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Under construction

Читайте также:
  1. A Nazi sympathizer who kept nail bombs under his bed has been convicted of three terrorism offences.
  2. A New Way of Understanding the Problems of Parents and Kids
  3. A) Before listening, read the definitions of the words and phrases below and understand what they mean.
  4. A) Procedure of canceling flights under VMC conditions.
  5. A. Underline the most suitable word
  6. About, at, away (adverb only), by, for, from, in, into, on, out, to, under, up, with, over

In progress

Preparations for the flight will be being made as the President arrives at the airport.

Preparations for the flight will be in progress as the President arrives at the airport.

In training

At the end of this year, I will have been being trained as a pilot for four years.

At the end of this year, I will have been in training as a pilot for four years.

On display

Vintage cars have been being displayed in the town centre all this week.

Vintage cars have been on display in the town centre all this week.

Under consideration

By the time they came to a decision, the problem had been being considered for some time.

By the time they came to a decision, the problem had been under consideration for some time.

Under construction

The new railway station has been being built for two years now.

The new railway station has been under construction for two years now.

В каких случаях необходим страдательный залог?

Use (употребление) Example (пример)
Когда мы не знаем, кто делает/делал что-либо My groceries have been stolen.
Когда очевидно, кто делает/делал что-либо A boy was arrested in town yesterday for stealing an apple.
Когда не важно, кто делает/делал что- либо The French bistro is being knocked down.
Чтобы подчеркнуть новую информацию The potato was brought to Europe by Sir Walter Raleigh.
Формальный стиль подачи информации All passengers are required to present their ticket to the inspector.
Чтобы избежать длинных придаточных частей в предложении We were surprised by the number of people trying to live the city for the long weekend. More natural than (более естественно, чем): The number of people trying to leave the city for the long weekend surprised us.

Некоторые глаголы не употребляются в страдательном залоге:

BUT!!! Фразовые глаголы с let могут употребляться в страдательном залоге.

Alice was clearly guilty, but she was let off with a warning.

We heard Jim say he was going to Albania. (active)

Jim was heard to say he was going to Albania. (passive)


By – когда есть исполнитель действия (одушевленный или неодушевленный)

Margarine was invented by a French chef.

The tree was burnt by the lighting.

With – когда указывается предмет, с помощью которого осуществляется действие

The soup should then be stirred with a spoon.


В некоторых предложениях активного залога после сказуемого могут следовать оба дополнения: прямое и непрямое (последнее обычно одушевленное существительное). В роли такого сказуемого могут выступать следующие глаголы: bring, buy, get, give, leave, lend, make, offer, owe, pass, pay, promise, refuse, send, show, take, teach, tell, write, etc.

Непрямое дополнение может ставиться как сразу после сказуемого, так и в конце предложения с предлогом (for, to, etc.).

A friend gave my sister this cookery book.

A friend gave this cookery book to my sister.

Подлежащим в страдательном предложении может быть как непрямое, так и прямое дополнение предложения активного залога.

Michael gave the plane tickets to Jill. (active voice)

Jill was given the plane tickets (by Michael). (непрямое дополнение в качестве подлежащего страдательного залога)

The plane tickets were given to Jill (by Michael). (прямое дополнение в качестве подлежащего страдательного залога).

Предлог может опускаться, если в роли непрямого дополнения служит местоимение.

Sharon’s Rolls-Royce was left (to) her by her grandfather.

BUT!!! Если в качестве сказуемого выступают глаголы explain или suggest, предлог перед непрямым дополнением не может опускаться. В таких случаях лишь прямое дополнение может быть подлежащим страдательного залога.

I was explained how to drive the train.

How to drive the train was explained me.

How to drive the train was explained to me.


Чтобы выразить мнение людей формально, можно воспользоваться тремя специальными формами страдательного залога. Две первые формы могут употребляться с такими глаголами, как agree, assume, believe, claim, consider, estimate, expect, feel, find, guarantee, know, mean, presume, regard, report, say, suppose, think, understand, etc. Некоторые другие глаголы (accept, agree, argue, assume, believe, calculate, claim, consider, estimate, expect, feel, know, presume, report, say, suggest, suppose, think, understand, etc.) употребляются только в третьей из следующих специальных форм:

Noun + verb in passive form + infinitive/perfect infinitive

There + verb in passive form + infinitive/perfect infinitive

It + verb in passive form + “that” clause (придаточная часть с that)

Active Passive
People think he is a great chef. He is thought to be a great chef. It is thought that he is a great chef.
People believe he was a great chef. He is believed to have been a great chef. It is believed that he was a great chef.
People claim he has had an influence on many other chefs. He is claimed to have had an influence on many other chefs. It is claimed that he has had an influence on many other chefs.
People say he has been making the best cheese in the area for over thirty years. He is said to have been making the best cheese in the area for over thirty years. It is said that he has been making the best cheese in the area for over thirty years.
People estimated that this restaurant was worth over $10 million. His restaurant was estimated to be/to have been worth over $10 million. It was estimated that his restaurant was worth over $10 million.
People have suggested that he is a great chef. It has been suggested that he is a great chef.


The causative

Get/have smth done

Actions we arrange for other people to do for us (наша подготовка к осуществлению определенных действий другими людьми)

Did you finally get your bike fixed?

Things we experience (usually negative and not intended)(опыт, переживания; обычно отрицательные и незапланированные)

I heard that Susie had her motorbike stolen.

Употребление have более официально, чем get.

Вместо get и have мы можем использовать глаголы need, want и would like.

I’ d like those cars washed by this evening, please.

The structure get smth done can also mean “finish doing something”. (Get smth done может также значить “закончить что-либо делать”)

We’ll set off as soon as I’ve got the car fixed.

Get smb to do/have smb do

Actions we make somebody/something do for us (действия, которыми мы заставляем (убеждаем) кого-либо/что-либо сделать для нас)

Did you get Alex to drive you all the way to London?

Get/have smb doing

Actions we make somebody/something start doing (действия, которыми мы заставляем кого-либо/что-либо начать делать что-то)

Don’t worry. We’ll soon have your car running like new.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 33 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Упр. 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.| FУпотребление made from - made of – made out of - made with

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