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Youth Organizations in Belarus

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  5. Be ready to speak about Belarus. Use information from the text as a help to your topic.
  6. Belarus (exercises)
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I. Pay attention to the following words. Pick out sentences with these words from the text and translate them into Russian:

the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization – Белорусская республиканская пионерская организация;
the Association of Belarusian Scouts – Объединение белорусских скаутов;
the Belarusian Organizations of Falcons – Белорусская организация соколов;
the Belarusian National Scout Organization – Всебелорусская национальная скаутская организация;
the Association of Belarusian Guides – Ассоциация белорусских гайдов;
the State Committee on the Affairs of Youth - Государственный комитет по делам молодежи;
The Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth (BPUY) – Белорусский патриотический союз молодежи (БПСМ);
The Belarusian Union of Youth (BUY) – Белорусский союз молодёжи (БСМ);
set of rules – устав; moral and spiritual values - ду­ховно-нравственные ценности;
the uniting congress - объединительный съезд.

II.. Read out the following words and memorize their meaning:

world outlook (n) ['wз:ld 'aυtluk] мировоззрение
devotion (n) [dı'vəυ∫ŋ] преданность
self-perfection (n) [self pə'fek∫n] самосовершенствование
elaborate (v) [ıl′æbəreıt] разрабатывать
accomplish (v) [ə′kÙmplı∫] осуществлять
contradict (v) [′kɒntrə′dıkt] противоречить
legislation (n) [lediƷıs′leı∫n] законодательство
render (v) [′rendə] оказывать
coincide (v) [kəʊın′saıd] совпадать
consolidate (v) [kən'sɒlıdeıt] объединяться
prolongate (v) [prəυlɒŋ′geıt] продлевать
elect (v) [ı'lekt] избирать
employment (n) [ım′plÉımənt] работа

III. Read these international words and try to guess their meaning:
association, assist, educational programme, initiative, international cooperation, congress, organising committee, conference, regional centre.

IV. Read out these phrases several times till you remember their meaning:

in conformity with - в соответствии с; who have attained to the age of - которые достигли шестнадцатилетнего возраста; to submit for consideration - представлять на рассмот­рение; at one’s own free will – по собственному желанию; to consolidate into a single organization – объединяться в единую организацию; to draft set of rules – проект устава; to pass on experience – передавать опыт.

V. Match the English words and their Russian equivalents:

1. moral and spiritual а. объединять(ся)
2. consolidate b. противоречить
3. accomplish с. совпадать
4. contradict d. духовно-нравственный
5. self-perfection e. разрабатывать
6. world outlook f. осуществлять
7. elaborate g. самосовершенствование
8. legislation h. избирать
9. elect i. законодательство
10. coincide j. мировоззрение

VI. Make sure you know all the words in the box. Then read their definitions and match the words with them: elaborate, world outlook, legislation, render, prolongation, devotion, coincide, consolidate, accomplish, employment, objective, goal

●make longer; ●provide, supply, give; ●giving up (oneself» one's time, energy, etc.) to; ●work out, describe in detail; ●perform, succeed in doing; ●purpose; ●person's way of looking on life; ● (of ideas, etc.) be in harmony or agreement; ●the laws made; ● (fig,) object of efforts or ambition; ●one's regular work or occupation; ●combine into one.

VII. Match the words with the help of the preposition of:

1. the status a the organization
2. the Constitution b. social justice and progress
3. at the age c. young people
4. a society d. the Republic of Belarus
5. the draft set e. society
6. all-round development f. the BPUY
7. every member g. 16
8. the defence h. their motherland
9. integrated members i. rules
10. the main objectives j. a public union

VIII. Read the text and get ready to speak about youth organisations in Belarus:
In conformity with Article 36 of the Constitution of Belarus youth public associations may be organized by citizens of the Republic who have attained to the age of 16. Public associations may found unions of public associations.

There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus. The most authoritative of them are: the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth (BPUY), the Belarusian Union of Youth (BUY), Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization, the Association of Belarusian Scouts, the Belarusian Organizations of Falcons, the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth, the Belarusian National Scout Organization, the Association of Belarusian Guides, etc. The mentioned organizations take an active part in the formation of the basis and implementation of the state policy in respect of youth, these activities are managed and directed by the State Committee on the Affairs of Youth.

The most numerous youth organizations are the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth and the Belarusian Union of Youth.

The BPUY was formed in 1997. It has the status of a public union. This organization works in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. It should be mentioned that in conformity with Article 9 of the Law of the republic of Belarus "On Public Associations" membership in public organizations is allowed for children at the age of 16, So every young person at the age of 16 can join the BPUY.

The main goal of the BPUY is to unite patriotically thinking young people for active participation in the construction of a society of social justice and progress. The main objectives of the organization are as follows:

- to express, defend and realize the rights and legal interests of its members;
- to form the world outlook, based on moral and spiritual, as well as Christian, values;
- to foster patriotism as the main spiritual and social value;
- to express devotion to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, to the country, its people and its state symbols;
- to give assistance to every member of the organization in his spiritual, intellectual and physical development and in realization of his abilities and creative potential;
- to take part in preparation of young people for the defence of their motherland.

The Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth and its members accomplish their goals and objectives in the following activities:
- they participate in formation of youth policy and put it into practice;
- they support the initiatives of the youth, directed at self-perfection and all-round development of their individual abilities;
- they help young people to become integrated members of society;
- they elaborate and accomplish different educational, social and other youth programmes which do not contradict the present legislation of the republic of Belarus;
- they render assistance in finding employment;
- they promote international youth co-operation;
- they attract the attention of the mass media and the bodies of state power to the problems and initiatives of the youth;
- they organize conferences, meetings, lectures, exhibitions, concerts for young people; etc.

Members of the BPUY have certain rights and duties and they can leave the organization at their own free will.

The goals and objectives of another mass youth organization - the Belarusian Union of Youth - coincide with those of the BPUY. That's why they have decided to consolidate into a single organization. On September, 5, 2002 the Congresses of the BPUY and BUY took place, and on September, 6, 2002 the uniting congress of these two organizations was held at the concert hall "Minsk". The working group of the organising committee submitted for consideration of the delegates 3 main documents; the draft set of rules of the new organization, the conception of its development and the appeal to the youth of the Republic of Belarus. In the draft set of rules they propose to prolongate membership in the new organization from 14 to 31, which will help to pass on experience from generation to generation. On July, 19, 2002 the organising committee announced a competition for the best name of the new organization and its symbols.

No wonder that the process of uniting was widely supported by the youth. Its aim is quite noble: to create conditions for all-round development of young people and to contribute to creation of a civil society in Belarus.

IX. Answer the questions:
1. Are there many youth organizations in Belarus? 2. When was the Belarusian Patriotic Union of Youth organized? 3. What is the goal of the organization? 4. What are the main objectives of the BPUY? 5. How does the BPUY accomplish its goals and objectives? 6. Does the BPUY help young people to become intergrated members of society? 7. Do the members of the BPUY have rights and duties? 8. Why have the BPUY and the BUY decided to consolidate into a single organization? 9. When and where did the uniting congress take place? 10. What documents were submitted for consideration? 11. What is the name of the new organization? 12. Does it have any symbols?


X. Work in groups. Find out from your partners:

- what youth organizations they know in Belarus;
- whether they belong/belonged to any of them;
- if it is necessary to have such organizations;
- what they think about the process of uniting of the BPUY and the BUY;
- whether they can suggest a name and symbols for the new youth organization;
- whether they would like to join this organization and why.

XII. Comment on:
- the objectives of the BPUY;
- the activities of the BPUY;
- the project to unite the BPUY and the BUY.

XIII. Imagine that:
- you are elected a delegate of the uniting congress. Role-play your speech;
- your English pen-friend knows nothing about youth organizations in Belarus. What are you going to write to him?
- you've just returned from the uniting congress of the BPUY and the BUY. Share your impressions with your classmates.

XIV. Render from Russian into English

Общественное объединение «Белорусский республиканский союз молодежи» (БРСМ) создано путем слияния Общественного объединения «Белорусский патриотический союз молодежи» и общественного объединения «Белорусский союз молодежи». Характер и предмет деятельности – молодежный ОО «БРСМ» имеет статус республиканского общественного объединения, деятельность которого распространяется на всю территорию Республики Беларусь.

Цель БРСМ – создание условий для всестороннего развитии молодежи, раскрытия ее творческого потенциала, содействие развитию в Республике Беларусь гражданского общества, основанного на патриотических и духовно-нравственных ценностях белорусского народа.

Задачи БРСМ:

Членом БРСМ может быть любой гражданин Республики Беларусь, лицо без гражданства, а также иностранные граждане, постоянно проживающие в Республике Беларусь, в возрасте, как правило, от 14 до 31 года, признающие Устав и программные документы БРСМ.


to refer to относить к ч-л. genetically генетически
harmful вредный, опасный to be disposed to smth. быть предрасположенным к ч-л.
goal цель upbringing воспитание
youthful offenders малолетние преступники sturdy body сильный
juvenile delinquency юношеская преступность to delay the satisfaction of desires откладывать удовлетворение желаний
to skyrocket взлетать tension напряжение
to predict- предсказывать poverty бедность
to prevent предотвращать nature versus nature биологическое против социального
maturation process процесс взросления physical abuse физическое оскорбление
substantial существенный verbal abuse словесное оскорбление
to peak at достигать пика erratic discipline patternsнеустойчивые образцы поведения
gradually постепенно to cease прекращаться
to decrease снижаться juvenile correction institutions юношеские (детские) исправительные учреждения


I. Match the synonyms:
a) To predict, erratic, harmful, goal, gradually, to decrease, to cease, upbringing, tension
b) Destructive, to forecast, unpredictable, slowly, aim, to diminish, to stop, strain, rearing.

II. Match the words and their definitions:

To skyrocket, to predict, to cease, maturation, gradually, to prevent, disposed, sturdy, tension, abuse, erratic, nurture.


1. The process of becoming adult.

2. To say that smth. will happen in the future.

3. Willing or prepared to do smth.

4. To stop happening or existing.

5. To rise quickly to a very high level.

6. To stop smb. from doing smth.

7. Slowly, over a long period of time.

8. Unfair, cruel or violent treatment of smb.

9. Care and encouragement given to smb. or smth. while they are growing.

10. Not happening at a regular time.

11. Physically strong and healthy.

12. A situation in which people don’t trust each other.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 236 | Нарушение авторских прав

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