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FУпотребление made from - made of – made out of - made with

Предлог Употребляют, если … Примеры
madefrom исходные материалы изменились до неузнаваемости Steel is made from iron and carbon.
madeof то, из чего изготовлен предмет, видно и понятно This knife is made of steel.
made out of говорят, что было использо-вано при изготовлении The curtains were made out of some old material.
madewith говорят о составе блюда The mousse was made with cream.

G Страдательный инфинитив (to be done), причастие и герундий (being done) тоже показывают, что действие совершается над объектом.

Сравните: Jack likes to laugh at people but hates to be laughed at.

You must do the work well, and it must be done by Friday at the latest.

Scorpios take their time over most things and dislike being hurried.

H Некоторые глаголы (ergative verbs) можно употреблять в действительном залоге со значением пассива.

Verbs suggesting a change of state — break, burst, crease, close, dry,

form, heal, melt, tear, transform, wash out

Verbs of cooking — bake, boil, cook, fry

M 42, 43, 44

Verbs of movement — move, shake, sweep, turn, walk

Verbs involving vehicles — drive, fly, reverse, run, sail

Other verbs – apply, digest, photograph, read, say, sell

e.g. Your essay reads well. хорошо читается.

The letter said that …. В письме говорилось, что .

Black jeans are selling badly this season. … плохо продаются.

DO THIS TEST: Active or Passive?

1 Choose the right form – 1 Active or 2 Passive.

a I (1 told/2 was told) about it in secret.

b Water (1 consists/ 2 is consisted) of hydrogen and oxygen.

c The snail draws in its horns when it (1 frightens/2 is frightened).

d While Nick was chatting to a pretty girl his man-purse (1 stole/2 got stolen).

e A great deal of research (1 is doing/2 is being done) into the possible causes of


2 Instructions as above.

a Your passports (1 must show/2 must be shown) at check-in.

b The wagon (1 was drawing/2 was being drawn) by two horses.

c The monument (1 stood/2 was stood) on a hill overlooking the town.

d One of these days I (1 will have finished/2 will have been finished) this book.

e The police (1 have instructed/2 have been instructed) to take firm action against


3 Complete the sentence with the Passive Voice, using the verbs given and in the tense


a I suppose the letter (TO DELIVER) by now. /Future Perfect/

b Your drinks (TO BRING) to you in a moment. /Future Simple/

c Much of London (TO DESTROY) by fire in 1666. /Past Simple/

d It (TO SUGGEST) that the casino should close. /Present Perfect/

e The man who (TO BITE) by a snake was given a serum. /Past Perfect/

4 Instructions as above.

a Many slums (TO DEMOLISH) to make way for new buildings. /Present Continuous/

b Three hundred new flats (TO BUILD) by the end of the year. /Future Perfect/

c As I drove north, I could see that the old road (TO REBUILD). /Past Continuous/

d The man (TO QUESTION) by the police about the murder for the last three days.

/Present Perfect/

e Customers (TO ASK) to ensure that they (TO GIVE) correct change before leaving the shop.

/Present Simple, Present Perfect/

5 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive, omitting the words in brackets and making any

other necessary changes. The numbers in brackets at the end of the sentence indicate

the number of passives to be used if there is more than one.

a (Everyone) knows this fact very well.

b (Someone) will buy you a good New Year present. (2)

c (They) trained their staff very professionally.

d (They) are manufacturing this type of iPad in the US.

e After (they) hadn’t invited Jane to the party, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

6 Instructions as above

a I’m afraid (the theatre) has cancelled the next week’s show.

b (The company) pays the employees their wages every other week. (2)

c We went on holiday because (workers) were decorating our flat.

d (The teacher) suggesteda good topic for the essay to the class.

e ‘Will (you) have written the essay by the next lesson?’ the teacher asked.

7 Complete the sentences with a passive construction, using the verbs given and in the

tense suggested, adding a suitable preposition where necessary and putting the

adverbs in the right position.

a The documents still (TO WAIT)…. /Present Continuous/

b The old lady very well (TO LOOK) …. /Present Simple/

c These suggestions certainly (TO OBJECT) …. /Future Simple/

d The teacher’s comments only (TO AIM) … thecareless students. /Present Perfect/

e My Mum suddenly (TO INVITE) to the school where she (TO SPEAK) … by the headmistress.

/Past Simple/

8 Use the right verb form (Active or Passive) and put the adverbs in the right


a The incident soon (TO FORGET) so don’t worry.

b My Dad just (TO OFFER) a new job.

c Your essay (NOT TO READ) well yet.

d I (TO TELL) to go on with my answer.

d When I came, my friend still (TO WAIT) for me.



9 Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense form (Active or Passive).

a The book (TO FALL) from the table to the floor.

b You (NOT TO SUPPOSE) to talk during the lesson.

c He hoped his granny (TO MENTION) him in her will.

d Many innocent passengers (TO WOUND) in the explosion.

e Go out and get some fresh air. You (TO SIT) here all day!

10 Instructions as above

a Please tell me what you (TO CALL) this thing in English.

b Could you remind me what this thing (TO CALL) in English?

c International conferences occasionally (TO HOLD) in Moscow.

d When winter approaches, skis and skates (TO SELL) like hot cakes.

e I wonder if the test already (TO FINISH) by the end of the lesson.

11 Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense form (Active or Passive).

a The strings of a piano (TO VIBRATE) when the keys (TO STRIKE).

b That summer we often (TO LIE) on the beach and (TO SWIM) in the sea.

c Even to this day it (NOT TO KNOW) what (TO HAPPEN) to the ship Mary Celeste.

d I (TO TELL) that the teacher already (TO EXPLAIN) the rule a few days before.

e Because of the ice rain on Dec. 25,2010, some flights (TO DELAY) but most (TO CANCEL).

12 Instructions as above

a He (TO ASK) her to marry him for years until finally she (TO SAY) “Yes!”.

b If you (TO BE) hungry when you (TO GET) home, help yourself to the food in the fridge.

c English nouns (TO REQUIRE) an “s” in the plural, but this rule always (NOT TO APPLY).

d The government (TO AGREE) withthe reportand so the law (TO CHANGE) in the near future.

e “The full extent of the damage in Brisbane (NOT TO KNOW) until the water (TO BE GONE),”

the Minister said yesterday.

13-14 Instructions as above

Cruise Ship Chased by Pirates in the Indian Ocean

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