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Comparing it and me.

Читайте также:
  2. Comparing the melting and boiling points of substances
  3. Language work. Comparing.
  4. Read the text, pay attention to the words in italics and in brackets. Enrich your vocabulary by comparing English and Russian equivalents.


Учебные материалы Book + audio: Interchange intro (Student’s Book) Video    
Пакет 12 занятий   рус.препод. – 90 мин, носитель – 60 мин Lesson 1 Unit 1    
Lesson 2 Unit 2 Unit 02  
Lesson 3 Unit 3   НОСИТЕЛЬ
Lesson 4 Unit 4 Unit 04  
Lesson 5 Unit 5    
Lesson 6 Unit 6   НОСИТЕЛЬ
Lesson 7 Unit 7 Unit 07  
Lesson 8 Unit 8 Unit 08  
Lesson 9 Unit 9   НОСИТЕЛЬ
Lesson 10 Unit 10 Unit 10  
Lesson 11 Unit 12 Unit 12  
Lesson 12 Unit 13   НОСИТЕЛЬ

Speaking Session Adults Starter: В группы от 4 до 7 человек определяются взрослые, которые прошли Basic Starter Grammar, Basic Starter Speaking.

Данный курс нацелен на развитие только speaking и listening. Грамматика в книге присутствует, но объяснять ее не нужно. Только делаем упражнения. Книга, которую приобретают студенты – Interchange (? грн). Она является основой занятия. На одном занятии задействуем 1 раздел книги – выбирайте самое интересное!

Курс состоит из 12 занятий по схеме 2+1 (2 занятия – русскоговорящий, длительность 90 минут; 1 занятие – носитель языка, длительность 60 минут). По программе прописано по страницам, какие уроки ведет носитель, а какие – русскоговорящий!


1. Warm-up

2. Work with the book

3. Bomb-game!

4. Work with the book

5. Sum-up


# 1 Warm-up

Games and activities you can use in order to dive in the lesson:

1. 10 fingers / 5 fingers

By circle students say what they can do. If somebody can’t do this, he / she bends his finger. The person with the least number of bended fingers is the winner!


Tongue Twisters

For starters: choose one simple tongue twister. Firstly, read it aloud by yourself. Then ask students to pronounce their tongue twister clearly and quickly (application 1).


3. Object Stories

Collect together a number of objects and place in a canvas bag. The objects can include everyday items i.e. a pencil, key-ring, mobile phone, but also include some more unusual ones i.e. a holiday photograph, wig! Pass the bag around the group and invite each young person to dip their hand into the bag (without looking) and pull out one of the objects. The leader begins a story which includes his object. After 20 seconds, the next person takes up the story and adds another 20 seconds, incorporating the object they are holding. And so on, until everyone has made a contribution to your epic literary tale.

Comparing it and me.

Bring an object to a class (ball, paperclip). Ask if anybody can say one way in which your object is different from them (It is small but I am big). Ask everyone to think of 1-5 ways in which they and the ball are similar (I am in this room, the ball is also here.).

5. Love it or hate it!

In this warm up, the teacher has a list of things (or people) and each student has to decide whether he/she loves or hates the things on the list. Students have to choose either “love” or “hate” and can’t be in the middle. Later they have to explain why they either love it or hate it.

6. Guess Who Wrote It.

First, instruct your students to write on a slip of paper

- the name of a book

- types of clothes

- things they do on vacation.

Collect the papers, call out the things, and ask the class if they can guess who wrote it. Finally, let the writer identify him or herself, explaining his or her choice.


7. Guess The Picture

Teacher shows Ss a small part of the picture - students in groups discuss what it might be - you can put some of their ideas on the board if you wish. If you don't hear any nice ideas, you can try gradually revealing some other parts of the picture.!You can use photos from development!

8. Rhyming Pair Memory Game.

Make cards with words that rhyme, like name/game, box/fox, tick/stick, etc… Place them face down. Students take turns turning over the cards to find the pairs that rhyme.

