end in -is in the Nominative Singular, and always have -ium in the Genitive Plural. Originally the Accusative Singular ended in -im, the Ablative Singular in , and the Accusative Plural in -īs; but these endings have been largely displaced by -em, -e, and -ēs, the endings of Consonant-Stems.


  Tussis, f., cough; stem, tussi-. Īgnis, m., fire; stem, īgni-. Hostis, c., enemy; stem, hosti-.  
Nom. tussis īgnis hostis -is
Gen. tussis īgnis hostis -is
Dat. tussī īgnī hostī
Acc. tussim īgnem hostem -im, -em
Voc. tussis īgnis hostis -is
Abl. tussī īgnī or e hoste -ī, -e
Nom. tussēs īgnēs hostēs -ēs
Gen. tussium īgnium hostium -ium
Dat. tussibus īgnibus hostibus -ibus
Acc. tussīs or -ēs īgnīs or -ēs hostīs or -ēs -īs, -ēs
Voc. tussēs īgnēs hostēs -ēs
Abl. tussibus īgnibus hostibus -ibus

1. To the same class belong—

apis, bee. crātis, hurdle. †*secūris, axe.
auris, ear. *febris, fever. sēmentis, sowing.
avis, bird. orbis, circle. †*sitis, thirst.
axis, axle. ovis, sheep. torris, brand.
*būris, plough-beam. pelvis, basin. †*turris, tower.
clāvis, key. puppis, stern. trudis, pole.
collis, hill. restis, rope. vectis, lever.
  and many others.  

Words marked with a star regularly have Acc. -im; those marked with a † regularly have Abl. . Of the others, many at times show -im and . Town and river names in -is regularly have -im, .

2. Not all nouns in -is are ĭ -Stems. Some are genuine consonant-stems, and have the regular consonant terminations throughout, notably, canis, dog; juvenis, youth. [14]

3. Some genuine ĭ -Stems have become disguised in the Nominative Singular; as, pars, part, for par(ti)s; anas, duck, for ana(ti)s; so also mors, death; dōs, dowry; nox, night; sors, lot; mēns, mind; ars, art; gēns, tribe; and some others.

B. Neuter ĭ -Stems.

39. These end in the Nominative Singular in -e, -al, and -ar. They always have in the Ablative Singular, -ia in the Nominative, Accusative, and Vocative Plural, and -ium in the Genitive Plural, thus holding more steadfastly to the i -character than do Masculine and Feminine ĭ -Stems.

  Sedile, seat; stem, sedīli-. Animal, animal; stem, animāli-. Calcar, spur; stem, calcāri-.  
Nom. sedīle animal calcar -e or wanting
Gen. sedīlis animālis calcāris -is
Dat. sedīlī animālī calcārī
Acc. sedīle animal calcar -e or wanting
Voc. sedīle animal calcar -e or wanting
Abl. sedīlī animālī calcārī
Nom. sedīlia animālia calcāria -ia
Gen. sedīlium animālium calcārium -ium
Dat. sedīlibus animālibus calcāribus -ibus
Acc. sedīlia animālia calcāria -ia
Voc. sedīlia animālia calcāria -ia
Abl. sedīlibus animālibus calcāribus -ibus

1. In most words of this class the final -i of the stem is lost in the Nominative Singular; in others it appears as -e.

2. Proper names in -e form the Ablative Singular in -e; as, Sōracte, Mt. Soracte; so also sometimes mare, sea.

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I. Consonant-Stems.| III. Consonant-Stems that have partially adapted themselves to the Inflection of ĭ-Stems.

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