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No School Shooter is an Island

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  1. Although he was ill, he went to school (however)
  2. An After-School Youth-Centre Dance
  3. Ask me about my school life.
  4. Ask me about my school life.
  5. B bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school/college/university
  6. B) In the text find four reasons for people taking homeschooling.
  7. B) Make up five true and five false sentences about the pre-school system in Britain. Compare your answers with your partner.

As a society, we are fascinated with violence. Witness the violent, action movies that are well attended, the number of law and order television shows and six of the twelve best-selling books on the New York Times list with a story about murder. Money talks. When we buy the tickets, purchase the books and the video games, we increase the television ratings by tuning in; we vote for violence. Authors, producers, directors, video game designers listen and give us more of the same. This obsession with the dark side of human nature has filtered down to our young people. So who is to blame?

Should we put singular blame on the student who brings a gun to school to kill? Or his distorted thinking about his getting revenge and winning his fifteen minutes of fame. Or do we blame the bullies who have abused him for years, making his life a living hell? Or the classmates who do not stand up and tell bullies that their behavior is wrong? Or the students themselves who perpetuate cliques and exclusion that send a message of "throw away" people? Or do we blame the teachers who look the other way when children are being called names and verbally abused? Or to the friends who laugh off and dismiss the threats of the attacker or egg him on? Or do we blame any of us who are naive enough to believe that suppressed rage in a young person will not erupt into carnage at our school? Those of us who dismiss copycat incidents are living in denial that it will not happen to our loved ones or us. Or any of us who dismiss the depths of the bullying problem and how it is perpetuating as more young people who are being traumatized and acting out in rage.

Or do we blame the counselors and therapists who are unqualified to handle such serious cases? Or blame the principals who are over taxed with numerous discipline problems, angry parents, excessive paper work and governmental regulations? Or blame the school board members who are unaware of the magnitude of the problem in the schools? Or blame the senators and representatives who cut educational dollars contributing to large class sizes in schools? Or blame the government officials who decrease educational spending for the poor? Or blame so-called "experts" who have a political agenda and push one cause of violence to meet their own needs.

Or blame the parents who do not know how to help their children with their pain of being bullied? Or blame the parents who have unsecured guns at home? Or blame the parents who are not available to their children caught up in alcohol or drugs? Or blame the parents who do not have the answers to kids who are spiraling out of control? Or blame the single parents who are so overworked trying to put food on the table, they are unaware of what pain their child is facing? Or blame corporate greed that lays company workers off for better profit ratios while creating more stress on already overly stressed families.

Or blame the gun makers who lobby for laws that make easy assess to guns? Or blame the suppliers who sell steel to gun makers? Or blame the lawmakers who pass laws making it easy for guns to fall into the wrong hands? Or blame the hate groups that try to woo young people to their causes. Or blame those who post web site advocating violence and show how to make explosive weapons? Or blame the eco-terrorists and anti-abortionists who use violence to advocate their own position and try to promote social change?

Or blame the screenwriters, producers, directors and actors that portray violence in movies giving the message that it is acceptable to solve problems with violence? Or blame the young people who buy rap music that glorifies violence saying that it is "cool?" Or blame the news media that plays up the shootings feeding the public's need for voyeurism? Or blame the computer games and video arcade games that train youngsters to kill? Or blame the police who commit more violence on members of minority groups? Or blame individuals who are cruel to others due to their prejudicial thinking?

The problem of young people and violence is systemic. We are in denial if we think the problem simple. We all contribute to it by standing by and letting it happen while pointing fingers of blame at others.

Many of our children are angry and they are letting us know by their behavior. As the cartoon character, Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us."


School Violence Explained: Table of Contents

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Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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