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Nature-nature controversy

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Nature versus nature. There has been much controversy among psychologists and sociologists in the late 20th century concerning whether some people are genetically disposed to crime or whether illegal acts have their origin in one's upbringing and environment. There is evidence to support both views. Those who believe that there is a genetic disposition to crime have noted certain physical and personality differences between delinquents and non-delinquents. Delinquents have been found to have sturdier bodies and to act in a more aggressive way than non-delinquents. In their personality traits, delinquents are more extroverted, narcissistic, and impulsive, and less able to delay the satisfaction of desires. Some psychologists believe that there is an inherited flaw in the genetic makeup of a criminal that leads to rejection of society's standards. Others note that many violent prisoners have higher than normal levels of the male sex hormone testosterone.

The contrary opinion tends to view delinquents as not substantially different from the remainder of the population. Not all sturdily built individuals, for instance, become criminals; many make their living as athletes or in a variety of professions. Studies in Great Britain have shown that delinquents tend to come from families where there is tension and much difficulty in interpersonal relationships. Family breakdown is also found to be a significant factor. The United States Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that in the late 1980s, about 70 per cent of the juveniles in state reform institutions grew up in single parent (usually with the mother as head of household) or no-parent families.

Many delinquents come from homes where the parents abuse alcohol or drugs or are themselves criminals. Poverty, physical and verbal abuse, parents with little respect for themselves, and erratic discipline patterns emerge as contributing factors in such research. Beatings by parents or others can cause injuries to the brain, which in turn frequently cause neurological problems, paranoia, hallucinations or violent behaviour.

Answer the questions:

1. What is juvenile delinquency?

2. Why has the problem of juvenile delinquency skyrocketed?

3. At what age do delinquent acts begin and end?

4. What are the reasons of the illegal acts?

5. Are people genetically disposed to crime?

6. What are the personality traits of delinquents?

7. How do upbringing and environment influence delinquents?

8. Is juvenile delinquency a vital topic in your country?

Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Childhood is a time of joy and innocence for all people.

2. Juvenile delinquency includes conduct that is useful to the goals of society.

3. In 1990 rates of arrest in California for burglary, theft, arson and robbery are higher among adults that among juveniles.

4. Delinquency is an integral part of society and part of the maturation process that some adults go through.

5. Delinquent acts begin at about age of 20-21.

6. The most serious activities peak at 17-18 years of age and then begin to decline for the next several years.

7. Psychologists think that some people are generally disposed to crime.

8. There are no personality differences between delinquents and non-delinquents.

Studies in Great Britain have shown that delinquents tend to come from homes when the parents are criminals themselves.



1. Low esteem- неуважение 2. To cut classes- пропускать занятия 3. To disrupt classes- срывать занятия 4. To have a compensation for- компенсировать ч-л. 5. Educational failure- неудачи, неуспехи в учебе 6. To make up for- наверстывать упущенное, «подтягиваться» 7. Contempt for authority- неуважение к властям 8. Signs of affluence- признаки богатства, благополучия 9. A large array of- множество, большая масса 10. Truancy- прогул 11. Assault- нападение 12. Theft- воровство 13. Arson- поджог 14. Vandalism- вандализм 15. Traffic in drugs- распространение наркотиков 16. Bigotry- слепая приверженность, фанатизм 17. White-supremacist gangs- банда превосходства белых 18. “Birds of a feather flock together”- рыбак рыбака видит издалека 19. Relevance for- уместность 20. To impel by- побуждать, принуждать 21. To draw by- привлекать ч-л. 22. Obligation- обязательство 23. To roam- бродить, слоняться 24. To create havoc- создавать разрушения 25. To carry weapons- носить оружие 26. To sort out- рассортировать, разделять 27. To steer away from- увести от ч-л. 28. Periods of confinement- сроки заключения 29. Lenient methods of probation- мягкие методы условного освобождения на поруки 30. Juvenile aftercare, foster care- программа контроля за подростками, освобожденными на поруки 31. To suspend sentence- откладывать приговор 32. To release the offender on the condition of- освобождать обвиняемого при условии 33. Parole- освобождение заключенного под честное слово 34. To promote readjustment- способствовать исправлению 35. To adjust to the positive values of society- приобщаться к позитивным ценностям общества

Match the synonyms:

a) Low esteem, cutting classes, theft, compensation, affluence, assault, to draw by, havoc
b)Reward, to attract, disregard, robbery, damage, wealth, truancy, attack

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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