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Transform the following sentences using adverbs instead of the given adjectives.

Читайте также:
  1. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  2. A humorous drawing, often dealing with something in an amusing way
  3. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  4. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  5. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  6. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.
  7. A) Pronunciation drill. Pronounce the words, then look at the given map and fill in the table below.

Find the English equivalents in the text.

Визначається; помірно-континентальний; широта; висота над рівнем моря; близькість; характерна риса; значне коливання; погодні умови; можуть траплятися посухи; часті коливання у погоді; сприяли; найкращі зони курортів; середня температура; суха особливо влітку; без сильних снігопадів та морозів;залежить від багатьох причин.


4. Match the answers with the appropriate questions below.

a) Ukraine's territory lies in the moderate temperate belt.

b) The latitude, relief, altitude and proximity to seas and oceans.

c) In the regions of the Crimean and Carpathian Mountains there are frequent oscillations in weather.

d) The Crimean Mountains obstruct the movement of cold Arctic air to the coast.

e) The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location.

f) In Zhytomyr region the climate is close to continental.


1. What are the main factors that affect the weather in Ukraine?

2. What is the climate in Zhytomyr region like?

3. By what is the climate of the country determined?

4. What parts of the country are very changeable in weather?

5. In what zone does Ukraine's territory lie?

6. Why are the Crimea resorts considered to be one of the best in Ukraine?


Correct the wrong statements.


1. Ukraine's territory lies in the continental belt.

2. The reason for Ukrainian weather being different is caused by some factors.

3.A characteristic feature of the climate is an decrease in its continental nature from west to east.

4.There are no oscillations in weather in the regions of the Crimean and Carpathian Mountains.

5.Winter is rather warm in Ukraine.

6.Average temperature of January is 7—8 degrees above zero.

7.In the south and east the weath­er is wet especially in summer.

8.In Zhytomyr region the climate is close to continental.




За значенням прислівники в англійській мові по­діляються на п'ять основних груп:

1. Прислівники часу (adverbs of time):

today сьогодні, yes­terday вчора, now тепер, soon незабаром, early рано, late пізно, then moдi, before до того як та ін.

2. Прислівники місця (adverbs of place):

here тут, there там, where де, near поблизу, above зверху та ін.

3.Прислівники повторюваності й частотності (adverbs of repetition and frequency):

often часто, never ніколи, sometimes іноді, ever будь-коли, usually звичайно та in.

4.Прислівники ступеня (adverbs of degree):

very дуже, зовсім, little мало, too занадто, much багато та ін.

5.Прислівники способу дії (adverbs of manner):

Quickly швидко, well добре, badly погано, slowly повільно, easily легко

Найчастіше прислівники утворюються від інших частин мови (здебільшого від прикметників) за допомогою суфікса -Іу:

quick швидкий — quickly швидко year рік — yearly щороку

Буква у перед суфіксом -1у змінюється на і:

happy щасливий — happily щасливо gay веселий — gaily весело day день — daily щодня

Transform the following sentences using adverbs instead of the given adjectives.

M o d e, 1: His answer was good.—He answered well.

1. John is a slow eater. 2. Mary's translation of the sentence is correct. 3. My companion was a quick walker. 4. She was a careless cook. 5. His arrival was unexpected. 6. My friend is an excellent dancer. 7. His death was sudden. 8. Her speech at the meeting was wonderful.



Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 44 | Нарушение авторских прав

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