Add a word.

This is a variation of Scrabble and can be played without a board. The first player writes down a word. The longer the word, the easier it is for other player(s). The next player writes a word using one of the letters in the first word.

10. Paul’s birthday party.

Start by saying that all of us (the class) are friends with Paul (or any name you like), and that we are all going to bring him a gift/present. Explain that it´s a memory game and you have to remember what everyone is going to bring and continue until someone makes a mistake. Use Present Simple when making sentences.

11. Plan the teacher’s vacation.

Put the students in small groups, and ask each group to plan a vacation for you. They must plan where you go, what you do, who you go with, and what you buy. When they are finished, have each group present their plans. Use Present Simple when making sentences.


I divide the class into two groups. I put 2 minutes or more on a timer. Then I give them a category such as clothes for young learners and when they get the ball they have to say an piece of clothes and pass the ball to the other team. No words can be repeated. So they have to keep the ball until they answer. They have to keep the ball away from their team because when the timer runs out, whatever team is holding the bomb loses the point.
Category suggestions:
Items in the classroom
Buildings (i.e. Bank, Cinema etc.)
Jobs (Teacher, policeman etc.)

Everything which is hot / cold / soft / hard / sharp




# 2 and 4: Book


1) Pay attention to role-plays

2) Change pairs

3) Use speaking games from «Methodologist Folder»

4) Remake grammar exercises into cards – make tasks more interesting

5) Pay attention to the section “Class activity” and “Pair work”

6) Chose only the most interesting tasks to do


Ways to introduce topic:

- Asking question

- Semantic Web

Сreate a semantic web on the board. This involves writing the word, for ex. “FOOD” in the center of a circle and then branching out from that with related words connecting to the original word or to each other. So, for example, the word “pizza” might connect to “FOOD” and then “tomatoes” to “pizza.” Students call out words they associate with the word “FOOD” or other words connected to it. This is a good way to review or develop vocabulary related to the topic.

- True / False statement

- Write on the board separate words (which belong to the topic) and ask student to guess the topic

- Using related pictures / objects

- Show the picture from the book or which is related to the topic

How to consolidate new vocabulary:

1) Bingo

2) Tic-tac-toe

3) Show the word – mime

4) Taboo words

5) Riddles

6) Associations

7) Explain the word in English

8) Find the opposite

9) Memory game (2 words / 1 word + 1 picture)

10) Words with gaps

11) Match the word and definition

12) Match 2 halves of word

13) Word with mixed letters (put in order)

14) Word search (create online http://busyteacher.org/wordpuzzle/)

15) Word crossword

16) Tile puzzle (create online http://busyteacher.org/tilepuzzle/)

17) Double puzzle (create online http://busyteacher.org/doublepuzzle/)

18) Rebuses

19) Different games http://busyteacher.org/classroom_activities-vocabulary-worksheets/

20) Create a sentence with a new word

21) Wordle. Paste the text into wordle.net and create a Wordle with the key words from the lesson.
This can then be shown to your class. In pairs, they have to decide what the text is going to be about. As an additional exercise, you can get your class to write a headline based on the Wordle.


How to work with video

Find videos in folder “ Materials”

· Give new words before watching video

· Create true/false sentences

· Use topical cards – put in order/find extra card

· Put words in order (taken from the video)

· Practice conversations from video

· What food/things/places… you remember?


#3 Bomb game


Word Tennis

Divide the class into 2 halves. Write the team names on either side of the board at the top. Leave a space in the middle of the board to write a list of categories. Write the first category [for example, animals]. Point quickly to the first student. The student must respond with an animal name within a few seconds. Then the 'ball' bounces to the other team, and the first student quickly gives the name of another animal. Then the second student on the other team answers. This game must be done quickly, and without any repetition of vocabulary. When a student cannot answer, a point is given to the opposing team, and a new category is written on the board. The whole process is then repeated. Ideally this game should be a fast review of vocabulary items.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 50 | Нарушение авторских прав

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